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When the pain is extreme, and the stomach rejects both food and medicine, the bowels being obstinately costive, there is considerable danger in giving very active purgatives, as they frequently increase the symptoms they are intended to relieve. By taking away as much blood as the patient can bear, using the warm bath, and combining opium with the catharties, we sometimes succeed, where, with different treatment, the case would be lost. The opium, according to the ingenious, and I believe true, theory of Darwin, restores the bowel to its natural irritability, and then assists the action of the cathartic; the bleeding reduces inflammation, and materially allays the sickness of the stomach. This symptom, however, is very frequently occasioned by the presence of bile in the stomach; it was evidently the case in the instance just alluded to; we may therefore infer that the liver also is acted upon by the lead, and that bleeding has a beneficial effect in subduing the undue action of that organ.

Leicester-Square, July 22, 1812.



ATa meeting of the planters and merchants interested in the sugar manufactory and trade, at Mason's-hall, Barbadoes, on Tuesday, Aug. 20, the following resolutions were passed among others:-That the distresses of the West-India planters have increased to an extent hitherto unexampled. That adimitting the abolition of the slave trade to be a measure founded on the general principles of humanity, and therefore not to be shaken by considerations of lesser importance; this fact is certain, that the present population of the negroes can only be kept up by an unremitting care and liberal attention to their comfort.-That the use of sugar in the distilleries produced considerable relief to the planter, by giving a vent to 770,000 cwts. of an inferior and middling quality, which now is only vendible at the most ruinous prices.-That a partial export of sugar from the West Indies was formerly allowed in American bottoms, the prohibition of which has proved extremely injurious to the planters. who receive those stores so essential to the existence of their plantations from the United States, to pay for which money is now drained from the colonies.-That another mode of relief, at once obvious and just, is the reduction of the duties under a regulation proportioning them to the average price of sugar;-since it was proved before the committee of the House of Commons, that the expence we pay on every cwt. of sugar which we produce, is 20s. 6d. sterling, from our stores from Europe, Island taxes (exclusive of the four and half per cent. duty) and salaries, and 16s. per cwt. for freight, insurance, and mercantile charges, with the addition of 27s. per cwt. duty, making the total of our charges, without any nett profit to us, amount to 63s. 6d. sterling per cwt. of sugar; it is therefore clear, that when the average price of sugar, exclusive of duty, is 363. 6d. per cwt. we actually derive no rent for our lands and perishable capital, nor any compensation for our personal labours.

During the month another great banking house stoped payment in London, ruining hundreds of families, and scattering dismay through the Commercial world. This is the sixth or seventh failure of the kind within the space of three or four years. Is it not time then that some strong legislature measures should be adopted to punish such capital social delinquencies? Ought not some effective plan to be adopted also for the purpose of preventing the manufacturing of Bills of Exchange, which are not founded on real transactions, and which are the source of these evils? Ought not the Bank of England to withdraw their confidence from all such bills? In a word, ought not industry and plain dealing to be made to triumph over speculation or fraud? The aphorisms, signed Common Sense, in the present Number, mag perhaps have the effect of giving a better direction to our paper system.

The following is an official statement of goods, wares, and merchandizes, exported from the United States during one year prior to the 1st day of October, 1811, amounting to 61,316,833 dollars.

The goods, wares, and merchandizes, of domestic growth or manufacture, in- Dollars. cluded in this statement, estimated at

Those of foreign growth




The articles of domestic growth or manufacture may be arranged under the following heads, viz.:

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The goods, wares, and merchandizes, of foreign growth or manufacture, were exported to the following countries, viz.

To the dominions of Russia, Prussia, Sweden, and Denmark.

Great Britain

Spain and Portugal.

France and Italy

To all other countries...






The following is an account of Copper imported into and exported from Great Britain, in the Years 1809, 1810, and 1811:

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The 3 per cent. consols on the 28th were 561, the 5 per cents. 881, and the omnium at premium.

At Messrs. Wolfe and Co.'s, Canal Office, No. 9, Change Alley, Cornhill.-Grand Junction Canal shares fetch 2251. per share.-Kennet and Avon, 251. ditto.-East India Dock, 1131, per cent.-London dock stock, 1111. ditto.-West India ditto, 1421. ditto.


THE latter hay harvest is scarcely yet finished in many parts; the quantity as great as ever known, but most of it damaged, and of inferior condition. The turnip lands have worked well, but sowing is not yet completed; the forward turnips and cabbages appear healthy. The fallows in a mellow and friable state. All lands throughout the island, capa ble of growing a crop of corn, have been applied to that purpose.

The stoutest wheats have been a good deal beaten down by the rains and thunder storms, whilst the light crops upon poor lands have been apparently improved. Mildew and smut have been discovered within the last fortnight, with a considerable quantity of brands or burnt ears. The mildew or blue mould has been early and universal upon the corn this year, although unnoticed till of late; but, as far as the limited personal inspection of the present reporter has extended, corn has never been more clean and free from vermin and impurities, under such circumstances, than in the present season. This is probably to be attributed to the unusual mildness of the N.E. winds, and to their short intervals of duration, although so frequent, a circumstance most favorable and preservative of the crop of wheat. In various parta the crops in general are most luxuriant and bulky, and a friend from the coast of Sussex, boasts of long and large ears of wheat, with great plenty of them. Throughout the country the ears of wheat are said to be of moderate size, and the promise for both corn and straw to be considerable. Chilling N.E. winds, the bane of vegetation, have detracted much from the present, which might otherwise have been the largest crop of corn ever grown in this country. These frequent and unavoidable accidents add unspeakable force to the thousand argumienta in favor of a bill of general enclosure, an advantage which Scotland has enjoyed for


more than a century, and to which so much of its prosperity is to be attribute. Rye among the best of the crops, and harvest expected within a fortnight in the forwardest counties, Accounts of harvest in foreign parts thus far satisfactory.

Heavy complaints from too many quarters of tenancy-at-will and short leases, those lamentable preventions of improvement, and poisoners at the very source of public and private interest. Rent as high as the times will bear, but long leases, the power of transfer, no obligation to summer fallow, and no absurd pettifogger's restrictions. The above complaints are mixed with high encomiums upon certain landlords, most particularly of Norfolk and Scotland.

Of potatoes the report generally satisfactory. The fruits much blighted, and the same maThe wool trade at a stand, nothing having lady must necessarily have extended to the hops transpired at any of the marts as a sufficient guide. The oak-bark harvest was successfully nished. Rape a great crop.

Smithfield: Beef 5s. 2d. to 6s. 2d.-Mutton 5s. 28. to 6s. 4d.-Veal 5s. 6d. to7s. 6d.-Lamb 6s. to 8s.-Pork 5s. 4d. to 6s. 104.-Bacon 63. 84.-Irish ditto ǝs. 6d. to 6s.-Skins 20s. to 60s.--Fat 4s 83.-Oil Cake 171. 17s. per thousand.

Corn Exchange: Wheat 80s. to 160s.-Barley 60s. to 66s-Oats 58s. to 68s.-The quartern loaf 20d.-Hay 41. to 6l. 15s. per load. -Clover 71. to 81. 10s.-Straw 21. 15s. to 31. 12s.

Middlesex, July 27.


Observations on the State of the Weather, from the 24th of June, 1812, to the 24th of July, 1812, inclusive; Four Miles N. N. W. St. Paul's.

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Highest, 75°. July 7. Wind East.
Lowest, 40°. June 27.


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This variation eccurred between the middle of the days of the 25th and 26th of the last month. On the former the mercury was at 64°. and on the latter it was no higher than 519.

The quantity of rain fallen since the last report, is equal to 4 67 inches in depth: a large proportion of which fell on the 25th and 26th of June: on the 26th there was, in this place, a very heavy storm, with the loudest thunder we ever remember to have heard: the rain came down for a considerable time in torrents.

The quantity of rain, the number of wet days, and the coldness of the temperature, have been subjects of general observation and regret. During the whole month the thermometer has not been once as high as summer heat. The average temperature for the month is 59 666, which is six degrees lower than it was for the same period last year. The mean height of the barometer is equal to 29-681: the wind has blown mostly from the westerly points, though we have had some days of severe easterly blasts: a white frost has covered the verdure of the Jow lands twice in the course of the last week.

Highgate, July 25, 1812.

ERRATUM in Mr. Gardner's Paper on Music in our last: at the top of the second column for "common cut of all chords" read commonest of all chords

Since the ingenious Article relative to the Extraction of Roots was printed at pp. 32 and 33, we have received from Mr. EVANS the following ERRATA ET ADDENDA"In p. 32, in title, instead of "ly inspection" read quithout inspection;" in rule 1, line 2, instead of "this is done by simple inspection" read "this is very simple ;" in page 33, before rule 3, insert the follow. ing paragraph: Where the units figure" in cube is 1,5, 7, or 9, if on subtracting, as in rule 2, the remainder should be 0, then you are not to borrow tens to enable you to divide, but the "tens figure" in root is 0; in cubes, whose units figure" is 2, 4, 6, or 8, if on substracting, as above, the reminder is 0, then the "tens Agure" in root is either ( or 5; and for ascertaining whether 0 o is the "tens figure" in root see additional remark made below; in col. 2, p. 53, line 15, instead of is an even number" read "is 0, or an even number ;” in line 17, instead of " 4 results" read "5 results" in line 19 and 20, instead of "namely, 2, 4, 6, or 8," read" namely. 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8;" in 1. 27, insert a comma after"under" in 1 47, omit "some;" additional observation, The rationals of these rules is so very simple, as hardly to require explanation, nevertheless I will exhibit them in my next communication."

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No. 231.]

SEPTEMBER 1, 1812.

[2 of VOL. 34..

As long as those who write are ambitious of making Converts, and of giving their Opinions a Maximum of Influence and Celebrity, the most extensively circulated Miscellany will repay with the greatest Effect the Curiosity of those who read, whether it be for Amusement or for Instruction.-JOHNSON.


To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.


IF there is one social institution dear above every other to freemen, it is that of JURIES, by which are to be decided all litigated questions, whether between government and subject, or between subject and subject.

The value, however, of this institution entirely depends on the mode by which the Jury are brought into the Box. If they are packed, picked, or selected, by an interested or partial officer; or if they are in any manner unduly influenced, they serve only to give colour to injustice, and become a nuisance to society and the greatest of social curses, instead of being the first of social blessings.

Yet it so happens that the public have at present very slender security, that Ju. ries are at any time judiciously or impar tially returned; and there exist at present no effective laws to restrain those whose duty it is to return them. In sheriff' offices the freeholder's book is at best opened at random; but it lies entirely in the option of the sheriff, of his deputy, or of his deputy's deputy, to select, pick, and choose, or to reject, pass over, and omit, whomsoever they please. No check exists in this respect, nor is any imposed by law. It may not happen that Juries are unfairly returned, yet it is a fact, that the public have no security, except in the honour of the officer or clerk, who strikes the Jury.

In regard to special Juries, which are chiefly employed to try causes between the crown and the subject, it is well known that they are chosen or picked from the freeholder's book by an officer of the court, who is in truth an officer of the government. Nothing need be said at this time on so lax and dangerous a mode of proceeding; it has already been often discussed, and never has been alluded to but to be reprobated.

Juries, like Cæsar's wife, ought not only to be innocent, but to be unsus. pected; yet how can they be without suspicion if they are not called together in some regular and predetermined order, MONTHLY MAG, No. 231,

by which no qualified person could be omitted in the discretion of any one; or

taken, except in exact rotation; which rotation will usually be determined by their residence.

There is likewise another imperfec tion in the constitution of our Juries, which, if not guarded against, would be increased by the mode of summoning above indicated. If Juries were taken in exact rotation, as they stand in the freeholder's book, the entire Jury would come from one neighbourhood, and unas nimity in the Jury could not be ob tained; because it usually happens that, of any twelve housekeepers, in the same street or vicinity, one or two acquire or possess an influence, either of mind or purse, over the others, and the decision in such case is not made by twelve, but by one or two only, who lead or direct the others. Every man who has been on a Jury so convened must have been sensible of the weight of such undue influence, and that generally one of the Jury leads the opinion of half the others in every verdict. They either surrender their opinions to one whom they consider superior in pow ers of judging to themselves; or they do not choose to hazard a quarrel by contending with an obstinate or over-bearing neighbour. It is therefore of the deepest consequence in summoning a Jury to call them from different hundreds or districts, thereby securing their mutual indepen dence, occasioning them to be of dif ferent occupations and habits of life, and qualifying them by various local knowledge, to try causes which relate to all parts of their jurisdiction.

To combine therefore the two requisites of regular rotation, and of unconnected persons from three districts, I have be

neath sketched the form of an Act of Parliament which, if passed, and duly enforced, would secure to the people of the British empire all the advantages that can belong to Trial by Jury.

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dered as endangering the due succession and impartial return of persons to serve on Juries, it is enacted, that the names of all Jurors, except those summoned to serve on Inquests, shall be extracted from the freeholder's or other lists, authorized by law, in the exact rotation in which they were last returned in such lists, grecably to their respective qualifications, for particular Juries, according to the 4th and 5th of W. and M. cap. 24; and that one third of the persons so qualified to serve on every Jury shall be nominated out of three several hundreds or districts of the jurisdiction of the court, to which such Jury are summoned, such three hundreds or districts being also taken in rotation, and as distant from each other as conveniently may be, till all the hundreds and districts, and all the persons respectively qualified, have been taken as aforesaid; to the intent that no person shall be nominated and summoned to serve on any kind of Jury a second time till all the persons of similar qualifications within the jurisdiction have Served, have paid the usual fine, or have been excused by the court for good and lawful cause, and that all Juries when sworn shall consist of an equal number of persons from three remote hundreds or dis. tricts of the jurisdiction.

That for every offence against the said provisions, the sheriff, bailiff, or person Lawfully empowered to nominate and convene such Juries, shall forfeit one hundred pounds, one half to the informer, and one half to the poor of the parish in which such sheriff, &c. resides.

That sheriffs, bailiffs, and others, may, be provided with correct lists of persons qualified to serve, according to the intent and meaning of the 3d of Geo. 11. cap. 95, it is enacted, that, for omissions of names, or for deviations from the lists put on the church doors, and as amended by the parishioners with the privity of the constable, the said constable shall for every such omission and deviation in the list returned by him to the headborough, forfeit the sum of five pounds for the first offence, and ten pounds for every second and following offence, or in such latter case suffer not less than one, nor more, than three months' imprisonment.

That, should the constable omit to return the lists to the headborough, or to affix them on the church door, as directed by the aforesaid Act, he shall forfeit fifty pounds for every such offence, or suffer not less than three, nor more than six months' imprisonment.

That the like forfeiture or imprison. ment shall be inflicted on the headbo rough, for any wilful alteration or devia. tion made by him.

That, should the clerk of the peace omit to return the said lists in due time, as directed by the 3d and 4th of Anne, cap. 18, sec. 5, he shall forfeit one hundred pounds; or, should he make wilful alterations or omissions in the same, he shall forfeit one hundred pounds for every such offence.

That, in order to secure the due sum moning of Jurors after they have been nominated by the sheriff, it is further enacted, that, for every omission, the officer appointed to serve the regular summonses shall forfeit twenty pounds, or suffer three months' imprisonment, in the pleasure of the court to which the Jury are sume moned.

That, to secure the attendance of Jurors, it is further enacted, that grand or speciał Jurors failing to attend, without sufficient excuse made in open court upon the oath of one or more witnesses, shall forfeit not less than twenty pounds, nor more than fifty pounds, in the pleasure of the court and petit Jurors omitting to attend, except as aforesaid, shall forfeit not less than fire, nor more than twenty pounds, one half tə the sheriff, and one half to the poor of the parish in which the said several Jurymen reside.

An Act of Parliament containing the provisions above specified, would lay at rest all anxiety about Juries for several centuries; but, until something of the kind is enacted, the public will lose half the security, and half of all the be nefits to be derived from the inestima ble system of Trial by Jury.

It has grieved me to see a question lately agitated in regard to the unanimity required in the decision of Juries. Some foreigners, who could not have understood or duly considered the nature of our Jury-system, have treated the unanimity required of Juries as a blemish, and even as an impracticable and unreasonable demand; and some Englishmen have hastily conceded this point, and have been industriously engaged in propagating this error through the me dium of our press.

A very slight consideration will, how ever, prove the infinite worth and singu lar propriety of the practice as it stands. The decision of a Jury is intended to be a TEST OF TRUTH: not an approximation towards truth, or a declaration of mere pro bability. Certainty, not probability, i

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