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Si proceres peccant,

Exemplo et sceleri poeni paranda duplex.

OLD England mourns her past disgrace!
Sad fate of her unhappy race,

* Thomas Holles Pelham, Duke of Newcastle. Horace Walpole relates the following anecdote of the Duke :

The Pine Apples are literally sent to Hanover by Couriers from Clermont; and, on the news of the Duke of Somerset's illness, he has transmitted his commands through the King, and by him through the Duke of Bedford, to the University of Cambridge, to forbid them electing any body but the most ridiculous person they could, his Grace of Newcastle. Nolkejumskoi* has written them, that hearing his Majesty's commands, he should by no means oppose them.-W.

* Duke of Cumberland.

By gibbets, gaols and axes;

Th' inglorious slaughter war has made,

Her rising debts, her sinking trade,
Her places, pensions, taxes.

Cross'd with such cares,press'd with such pains, What wonder if she thus complains,

Tells thus her dismal story;

In hopes some wise, some patriot chief,
Some Statesman born for her relief,
Might yet retrieve her glory?

But Holly* of her Councils head,
Having o'ercome his water-dread,

* Duke of Newcastle. He was a Secretary of State without intelligence; a Duke without money; a man of infinite intrigue, without secrecy or policy; and a minister despised and hated by his master, by all parties, and ministers, without being turned out by any.-W.

His speeches in Council and Parliament were flowing and copious of words, but empty and unmeaning; he aimed at every thing, endeavoured nothing; a ridiculous fear was predominant in him.—W.

1760, the Duke of Newcastle cried for his old master, desponded for himself, protested he would retire, and has

Thro' foreign realms is running;

Some strangers stare to see his plate,
More smile at his projected pate,

Pate unaccus'd of cunning.

accepted to day; thrusting the dregs of his ridiculous life into a young court, which will at least be saved from the imputation of childishness by being governed by folly of seventy years growth.-W.

We give the following in addition from the same authority:

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But the delightful part of the night, was, the appearance of the Duke of Newcastle, who is veering round again. As its time to betray Mr. Pitt, they showed so little cordiality to this revival of connexion, that Newcastle had nobody to attend him but Sir Edward Montagu, who kept pushing him all up the gallery; from thence he went into the hazard room, and wriggled and shuffled, and lisped and winked and spied, till he got behind the Dukes of Cumberland, Bedford, and Mr. Rigby; the first of whom did not deign to notice him. You would have died to have seen Newcastle's pitiful and distressed figure; nobody went near him; he tried to flatter people that were too busy to mind him in short he was quite disconcerted; his treachery used to be so sheathed in folly, that he was never out of countenance; but it is plain, he grows old; to finish his confusion, and anxiety, George Selwyn, Brand, and myself, went and stood near him; and, in half-whispers, that he might hear, said, "Lord how he is broke; how old he looks:" then I said, "this room feels very cold, I believe there never is

Possess'd of posts and power at home,
Oh! why should mighty Holly roam,

And leave Old England weeping?
'Twas-truth to say-because afraid,
Had others gone, or had he staid,
He was not sure of keeping.

This slipp'ry tenure calls him forth,
At more expense then quell'd the north,
So late in life to travel;

At mighty feasts, of mighty things,
With princes set, expecting kings
To talk-and plots unravel.

Not Gallic plots, for Gallia now,
As Holly thinks, is forc'd to bow

By his superior knowledge;

Alas! in politics how mad!

And yet no blockhead when a lad

At Westminster, or College.

a fire in it :" presently after I said, "I'll not stay here, this room has been washed to day." I believe we made him take a double dose of Gascoign's Powder when he went home.

For these high meals his foreign praise,

What mighty sums did some folks raise,
And what is more amazing,

My lady, too, as well as he,

Must go in triumph over sea,

To set the world a gazing.

Happy, if their own private store,
Acquir'd by wiser folks before,

These projects only troubled;

But ours, they'll measure by his sense,
Compute our wealth by his expense,

And then our tribute's doubled.

New treaties from these feasts shall spring, New Princes gain'd, perhaps a king,

More schemes for Europe's quiet;

Hence daily new demands may rise,
New quotas, loans, and subsidies,
Sharp sauce to German diet.

Thus the young 'squire his wealth bestows On home-spun feasts and tawdry clothes,

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