And when in Thetis lap of rest, He streaks with gold the ruddy west, He's not so beauteous, as undress'd Appears my lovely Peggy. III. Were she array'd in rustic weed, With her the bleating flocks I'd feed, And pipe upon mine oaten reed, To please my lovely Peggy. With her a cottage would delight, All's happy when she's in my sight, But when she's gone it's endless night, All's dark without my Peggy. IV. The zephyr's air, the violet blows, I stole a kiss the other day, V. While bees from flow'r to flow'r shall rove, TO MRS. WOFFINGTON. (Written in July 1744.) IN IMITATION OF Ulla si juris tibi pejerati HOR. Lib. 2, Od. 8. IF heav'n upon thy perjur'd head, Had the least mark of vengeance shed, For all thy hate to truth; Had ev'n diminish'd any grace, I would believe its pow'rs; but you That makes fresh beauties rise. By Venus, Cupid, ev'ry pow'r, To love propitious you're forswore, Regardless of their wrath; By tricks and cheats, and lies you live, By breach of word and honour thrive, Like my good Lord of Bath. But at each broken oath and vow, See all our youth confess thy pow'r, And press to drag thy chain; To be thy slave again. * Edward Bligh, second Earl of Darnley.-W. That beauteous face, those heav'nly charms, The cautious mother's breast alarms, For her young darling son; And each penurious father fears, Venus, whose charms rule all above, And for her beauty's pow'r; Like her a thorough w |