Abbildungen der Seite

A. D.

1781 January 1, revolt of Pennsylvania line.

17, battle of the Cowpens.

March 1, articles of Confederation signed by Maryland.

17, battle of Guilford.

April 23, Fort Watson taken.

25, second battle of Camden.

June 18, siege of Ninety-six laid.

September 5, naval engagement between the French
and English.

6, New-London burnt by the British.
8, battle of Eutaw Springs.
30, Yorktown invested.

October 17, Cornwallis surrenders. 1782 May 21, Wayne defeats the British. October 8, treaty with Holland.

November 5, the America, 74, launched.
30, articles of Peace agreed on.
Bank of North America established.

1783 The Independence of the United States generally acknowledged in Europe.

September 23, definitive treaty of Peace.
November 3, the Army disbanded.
25, New-York evacuated.

The Society of Cincinnati formed.

1784 The first voyage to China.

Population of Massachusetts, 357,510

1785 Treaty of Commerce with Prussia.

University of Georgia founded.

1786 Insurrection in Massachusetts.

September 14, the first meeting of the Convention at

20, insurrection in New-Hampshire.
November, Shay's insurrection breaks out.
Major-General Greene died.

1787 January 25, Massachusetts insurgents repulsed.
May 17, Federal Convention meets.

September 17, Constitution determined on.

1788 The new Constitution ratified by all the States, cxcept Rhode Island.

John Ledyard, the traveller, dies.

- A. D.

1789 March 3, the first Congress, under the new Constitution, meets.

George Washington inaugurated President, and John
Adams Vice-President.

May 29, Rhode Island accedes to the new Confedera


The first Episcopal Convention, and the first Presbyterian Synod, meet. The first Catholic bishop


Died this year, Ethan Allen, Lord Howe, and General

1790 Treaty concluded with the Creeks.

First census taken; Population of the United States,

The territory south of the Ohio ceded to the United
States, and a territorial government erected therein.
"The present Constitutions of Pennsylvania and South
Carolina established.

September 30, General Harmar defeated.

December 6, Kentucky authorized to form a State

Died this year, Benjamin Franklin, William Living-
ston, and General Putnam.

1791 February 18, Vermont admitted into the Union.
March 3, Bank of the United States incorporated.
Mint established by Congress.

Revenue of the United States, $4,771,200.、
Expenditure, $3,797,436.

Exports from New-York, $2,505,465.

Militia of South Carolina, 24,435.

November 4, St. Clair defeated.

1792 June 1, Kentucky admitted into the Union.

The present Constitutions of Delaware and New-
Hampshire adopted.

The Bank of Pennsylvania established.

Exports from Charleston, $2,917,979.

Died this year, Henry Laurens, of S. Carolina, and
General Burgoyne.

1793 March 3, Washington again inaugurated President, and Adams Vice-President.

A. D.

1793 April 29, the President issues a proclamation of neu


Yellow fever rages in Philadelphia.

The taxables of Pennsylvania amount to 91,177.
Those of Philadelphia to 7,088.

Exports this year, twenty-six millions.

Died this year, John Hancock, Arthur Lee, Roger
Sherman, and John Manly.

1794 A naval armament fitted out against the Algerines. An insurrection breaks out in the western part of Pennsylvania.

An embargo laid for thirty days.

August 20, General Wayne defeats the Indians at the

October, Western insurrection suppressed.

November 19, Treaty of Commerce, &c. concluded
with Great Britain.

Died this year, General Sullivan, Baron Steuben, Dr.
Witherspoon, and Richard Henry Lee.

1795 Georgia passes an act for the sale of its western territory.

Treaties concluded with Algiers, Spain, and the N.
W. Indians.

Exports, forty-seven millions of dollars.

Richmond contains 4000 persons.

Value of imports into Baltimore this year, 5,811,379 dollars.

Died this year, General Marion, and President Stiles,
of Yale College.

1796 June 1, Tennessee admitted into the Union.
Washington declines a re-election.
Albany contains 6021 inhabitants.

Congress ratifies the British treaty.

Died this year, Anthony Wayne, David Rittenhouse, and Samuel Huntington, formerly President of Congress.

1797 January, Treaty concluded with Tripoli.

John Adams elected President, and Thomas Jefferson

June 5, new embassy sent to France.

Exports above fifty-seven millions.


A. D.


1797 July, Congress declares the treaties with France annulled.

Yellow fever in Philadelphia.

1798 May, Congress passes an act for raising a provisional army.

July, Washington appointed Lieutenant General and

Transylvania University, in Kentucky, founded.
Great fires in Wilmington, (N. C.) in April and
November of this year.

The yellow fever prevails in Philadelphia and New-

1799 A new embassy appointed to negotiate with France. Treaties concluded with the bey of Tunis and king

of Prussia.

February 10, Insurgente, French frigate, taken by the Constellation.

The American navy consists of 42 vessels, carrying
950 guns.

The seat of government of Pennsylvania removed to

The militia of the U. States amounted to 854,000. December 14, George Washington died, aged 63. 1800 A convention with France concluded.

Population of the United States by the second census, 5,305,482.

May 30, provisional army disbanded.

The seat of government of the U. States removed to

The Mississippi territory erected into a separate

Vaccination introduced.

Indiana Territory constituted.

Constitution of Kentucky adopted.

1801 Thomas Jefferson chosen President, and Aarol Burr Vice-President.

Value of exports, upwards of ninety-three millions,
and amount of duties 20,000,000 of dollars.

University of Athens, in Georgia, established.
June 10, War declared against Tripoli by Congres·"

.A. D.

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1801 Two hundred newspaper establishments in the United


1802 Louisiana ceded to France by Spain.

New-Orleans closed against the United States.
Ohio admitted into the Union.

June 16, a treaty concluded with the Creek Indians.
Merino sheep first brought into the United States.
Revenue of the United States fifteen millions.
Washington contains 4,350 persons.

Died this year, General Daniel Morgan, aged 66. 1803 Louisiana purchased from France.

Treaty concluded with the Indians at Fort Wayne, by which two millions of acres are ceded to the United States.

October 31, the frigate Philadelphia strikes on a rock in the harbor of Tripoli, and is taken.

Died this year, Samuel Adams, of Massachusetts. 1804 Brown University, in Rhode Island, established. The Middlesex Canal completed,

February 16, the Philadelphia frigate burnt by
American volunteers.

August, Tripoli bombarded by the Americans.

A great part of the town of Norfolk, (Va.) consumed
by fire.

Died this year, Major-General Schuyler, Alexander
Hamilton, and Doctor Priestley.

1805 Thomas Jefferson re-elected President, and George Clinton chosen Vice-President.

April 27, Derne, in Africa, taken by General Eaton.
June, a treaty of Peace concluded with Tripoli.
A treaty concluded at Fort Industry with the Indians.
The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts foundea.
Died, Lord Cornwallis.

806 Disputes with Spain respecting the boundaries of Louisiana, and with England and France respecting neutral rights.

May, the British paper blockades commence.
November, the Berlin decree issued.

Joseph Pierce, an American citizen, killed by a shot
from a British frigate.

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