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thousand years; which meaneth, from the beginning of the Six Days' labour; but know, I said in my Gospel, that those days should be shortened; and ye know not how near they are to an end; and therefore I shall bring my Bible forward with strange events that are hastening on, that the blind may begin to see how the fruit begins to appear with the leaves."

A Communication given in answer to a Dream in 1796. First Book of Sealed Prophecies, page 24.

"Another day I'll tell thee more,

And deeper things explain;

But for the present I'll end here

And think upon thy dream.

For down thou'st fall'n, to man thou'st call'd;

Assistance he refused;

Then thou jump'dst off, 'tis known to all,

And stood upon thy shoes:

On thy own feet, the mystery's great;

And there thou'lt surely stand.
Wilt thou go back, (am I now slack })
And trust to men's weak hands?
They'll surely come, as he hath done;
Thy Jury cannot stay:

When to the purpose all do come,
Thou'lt surely go that way.
Thy journey through I bid thee go;
Thou canst not tarry here:

The rest not come, it shall be known

I'll make the mystery clear."

"Here let men discern at what time this was to




be fulfilled: not at the time that thee assistance, but to be at a time that thou calledst to him in vain, that he refused to give thee any assistance, either by word, or returning thy writings, that thou hadst put in his hands, to prove the truth of the warning; and to be at a time when others came forward to search out the truth, that I said would surely come, as he had done; which I called as a Jury that could not

stay. But know I said, when they came, thou wouldest go the way that they came; that thou must go through the journey, and couldest not stay at Exeter. Let them discern at what place the words were written, and how thy friends came from London, when I ordered thee to put all in their hands; and thou shouldest follow them, to have the cause tried there. Discern how it was spoken, that thou shouldest stand alone, by thyself, with strangers; and how assistance would be refused by *******; for there the mystery stood great to all. But had he stood stedfast with thee to the end, there could be no mystery concerning him; neither could the words have been fulfilled, that I answered thee, from the dream of thy falling down, and calling to a man to assist thee, and raise thee up; which *** *** refused to do. When thou sawest thyself in danger, then spirits and strength arose in thee to go from him, and stand upon thy own faith, and thy own belief.


"And now let men discern how gan to cause thy fall, by his letters and advertisement; and know how many said then that thou hadst acknowledged thyself thy that writings were from the devil; and in the eyes of many thou wast fallen; and thy own spirits sunk within thee. Thus let men deeply discern what happened at that time, when he fell back, and others came forward, and thou left Exeter to join with them. This, if men clearly discerned, they would see thy calling clear, by the manner it was foretold, and the way I ordered thee to go."

Second Book of Sealed Prophecies, page 109, given in 1797:

"But deeper things are still behind,

I'll shew another day:

'The pilgrims that are in the wind

Are all unknown to thee:

And still my ways are all unknown.”

"From these words I shall answer thee. Let men compare this with the other, what I told thee of strangers coming to thee; and these I compared to pilgrims, that were unknown to thee; for my ways are all unknown concerning *******; but let them discern, at the time I told thee of joining with others, he leaves thee; therefore if men weighed the whole together, that I have ordered thee to bring forward, they would clearly discern, that there was no assurance that he would stand in a steady faith with thee, like other believers. But I shall shew thee the mystery of *******; and why I chose a man that acted like him; and spoke of him in a manner that no one discerned: it is to bring men to the Scriptures, that they may observe, from him, how man fulfilleth but in part what they expect is fulfilled in the whole; and so I tell thee of my Gospel: how many professors of religion suppose the fulfilment was then accomplished, when I came to die for the transgression of man; but their judgment is as wrong, to think all was finished, that I came to die for, to bring in the redemption of man. This was no more finished, or fulfilled, nor my designs were no more accomplished then, to destroy the works of the devil any more than ******* hath went through all the office expected by man. And now come to

their discernment, who judge that he must fall to rise again; because I said he must stand the trial in the end. But this men do not discern, in what manner he stood the trial with men, to have his honour lost; neither do they discern in what manner all the conduct that he hath acted with must stand the trial with men in the end. There are deeper mysteries still behind, that men will find another day. But now, if they judge that must appear in person, or he could stand no trial with man; then I ask them how

they will explain the meaning of my words, that I said my Bible must stand the trial? I said Satan must stand the trial; and I said in my Gospel, Satan must be judged. These things men must discern and weigh together. -But know what I said of believers, and those that were called forward first in the work, who came in by faith; I said they were but as water-pots filled with water, before the end cometh, for me to turn the water into wine. But now I ask them, how could I turn the water into wine, by a strength of wisdom, to join with their faith in the end, and a strength of knowledge, to understand all these things, by making every crooked path straight before them, that they may discern their own folly, when I come to make all things clear? But if they saw all things clear at present, and understood all mysteries, to know the meaning of all that was spoken; then they must be as men filled with wine already: for as wine is strong, so must their wisdom be strong, their understanding be strong, and their judgment must be great; for this I have told thee will be in the end.

When I turn the water into wine
They'll own thy writings all divine,
And know the wisdom came from me,
It never was brought round by thee;
For none but fools can judge it so ;
And men their honour must let go,
If they submit to thy weak head,
To say from thee all this is said,
And by thy wisdom so brought round.
I ask mankind how they are found
In brighter wisdom for to go?
A Solomon must answer, no:
His wisdom cannot equal thine,
If they'll not own the writings mine;
For to indite all that is penn'd;
They'll see their folly in the end.
So for the present I'll end here:
Another day I'll shew more clear

The mysteries deep that are behind,
To shew the folly in mankind;
And then I'll open every door,

To shew them what I've still in store,

To bring them back from Adam's fall;
And the creation I shall call ;

What was decreed in heaven at first

I shall accomplish at the last.

"I have shewn thee in what likeness *

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stands with my Bible, where it is on conditions, and where it is not. And so I tell thee of my Gospel, there are no conditions fixed of, the Comforter's coming; for I said he should come and abide with you for ever: I said the Spirit of Truth should come to guide you into all truths, and teach you things to come: and the Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy. And now I have brought it round in this manner, to prove the truth of my words; and now thou must bring forward some of thy own prophecies, that have stood so long in print, unperceived by men. Now let them answer the following words, printed in 1801.

Strange Effects of Faith, page 16.
"Now shall men say all this by thee is done ?.
Thy head is wiser than the son's of men ;
And if they say that it comes from the devil,
Then plainly tell them that their thoughts are evil;
For Satan's wisdom never lay so deep.
Yet to thyself thou must the secret keep;
But if men say that it comes from on high,
My judges shall appear the truth to try;
Then in thy faith be stedfast still,
With salt be season'd well;
Remember thy baptismal vow,
And triumph over hell.

Your Captain too shall quickly come,

And bring all to an end,

And fix his glorious empire o'er

The wise whose hearts will bend.

As in a humble manger here
Kings did their Sovereign see;
So my low handmaid doth appear
To all a mystery."


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