Abbildungen der Seite

Corps of engineers to be stationed at Weft Point and to form a military academy but

Sec. 27. And be it further enacted, That the faid corps when fo organized, shall be ftationed at Weft-Point in the ftate of New York, and fhall conftitute a military academy; and the engineers, affiftant engineers, and cadets of the faid corps, fhall be fubject, at all times, to do duty in fuch places, and dent fhall di- on fuch fervice, as the Prefident of the United States fhall direct.

to go to and

do duty in

ther places

as the Prefi


The Princi

cipal engin

eer, and in

the next in

rank, to fuperintend

the military


Sec. 28. And be it further enacted, That the principal engineer, and in his abfence his abfence, the next in rank, fhall have the fuperintendance of the faid military academy, under the direction of the Prefident of the United States; and the fecretary of war is hereby The fecreta- authorised, at the public expenfe, under ry of war to fuch regulations as fhall be directed by the necefiary Prefident of the United States, to procure book, &c. the neceffary books, implements and apparatus for the ufe and benefit of the faid inftitution.

procure the

Repeal of

laws within

of this;

Saving claufe.

Sec. 29. And be it further enacted, That the purview fo much of any act or acts, now in force, as comes within the purview of this act, fhall be, and the fame is hereby repealed; faving, nevertheless, fuch parts thereof, as relate to the enlistments or term of fervice of any of the troops, which, by this act, are continued on the prefent military establishment of the United States.

NATHL. MACON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. A. BURR,

Vice-Prefident of the United States, and Prefident of the Senate.




AN ACT for the relief of Francis Duto chouquet.

E it enacted by the Senate and House of Reprefentatives of the United States of America in Congress affembled, That there be paid to Francis Duchouquet, out of any monies in the treafury, not otherwise appropriated, the fum of two hundred and ninety one dollars, and eighty-four cents, in full compenfation for monies by him advanced to redeem certain American citizens captured by the Indians.


Speaker of the House of Reprefentatives.


Vice-Prefident of the United States, and
Prefident of the Senate.




AN ACT for the accommodation of Perfons concerned in certain fisheries therein mentioned.


E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congress affembled, That from and after the paffing of this act, it shall be

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the cuftoms

at Edenton

Collector of lawful for the collector of the cuftoms for the district of Edenton to permit any vessel to permit having on board falt only, after due report the landing of falt at and entry, and fecurity given for the duties, fisheries and other places to proceed under the inspection of an officer in his distria; of the customs to any fishery, or other landing place within the diftrict, (to be defignated in the permit) and there discharge the fame; fubject, however, in all other refpects, to the regulations, reftrictions, penalties and provifions eftablished by an act paffed the fecond of March, in the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-nine, intituled "An act to regulate the collection of duties on imports and tonnage.".

In other refufual regula tions to be ob

pects the


Infpectors or other officers

of the cuftoms

entitled to accommoda

tions from the


And to pecu

niary compen

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That every infpector or other officer of the customs, while performing duty on board any fuch veffel, elsewhere than in the port to which fuch officer may properly belong, fhall be entitled to receive from the mafter, or commander thereof, fuch provifions and other accommodations (free from expenfe) as are usually supplied to paffengers, or as the state and condition of the veffel will admit.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That fations if more if by reafon of the delivery of any cargo of than 15 days falt, in manner aforefaid, more than fifteen be fpent therein. working days (computing from the date of entry) fhall, in the whole, be fpent therein, the wages or compenfation of fuch infpector, or other officer of the cuftoms who may be employed on board any veffel, in respect to which fuch term may be fo exceeded, fhall, for every day of fuch excefs, be paid by mafter or owner; and until paid, it fhall

not be lawful for the collector to grant a clearance, or to permit fuch veffel to depart from the diftrict.


Speaker of the House of Reprefentatives.


Vice-President of the United States, and Prefident of the Senate.




AN ACT to amend an act, intituled "An act to lay and collect a direct tax within the United States."

E it enacted by the Senate and House of


Collectors to

lands taxable.

America, in Congress affembled, That the collectors in each district fhall prepare and provide lifts of transmit to their refpective fuperyifors, correct lifts of all lands within their ref pective collection diftricts, which by the act paffed the fourteenth day of July, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-eight, intituled "An act to lay and collect a direct tax within the United States," they now are or hereafter fhall be authorized to advertise for fale, fpecifying therein, the perfons in whofe names the affefments were ori

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Tranfcripts of ginally made, and the fums due thereon publifhed; and refpectively; of which lifts it fhall be the

which to be


Payment within fix months.

fold on failure of payment.

duty of the supervisor, in all cafes to cause correct tranfcripts to be made out, and to cause to be inferted for five weeks fucceffively, in one or more news-papers publifhed within his district, one of which shall be the gazette in which are published, by authority, the laws of the state within whofe limits the faid district may be comprised, if there be any fuch gazette, a notification, that fuch tranfcripts are lodged at his office, and are open to the free infpection of all parties concerned; and alfo notifying, that the tax due upon the faid lands may pe paid to the collector within whofe divifion the aforefaid lands are contained, or to the supervisor of the district, at any time within the space of fix months from the date of fuch notification, and the time when, and places where fales will be made of all lands upon which any part of the direct tax fhall remain due after the expiration of the time aforefaid.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That Lands to be in cafe of failure on the part of the owner or owners of the aforefaid lands to pay within the aforefaid time, the full amount of tax due thereon, the collectors under the direction, and with the approbation of their refpective fupervisors, fhall immediately proceed to fell, at public fale, at the times and places mentioned in the advertisement of the fupervisor, fo much of the lands aforefaid as may be fufficient to fatisfy the fame, together with all the cofts and charges of preparing lifts, advertising and notifying as aforefaid and of fale.

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