Abbildungen der Seite

1788.-Character of the Colonists.-Second Colony arrives July 2d.-Celebration of

4th of July in the Wilderness.-First Clergyman, Daniel Story.-Governor St. Clair

and territorial Officers arrive.-Territorial Government organized.-" Washington

County" laid off-Arrival of Emigrants.-Campus Martius.-Settlements formed at

Belpre and Newberry.-Emigration to Kentucky.-Miami Settlements.-Symmes's

Purchase on the Miami.-Settlement at Columbia.-Settlement at Cincinnati.-Fort

Washington commenced.-Its Form and Dimensions.-" County of Hamilton" organ-

ized. Squire M'Millan.-Colerain Settlement.-Headquarters established at Fort

Washington.-"Knox County" organized.—"St. Clair County" organized.-Popula-

tion of Settlements on Muskingum and Miami in 1790.-Indian Hostilities commence.

-Defensive Measures adopted.-Indians exasperated at the unsuccessful Expedi-

tion of General Harmar.-Destruction of Settlement of Big Bottom, January 2d, 1791.

-Attack on Wolf Creek Settlement.-Attack on Colerain Station.-Nathaniel Mas-

sie settles Manchester, on the Ohio.-French Settlement at Gallipolis, March, 1791.

-Fraud of the "Scioto Company."-General St. Clair also unsuccessful.-Indian

Audacity and Hostilities increase.-President Washington adopts more energetic

Measures with the Indians.-Indian Outrages multiply in 1792.-Cincinnati in 1793.

-Its Importance as a military Dépôt.-First Presbyterian Pastor.-Indian Hostil-

ities in 1793.-Martial Law paramount.-First Newspaper in Northwestern Terri-

tory.-General Wayne takes Command of the Army.-Confidence restored to the

western People.-Troops concentrate in the Miami Country.-Advanced Posts es-

tablished.-Indians defeated and reduced to great Distress.-Settlements again ad-




Argument.-Retrospect of the First Settlements of East Tennessee.-First Settle-

ments on Cumberland River.-Cherokee Hostilities in 1780.-North Carolina en-

courages Emigration to the Cumberland in 1783.-Military Land District erected.--

Chickasa Cession in 1784.-Increased Emigration to Holston and Cumberland in

1785.-Political Difficulties in Washington District.-Attempted Organization of the

"Republic of Frankland.”—Colonel John Sevier attainted for Treason, and restored

to his Rights.-Authority of North Carolina sustained.-Spanish Influence in the

Cumberland Settlements.-Population of Washington and Miro Districts in 1789.--

North Carolina cedes her Western Territory to the Federal Government.-" South-

western Territory" organized in 1790.-Indian Hostilities commence.-Efforts of the

Federal Government to maintain Peace.-Rapid Increase of Emigration Westward

in 1791.-Indian Hostilities in 1791 to 1793.-Spanish Intrigue with the Indians.--

Colonel Sevier and General Robertson conduct Defenses.-Population of South-

western Territory in 1794.-Population of the Territory in 1795.-Second Grade of

Territorial Government assumed.-State Constitution adopted in 1796.-"State of

Tennessee" admitted into the Union.-Features of Constitution.-Progressive In-

crease of Population and Extension of Settlements to the Mississippi until 1840.-

Displacement of the Indian Tribes.-West Tennessee and Memphis.-Population

and Enterprise.-Colonies sent out from Tennessee

treats to Fort Washington.-Indian Hostilities renewed.-General Scott marches an

Expedition against the Wabash Towns.-Colonel Wilkinson leads another against

the Towns on Eel River and Tippecanoe.-General St. Clair prepares to invade the

Maumee Country.-Marches toward the St. Mary's.-Meets with a disastrous Defeat.

--Terrible Onset of the Savages.-Their Number and Allies.-The Remnant of the

Army arrives at Fort Washington.-Colonel Wilkinson commands at Fort Wash-

ington. He proceeds from Fort Jefferson to the Scene of the Defeat.-Overtures of

Peace tendered to the Indians in 1792.-The Federal Government authorize a strong

Force for the Humiliation of the Savages.-General Wayne Commander-in-chief.—

Indians continue their hostile Demonstrations.-Excited by British Emissaries.-

General Wayne concentrates his Forces at Fort Greenville.-The advanced Posts

harassed by Indians.-Plan of Encampment at Greenville.-Lord Dorchester.-Pres-

ident Washington's Views of Indian Tactics.-Fort Recovery built.-Is attacked by

Indians in 1793.-General Scott arrives with the mounted Riflemen.-General Wayne

takes up the Line of March for the Maumee.-" Fort Defiance" commenced.-" Fort

Deposit" at the Head of the Rapids.-Force concentrated at this Point.-Battle of

the Miami, August 20th, 1794.-Utter Defeat of the Savages.-The Army returns to

Fort Defiance, which is strongly fortified.-Army advances to Miami Villages.-Fort

Wayne erected.-Army retires to Winter-quarters at Greenville.-Indians sue for


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FEDERAL UNION.-A.D. 1795 To 1804.

Argument.-Security of the frontier Population after the Treaty of Greenville.-Am-

icable Intercourse with the Indians.-Emigrants advance upon the Muskingum, Sci-

oto, and Miami Rivers.-Population of Northwestern Territory in 1796.-Of Cincin-

nati in 1797.-Population advances into the Virginia Military District.-Nathaniel

Massie, Pioneer of Scioto Valley.-Chillicothe first Settled.-Tribute to Memory of

Massie. First Mail-route opened from Wheeling to Limestone.-Population ad-

vances to the "Western Reserve."-" County of Wayne" organized.-Old French

Settlements near Detroit.-Traits of Character in French Population.-Retrospect

of Northwestern Territory in 1796.-Extension of Settlements up the Scioto and

Muskingum Valleys.-"Adams County" organized.-"Ross County" organized.—

Condition of Chillicothe in 1798.-Extreme Settlements north of Chillicothe.-Her-

man Blannerhasset emigrates to Ohio in 1793.-His Traits of Character.-Blanner-

basset's Island.-Steubenville laid off and settled.-Territorial Population in 1798.-

Second Grade of Government assumed.-First Territorial Legislature.-Public Sur-

veys.-Counties of Trumbull and Fairfield organized.-Belmont County organized.—

Indiana Territory organized into a separate Government.-Congress authorizes a

Convention to form a State Constitution.-Convention assembles and adopts a Con-

stitution."State of Ohio" admitted into the Union.-State Government organized

March 1st, 1803.-Character and Merits of Governor St. Clair.-New Counties organ-

ized.-Governors of Ohio.-Subsequent Increase of Population and Extension of

Civil Government.-Population in 1840.-Character of Emigration to Ohio. 311

Troops under General Wilkinson.-First Grade of Territorial Government organ-

ized in 1799.-Extent of the White Settlements and Indian Territory.-Adams and

Pickering Counties organized. — Population in 1799. — Washington County organ-

ized on the Mobile River.-Second Grade of Territorial Government in 1800.—

The Federal Army in the Mississippi Territory.-Indian Treaties in 1801.-Treaty

of Fort Adams.-Treaty of Chickasá Bluffs.-Governor Claiborne enters upon his

Duties.-The Counties of Claiborne, Jefferson, and Wilkinson organized in 1802.-

First System of Jurisprudence.-First Newspapers in Mississippi.-" Articles of

Agreement and Cession" by Georgia.-Extent of Georgia Claim.-Adjudication of

Private Claims by Commissioners.-Land Offices.-Surveyor-general's Office organ-

ized. Enlargement of Territorial Limits.-Indian Nations included.-Legislative

Care for the Encouragement of Education.-First College and first Academy charter-

ed.-The Robber Mason killed.-Emigration in 1803, in anticipation of the Occupa

tion of Louisiana.-Governor Claiborne Commissioner.-Commissioners and Troops

advance toward New Orleans.-Protestant Religion introduced in Mississippi Ter-

ritory.-Washington County erected into a Judicial District.-Harry Toulmin, Judge.

-First Delegate to Congress.-Robert Williams, Governor.-First City Charter of

Natchez.-Spanish Exactions on the Mobile.-First Natchez Hospital.-Border Col-

lisions. Abduction of the Kempers.-Indian Treaties in 1805: with the Chickasâs;

with the Cherokees; Creeks; Choctâs. - First "Choctâ Purchase."- Extent of

White Settlements in 1806.-Spanish Encroachments on the Sabine.-Militia Move-

ments in Mississippi.-Burr's Conspiracy in the West.-Burr prepares to descend

the Mississippi.-President's Proclamation.-General Wilkinson protects New Or-

leans.-Defensive Measures of Governor Mead in the Mississippi Territory.-Burr

appears before the Superior Court.-Patriotic Citizens of Wilkinson County.-Abor-

tive Attempt to arraign Burr.-He escapes from Custody.-Is arrested near Fort

Stoddart.-Sent to Richmond, Virginia.-Emigration to Mississippi induced by Burr's

Plans.-Agriculture in the Territory in 1807.-Cotton the Staple Product.-Cotton

Receipts negotiable by Law.-First Digest of Territorial Laws.-First Road across

to Tombigby.-Lands on the Upper Tombigby.-Condition of the Tombigby Settle-

ments.-Patriotism of the Inhabitants.-Governor Williams.-First White Settle-

inents in "Madison County."-First Bank in the Territory in 1809.-Population in

1810.-Revolution in District of Baton Rouge.-First Brigade of Militia in 1812.-

Tennessee Volunteers under General Jackson.-General Wilkinson occupies Fort

Charlotte.-Mobile District annexed to the Mississippi Territory

Floyd invade eastern Part of the Creek Nation.-Tennessee Troops invade the north-

ern Part.-General Jackson advances to Fort Strother, on the Coosa.-Battle of Tal-

lushatches.-Battle of Talladega.-Creeks supplied for the War by British Agents.-

Battle of Emuckfaw.-Battle of Enotochopco.-Battle of the Horse-shoe, or Tohope-

ka.-The Power of the Creeks humbled.-Invasion of the Hickory Grounds.-"Fort

Jackson" built.-Submission of the hostile Chiefs.-Surrender of Weatherford.-

Treaty of Fort Jackson.-Its Conditions and Requirements.-Colonel Nichols in Flor

ida.-General Jackson Commander-in-chief in 7th military District.-British Emis

saries among the Florida Indians.-Jackson advances to Mobile.-Defense of Fort

Bowyer against British Fleet.-Expels the British Forces from Pensacola.-Trib.

ute of Esteem to General Jackson.-Advance of white Population into the Indian

Country.-Settlements north and south of Tennessee River; upon Sources of Tom-

bigby.-Monroe County organized.-Population of Madison County in 1815.-The

Creeks instigated by British Emissaries to reject the Treaty of Fort Jackson.-Pop-

ulation of the Territory in 1816.-Application for Authority to form a state Govern-

ment.-Indian Treaties in 1816.-Territory divided.-"State of Mississippi" admit-

ted into the Union.-Choctâ Cession by Treaty of Doak's Stand.-Ceded Territory

organized into Counties.-Permanent state Capital selected." City of Jackson."-

County of Monroe annexed.-Final Extension of the state Jurisdiction within the

entire Limits. Summary of Indian Treaties within the Mississippi Territory.-Gov-

ernors of Mississippi.—Alabama Territory organized.-State of Alabama admitted

into the Union.-Subsequent increase of Population
Page 391


LOUISIANA."- -A.D. 1804 TO 1815.

Argument.-William C. C. Claiborne Governor-general of the Province of Louisiana.--

General James Wilkinson Commander-in-chief of the Army.-Emigrants from the

United States. - Governor Claiborne's judicious Administration.-Territorial Gov.

ernment provided for the "Territory of Orleans."-Plan of Government obnoxious

to the People.-Volunteer Companies patronized by the Governor.-Expressions of

popular Discontent by the French Population.-Territorial Government instituted.--

First Territorial Legislature.-First Bank created.-Territorial Legislature modi-

fied.-Discontent in Baton Rouge District.-Abduction of the Kempers.-Their Re-

lease.-Spanish Exactions on the Mobile River, and Aggressions West of the Mis-

sissippi in 1805.-Spanish Officers in New Orleans.-They contemplate the Missis-

sippi south of Red River as their eastern Boundary.-Re-enforcements in Texas and

Florida-Policy of the Federal Government.-Advance of the Spanish Troops to Red

River.-Movements of United States Troops.-Spanish Troops on the Bayou Pierre

and Arroyo Hondo.-Remonstrances of Governor Claiborne.-General Wilkinson ad-

vances the Army to Natchitoches.-His Negotiation with General Herrera.-Span-

iards retire West of the Sabine.-Wilkinson proceeds to New Orleans to intercept

Burr's Operations.-His energetic Measures against the Conspirators.-Zealous co-

operation of Governor Claiborne.-His Proclamation. - Arrest of Dr. Bollman and

others. Great popular Excitement.-Conflict of the civil and military Authorities.

-Affected Zeal of Judges Workman and Hall for the Supremacy of the civil Pow-

er.-Efforts made by Persons clothed with civil Authority to embarrass General

Wilkinson, and to protect the Conspirators.-Burr utterly circumvented in the Mis-

sissippi Territory.-Lieutenant Pike's exploring Party returns from Santa Fé.-Ob-

ject of his Exploration.-Wilkinson's Position relative to Burr's Enterprise not crim-

inal.-The Organization of the Territorial Government completed.-Great Mortality

of the Troops under General Wilkinson.-Revolt in District of Baton Rouge in

1810. Spanish Authority expelled.-A Provisional Government established by the

People. The Baton Rouge District annexed to the Territory of Orleans.—Revolt

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TO 1845.

Argument. The Origins of three States in Northwestern Territory.-Indiana.-Illi-

nois.-Michigan.--" Indiana Territory" organized.-Indian Treaties.-" Illinois Ter-

ritory" organized.-Michigan Territory organized.-Condition of these Territories in

1811. Shawanese threaten Hostilities.-United States Troops advance with Governor

Harrison toward the Prophet's Town.-Harrison contemplates a Treaty.-Unfortu-

nate Battle of Tippecanoe.-Beginning of the Indian War in the West.-Emigration

to Indiana and Illinois in 1816.-"State of Indiana" admitted into the Union.-"State

of Illinois" admitted into the Union.-Progressive Increase of Population in these

States. Treaties for Extinguishment of Indian Title.-Michigan Territory until 1832.

-Emigration to Michigan and Wisconsin.-Commercial and Agricultural Advantages

of Michigan discovered.-Increase of Population.-Extension of Settlements.-"State

of Michigan" admitted.-" Wisconsin Territory" organized.-Population and Re-

sources of Wisconsin.-" Territory of Iowa" organized in 1838.-Rapid Extension

of Population into Wisconsin and Iowa.-Aggregate Population of the States and

Territories comprised in original Limits of Northwestern Territory.-Commerce on

the Lakes.-Advance of Population and Education in the State of Michigan.-Emi-

gration to Wisconsin and Iowa Territories in 1840-43.-Wisconsin applies for Ad-

mission into the Union


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