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CIL. XXXV.-THIS chapter, and the following ones selected from this Book, contain Livy's account of the battle of the Alia, and of the invasion of Rome by the Gauls. The whole narrative admirably illustrates the historical style of Livy, and especially that graphic power of description for which he is unrivalled among the ancient historians. It is indeed a series of historical pictures, from the hand of an ancient master, which bring directly before our eyes all the scenes belonging to this period of Roman history. The historian NieDuhr, while ne rejects some of the details in Livy's account of these events, and prefers to follow other writers, yet accords the highest praise to this well-known and masterly narrative, and confesses that "In his criticism cannot impair the imperishable fame of its author. own peculiar excellences, (I quote his own words,) in that richness and warmth of coloring, which many centuries after were the characteristics of the Venetian painters born under the same sky, Livy never shone more brilliantly than in this description: a more vivid one is not to be found in any Latin or Greek historian."-Hist. Rome, vol. 2, p. 544.

83 9. Adversus Romanos. Adversus means primarily turned towards, and hence as a preposition, means in a hostile sense, against, like contra, or in a friendly, towards, like erga. It here means in respect to.-Freund, and Hand, Turs. 1, p. 187.

CH. XXXVI.-22. Novum nomen, etc. "Novum, i. e. tanquam novum = nomen R. quod audiant, sit ipsis novum."-Bauer.

32. Quodnam, etc. The order of translation thus: Cum, Romanis quærentibus, quodnam―arma, et quid-esset, illi-dicerent, etc. 84 8. Ne id-obstabat. Ne with obstare as the more common quominus, "kept them from decreeing" Ambitio, love of favor, has here particular reference to the Fabii and their friends.

10. Cladis-acceptæ. Acceptæ, (not accipiendæ, as proposed by some editors,) because the writer means to represent the evil as something already past, not something which must presently be sustained. Alschefski says, Faber malebat accipienda; quod L. non scripsit, ne diceret videretur illos jam tum cladem imminentem ante oculos habu. isse.

CH. XXXVII.-20. Tanta moles mali, "such a heavy calamity."


22. Quæ-dixisset. For subj. see note on leges, quæ, B. 2, c. 8.84 31. Ultro, "even," i e., that they were not only not punished, but even honored.

34. Ad-tumultum, "at their tumultuous movement, as they rapidly passed by."

41. Quippe quibus-occursum est. Quibus refers to hostium. For the indic. with quippe quibus, see note on B. 3, c. 53. Dr. Arnold, following the account of Diodorus, states that the Romans first crossed the Tiber, expecting to meet the Gauls on the right bank of the river; but on learning that the Gauls were advancing on the left bank, they were obliged to recross the river," and without an instant's delay march out by the Salarian road, in order to encounter the enemy at as great a distance from the city as possible." Hist. Rome, vol. 2, p. 323. In this manner Dr. Arnold accounts for the suddenness with which the battle of the Alia took place. Ib. p. 322, Note 27.

42. Ad undecimum lapidem. The milestones on the Roman roads were called milliaria, from mille passus; also, as here, lapides. Thus ad undecimum lapidem means eleven miles from Rome. The miles were reckoned from the gates of the city. The Via Salaria, the road here referred to, commenced at the Porta Collina. See Dict. Antiqq., Milliarium.

43. Flumen Alia. "It is well known that to identify the famous Alia with any existing stream is one of the hardest problems of Roman topography. Virgil and Livy agree in placing it on the left bank of the Tiber. Westphal says, 'that something less than eleven miles from Rome there is a small brook with high banks,' and that on the right of the road at this spot you see the village of Marcigliana Vecchia." Arnold's Hist. Rome, vol. 2, p. 323, N. 32. Marcigliana Vecchia is supposed to be the site of the ancient Crustumerium. The mention of the Alia in Virgil occurs in Æn. 7, 717.

CH. XXXVIII.—6. Auspicato-litato. These words, originally 85 ablatives absolute, are here used adverbially. See Z. §§ 266, 647, 648. 8. Æquari frontes poterant; Æquare frontem, a military term, to form a front, to form a line -Freund,

9. Cum extenuando-haberent. A parallel passage in Livy, 31, 21, ut extenuatam mediam diductis cornibus aciem Gallorum vidit.

18. Tantum superanti multitudini. The Gauls were seventy thousand in number, the Romans forty thousand. See Arnold, vol. 1, p. 322; Niebuhr, vol. 2, p. 538.

25. In reliqua acie, etc. The right of the Romans, consisting of the subsidiarii, was posted on hilly ground, the left, consisting of the regular legions, on the plain between the hills and the Tiber, the extreme flank resting on the river. But on account of the course of the river, the left was thrown back behind the right; hence, when the


85 troops on the right were chased from their ground by the Gauls, the shout was heard by the proximi, the part of the Roman line nearest the subsidiarii, on their side, ab latere; by the ultimi, those on the left, ab tergo, on their rear. Hence, too, as mentioned in the next sentence, the fugitives in their flight disordered the ranks of the legions, and the whole army was thus routed. See Arnold, vol. 1, 324.

35. Non modo præsidii-sed ne-quidem. Z. § 724. See note on B. 1, c. 40. Yet above, the second non is expressed, non modo non tentato, etc. Alschefski cites another passage from 4, 3, non modo non patricium sed ne civem quidem.

86 CH. XXXIX.-9. Romani, etc. The construction as follows. Romani-complorati-impleverunt. Impleverunt, i. e. "dederunt causam lamentis, quibus urbs impleta est."-Crevier. By a bold and not inelegant figure, the historian represents the dead and the living (that is, the absent, who were supposed to be dead) as nlling the whole city with lamentations, because they were the occasion of the general mourning.

18. Primo adventu, etc. I give the common reading, adventu quo, instead of that of Alschefski, adventus quia. The punctuation is also somewhat changed, and is given chiefly according to Büttner. (Observ. Livy, p. 35, quoted by Bauer.) Identidem is explained in the successive clauses, and by the particles deinde-tum-postremo. It is not easy to perceive the force of the clause quia—supererat, as a reason for the opinion that the attack would be made before night, ante noctem. Hence Alschefski suggests either quamquam instead of quia, or a transposition of the clause quia-supererat, so that the sentence should read, deinde sub occasum solis, ante noctem rati se invasuros; tum, quia-supererat, in noctem, etc.

24. Continens fuit, i. e. nullo intervallo secutum, “immediately followed."

25. Ea nocte, neque insequenti die. The battle was fought on the 16th of July. As the Gauls did not enter the city till the morning of the 18th, the Romans had the night of the 16th, and the whole day of the 17th, in which to make such defensive arrangements as their circumstances allowed.

31. Ex loco inde munito. Inde, i. e. ex Capitolio, tanquam ex loco munito. So below, c. 43, atque inde ex loco superiore.

32. Flaminem, i. e. Quirinalem, as mentioned in the next chapter. CH. XL-44. Ad agmen juvenum. Florus says that the force which garrisoned the Capitol did not exceed a thousand men.-I. 13; Arnold, vol. 1, p. 325, n. 38.

87 8. Nihil, quod, etc., i. e. “Nihil relinquebant, quod humana mala possent adjicere ad præsentem Romanorum calamitatem."-Crevier. 10. Persecutæ sunt, not prosecutæ sunt. "Non enim prosequebantur (accompanied) modo viros usque ad arcem, sed perseque


bantur in arcem."-Alschefski. Yet we have above, in Capitolium 87 atque in arcem prosequebantur, where in must have the force of usque ad.

25. Onere partito, part. of a deponent verb, used passively. See note on experta, B. 1, c. 17.

25. Sublicio ponte. See note on B. 1, c. 33, and the Plan of Rome.

CH. XLI.-40. Quæ augustissima vestis-ea vestiti, i. e. ea aug. veste, quæ, etc. See Arn. Pr. Intr. P. I. 30, 53; A. and S § 206, (7.)

40. Tensas ducentibus.

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The tense were sacred vehicles, in

which were carried the statues of certain deities, in the procession of the Circensian games. They were escorted (deducere) by the senators in robes of state, who laid hold of the bridles and traces, or perhaps assisted to drag the carriage (ducere) by means of thongs attached for the purpose.”—Dict. Antiqq.

41. Medio ædium. See note on this expression, B. 1, 57.

Plutarch gives

41. Eburnis sellis, i. e. the sella curulis, the chair of state, which was ornamented with ivory. Under the republic, the right of using this chair belonged to the dictator, the consuls, prætors, curule ædiles, censors, and to the Flamen Dialis. See Dict. Antiqq. (Sella.) 42. Sunt, qui,—devovisse eos se-tradant. this account in his Life of Camillus, 21. The devoted offered himself, diis manibus tellurique, (Liv. 8, 9,) as a willing victim on the part of his own countrymen, that the other victims required by fate might be taken from the army of the enemy. The Dii manes, strictly the spirits of a man's own ancestors, here are the powers of death generally. Tellus has in it the notion of the grave. See Arnold, vol. 1, p. 327, note 45.

4. Patente Collina porta. Niebuhr says that the story of the 88 gates being left open is incredible, and adds that Diodorus "states that the Gauls, on finding the walls entirely deserted, burst open the gates." -Hist. Rome, vol. 2, p. 543.

8. Vacuis occursu hominum viis, i. e. “viæ, in quibus nulli homines occurrunt."-Ruperti. Niebuhr compares the feelings of the Gauls on entering the city, and finding it all desolate and deathlike, with that "awe which comes upon a stranger, on passing in summer through a town, in a high northern latitude, at midnight, when all is clear as day, yet no mark of life is to be seen in the streets."-Vol. 2, p. 544.

9. Ea demum. Demum, at least, certainly. "Demum cum pronominibus cujusvis generis conjungitur, ut præstantia aut qualitas propria significatur, et ut major vis adjiciatur demonstrationi."-Hand, Turs. 2, p. 256.

13. Plebis ædificiis-atriis principum. Edificium is the


88 generic word for buildings of all kinds, like oikódnμa. Atrium is a nobler expression, hall; as we say, halls of the great. Other synonymes are ædes, domus, both meaning a dwelling-house; domus as the home of a family, ades as composed of several apartments, like dópot, δώματα.—D.

16. In ædium vestibulis. "Paulo ante dixit, 'medio ædium. In medio scilicet atrii, quod fere in aditu ædium.”—Ruperti. Plutarch, in his Life of Camillus, c. 21, states that they sat in the Forum. Zonaras, 7, 23, says that they were eighty in number. See Niebuhr, vol. 2, p. 542.

16. Ornatum habitumque. Ornatus refers to dress, splendor of apparel; "habitus has a more general sense, whatever belongs to the exterior, cleanliness, mode of dressing the hair, carriage of the body," &c., (Döderlein,) bearing, outward appearance. So also we find in Livy vestitus habitusque, 28, 12; ib. 27; 29, 17; 30, 33. Also cultus habitusque, 23, 34.

18. Simillimos diis. "Primo ut deos venerati, deinde ut homines despicati interfecere." (Auctor de viris illustribus, in Camillo, quoted by Arnold, vol. 2, p. 328.)

20. Gallo-permulcenti. See note on Numitori, B. 1, c. 5. "When the Gauls saw these aged men in this array of majesty, sitting motionless amidst the confusion of the sack of the city, they at first looked upon them as more than human, and one of the soldiers drew near to M. Papirius, and began to stroke reverently his long white beard."-Arnold, vol. 2, p. 328.

CH. XLII.-30. Perinde atque. c. 44. Atque, "as." Z. § 340, Note.

See note on perinde, B. 3,

34. Non solum-sed ne-quidem. See note on non modosed ne quidem, B. 1, c. 40.

35. Concipere. This is the reading of the MSS., consipere, the conjecture of Lipsius, the reading of most editions. With either reading the sense is substantially the same: 66 not only lost all control over their minds, but even their ears and eyes." They were completely bewildered, and could not credit the evidence of their senses.

38. Avertisset, the reading of the MSS., not advertisset, the reading in most editions. Comp. B. 1, 12, averteratque ea res; 6, 23,

in se averterat.

44. Lux deinde, etc. well as to nox.-Alschefski.

"Nec tranquillior," belongs to lux as

89 CH. XLIII.-17. Testudine facta. "The name of testudo was applied to the covering made by a close body of soldiers, who placed their shields over their heads, to secure themselves against the darts of the enemy." See Dict. Antiqq.

21. Medio fere clivo, etc. The Capitoline hill was at this time guarded all round by a natural defence of precipitous cliff; and

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