Marian Boswel A SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY. BY MR. Y Ở R I C K. VOL. II. A NEW EDITION. LOND ON: Printed for T. BECKET and P. A. DE HONDT, THE FILLE DE CHAMBRE. PARI S. HAT the old French officer W had delivered upon travel ling, bringing Polonius's advice to his fon upon the fame fubject into my head-and that bringing in Hamlet; and Hamlet, the rest of Shakespear's works, I ftopp'd at the Quai de Conti in my return home, to purchafe the whole fet, VOL. II. B The The bookfeller faid he had not a fet in the world-Comment! faid I; taking one up out of a fet which lay upon the counter betwixt us.He faid, they were fent him only to be got bound, and were to be fent back to Versailles in the morning to the Count de B****. -And does the Count de B**** faid I, read Shakespear? C'eft un Esprit fort, replied the book feller.He loves English books; and what is more to his honour, Monfieur, he love the English too. You speak this fo civilly, faid I, that 'tis enough to oblige an Englishman to lay out a Louis d'or or two at your fhop-The bookfeller made a bow, and was 2 going going to fay fomething, when a young decent girl of about twenty, who by her air and drefs feemed to be fille de chambre to fome devout woman of fashion, came into the shop and asked for Les Egarments du Cœur & de l'Efprit: the bookfeller gave her the book directly; the pulled out a little green fattin purse run round with a ribband of the fame colour, and putting her finger and thumb into it, fhe took out the money, and paid for it. As I had nothing more to stay me in the shop, we both walked out at the door together. And what have you to do, my dear, faid I, with The Wanderings of the Heart, who scarce know yet you have one? nor, till love has B 2 firft |