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It will be seen that the junction of the French armies compelled Lord Welling ton to abandon all his Spanish conquests, and retreat with the loss of 4000 British and Portuguese, to the frontiers of Por tugal.

Dispatches, of which the following are extracts, were received by Earl Bathurst, addressed to his Lordship, by General the Marquess Wellington.

Pitiegue, Nov. 7, 1812. The enemy repaired the bridge at Toro at a much earlier period than I expected. I therefore desired Sir R. Hill to continue his march by Fontiveros upon Alba de Tormes, and, as soon as I found that he was sufficiently forward, I broke up yesterday morning from the position which I had held in front of Tordesillas since the 30th of last month, and I am in march towards the heights of St. Christovel, in front of Salamnanca.

The enemy has not pressed at all upon the rear of the troops under Lieut..general Sir R Hill, nor have those on the Douro followed the march of the troops under my command; I conclude the two corps will unite, which, in consequence of the situation of the Douro, I could not prevent.

Ciudad Rodrigo, Nov 19. The troops under the command of Lieut.general Sir R. Hill crossed the Tormes, at Alba, on the 8th instant, and those under my command took their position on the heights of St. Christoval de la Cuesta on the same day; Brigadier-general Pack's brigade occupying Aldea Lengua, and Brigadiergeneral Bradford's Caberizos on the right; and the British cavalry covering our front. I had desired Lieut.-general Sir R. Hill to occupy the town and castle of Alba, with Major general Howard's brigade of the 2d division, leaving Lieut. general Hamilton's Portuguese division on the left of the Tormes, to support those troops; while the 2d divi. eion was posted in the neighbourhood of the fords of Encinas and Huerta, and the 3d and 4th divisions remained at Calvarassa de Ariba in reserve.

On the 9th the enemy drove in the piquets of Major general Long's brigade of cavalry, in front of Alba; and Major-general Long was obliged to withdraw his troops through Alba on the morning of the 10th. In the course of the day, the enemy's whole army approached our positions on the Tormes, and they attacked the troops in Alba with 20 pieces of cannon and a considerable body of infantry. They made no impression on them, however, and withdrew the cannon and the greater part of the troops on that night, and this attack was never renewed.

I inclose Lieut.-general Hamilton's report to Sir Rowland Hill of the transactions at Alba, which were highly creditable to the MONTHLY MAG. No. 235.

troops employed.

From the 10th till the

11th, the time was passed in various reconnoissances, as well of the fords of the Tormes as of the position which the troops under my command occupied on the right of that river, in front of Salamanca; and on the 14th the enemy crossed that river in force, at three fords near Lucinas, about two leagues above Alba.

I immediately broke up from St. Christoval, and ordered the troops to move towards Arapiles; and, as soon as I had ascertained the direction of the enemy's march from the fords, I moved with the 2d division of infantry, and all the cavalry I could collect, to attack them, leaving Lieut.-general Sir Rowland Hill with the 4th, and Lieut. general Hamilton's divisions, in front of Alba, to protect this movement, and the 3d division in reserve on the Arapiles to secure the possession of that position.

The enemy, however, were already too numerous, and too strongly posted at Mo-" zarbes, to be attacked; and I confined myself to a cannonade of their cavalry, under cover of which I reconnoitred their position.


In the evening I withdrew all the troops. from the neighbourhood of Alba to the Arapiles leaving a small Spanish garrison in the castle, and having destroyed the bridge. the course of the night and following morning morning, I moved the greatest part of the troops through Salamanca, and placed Lieut.-general Sir E. Paget with the 1st division of infantry on the right, at Aldea Tojada, in order to secure that passage for the troops over the Zunguen, in case the movements of the enemy on our right flank should render it necessary for me to make choice either of giving up my communications with Ciudad Rodrigo or balamanca.

On the 15th, in the morning, I found the enemy fortifying their position at Mozarbes, which they had taken up the night before; at the same time that they were moving bodies of cavalry and infantry towards their own left, and to our communication with Ciudad Rodrigo. It was obvious that it was the enemy's intention to act upon our communications; and, as they were too strong, and too strongly posted for me to think of attacking them, I determined to move upon Ciudad Roarigo. I therefore put the army in march, in three columns, and crossed the Zunguen, and then passed the enemy's left fiank, and encamped that night on the Va


We continued our march successively on the 16th, 17th, 18th, and this day, when part of the army crossed the Agueda, and the whole will cross that river to-morrow.

The enemy followed our move...ent on the 16th, with a large body, probably the whole or the cavalry, and a considerable body of infantry, but they did not attempt to press upon our rear. They took advantage of the ground to cannonade our rear guard, consist 4 B

ing of the light division, under Major-general Charles Alten, on the 17th, on its passage of the Huebra, at San Munoz, and occasioned some loss.

The troops have suffered considerably from the severity of the weather, which, since the 15th, has been worse than I have ever known it at this season of the year.

I am sorry to add, that we have had the misfortune to lose Lieut. general Sir Edward Paget, who was taken prisoner on the 17th. He commanded the centre column; and, the fall of rain having greatly injured the roads, and swelled the rivulers, there was an interval between the 5th and 7th divisions of infantry. Sir Edward rode to the rear alone, to discover the cause of the interval; and, as the road passed through a wood, either a detachment of the enemy's cavalry had got upon the road, or he missed the road, and fell into their hands in the wood. I understand that Sir Edward was not wounded; but I cannot sufficiently regret the loss of his assistance at this moment.

In my dispatch of the 7th instant, I communicated to your Lordship my opinion of the strength of the enemy, as far as I could judge of it from the reports I had received, and from what I had seen. I have since learnt that Gen. Caffarelli, with the army of the North, certainly remained joined with the army of Portugal. Joseph Buonaparte left Madrid on the 4th instant, and arrived at Penaranda on the 8th, leaving at Madrid the civil authorities of his government, and a small garrison. These authorities and troops evacuated Madrid on the 7th, and marched for Castile; and Colonel Don Juan Palarea, the Medico, took possessson of that city.

Your Lordship will have seen General Ballesteros's letter of the 24th of October, to the Regency, from which you will observe, that he had d sobeyed the orders of the government, given to him at my suggestion, to march his troops into La Mancha, and hang upon the enemy's left flank, because the Regency and Cortes had offered me the chief command of the Spanish armies.

The whole of the enemy's disposeable force in Spain was therefore upon the Tormes in the middle of this month; and they were certainly not less than 80,000 men, but more probably 90,000; of these 10,000 were cavalry; and, as the army of Portugal alone had 100 pieces of cannon, it is probable that they had not less in all the armies than 200 pieces.

(Inclosure, No. 1.)

Alba de Tormes, Nov. 11. SIR, I have the honour to report the steps I have taken to carry into effect your instructions for the defence of this place, which, I am happy to say, have obliged the enemy to withdraw the greatest part of the force opposed to us; and I feel almost confident we shall be able to retain our position as long as you may deem expedient.

I yesterday garrisoned and provisioned the castle; and, by the exertions of Captain Goldfinch, of the engineers, it is put into as good a state as circumstances will admit: he is continuing strengthening it. Captain GoldAnch has been of great assistance to me.

I have appropriated to each regiment a district of this town, and the commanding officer has barricaded the streets and buildings in a very judicious manner. Brigadiers Da Costa and Campbell's brigades are in our position on the left bank of the Tormes. Brigadier Campbell reports his having caused the enemy some loss, their attempt to cross a ford near his position.

Lieutenant-Colonel Tulloh has made so good an arrangement of his two brigaves of guns, that, united with the position or the two brigades of infantry on the left bank of the Tormes, I consider my flanks secure.

Early yesterday morning Major general Long, commanding the cavalry in front, reported that the enemy were advancing in great force; I was, therefore, induced to retire the cavalry.

About ten o'clock the enemy appeared on the heights in considerable force of cavalry, and a few infantry, covering, as I conceived, a reconnoissance of several officers of rank. About ten o'clock the enemy's force was increased to fifteen squadrons, and six thousand infantry, and twenty guns, including six sixinch howitzers, which immediately commenced firing, and continued until it was dark. The enemy's light troops advanced close to the walls we had hastily thrown ups but from the cool and steady conduct of the 51st regiment, Colonel Stewart; 71st regiment, the Honourable Colonel Cadogan; the 924, Colonel Cameron; General Howard's brigade, the enemy dared not attempt the


About eight o'clock in the evening I was repeatedly informed that the enemy's infantry was considerably increasing, which induced me to order three battalions of Brigadier De Costa's brigade into the town, leaving his other battalion for the protection of the fords. The enemy during the right withdrew their artillery, and I have left a small force of cavalry and infantry, who keep up a smart fire. I have to regret the loss of a considerable number of men, but which I trust you will not deem great, when you consider the heavy and incessant fire of artillery for so many hours. The loss of the Portuguese was while on duty this morning, and I have real pleasure in reporting their steady and ani mated conduct.

I feel much indebted to Major-general Howard, who rendered me every possible assistance, as also to every officer and soldier of his excellent brigade, for their steady, zealous, and soldier-like conduct.

To Captain Pinto Savedra, my AssistantAdjutant-General; to Captain Watson, light dragoons, Assistant-quarter-master-general ;

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and to Captain Banbury, my aid-de-camp, I consider myself obliged, for their prompt execution of my orders.

Jenclose a return of the killed and wounded,
and trust we shall not have many more casu-
1 have the honour Sic.
(Signed) JoHN HAMILTON, Lieut. Gen.
Lieut.-Gen. Sir R. Hill.

Names of Officers killed.
October 23, 1812.-38th Foot, 1st. Batt.
-Captain Todd.

44th Foot, 2d. Batt.-Lieutenant Lennon. Brunswick Light Infantry-Captain Sternfeldt, Lieutenant Hartwig.


October 29, 1812.-11th Light DragoonsLieutenants Lye and Knipe.

12th Light Dragoons-Lieutenant Taylor. 16th Light Dragoons-Captain Murray, Lieutenant Lockhart, since dead.

1st Dragoons King's German Legion -Major Mey dell, Lieutenants Decken and Phibbs. 2nd Dragoons King's German Legion Lieutenant Hugo; Cornet De Massau.

October 25, 181-Royal ArtilleryLieutenant Johnstone.

4th Foot, 1st Batt.-Lieutenant-Col. Piper, slightly; Lieutenant Edgell, severely.

9th Foot, 1st Batt.-Lieutenants Ackland, Taylor, Hon. W. Curzons, and Ford, severely; Lieutenant Ross Lewin, slightly.

S0th Foot, 2d Batt.-Captain Hitchins, Lie tenant Andrews, slightly; Lieutenant Rumley, severely; Lieutenant Brisac, Ensigns Beere and Tincombe, slightly; Ensign Macden, severely.

44th Foot, 2d Batt.-Lieutenant-Colonel Harding, slightly; Lieutenant Elwis, dangerously; Ensign smith, severely.

Brunswick Dels Corps - Captain Nassau. 34 Regiment of the Line, PortugueseEnsign Joze de Moncada.

th Cacadores---Major Hill, slightly; Captain Western, severely; Captain Manoel Castin, slightly; Lieutenants Antonio Carlos and Joao Baptist, severely; Lieutenant Domingo Fortenha, slightly; Ensigns Joao dos Santo, Joao Sebastiano, and Rodrigo Navarre, and Adjutant Leech, severely.

October 27, 1812.--Royal Artillery Lieutenant-Colonel Robe, severely (not dangerously).

October 28, 1812.-51st Foot-Lieutenant Hickle, severely (arm amputated).


October 23, 1812.-16th Light Dragoons Lieutenant-Col. Pelly, Lieutenant Baker. 1st Dragoons, King's German LegionMajor Fischer.

24 Dragoons, King's German LegionCaptain Lenthe, Cornets Droege and Schaeffer. October 25, 1812.-9th Fout, 1st Bitt.Lieutenant Whitley.

38th Foot, 1st Batt-Brevet Major Evans. S. A. GOODMAN, D.A.A., Gen.


The new Parliament assembled on the SO:h of November, and was opened by the following Speech from the Regent.

"My Lords and Gentlemen,-It is with the deepest concern that I am obliged to announce to you, at the opening of this Parliament, the continuance of his Majesty's lamented indisposition, and the diminution of the hopes which I have most anxiously entertained of his recovery.

"The situation of public affairs has induced me to take the earliest opportunity of meeting you after the late elections. I am persuaded you will cordially participate in the satisfaction which I derive from the improvement of our prospects during the course of the present year. The valour and intrepidity displayed by his Majesty's forces and those of his Al lies in the Peninsula, on so many occasions during this campaign, and the consummate skill and judgment with which the oterations have been conducted by General the Marquess of Wellington, have led to consequences of the utmost importance to the common cause. By transferring the war into the interior of Spain, and by the glorious and ever memorable victory obtained at Salamanca, he has compelled the enemy to raise the siege of Cadiz; and the Southern provinces of that kingdom has been delivered from the power and arms of France.

"Although I cannot but regret that the efforts of the enemy, combined with a view to one great operation, have rendered it necessary to withdraw from the siege of Burgos, and to evacuate Madrid, for the purpose of concentrating the main body of the Allied Forces; these efforts of the enemy bave, revertheless, been attended with important sacrifices on their part, which must materially contribute to extend the re.ources nd facilitate the exertions of the Spani h nation.

"I am confident I may rely on your determination to continue to afford every ad in support of a contest which has first given to the Continent of Europe the example of persevering and successful resistance to the power of France, and on which not only the independence of the nations of the Peninsula, but the best interests of his Majesty's dominions essentially depend.

"I have great pleasure in commun cating to you, that the relations of peace and 1dship have been restored between his Majesty and the Courts of St. Petersburgh and Stoch holm. I have directed copies of the Treaties to be laid before you.

"In a contest for his own Sovereign rights, and for the independence of his dominions, the Emperor of Russia has had to oppose a large proportion of the military power or the French Government, assisted by its Allies, and by the tributary States dependent up

on it.

The resistance which he has opposed to

so formidable a combination, cannot fail to excite sentiments of lasting admiration.

"By his own magnanimity and perseverance, by the zeal and disinterestedness of all ranks of his subjects, and by the gallantry, firmness, and intrepidity of his forces, the presumptuous expectations of the enemy have been signally disappointed. The enthusiasm of the Russian nation has encreased with the difficulties of the contest, and with the dangers with which they were surrounded. They have submitted to sacrifices of which there are few examples in the history of the world; and 1 indulge the confident hope, that the determined perseverance of his Imperial Majesty will be crowned with ultimate success; and that this contest, in its result, will have the effect of establishing, upon a foundation never to be shaken, the security and independence of the Russian Empire. The proof of confidence which I have received from his Imperial Majesty in the measure which he has adopted of sending his fleets to the ports of this country, is in the highest degree gratifying to me; and bis Imperial Dajesty may most fully rely on my fixed determination to afford him the most cordial support in the great contest in which he is engaged.

"I have the satisfaction further to acquaint you, that I have concluded a treaty with his Sicilian Majesty, supplementary to the treaties of 1808 and 1809. As soon as the ratifications shall have been exchanged, I will direct a copy of this treaty to be laid before you. My object has been to provide for the more extensive application of the military force of the Sicilian Government to offensive operations; a measure which, combined with the liberal and enlightened principles which happily prevail in the Councils of his Sicilian Majesty, is calculated, I trust, to augment his power and resources, and at the same time to render them essentially serviceable to the common cause.

"The declaration of war by the Government of the United States of America was made under circumstances which might have afforded a reasonable expectation that the amicable relations between the two nations would not long be interrupted. It is with sincere regret that I am obliged to acquaint you, that the conduct and pretensions of that Government have hitherto prevented the conclusion of any pacific arrangement. Their measures of hostility have been principally directed against the adjoining British provinces, and every effort has been made to seduce the inhabitants of them from their allegiance to his Majesty.

"The proofs, however, which I have received of loyalty and attachment from his Majesty's subjects in North America, are highly satisfactory. The attempts of the enemy to invade Upper Canada, have not only proved abortive, but, by the judicious

arrangements of the Governor-General, and by the skill and decision with which the mi litary operations have been conducted, the forces of the enemy assembled for that pur pose in one quarter have been compelled to capitulate, and in another hate been com pletely defeated. My best efforts are not wanting for the restoration of the relations of peace and amity between the two countries; but, until this object can be attained without sacrificing the maritime rights of Great Bri tain, I shall rely upon your cordial support in a vigorous prosecution of the war.

"Gentlemen of the House of Commens,-I have ordered the estimates of the ensuing year to be laid before you, and I entertain no doubt of your readiness to furnish such supplies as may enable me to provide for the great interests committed to my charge, and to afford the best prospect of bringing the contest in which we are engaged to a successful termination.

"My Lords and Gentlemen,-The approach. ing expiration of the Charter of the East India Company, renders it necessary for me to call your early attention to the propriety of providing more effectually for the future Govern ment of our possessions in the East Indies. In considering the variety of interests connected with this important subject, I rely on your wisdom to make such arrangements as may best promote the prosperity of those territories, and at the same time secure the greatest advantage to the commerce and revenue of his Majesty's dominions.

"I have derived the greatest satisfaction from the success of the measure adopted by Parliament for suppressing those acts of outrage and insubordination which appeared in son.c parts of the kingdom: and from the disposition manifested to take advantage of the indemnity held out to the deluded by the wisdom and benevolence of Parliament, I trust I shall never have occasion to lament the recurrence of atrocities so repugnant to the British character, and that all his Ma jesty's subjects will be impressed with this conviction, that the happine's of individuals and the welfare of the State equally depend on strict obedience to the laws and steady attachment to our excellent Constitution.-In the loyalty of the people, and in the wisdom of Parliament, I place the greatest reliance. The same firmness and perseverance manifested on so many and such trying occasions will, I am persuaded, not be wanting, at a time when the eyes of all Europe and of the world are fixed upon you. I can assure you, that in the execution of the great trust reposed in me, no sentiment is so near my heart as the desire to promote, by every means in my power, the real pros,.rity, liberty, and happiness of his Majesty's subjects."

The principal object of discussion bas been the renewal of Stanhope's Gold-coin Bill, the design of which is to prevent

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parties who hold guineas from getting more for them than a pound-note and a shilling, though, at the paper or currency price of gold, they are worth above 27s. each!

Two hundred thousand pounds was also voted to the Russians whose houses had been burnt by the Russian armies; and grants were passed for the army extraordinaries, &c.


Mr. Madison, president of the United States, in his speech to Congress, on the 4th of November, introduces the follow. ing observations on General Hull's expedition, and on the employment of Indians by England.

Brigadier General Hull was charged with this provisional service, having under his commend a body of troops, composed of regulars

and of volunteers from the state of Ohio: having reached his destination, after his knowledge of the war, and possessing discretionary authority to act offensively, he passed into the neighbouring territory of the enemy with the prospect of an easy and victorious progress. The expedition, nevertheless, terminated unfortunately, not only in a retreat to the town and fort of Detroit, but in the surrender of both, and in the gallant corps commanded by that officer. The causes of this painful reverse will be investigated by a military tribu nal. A distinguishing feature in the operations which preceded and followed this adverse event, is the use made by the enemy of the merciless savages under their influence. Whilst the benevolent policy of the United States invariably recommended peace, and promoted civilization amongst that wretched portion of the human race, and was making exertions to dissuade them from taking either side in the war, the enemy has not scrupled to call to his aid their ruthless ferocity, armed with the horrors of those instruments of

carnage and torture which are known to spare neither age nor sex. In this outrage against the laws of honorable war, and against the feelings sacred to humanity, the British commanders cannot resort to a plan of retaliation;

for it is committed in the face of our example. They cannot mitigate it by calling it a selfdefence against men in arms, for it embraces the most shocking butcheries of defencelesa families; nor can it be pretended that they are not answerable for the atrocities perpetra knowledge and even with menaces, that their ted, since the savages are employed with the fury could not be controled. Such is the spectacle which the deputed authorities of a nation, boasting its religion and morality, have not been restrained from presenting to au en lightened age."

He concludes in the following elegant and glowing language:

"To have shrunk, under such circumstances, from manly resistance, would have been a degradation blasting our best and the high rank where the virtuous struggles of proudest hopes. It would have struck us from our fathers had placed us, and have betrayed the magnificent legacy which we hold in trust for future generations. It would have acthree-fourths of the globe we inhabit, and knowledged, that on the element which forms where all independent nations have equal and common rights, the American people were not an independent people, but colonists and vassals!

"It was at this moment, and with such an alternative, that war was chosen. The nation felt the necessity of it, and called for it. The appeal was accordingly made in a just holds in his hands the chain of events, and cause, to the just and powerful Being, who the destiny of nations. It remains only, that, faithful to ourselves, entangled to no connec tions with the views of other powers, and ever ready to accept peace from the hand of Justice, we prosecute that war with united nation, until peace be so obtained, and as the Council, and with the ample faculties of the only means under the divine blessing of speedily obtaining it."

Advices have been received of the

capture of the English frigate, Macedo

an, of 44 guns, by an Anierican frigate; being the second English frigate taken by single American frigates since the commencement of these fatal hostilities.

INCIDENTS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS, IN AND NEAR LONDON: With Biographical Memoirs of distinguished Characters recently dereused.

TWO public subscriptions are afloat; one

for the ENGLISH Poor, and the other for the RUSSIAN Poor. To the former, the Regent benevolently subscribed 210l. and to the latter 20007.

The Brewers of London have advanced the price of porter to fivepence halfpenny per quart, in consequence of the alleged advance in malt and nops.

A chapel of ease is about to be built at Clapham.

Messrs. Leigh and John Hunt, proprietors of The Examiner newspaper, were, on Wednesday, the 9th, tried in the Court of King's Bench, for a libel on the Prince Regent. The libel, which purported to be a reply to some fulsome praises of his Royal Highness that appeared in the Morning Post, in doggrel verse, was to this effect: What person, unacquainted with the true state of the case, would imagine, in reading these astounding eulogies, that this Glory of the People was the


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