Abbildungen der Seite

3. "What were they'?" you ask; you shall presently see:
These scales were not made to weigh sugar and tea;
Oh no; for such properties wondrous had they,
That qualities, feelings, and thoughts they could weigh;
Together with articles small or immense,

From mountains or planets to atoms of sense.

4. Naught was there so bulky but there it would lay,
And naught so ethereal but there it would stay,
And naught so reluctant but in it must go-

All which some examples more clearly will show.
5. The first thing he weighed was the head of Voltaire,
Which retained all the wit that had ever been there;
As a weight, he threw in a torn scrap of a leaf,
Containing the prayer of the penitent thief;
When the skull rose aloft with so sudden a spell,
That it bounced like a ball on the roof of the cell.

6. One time he put in Alexander the Great,

With the garment that Dorcas had made, for a weight,
And, though clad in armor from sandals to crown,
The hero rose up, and the garment went down.

7. A long row of alms-houses, amply endowed
By a well-esteemed Pharisee, busy and proud,
Next loaded one scale; while the other was pressed
By those mites the poor widow dropped into the chest;
Up flew the endowment, not weighing an ounce,

And down, down the farthing-worth came with a bounce.

8. By further experiments (no matter how),

He found that ten chariots weighed less than one plow;
A sword with gilt trapping rose up in the scale,
Though balanced by only a tenpenny nail;
A shield and a helmet, a buckler and spear,
Weighed less than a widow's uncrystallized tear.

9. A lord and a lady went up at full sail,

When a bee chanced to light on the opposite scale;
Ten doctors, ten lawyers, two courtiers, one earl,
Ten counselors' wigs, full of powder and curl,
All heaped in one balance and swinging from thence,
Weighed less than a few grains of candor and sense;
A first water diamond, with brilliants begirt,

Than one good potato just washed from the dirt;

Yet not mountains of silver and gold could suffice

One pearl to outweigh-'twas THE PEARL OF GREAT PRICE.

10. Last of all, the whole world was bowled in at the grate,
With the soul of a beggar to serve for a weight,

When the former sprang up with so strong a rebuff,
That it made a vast rent and escaped at the roof!

When balanced in air, it ascended on high,

And sailed up aloft, a balloon in the sky;

While the scale with the soul in 't so mightily fell,

That it jerked the philosopher out of his cell.-JANE TAYLOR.

[blocks in formation]



LESSON I.-GRECIAN AND ROMAN ARCHITECTURE. 1. ARCHITECTURE is the art of contriving and constructing buildings; and, when the term is used without a qualifying adjective, the designing and building of civil and religious edifices, such as palaces, mansions, theatres, churches, courts, bridges, etc., is intended; and it is called civil, to distinguish it from naval and military architecture.

2. The architecture of the Greeks, and of their successors the Romans, is generally divided into certain orders, whose names characterize the several modes in which these people constructed the façades,1 or fronts of their temples. Thus the Greeks had three prominent orders or styles of architecture, the Doric, the Ionic, and the Corinthian; each of which, as may be seen on the opposite page, may be represented by a single column, together with the base or platform on which it rests, and the roof-like covering which it aids in supporting.

3. Certain definite proportions, supposed to combine the highest degree of grace and beauty, were assigned to each. The crowning superstructure of an order is called the entablature,2 and is divided into architrave,3 frieze, and cornice (see opposite page). The Doric order, as used by the Greeks, and as seen in its best specimen, the famous Parthenon, or Temple of Minerva, at Athens, was without a base; yet the Romans not only gave it a base, but, changing some of its features, they constructed from it another order, called the Tuscan.

4. The Ionic, the second of the Grecian orders, not only has a base, and a capital and entablature differing from the Doric, but the shaft of its column is lighter and more graceful in its proportions. The volutes, or curves of its capital, introduce a new element of beauty. Their design is said by some to have been suggested by the curls of hair on each side of the human face, and by others to have been taken from the curling of the bark of a rude upright post, caused by a crushing weight laid upon it.

5. The third Grecian order is the ornate Corinthian, which is conspicuous for the beauty of its capital, and the exceeding grace and symmetry of all its parts. The invention of this

order is attributable to Callimachus," an Athenian sculptor of the age of Pericles, who is said to have had the idea of its capital suggested to him by observing acanthus leaves growing around a basket which had been placed, with some favorite trinkets, upon the grave of a young Corinthian lady-the tops of the leaves, and the stalks which arose among them, having been turned down and formed into slender volutes by a square tile which covered the basket.

6. The Corinthian order was the one most extensively employed by the Romans in their public buildings; but they loaded every member with ornaments unknown to the inventors. They also combined the Ionic and the Corinthian, and formed a fifth order, which they ornamented to profusion, and named the Composite. Its chief distinguishing feature is the capital, which has four volutes, presenting the same face in four directions. (See p. 282.)

7. But to one important feature in architecture the Romans appear to have indubitable claim, and that is the arch. It is generally believed that the ancient Egyptians, Persians, and Hindoos were entirely ignorant of its construction; and it seems probable that the Greeks knew nothing of it previous to the Roman conquest-certain it is they knew not its advantages in architecture. The Romans made great use of it in their temples, in their famous aqueducts, and their triumphal arches; and when we now characterize any architecture as decidedly Roman, reference is had to that feature which is denoted by the perfected arch, or dome.

8. What is known as Gothic architecture sprung up in the Gothic nations of Europe when Christianity was introduced among them, and was generally used in church edifices during the Middle Ages. Based upon the Roman style, it adopted the rounded or semicircular arch as its distinguishing feature, and was at first exceedingly clumsy in form; but as a taste for the fine arts began to show itself, architecture assumed a different and novel aspect; the plain rounded arch gave place to a more pointed form and quaint mouldings; tall spires crowned the structure; windows of stained glass shed gorgeous lights over the profuse decorations of the interior; and the Gothic or Christian style was at length perfected, as scientific in its principles as it was grand and imposing in appearance. (See p. 289.)

1 FA-CADE' (fa-sāde').



4 FRIEZE (freez).





[The "Age of Pericles" embraced the latter half of the fifth century before Christ, when Pericles, at the head of Athenian affairs, raised Athens to the summit of her renown. was during this period that most of those famous structures which crowned the Athenian Acropolis, or surrounded its base, were either built or adorned by the direction of Pericles, under the superintendence of the sculptor Phidias. The most famous of all these was the Parthenon, which crowned the summit of the Acropolis, and whose ruins are seen in the annexed engraving. The following extract from Bulwer's Athens will convey to the reader a vivid idea of the unrivaled grace and elegance of the Athenian edifices of the time of Pericles. See Historical Part, p. 507.]


MODERN ATHENS.-The above is a south view of Athens in its present state, from the left bank of the Ilissus, showing the Athenian Acropolis in the distance, surmounted by the ruins of the Parthenon in the centre. See also p. 308.

1. THEN rapidly progressed those glorious fabrics which seemed, as Plutarch gracefully expresses it, endowed with the bloom of a perennial youth. Still the houses of private citizens remained simple and unadorned, still the streets were narrow and irregular; and even centuries after, a stranger entering Athens would not at first have recognized the claims of the mistress of Grecian art. But to the homeliness of her common thoroughfares and private mansions, the magnificence of her public edifices now made a dazzling contrast. The Acropolis, that towered above the homes and thorough

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