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18. It was not difficult for the Captain to make Lis peace with this charming creature, whom he tenderly loved. He presented her to several people of the first quality; but never dared to take her to court, from which, however, she receive several favors.

19. After a residence of several years in England, an example of virtue and piety, and attachment to her husband, she died, as she was on the point of embarking for America. She left an only son, who was married, and left none but daughters; and from these are descended some of the principal characters in Virginia.


1. THE government of a family depends on such various and opposite principles, that it is a matter of extreme delicacy. Perhaps there is no situation in life in which it is so difficult to behave with propriety, as in the contest between parental authority and parental love. This is undoubtedly the reason why we see so few happy families. Few parents are both loved and respected, because most of them are either the dupes or the tyrants of their children.

2. Some parents, either from a natural weakness of mind, or an excess of fondness, permit and even encourage their children in a thousand familiarities, which render them ridiculous, and by diminishing the respect which is due to their age and station, destroy all their authority.

3. Others, ruled by a partial and blind affection, which cam deny nothing to its object, indulge their children in all their romantic wishes, however trifling and foolish; however degrading to their dignity, or injurious to their welfare.

4. Others, soured by misfortunes, or grown peevish and jealous by the loss of youthful pleasures, and an acquaintance with the deceit and folly of the world, attempt to restrain the ideas and enjoyments of youth by the rigid maxims of age.

5. The children of the first class often offend by silly manners, and a kind of good-natured disrespect. Those of the second are generally proud, whimsical and vicious. Those of the third, if they are subdued, when young, by the rigor of parental discipline, forever remain morose, illiberal and unsociable; or if, as it commonly happens, they find means to escape from restraint, they abandon themselves to every species of licentiousness.

6. To parents of these descriptions may be added another class, whose fondness blinds their eyes to the most glaring vices of their children; or invent such palliations, as to prevent the most salutary corrections.

7. The taste for amusements in young people, is the most difficult to regulate by the maxims of prudence. In this aricle, parents are apt to err, either by extreme indulgence on the one hand, or immoderate rigor on the other.

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8. Recollecting the feelings of their youth, they give unbounded licence to the inclinations of their children; or havng lost all relish for amusements, they refuse to gratify their most moderate desires.

9. It is a maxim which universally holds true, that the best method of guarding youth from criminal pleasures, is to indulge them freely in those that are innocent. A person who has free access to reputable society, will have little inclination to frequent that which is vicious.


10. But those who are kept under constant restraint, who are seldom in amusements, who are perpetually awed by the frowns of a parent, or soured by disappointment of their most harmless wishes, will at times break over all bounds to gratify their taste for pleasure, and will not be anxious to discriminate between the innocent and the criminal.

11. Nothing contributes more to keep youth within the limits of decorum, than to have their superiors mingle in their company at proper times, and participate of their amusements.

12. This condescension flatters their pride; at the same time that respect for age, which no familiarities can wholly efface, raturally checks the extravagant sallies of mirth, and the indelicate rudenesses which young people are apt to indulge in their jovial hours.


13. That awful distance at which some parents keep their children, and their abhorrence of all juvenile diversions, which compel youth to sacrifice their most innocent desires, or veil the gratification of them with the most anxious secrecy, have as direct a tendency to drive young persons into a profligate life, as the force of vicious example.

14. It is as impossible to give to the age of twenty, the feelws or the knowledge of sixty, as it would be folly to wish to he a child with grey hairs, or to stamp the fading aspect utumn on the bloom of May. Nature has given to every some peculiar passions and appetites; to moderate and refine these, not to stifle and destroy, is the business of common prudence and parental care.

15. I was led into this train of reflections by an acquaintance with the family of Emilius, which is a rare instance of domestic felicity. Parents indulgent to their children, hospitable to their friends, and universally respected; their sons equally generous, modest and manly.

16. Emilia, an only daughter, the pride of her parents, possessed of every accomplishment that can honor herself, or endear her to her friends; an easy fortune, and a disposition to enjoy and improve it to the purposes of humanity; perfect harmony of domestic life, and unaffected satisfaction in the pleasures of society. Such is the family of Emilius.

17. Such a family is a little paradise on earth; to envy their happiness is almost a virtue. Conjugal respect, parental tenderness, filial obedience, and brotherly kindness, are so seldom united in a family, that when I am honored with the friendship of such, I am equally ambitious to participate their happiness, and profit by the example.

18. Emilia's situation must be peculiarly agreeable. Her parents delight to gratify her in every amusement; and contented with this, she knows no wish beyond the sacred bounds of honor. While by their indulgence she enjoys every rational pleasure, she rewards their generous care, by a dutiful behavior and unblemished manners.

19. By thus discharging the reciprocal duties of their respective stations, the happiness of each is secured. The solicitude of the parent, and the obedience of the child, equally contribute to the bliss of the little society; the one calling forth every act of tenderness, and the other displayed in all the filial virtues.

20. Few families are destined to be so happy as that of Emilius. Were I to choose the situation where I could pass my life with most satisfaction, it would be in this domestic circle. My house would then be the residence of delight, unmingled with the anxieties of ambition or the regret of disappointment.

21. Every act would be dictated by love and respect; every countenance would wear the smile of complaisance; and the little unavoidable troubles, incident to the happiest situation, would only serve to increase our friendship and improve our felicity, by making room for the exercise of virtue.

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1. ASI was conversing with Emilia, a few days past, I asked whether she was contented to live so remote from the resort of company. She answered in the affirmative, and remarked further, that her situation enabled her to distinguish between real friends and complimentary: for if she lived in a more public place, she might be visited by crowds of people, who were civil indeed, but had no motive for calling en her, but to spend an idle hour, and gaze on the busy multi tude.

2. I was pleased with the remark, and was naturally led to consider such a retired situation as a fortunate circumstance for a young lady of delicacy. Not only the happiness of a family, but the character of young women, both in a moral and social view, depends on a choice of proper company.

3. A perpetual throng of company, especially if it furnishes a variety of new objects, has has a pernicious effect on the dispositions of female minds. Women are destined by nature to preside over domestic affairs. Whatever parade they may make abroad, their real merit and real characters are known only at home.

4. The behavior of servants, the neatness of furniture, the order of a table, and the regularity of domestic business, are decisive evidences of female worth. Perhaps sweetness of temper does not contribute more to the happiness of their partners and their families, than a proper attention to these articles.

5. For this reason, whatever has a tendency to divert the mind from these concerns, and give them a turn for empty show, endless noise, and tasteless amusements, ought to be carefully avoided by young ladies who wish for respect beyond the present moment.

6. Misses, who are perpetually surrounded with idle company, or even live in sight of it, though they may be fortunate enough to preserve their innocence, are still in hazard of contracting such a fondness for dissipation and folly, as to unfit them for the superintendence of a family.

7. Another danger to which young women possessed of personal charms are exposed in public places, is the flattery and admiration of men. The good opinion of a fop will hardly flatter a woman of discernment; much less his ordinary compliments, which are commonly without meaning,

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8. But the heart is often so disguised, that it is

first to distinguish between a coxcomb and a man of worth; orif it is easy for an accurate observer, yet there is great danger that vanity and inexperience will make young ladies overlook the distinction.

9. Few minds are effectually secured against the attacks of flattery. It is a poison the more fatal, as it seizes humán nature in its weakest part. In youth, when the passions are in full vigor, and the judgment feeble, female minds are peculiarly liable to be corrupted by the contagious influence of pretty civilities and affected admiration.

10. With whatever seruples they may at årst listen to the praises that are bestowed on their real or pretended charms, a constant strain of flattering addresses, accompanied with obsequious complaisance, seldom falls of giving them too high an opinion of themselves. They are insensibly led to believe, that they are possessed of virtues to which they are really strangers.

11. This belief satisfies them without attempting any further improvement; and makes them to depend, for reputation in life, on good qualities, the fancied existence of which begins and ends with the falsehood of customary compliments.

12. Such ladies before marriage, are usually vain, pert, affected and silly; and after marriage, haughty, disappointed and peevish. The most perfect beauty must fåde, and cease to command admiration; but in most instances, the nuptial hour puts a period to that excess of flattering attention which is the happiness of giddy females. The longest term of admiration must be short: that which depends solely on personal attractions is often momentary.

13. The more flattery is bestowed on young ladies, the less, in general, are they solicitons to acquire virtues which shall insure respect when admiration shall cease. The more they are praised in youth, the more they expect it in advanced life, when they have less charms to command it. Thus the excessive complaisance of admirers, which is extremely pleasing at Sixteen, proves at forty, a source of mortification and discontent.

14. I would by no means insinuate that young ladies ought to be kept total strangers to company, and to rational professions of esteem. It is in company only that they can acquaint themselves with mankind, acquire an easy address, and learn numberless little decorums, which are essential, and cannot be taught by precept. Without these a woman will sometimes

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