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Dls. Cts.

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ment, by the Perfons who have Right by Law to make the fame,
cr by an Affiftant or Justice of the Peace.
10. Be it further enacted, That all Male Perfons with
in this State, from eighteen Years of Age to twenty-
one, not hereafter fpecially exempted, fhall be fet in
the Lift, each Perfon at
And all Male Perfons within this State, from twenty-
one Years of Age to feventy (except Minifters of the
Gofpel, the Prefident, Profeffors and Tutors of the
Collegiate-School, conftant School-Mafters, and Stu-
dents of College, until the Expiration of the Time
for taking their fecond Degree, and Perfons which
are or may be exempted by fpecial Act of the Gene-
ral Affembly) fhall be fet in the Lift, cach Perfon at
11. And all rateable Eftate fhall be fet in the Lift as
follows, viz. every Ox or Steer of four Years old and
upwards, fhall be fet in the Lift at

Every Steer of three Years old, and every Cow or Heif-
er of three Years old and upwards, at
Every Heifer or Steer of two Years old, at

All Bulls, more than one owned by one Perfon, fhall be
fet in the Lift at the rate of Steers or Oxen of the
fame Age.


10 O

At what age & rate polls fhall be fet in the lift.

Who exempt.

Rateable ef tate.


7 O

3 34

That all neat Cattle under two Years old, fhall be ex

empted out of the List.

Each Horfe or Mare of three Years old and upwards, at 10 O (except Stallions, and Troopers Horfes inlifted)

Horfes, &c.

Each Stallion or Seed-Horfe of more than three Years

old at


Each covering Jack at

Each Horfe-kind of two Years old at

And every Horfe-kind of one Year old at

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3 34


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3 34

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Every Mule of three Years old, or upwards at

Every Mule of two Years old

Every Mule of one Year old

All meadow Lands in the County of Hartford, both for

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All meadow Lands, both falt and fresh, within the Counties of New-Haven, New-London, Fairfield, Windham and Litchfield, at

per Acre. Except Boggy-Meadow, which, if mowed at per Acre.

Always provided, That all Plowlands, fhall be fo affeffed only for that Year in which the Crops are taken off

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or feparated from the faid Lands; but in the next
Year following it shall be affeffed as pasture Land at
per Acre.

And fo from Year to Year till the Year wherein the
faid Land shall be plowed for another Crop, in which
it fhall be Rate free, and in the Year in which the
Crop is to be taken off or feperated from faid Land,
it fhall be rated at
as aforefaid
mowing, at
per Acre,
Except fuch Lands as are much over-grown
Woods, Bufhes, Briers and the like, whereby the
Lands become unserviceable for Pasture, whether the
fame have been cleared or not, which fhall be asses-
fed at

all upland pasture, either for feeding or

per Acre:


Land uninclo- All uninclosed Lands in this State fhall be fet as fol


lows, viz. All Timber Lands, which, if cleared,
would be fit for mowing or plowing at

per Acre:

All other Timber Lands, (except on Mountains inaccef-
ible to Teams) at

Dols. Cts.

1 34

1 67


0 34

o. 34



per Acre;

And all other uninclosed Lands, at

That all Meadow Lands in the Towns of Middletown,
Haddam, Eaft-Haddam, and Chatham, in the Coun-
ty of Middlesex, whether improved for Plowing or
Mowing, fhall be fet in the Lift, at

per Acre, cxcept Boggy Meadow, which Bog Mea-
dow, and all other Lands in the County of Middle-
fex, and in the County of Tolland, shall be set in the
Lift at the fame rate as the Lands in the Counties of
New-London and Windham..


2 50

That all Horfe kind, and other Creatures rateable by Law, that are put upon any Farms in this State, out of the Town where the Cattle &c. in Owners dwell, and under the Care, Occupancy and Improve-. towns remote ment of a Tenant there, fhall be put into the Lift of the Owners. from the ow- of fuch Creatures in the Town where fuch Farm lieth; and in



all other Cafes,all Horfe-kind and other Creatures rateable by Law fhall be put into the Lift of the Polls and rateable Eftate of the Owners thereof, in the Towns where they dwell.

12. All Minifters of the Gospel that now are or hereafter shall Certain exemp be fettled in this State, during their Continuance in the Ministry. fhall have all their Eftates lying in the fame Society or Town wherein they dwell, and all Polls belonging to their feveral Families, exempted from being put into the Lift. And alfo the Eftate of the Prefident of Yale-College for the Time being, fhall be


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a list of all

under the fame Regulations as Minifters of the Gospel. As alfo in like Manner fhail all Lands and Buildings in this State, fequeftered to and improved for Schools, or other public or pious Ufes. 13. And be it further enacted, That the Lifters in the several Towns in this State, fhall in the Month of September annually, Liftersto make make a true Lift of Names of all Male Perfons, in their refpective male perfons. Towns not herein before exempted (placing the Names of Minors in a separate Lift) and the Civil Authority, and Select-men, to- Abatement on gether with the Lifters in the respective Towns, may abate from lift of polls. fuch Lift, the Polls of fuch Perfons as are difabled by Sickness, Lameness, or other Infirmity, provided always that such abatement fhall not exceed one tenth Part of fuch Polls.

And it fhall be the Duty of the Civil Authority, Select-men


and Lifters, to make the Abatement aforefaid on or before the first Time of makThursday of October annually; And it shall be the Duty of the ing abateLifters to make up the Lift of their respective Town, and return them to the General Assembly, exclufive of the Polls which fhall have been abated.

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Each Chaife or other riding Wheel-Carriage with a
covered Top at

And every open Chair and other open-top riding.
Wheel-Carriage at

Each Gold Watch at

All other Kind of Watches at

All fteel and brafs-wheeled Clocks at

Wooden wheeled Clocks at

All wrought ho fhold Silver Plate, at Six per Cent. on the juft Value thereof at

per Ounce.

All Monies at Intereft on good Security, except Monies loaned to this State or the United States, more than the Owners thereof pay Interest for at 6 per Cent. on the just Value thereof.

Each Dwelling-Houfe in good repair at

for each Fire-place therein; the Lifters may abate for
old and decayed Houfes, one Quarter, one Half, or
three Quarters of the Sum aforelaid, according as the
Houses fhall appear to them to be more or less decayed,
or depreciated in Value.

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3 34


1 11


2 50 Houfes

15. And be it further enacted, That after making up the Lift of Lifters direefpecific Articles aforefaid, the Lifters fhall proceed to make the ted how to affollowing Affeffments, to wit:


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Each Attorney at Law (the leaft Practioner) at
larger Practioners higher in Proportion.

Each Physician or Surgeon (the least Practitioner) at
and others in Proportion.

Each Shop-keeper or Trader whatsoever (the lowest
Clafs) at

And all others in due Proportion;

That each allowed and licenced Tavern-keeper be fet at
and to be added to in Proportion to their Situation
and Profits according to the best Judgment of the
Lifters ;

That each and every Perfon that followeth any me-
chanical Art or Mystery, fuch as Black-fmiths, Shoe-
makers, Tanners, Gold-fmiths or Silver-fmiths, and
every other Handy-Craft, fhall be fet in the Lift
at least

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and to be added to at the best Difcretion of the Lifters;
Each Corn-mill standing on a Stream fufficient to car-
ry the fame through the various Seafons of the Year,
and fo fituated that they are conftantly fupplied with
Cuftom, fhall be fet in the Lift annually at
And others of leffer Advantages whether Wind-mills
or others, at a lefs Sum in Proportion, according to
the best Judgment of the Lifters.
And that the Lifters fhall affefs Owners of Slitting-
mills, Oil-mills, Saw-mills, and all other Water
Works, (except Iron-works) by which Profits arise;
and that all other Works and Occupations followed
or pursued by any Perfons, by which Profits arife,
and which have not been enumerated in this A&
(except Business in any public Office, Hufbandry,
and common Labour for Hire) fhall be affeffed by the
beft Judgment of the Lifters in due Proportion, to
the Rules given in particular Inftances in this Act.

16. And that the Affeffments made by the Lifters by Virtue of this Act, shall be fo returned to the General Affembly in October annually, that the Affembly may judge whether on the whole Juf Affeffments to tice has been done by the Lifters: And the Lifters fhall carefulbe returned to ly return the Names of thofe of all Denominations who shall be the General affeffed, and the Sums annexed at which they are reípectiv ely affeffed, to faid Affembly.


17. Be it further enacted, That the Lifters in the several Towns in this State, fhall receive, make up and tranfmit to the General Affembly, and lodge with the Town Clerk the Lifts of fuch Towns respectively, in the following Form and Order of Arrangement,



A true Lift of the Polls and Estate of the Town of rateable by Law on the 20th day of Auguft, 17


Polls fron 21 to'70 Years of Age, at
Polls from 18 to 21 Years of Age, at
Oxen and Bulls four Years old, at

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Cows, Steers, Heifers, and Bulls 3 Years old, at
Heifers, Steers, or Bulls of 2 Years old, at
Stallion or Seed Horfe more than 3 Years old, at
Horfe-Kind of 3 Years old, at

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Horfe-Kind of 2 Years old, at



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Chariots, at

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