Your betters have endured me fay my mind; Cath. Love me, or love me not, I like the cap; Pet. Thy gown? why, ay: come, taylor, let's fee 't. [Taylor lays forth the gown. O, mercy, God! what making stuff is here! Hor. over us : as all eager purfuits, except thofe of virtue, are alike ridiculous, in the candid and impartial estimation of reafon and philosophy : Another Florio doating on a flower." Young. (15) To a cenfer, &c ] Cenfers, in barbers shops are now difufed, but they may eafily be imagined to have been veffels, which, for the emiffion of the fmoke, were cut with great number and variety of interftices. J.-who adds, the taylors trade having an appearance of effeminacy, has always been among the rugged English, liable to farcafms and contempt. Nothing can be more humorously pointed than the following droll defcription of the taylors, by Petruchio. O monstrous arrogance!-thou ly'ft, thou fhears, Thou yard, three quarters, half yard, quarter, nail, Away, Hor. I fee, fhe's like to have neither cap nor gown. Tayl. You bid me make it orderly and well, According to the fashion and the time. Pet. Marry, and did; but, if you be remember'd, For you fhall hop without my cuftom, Sir: The Mind alone valuable. Pet. Well, come, my Kate; we will unto your father's, Even in thefe honeft mean habiliments; Our purfes fhall be proud, our garments poor; A CT V. SCENE I. A lovely Woman. (16) Fair lovely woman, young and affable, More Away, thou rag, thou quantity, thou remnant: Or I fhall fo be-mete thee with thy yard, As thou shalt think on prating whilst thou liv'ft! (16) Thefe fpeeches are found in the firft draught of I this More clear of hue, and far more beautiful Cath. Fair, lovely lady, bright and crystalline, With fweet reflections of thy lovely face. SCENE II. Happiness attained. Happily I have arriv'd at laft, Unto the wifhed haven of my bliss. SCENE this play, printed in 1607; they feem evidently to be of S's hand, and well worth preferving; fpeeches preferred to them, are here subjoined. Such war of white and red within her cheeks! Whither away; or where is thy abode? Allot thee for his lovely bedfellow ! An attentive reader, Steevens thinks, will perceive in the fpeech in the text feveral words which are employed in none of the legitimate plays of S. whence he concludes, that the first draught, as it is called, was not the work of S. SCENE III. Others measured by ourselves. He that (17) is giddy thinks the world turns round. Greyhound. O Sir, Lucentio flipt me for his greyhound, Which runs himself, and catches for his master. Wife's Submiffion. Marry, (18) peace it bodes, and love, and quiet life, And awful rule, and right fupremacy; And, to be short, what not, that's sweet and happy. The Wife's Duty to her Husband. Fie! fie! unknit that threat'ning, unkind brow, A woman mov'd, is like a fountain troubled, Thy husband (19) is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper, / Thy (17) He that, &c.] The widow explains her meaning in this general obfervation, by saying afterwards, Your husband being troubled with a fhrew, (18) Marry, &c.] Petruchio fays this on Hortenfio's wondering, what Catherine's fubmiffion might bode. (19) Thy husband, &c.] Leave not the faithful fide That gave thee being, ftill fhades thee and protects. The wife, where danger or dishonour lurks, Safeft Thy head, thy fovereign; one that cares for thee, Safeft and feemlieft by her husband stays, And a little before he says, Too Adam in Par. Loft, B. 9. 263. Nothing lovelier can be found, In woman, than to fludy houshold good, And good works in her husband to promote. (20) And craves, &c.] Statius, speaking of a good wife, in the 5th book of his Silva, fays, -Mallet paupertate pudica Intemerata mori, vitamque impendere fama : Gratia: quid fi, &c. She'd rather chufe, 'midft poverty and shame, Her life to lofe, than live in wealth and fame : No fullen frowns upon her forehead lour; No froward temper and behaviour four Destroy th' unruffled softness of her mind: For ever eafy, affable and kind; Chafte, with good-humour, with referv'dness, free, In the Amphitrion of Plautus (A& 2. Sc. 2.) Alcmena fpeaks thus: What the world calls a portion with a wife Anony. See p. 30. |