must plant your marine vegetation before you people your miniature ocean. Having therefore poured in your water, which should be as fresh as possible from its source, and not on any account boiled, introduce your plants, taking care that each is not only perfect as to its root, but is also supplied with some portion of its maternal mould or rock. 9 11. It is believed that most marine plants, and all the seaweeds, will thrive in the salt-water aquaria. Zoophytes, or animal plants, must find a place there; and among these, those wonderful creatures, the star-fish, which possess the power of cutting themselves up into joints, and dissolving into six or eight perfect creatures of their own species. Mollusks3 and crustaceans 10 must be added, to act the part of scavengers and street inspectors. Among the mollusks are several species of whelk, which are found useful as window-washers, that is, in keeping the glass sides of the tank clear and bright. As to fish, we may select, from a great variety, the flounders (when young), the sticklebacks, the mullets, the gobies and blennies, the porgee, the pipe-fish, and many others. The sticklebacks-which build nests, and behave themselves in so unfishlike a manner generally—are great favorites. 12. Thus far of salt-water ponds. But aquaria may be filled with fresh water, and supplied with fresh-water plants and animals on precisely the same principles. Here snails and muscles are a necessity, to consume the decaying vegetation; and there is no limit to the fish which may be introduced, among which we would mention goid and silver fish, perch, carp, pike, trout, eels, and minnows. It is recommended, however, that the pike be small of his kind, or the other fish will unaccountably disappear. Newts and lizards may also be introduced. They are very pretty indeed, as they disport themselves in a bright aquarium, or sun themselves on the rocky island which you have built for their benefit. Let every family which can, and every school, have its aquarium. It will afford amusement and instruction to all. 1 CON-VEN'-TION-AL, customary. 3 MOL-LUSKS', animals whose bodies are soft 4 LA-TENT, not visible; hidden. 5 SCAV'-EN-GERS, street-cleaners. 6 RŎL'-LICKED, moved about in a frolicsome manner. 7 SI'-PHON, see page 347. A'-ER-ATE, to purify by admitting the air. 9 Zō'-O-PHYTE, an animal plant, like the sponge and coral. 10 CRUS-TA'-CE-AN (-shean), animals like lobsters, crabs, etc. (See Seventh Reader.) LESSON 1. THE GLORY OF THE IMAGINATION. 1. THE shepherd-lad, that in the sunshine carves, On the green turf, a dial-to divide The silent hours'; and who to that report That shines for him', and shines for all mankind.' 2. Experience daily fixing his regards On Nature's wants, he knows how few' they are', For manifold privations'; he refers His notions to this standard'; on this rock 3. Imagination-not permitted here To waste her powers, as in the worldling's mind, And trivial ostentation'-is left free That, while it binds', invigorates and supports.' His eye distinguishes', his soul creates'.-WORDSWORTH. LES. II.-SHYLOCK: A SCENE OF CONTENDING PASSIONS. 1. THE following is taken from Shakspeare's play of the Merchant of Venice. The daughter of Shylock, a rich and covetous Jew, had eloped with Lorenzo and gone to Genoa, taking with her some of her father's costly jewels; and Tubal, the agent of the Jew, has just returned from a fruitless search after the runaways. The absence of his daughter distresses the Jew, but the loss of his jewels still more; yet his grief is repeatedly assuaged and changed to the highest exultation, as Tubal mentions the misfortunes which had befallen the merchant Antonio, to whom the Jew had lent money on a bond, and to whom he owes a mortal grudge. The contending passions of the Jew are admirably portrayed here, and the same should be truthfully expressed in the reading. Shylock. How now', Tubal', what news from Genoa'? Hast thou found my daughter'? Tubal. I often came where I did hear of her, but can not find her. Shy. Why there, there, there, there! a diamond gone, cost me two thousand ducats in Frankfort! The curse never fell upon our nation till now; I never felt it till now: two thousand ducats in that; and other precious, precious jewels.-I would my daughter were dead at my foot, and the jewels in her ear! Would she were hearsed at my foot, and the ducats in her coffin! No news of them' ?-Why, so;—and I know not what's spent in the search. Why thou loss upon loss! the thief gone with so much', and so much to find the thief'; and no satisfaction', no revenge'; nor no ill luck stirring but what lights o' my' shoulders; no sighs' but o' my' breathing; no tears' but o' my' shedding.a Tub. Yes, other men have ill luck too: Antonio, as I heard in GenoaShy. What, what, what'? ill luck, ill luck' ?b Tub. Hath an argosy cast away, coming from Tripolis, Shy. I thank God, I thank God!-Is it true'? is it true' ?b This is spoken in a tone of sobbing grief. Spoken rapidly. Shylock catches, with eager joy, at the news of Antonio's ill luck. Tub. I spoke with some of the sailors that escaped the wreck. Shy. I thank thee, good Tubal:-Good news, good news; ha! ha!Where? in Genoa' ?b Tub. Your daughter spent in Genoa, as I heard, one night, fourscore ducats. Shy. Thou stick'st a dagger' in me ;—I shall never see my gold again. Fourscore ducats at a sitting'! fourscore ducats'!c Tub. There came divers of Antonio's creditors in my company to Venice, that swear he can not choose but break. Shy. I am very glad of it; I'll plague him; I'll torture him; I am glad of it.b Tub. One of them showed me a ring that he had of your daughter for a monkey. Shy. Out upon her! Thou torturest me, Tubal: it was my turquoise; I had it of Leah, when I was a bachelor. I would not have given it for a wilderness' of monkeys. Tub. But Antonio is certainly undone. Shy. Nay, that's true, that's very true. Go, Tubal, fee me an officer; bespeak him a fortnight before. I will have the heart of him, if he forfeit; for, were he out of Venice, I can make what merchandise I will. Go, go, Tubal, and meet me at our synagogue; go, good Tubal; at our synagogue, Tubal. LES. III.-SHYLOCK AND THE MERCHANT: THE TRIAL SCENE. son. 1. THE following is partially explained in the preceding lesThe merchant Antonio had borrowed from Shylock, for his friend Bassanio, the sum of three thousand ducats; and Shylock had caused to be inserted in the bond the condition that, if Antonio should fail to make payment on a certain day, the merchant should forfeit a pound of flesh, to be cut off nearest his heart. Owing to losses, Antonio was unable to pay on the day appointed; and although afterward his friends offered to make double, treble, or quadruple payment to the Jew, the latter claimed, as he had a right to by the strict "law of Venice," exact fulfillment of the bond. 2. In the following scene the parties appear in court before the Duke of Venice; and Portia, the wife of Bassanio, a lady of high mental powers and great goodness, the heiress of a princely name and countless wealth, but here so disguised, as a learned doctor and judge from Padua, as to be unrecognized even by her own husband, is introduced, to counsel with the duke in the administration of justice. Although the Jew is here placed in a very odious light, it ought not to be regarded as any imputation upon the sect to which he belongs. C Very mournfully and slowly, but emphatically: the downward inflection. Duke. Give me your hand'. Came you from old Bellario ́? Duke. You are welcome': take your place. Are you acquainted with the difference That holds this present question in the court'? Shylock. Shylock is my name. Por. Of a strange nature is the suit you follow; Yet in such rule, that the Venetian law Can not impugn you as you do proceed. You stand within his danger', do you not'? Por. Do you confess the bond'? Ant. I do. Por. Then must the Jew be merciful. Shy. On what compulsion' must I'? tell' me that'. And earthly power doth then show likest God's Which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice Por. Is he not able to discharge the money'? Bassanio. Yes, here I tender it for him in the court; I will be bound to pay it ten times o'er, And I beseech you, (To Antonio.) |