The World Almanac and Book of FactsPress Publishing Company (The New York World), 1932 The World Almanac and Book of Facts is a US published reference work and conveys information about such subjects as world changes, tragedies, sports feats, etc. It has been published yearly from 1868 to 1875, and again every year since 1886. The first edition of The World Almanac was published by The New York World newspaper in 1868 (the name of the publication comes from the newspaper itself, which was known as The World). Published just three years after the end of the US Civil War and the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, its 120 pages of information touched on such events as the process of Reconstruction and the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson. Publication was suspended in 1876, but in 1886 newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer, who had purchased The New York World and quickly transformed it into one of the most influential newspapers in the country, revived The World Almanac with the intention of making it a compendium of universal knowledge. The World Almanac has been published annually since. |
Rubaiyat of Omar | 6 |
Cad | 6 |
Bluebeard and | 6 |
Problems of Old | 6 |
Italian SelfTaught | 6 |
Racial Intermar | 6 |
Your Talent and 928 Religion of a Dar | 6 |
Way I Do Not | 6 |
Negros Contribu | 250 |
A History of Gam | 259 |
Romantic Heroes | 278 |
The Truth About | 285 |
Master Builder | 295 |
Sailor Chanties | 301 |
Tillyloss Scandal | 307 |
Decay of Lying | 313 |
Why I Believe | 6 |
74 | 6 |
Skeptical Views of Life | 6 |
How to Own Your | 6 |
1 | 6 |
Sanskrit Wit | 6 |
How to Live Long | 6 |
How to Teach | 6 |
How to Play Card 894 Hints on How to 931 Stolen White Ele | 6 |
Broadway Gang | 6 |
Cause and Nature | 6 |
Arithmetic Self | 6 |
Full Text of Edi | 6 |
How to Hyphen | 6 |
Civil War Stories | 6 |
How to Get a Liberal | 7 |
Strange Marriage | 10 |
Workers Life | 12 |
Story of Man and | 13 |
Story of Nietzsches | 19 |
Pocket Rhyming Die | 25 |
Failure of Christian | 30 |
Pelleas and Melisande | 31 |
Should Church | 34 |
Strange Dream | 37 |
Statistics | 42 |
What Price Toler | 43 |
Animals of Ancient | 47 |
Insects and Men | 53 |
57 Arithmetic Self | 57 |
Famous Epigrams | 59 |
How to Write Love | 64 |
Golden Sayings | 65 |
Hints on Public Speak | 78 |
Book of European | 79 |
German SelfTaught | 83 |
Attack on the Mill | 85 |
How to Deal with | 94 |
Jokes About Lovers | 96 |
How to Order Always order by numbers | 99 |
The Devils Dic | 101 |
How Ignorant | 105 |
Great Fighters | 108 |
Sermon on | 111 |
Wit and Wisdom | 117 |
The Amazing Loves 1615 How to Improve | 124 |
Rome or Reason? | 129 |
First | 137 |
Love Sonnets from | 138 |
The Truth About | 139 |
Time of the Terror | 143 |
Human Origin | 148 |
Historie Crimes | 149 |
Hints on Animal | 150 |
President Hoover | 153 |
Military Maxims | 155 |
Country of the Blind | 161 |
Everyday Rules | 167 |
Love Letters of Abe | 171 |
French Cooking | 177 |
One of Cleopatras | 178 |
Debate on Capital | 183 |
Life Among | 195 |
Psychology | 196 |
Voyage to the Moon | 220 |
Forgery of the Old 1106 Bohemian Life | 223 |
How the Great Cor | 228 |
The Conquest | 231 |
Story of Infamous | 319 |
Essence of Buddhism | 325 |
Famous Lincoln | 341 |
A Book of Riddle | 347 |
A Dolls House Ibsen | 353 |
Man Shakespeare | 363 |
Thomas Carlyles | 366 |
Artemus Wards | 369 |
Does the Death | 380 |
Life of Frederick | 393 |
Sinbad the Saflor | 399 |
Outline of Econo | 405 |
Facts About Phren | 411 |
Nature of Dreams | 417 |
Facts You Should | 419 |
Representative | 423 |
Guy de Maupassant | 450 |
Substance of Bizets | 456 |
Morals in Greece | 462 |
Answers to Corre | 465 |
Psychology for | 491 |
Exploits of Greek | 497 |
Short History of | 509 |
Book of Real Adven | 516 |
Should the 18th | 517 |
Pio | 522 |
Brandes Life of Wil | 528 |
Mystic Materialism | 534 |
Brightly Colored | 540 |
Oscar Wildes Let | 544 |
Love Heroism | 546 |
Fate and Illusions | 552 |
Advice to Godly | 554 |
Book of Great | 558 |
Volneys Ruins | 564 |
Tales of Haunted | 565 |
Ventriloquism Self 1324 Practical Mechani | 592 |
ther | 623 |
LoveLife of George | 626 |
Love Letters of | 665 |
Moral Discourses | 671 |
The Facts About | 672 |
What Can a Free | 677 |
Punctuation Self | 683 |
Womans Sexual | 689 |
Embryology | 695 |
Why I Am a Heretic | 701 |
Epigrams of Love | 707 |
Byron and the | 713 |
Poetry of | 719 |
Zoology SelfTaught | 725 |
Mental Differences | 731 |
Order At Least Twenty Books | 733 |
Thoughts | 737 |
Great Christian | 743 |
Camping Woodcraft | 749 |
International Dic | 762 |
Why We Write Like | 778 |
and Other Poems | 792 |
Popular Shakespear | 816 |
Rhetoric SelfTaugh | 822 |
Wisdom of the Ages | 828 |
Younger Genera | 834 |
Conventional Lies | 840 |
Book of Popular | |
How to Make Pies | |
Dual and Multiple | |
How to Save | |