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Of the Particular Doctrines of the Church of Rome.



A General Argument against Popery propos'd.


AVING fhewn in the former Part, that' the Holy Scriptures do contain all things neceffary to Salvation, I fhall now proceed to the Confutation of Popery, and propofe this General Argument against it.


Whatfoever Religion impofes thofe things as neceffary to falvation, which are either abfolutely falfe, or condemn'd by God's Word, or not contain'd in it is an unlawful Religion. Now that the Popish Religion do's impofe fuch things as neceffary to falvation, is manifeft from the Popish Creed, which was (a) Establish'd by Pope Pius the Fourth and the Council of Trent, and is as follows;



1. I Believe in in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, and of all things Vi fible and Invifible.

2. And in one Lord Jefus Chrift, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, begotten not made, being of one fubftance with the Father, by whom all things were made.

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3. Who for us Men, and for our Salvation, came down from Heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made Man.

4. And was Crucify'd alfo for us under Pontius Pilate, be fuffer'd and was buried.

5. And role again the Third Day according to the Scriptures.

6. And afcended into Heaven, and fitteth on the Right Hand of the Father.

7. And he shall come again with Glory to judge both the quick and the dead, whofe Kingdom Shall

bave no end.

8. And in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and giver of Life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son who with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorify'd, who Spake by the Prophets.

9. And in one Holy Catholic and Apoftolic Church.

(a) Vid. Concil. Labb. Tom. 14, P. 944, 945, 946.

10. I acknowledge one Baptifm for the remission of fins.

II. And I look for the Refurrection of the dead.

12. And the Life of the World to come. Amen." 13. I stedfastly admit and embrace Apoftolical and Ecclefiaftical Traditions, and the rest of the Obfervan ces and conftitutions of the fame Church.

14. I do alfo admit of the Holy Scripture in that fenfe which our Holy Mother the Church, to whom it belangs to judge of the true fenfe and interpretation of the Holy Scriptures, did and doth bold; nor will I ever take and interpret it otherwife, than according to the Unanimous confent of the Fathers.

15. I do alfo profefs, that there are truly and properly feven Sacraments of the New Law, (which Sacraments were inftituted by Jefus Christ our Lord, and are neceffary to the Salvation of Mankind, altho all the Sacraments be not neceffary to every person) viz. Baptifm, Confirmation, the Lord's Supper, PeExtreme Unction, Orders and Matrimony:


13. Apoftolicas & Ecclefiafticas Traditiones, reliquafque e jufdem Ecclefiæ obfervationes & conftitutiones firmiffime admitto & amplector.

14. Item Sacram Scripturam juxta eum fenfum, quem tenuit & tenet Sancta Mater Ecclefia, cujus eft judicare de vero fenfu & interpretatione Sacrarum Scripturarum, admitto; nec eam unquam, nisi juxta unanimem confenfum Patrum accipiam & interpretabor.

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15. Profiteor quoque feptem effe vere & proprie Sacramenta novæ legis a Jefu Chrifto Domino noftro inftituta, atque ad falutem humani generis, licet non omnia fingulis, neceffaria; fci licet Baptifmum, Confirmationem, Euchariftam, Pænitentiam, Extremam Unctionem, Ordinem & Matrimonium ; illaque gratiam conferre ; & ex his Baptifmum, Confirmationem & Ordinem fine Sacrilegio reiterari non poffe. Receptos quoque & approbatos Ecclefiæ Catholicæ ritus, in fupradictorum omnium Sacramentorum folenni adminiftratione, recipio & admitto.


that they do confer Grace; and that three of them, viz. Baptifm, Confirmation, and Orders cannot be repeated. without Sacrilege. I do alfo receive and admit the receiv'd and approv'd Rites of the Catholic Church in the folemn administration of all the Sacraments before mentioned.


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16. 1 do embrace and receive all and every thing, that hath been defin'd and declar'd in the Holy Council of Trent, concerning Original Sin and Juftifica


17. I do likewife profefs that in the Mafs there is offer'd a true, proper and propitiatory facrifice for the living and the dead; and that the Body and Bloud, together with the Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jefus Chrift, are truly, really, and fubftantially in the most Holy Sacrament of the Lord's fupper; and that the whole fubftance of the Bread is turn'd into the Body, and the whole fubftance of the Wine is turn'd into the Bloud; which change the Catholic Church calls Tranfubftantiation.

18. I do alfo profefs, that Whole and Intire Chrift, and a true Sacrament, is receiv'd under one kind


16. Omnia & fingula, quæ de Peccato Originali & de Jufti ficatione in Sacro-San&ta Tridentina Synodo definita & declarata fuerunt, amplector & recipio.

17. Profiteor pariter in Miffa offerri Deo verum, proprium & propitiatorium facrificium pro Vivis & defunctis; atque in fanctiffimo Euchariftiæ Sacramento effe vere, realiter & fubftantialiter corpus & fanguinem, una cum anima & Divinitate Domini noftri Jefu Chrifti, fierique converfionem totius fubftan tiæ panis in corpus, & totius fubftantiæ vini in fanguinem ; quam converfionem Catholica Ecclefia Tranfubftantiationem appellat. 2


18. Fateor etiam fub altera tantum fpecie, totum atque integrum Chriftum, verumque Sacramentum fumi.

19. I do firmly believe that there is a Purgatory, and that the Souls detained therein are help'd by the Prayers of the Faithful

20. And I do likewife firmly believe, that the Saints Reigning together with Chrift are to be honor'd and pray'd to; and that they do pray to God for us ; and that their Reliques are to be bad in Veneration.

21. I do most steadfastly affert, that the Images of Chrift and the Mother of God, who was alwaies a Virgin, and of other Saints allo, are to be bad and retain'd; and that due bonor and veneration is to be paid to them.

22. I do alfo affirm that the power of Indulgences was left in the Church by Chrift; and that the use of them is very helpful to Chriftian People.

23. I do acknowledge the Holy Catholic and Apoftolic Church of Rome, the Mother and Mistress of all Churches; and I do promife and fwear true Obedience to the Bishop of Rome, the Succeffor of St. Peter the Prince of the Apostles, and Vicar of Jefus Christ.

19. Conftanter teneo Purgatorium effe, animafque ibi detentas fidelium fuffragiis juvari :

20. Similiter & Sanctos una cum Chrifto regnantes, venerandos atque invocandos effe; eofque orationes Deo pro nobis offerre; atque eorum reliquias effe venerandas.

21. Firmiffime affero imagines Chrifti ac Deiparæ femper Virginis, necnon aliorum San&torum, habendas & retinendas. effe, atque eis debitum honorem ac venerationem impertiendam.

22. Indulgentiarum etiam poteftatem à Chrifto in Ecclefia relictam fuiffe, illarumque ufum Chriftiano populo maxime falutarem effe, affirmo.

23. San&tam, Catholicam & Apoftolicam Romanam Ecclefiam, omnium Ecclefiarum Matrem & Magiftram agnofco; Romanoque Pontifici, Beati Petri Apoftolorum principis Succeffori, ac Jefu Chrifti Vicario, veram obedientiam fpondeo ac juro.



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