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were to leave slovenly work to show itself, and sagacity, and of the difficulty of this task, is, cry shame on him for that period. The han- that his successor, John Adams, failed in the dle of the American axe is long, slightly curv- same attempt, and by allowing himself to be ed downwards, and rather elastic, as a solid borne away by one party, gave to the other the firm handle is found to diminish the force of opportunity of successful reaction.-History of the stroke. The length of the poll is found to United States, Vol. II. Lardner's Cyclopedia. have an excellent effect in balancing the tool, to take a truer aim, like the feather of an Rabbits understand Latin.-A company of arrow; or a mechanic will better comprehend scholars going to catch conies carried one with it by imagining how awkward a hammer would them who had not much wit; and gave in feel were the paen end cut off. The blade is charge that if he saw any, he should be silent made to swell lightly in the centre, but that is for fear of scaring them: but he no sooner esa matter of little consequence to an American pied a company of rabbits, but he cried aloud, woodsman, who would be ashamed to break Ecce multi cuniculi,' which he had no sooner his axe handle by awkwardness. The axe and said, but the conies ran to their burrows; and the rifle may be called the national weapons he being checked by them for it, answered, of the Americans. The latter is of a peculiar Who would have thought that the rabbits unconstruction, being an improvement on those derstood Latin?-BACON. both of the Germans and English, who first introduced them in America. In the Indian Socrates, on the day of his execution, a little Socrates canonized.—That great philosopher wars, it became an article of necessity, and before the draught of poison was brought to was therefore a matter of constant study to

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every hunter and frontier man, till it attained him, entertaining his friends with a discourse its present excellence.-Junius Redivivus: Cor- on the Immortality of the Soul, has these respondence in the Mechanics' Magazine.

words-Whether or no God will approve of my actions I know not; but this I am sure of, that I have at all times made it my endeavour Washington.-Amidst all the victories and to please him, and I have a good hope that this, high achievments of young America, there is none of which she has so much reason to be my endeavour, will be accepted by him.' Erasproud as the having giving birth to Washing was so transported with this passage, that he mus, who was an unbigoted Roman Catholic, ton. So perfect, so pure, so simple, yet so expressed himself upon it in the following lofty a character, the modern world had not manner- When I reflect on such a speech, yet produced. Indeed, a European monarchy pronounced by such a person, I can scarce could not have produced a Washington. Our forbear crying out, Sancte Socrates, Ora pro social organization, framed on feudal princi- nobis! O, holy Socrates pray for us.'-Spectator. ples, is too much impregnated with vanity,

personal ambition, and the love of precedence Pin Making-The women and children who not to have corrupted the colonial officer, long fix the heads are paid at the rate of 1s. 6d. for ere he became the hero of independence. Not every twenty thousand. A skilful operator but that monarchies have their worthies, Sid- can with great exertion do twenty thousand neys and Bayards, a numerous host; but a per day; but from ten to fifteen thousand is Washington they could not have, because the the usual quantity: children head a much first rank of military talent must, amongst smaller number; varying, of course, with the these, infallibly inspire some passion of baser degree of their skill. The man who pickles alloy. Let Cromwell and Napoleon, and and tins the pins usually gets one penny per Marlborough, and Charles XII. be passed with pound for the work, and employs himself, durtheir compeers in view, and it will be seen ing the boiling of one batch of pins, with dryhow even patriotism dwindled as a motive, till ing those previously tinned. He can earn about utterly lost amidst baser sentiments. 9s. per day; but out of this he pays about 3s. Washington stands alone. As a commander, for his assistant. The arranging of pins side his character has risen, since men have come by side in paper is generally performed by woto examine it. With an army so doubting in men. The pins come from the last process in spirit and uncertain in numbers as to have wooden bowls, with the points projecting in all filled any captain with despair, he still achieved directions. A woman takes up some, and what, indeed probability rendered hopeless. places them on the teeth of a comb, whilst, by Cool and imperturbable to bide his time, and, a few shakes, some of the pins fall back into Fabius-like, observe the enemy, he never the bowl, and the rest, being caught by their wanted the impetuosity of Marcellus, when heads, are detained between the teeth of the opportunity rendered such advantageous. comb. Having thus arranged them in a paralAs a stateman, his administration forms a lel direction, she fixes the requisite number monument as glorious as his campaigns. He between two pieces of iron, having twentyfound a constitution born so feebly, that its five small grooves, at equal distances; and havvery parents were hopeless of its existence; ing previously doubled the paper, she presses yet he contrived in raising it to give it force, it against the points of the pins until they have and communicate to it the principle of matu- passed through the two folds which are to rerity. Amidst the storm of adverse parties that tain them. The pins are then relieved from gradually arose around him, Washington pre- the grasp of the tool, and the process repeated served an impartial sense of what his country with others. A woman gains about 1s. 6d. per demanded; and though latterly he leaned to day by papering; but children are sometimes the side of federalism, and strong institutions, employed, who can earn from 6d. per day, and yet it was never so much as to upset the ba- upwards.-Babbage's Economy of Machinery Lance; and perhaps the greatest proof of his and Manufactures.


opinions, but tish Reviews, the literature ubjects upon found upon that no imit-and that btained from

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the numbers v, 1833, and 'h moralized, fficient nume year. Blackwood's ly and Westgenerally coin this counst of all the unexceptionournals, and ng with very ublish a still › head of the Duted by the ed as largely our readers degenerated publisher of ne beginning lly growing him to avail The absolute

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tempts then ansferred by

were to leave slovenly work to show itself, and sagacity, and of the difficulty of this task, is, cry shame on him for that period. The han- that his successor, John Adams, failed in the dle of the American axe is long, slightly curv- same attempt, and by allowing himself to be ed downwards, and rather elastic, as a solid borne away by one party, gave to the other the firm handle is found to diminish the force of opportunity of successful reaction.—History of the stroke. The length of the poll is found to United States, Vol. II. Lardner's Cyclopedia. have an excellent effect in balancing the tool, to take a truer aim, like the feather of an Rabbits understand Latin.-A company of arrow; or a mechanic will better comprehend scholars going to catch conies carried one with it by imagining how awkward a hammer would them who had not much wit; and gave in feel were the paen end cut off. The blade is charge that if he saw any, he should be silent made to swell lightly in the centre, but that is for fear of scaring them: but he no sooner esa matter of little consequence to an American pied a company of rabbits, but he cried aloud, woodsman, who would be ashamed to break Ecce multi cuniculi,' which he had no sooner his axe handle by awkwardness. The axe and said, but the conies ran to their burrows; and the rifle may be called the national weapons he being checked by them for it, answered, of the Americans. The latter is of a peculiar, Who would have thought that the rabbits un construction, being an improvement on those derstood Latin?—BACON.

both of the Germans and English, who first Socrates canonized. That great philosopher introduced them in America. In the Indian Socrates, on the day of his execution, a little wars, it became an article of necessity, and before the draught of poison was brought to was therefore a matter of constant study to

every hunter and frontier man, till it attained him, entertaining his friends with a discourse its present excellence.-Junius Redirirus: Cor- on the Immortality of the Soul, has these respondence in the Mechanics' Magazine.

words-Whether or no God will approve of my actions I know not; but this I am sure of, that I have at all times made it my endeavour Washington.-Amidst all the victories and to please him, and I have a good hope that this, high achievments of young America, there is none of which she has so much reason to be my endeavour, will be accepted by him.' Eras mus, who was an unbigoted Roman Catholic, proud as the having giving birth to Washing- was so transported with this passage, that he So perfect, so pure, so simple, yet so expressed himself upon it in the following lofty a character, the modern world had not manner- When I reflect on such a speech, yet produced. Indeed, a European monarchy pronounced by such a person, I can scarce could not have produced a Washington. Our forbear crying out, Sancte Socrates, Ora pro social organization, framed on feudal princi- nobis! O, holy Socrates pray for us.'-Spectator. ples, is too much impregnated with vanity,


personal ambition, and the love of precedence Pin Making. The women and children who not to have corrupted the colonial officer, long fix the heads are paid at the rate of Is. 6d. for ere he became the hero of independence. Not every twenty thousand. A skilful operator but that monarchies have their worthies, Sid- can with great exertion do twenty thousand neys and Bayards, a numerous host; but a per day; but from ten to fifteen thousand is Washington they could not have, because the the usual quantity: children head a much first rank of military talent must, amongst smaller number; varying, of course, with the these, infallibly inspire some passion of baser degree of their skill. The man who pickles alloy. Let Cromwell and Napoleon, and and tins the pins usually gets one penny per Marlborough, and Charles XII. be passed with pound for the work, and employs himself, durtheir compeers in view, and it will be seen ing the boiling of one batch of pins, with dryhow even patriotism dwindled as a motive, till ing those previously tinned. He can earn about utterly lost amidst baser sentiments. 9s. per day; but out of this he pays about 3s. Washington stands alone. As a commander, for his assistant. The arranging of pins side his character has risen, since men have come by side in paper is generally performed by woto examine it. With an army so doubting in men. The pins come from the last process in spirit and uncertain in numbers as to have wooden bowls, with the points projecting in ail filled any captain with despair, he still achieved directions. A woman takes up some, and what, indeed probability rendered hopeless. places them on the teeth of a comb, whilst, by Cool and imperturbable to bide his time, and, a few shakes, some of the pins fall back into Fabius-like, observe the enemy, he never the bowl, and the rest, being caught by their wanted the impetuosity of Marcellus, when heads, are detained between the teeth of the opportunity rendered such advantageous. comb. Having thus arranged them in a paralAs a stateman, his administration forms a lel direction, she fixes the requisite number monument as glorious as his campaigns. He between two pieces of iron, having twentyfound a constitution born so feebly, that its five small grooves, at equal distances; and havvery parents were hopeless of its existence; ing previously doubled the paper, she presses yet he contrived in raising it to give it force, it against the points of the pins until they have and communicate to it the principle of matu- passed through the two folds which are to rerity. Amidst the storm of adverse parties that tain them. The pins are then relieved from gradually arose around him, Washington pre- the grasp of the tool, and the process repeated served an impartial sense of what his country with others. A woman gains about Is. 6d. per demanded; and though latterly he leaned to day by papering; but children are sometimes the side of federalism, and strong institutions, employed, who can earn from 6d. per day, and yet it was never so much as to upset the ba- upwards.-Babbage's Economy of Machinery Lance; and perhaps the greatest proof of his and Manufactures.

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