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Some', like a night-flash, pass'd away',
And some' sank lingering day by day'
The quiet grave-yard-some' lie there'-
And cruel Ocean has his' share:

We're not all here.

We are all here!

Even they', the dead'-though dead', so dear,
Fond Memory, to her duty true,

Brings back their faded forms to view.
How life-like through the mist of years,
Each well-remember'd face appears'!
We see them as in times long past,
From each to each kind looks are cast;
We hear their words', their smiles' behold,
They're round us', as they were of old'—
We are all here!

We are all here'!
Father', mother', sister', brother',

You that I love with love so dear'.
This may not long of us be said;
Soon must we join the gather'd dead,
And by the hearth we now sit round,
Some other circle will be found.
Oh! then, that wisdom may we know,
Which yields a life of peace below:
So, in the world to follow this,

May each repeat, in words of bliss,
We're all'all'—here'!



It also fur

[This Lesson furnishes fine examples of contrasted or antithetic clauses, for the reading of which see Rule VI., and also what is said on the same subject on page 27. nishes several fine examples of concluding series, etc. See page 15.]

1. TALENT' is something', but tact' is every' thing. Talent' is serious', sober, grave', and respectable': tact' is all that', and more too'. It is not a sixth sense', but it is the life of all the five'. It is the open eye', the quick ear', the judging taste', the keen smell', and the lively touch'; it is the interpreter of all riddles', the surmounter of all difficulties', the remover of all obstacles'. It is useful in all places', and at all times'; it is useful in solitude', for it shows a man his way into the world; it is useful in society', for it shows him his way through the world.

2. Talent' is power', tact' is skill'; talent' is weight', tact is momentum'; talent' knows what to do, tact' knows how' to do it; talent' makes a man respectable', tact' will make

him respected'; talent' is wealth', tact' is ready money. For all the practical purposes of life', tact carries it against talent, ten to one. Take them to the theatre', and put them against each other on the stage', and talent' shall produce you a tragedy that will scarcely live long enough to be condemned', while tact' keeps the house in a roar, night after night, with its successful farces. There is no want of dramatic talent', there is no want of dramatic tact'; but they are seldom together': so we have successful pieces which are not respectable', and respectable pieces which are not successful'.

3. Take them to the bar, and let them shake their learned curls at each other in legal rivalry; talent' sees its way clearly, but tact' is first at its journey's end. Talent' has many a compliment from the bench, but tact' touches fees from attorneys and clients. Talent' speaks learnedly and logically, tact triumphantly. Talent' makes the world wonder that it gets on no faster, tact' excites astonishment that it gets on so fast. And the secret is, that it has no weight' to carry; it makes no false steps'; it hits the right nail on the head'; it loses no time'; it takes all hints'; and by keeping its eye on the weathercock', is ready to take advantage of every wind that blows'. Take them into the church. Talent' has always something worth hearing', tact' is sure of abundance' of hearers; talent' may obtain a living, tact' will make one; talent' gets a good name, tact' a great one; talent' convinces', tact' converts'; talent' is an honor to the profession, tact' gains honor from the profession.

4. Take them to court. Talent' feels its weight', tact' finds its way'; talent' commands', tact' is obeyed'; talent' is honored with approbation', and tact' is blessed by preferment'. Place them in the senate. Talent' has the ear of the house', but tact' wins' its heart', and has' its votes'; talent' is fit for employment', but tact` is fitted for it. It has a knack of slipping into place with a sweet silence and glibness of movement, as a billiard ball insinuates itself into the pocket. It seems to know every thing', without learning any thing. It has served an invisible and extemporary apprenticeship'; it wants no drilling'; it never ranks in the awkward squad'; it has no left hand', no deaf ear', no blind side'. It puts on no looks of wondrous wisdom', it has no air of profundity', but plays with the details of place as dexterously as a well-taught hand flourishes over the keys of the piano-forte. It has all the air of commonplace,' and all the force and ius.-London Atlas.

power of



[The following beautiful lines require great tenderness and delicacy of expression in the reading, to be in harmony with the tender and subdued feeling which the scene represented is so well calculated to produce.]

1. WHEN the humid storm-clouds gather
Over all the starry spheres',
And the melancholy darkness
Gently weeps in rainy tears',
'Tis a joy to press the pillow
Of a cottage-chamber bed',
And to listen to the patter

Of the soft rain over head.

2. Every tinkle on the shingles'
Has an echo in the heart',
And a thousand lively fancies'
Into busy being start';

And a thousand recollections

Weave their bright hues into woof,

As I listen to the patter

Of the rain upon the roof.

3. There, in fancy, comes my mother,
As she used to, years agone,
To survey the infant sleepers,

Ere she left them till the dawn.
I can see her bending o'er me,
As I listen to the strain

Which is played upon the shingles
By the patter of the rain.

4. Then my little seraph sister',

With her wings and waving hair',
And her bright-eyed cherub brother',
A serene, angelic pair',

Glide around my wakeful pillow,
With their praise or mild reproof',
As I listen to the murmur

Of the soft rain on the roof.

5. There is naught in art's bravuras1

That can work with such a spell,
In the spirit's pure, deep fountains,
Whence the holy passions swell,
As that melody of nature',

That subdued, subduing strain',
Which is played upon the shingles'
By the patter of the rain'.


1 BRÄ-VÛ'-RA, a spirited, brilliant song or air, for the display of exccution.


1. A CERTAIN khan of Tartary, traveling with his nobles, was met by a dervis, who cried, with a loud voice, "Whoever will give me a hundred pieces of gold, I will give him a piece of advice." The khan ordered the sum to be given to him, upon which the dervis said, "Begin nothing of which thou hast not well considered the end." The courtiers, hearing this plain sentence, smiled, and said, with a sneer, "The dervis is well paid for his maxim." But the khan was so well pleased with the answer, that he ordered it to be written in golden letters in several parts of his palace, and engraved on all his plate.

2. Not long after, the khan's surgeon was bribed to kill him with a poisoned lancet, at the time he bled him. One day, when the khan's arm was bound, and the fatal lancet in the hand of the surgeon, the latter read on the basin, "Begin nothing of which thou hast not well considered the end." He immediately started, and let the lancet fall out of his hand. The khan, observing his confusion, inquired the reason; the surgeon fell prostrate, confessed the whole affair, and was pardoned; but the conspirators were put to death. The khan, turning to his courtiers, who had heard the advice with disdain, told them that the counsel could not be too highly val ued which had saved a khan's life.


What is true knowledge'? Is it with keen eye
Of lucre's sons to thread the mazy way'?
Is it of civic rights, and royal sway,
And wealth political, the depths to try?
Is it to delve the earth, or soar the sky';

To mix, and analyze, and mete, and weigh
Her elements, and all her powers descry'?

These things', who will may know' them, if to know'
Breed not vain-glory': but o'er all to scan
God, in his works and word shown forth below-
Creation's wonders, and Redemption's plan,
Whence came we, what to do, and whither go-
This is true' knowledge, and the "whole of man."



[This subject is continued from the Fourth Reader.]




Lo! when the buds expand, the leaves are green,
Then the first opening of the flower is sec
Then come the humid breath and rosy smile,
That with their sweets the willing sense beguile;

But as we look, and love, and taste, and praise,

And the fruit grows, the charming flower decays;
Till all is gathered, and the wintry blast

Mourns o'er the place of love and pleasure past.-CRABBE.

2. The changes described by the poet are indeed full of interest and beauty, from the time when "the buds expand," and "the leaves are green," till the once bright foliage falls brown and withered before "the wintry blast." There are few, perhaps, who are totally insensible to these changes in their general manifestations; but few, too few, have their minds awakened to the succession of beautiful and varied forms which year by year adorn our fields and woods-nay, even our hedges and ditches; too few of those who have ample opportunity and leisure know, even by sight, much less by name, our commonest wild flowers; and yet there is not one of these, from the humblest weed that grows, that will not yield abundant scope for study-that does not exhibit perfection and beauty of structure that tell of its Divine Creator.

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