Abbildungen der Seite

per vaginam. And in the eighth volume he has given the detail of seven cases of ague, which were speedily cured by the preparation of arsenic, which had recently been recommended by Dr. Fow. ler. After the publication of the eleventh volume of this Journal, Dr. Simmons commenced a new series, under the title of "Medical Facts and Observations;" in the third volume of which a paper of Dr. Willan's appeared, containing a description of several cases of ischuria renalis in children, which was found to be connected with inflamination through out the mesentery.

In the year 1796, Dr. Willan commenced a series of monthly reports, after the manner of those which Dr. Fothergill had formerly given to the public, containing a brief account of the state of the weather, and of the prevalent diseases in the metropolis. The practice of a Dispensary, where the diseases of the poor, who are peculiarly exposed to the vicissitudes of the seasons, were observed on a large scale, was particularly favourable for ascertaining the existence of epidemics, and for estimating the state of the public health. By the additional scheme, which Dr. Willan devised, of presenting a monthly catalogue of the diseases which came under his care, the state of the general health was brought most distinctly under the view. These reports were published in "the Monthly Magazine," which had been recently established, and were continued to the year 1800, when he collected them into a small volume, and published them in 1801, under the title of "Reports on the Diseases in London." This little work is pregnant with important and original medical observations, especially on points of diagnosis, which are the foundation of all rational and successful practice. “Eum verò recte curaturum, quem prima origo causæ non fefellerit.' But, from its unassuming pretensions and desul tory arrangement, it has not been sufficiently known and valued by the profession: it never reached a second edition

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We are unacquainted with the ci cumstances which originally drew the attention of Dr. Willan to the subject of cutaneous diseases. Most probably his own extreme accuracy made him feel early and acutely the vagueness and con

The Monthly Magazine was also indebted to Dr. Willan, for many valuable anonymous papers. EDITOR.

fusion of language, which universally prevailed in this department of medicine, while his attendance at a public institution brought many of these diseases constantly under his inspection. So early as 1784 and 1785, that accuracy led him to attend to the elementary forms of eruptions, if we may so speak, upon which he saw that a definite nomenclature could alone be founded, and upon which he erected the ingenious system developed in his large work. At that period, in his notes of cases, he has seldom designated eruptions by their ordinary names; but speaks of papule scorbutica, eruptio papulosa, &c. In 1786, his notes exhibit still more decisive proofs of the careful attention which he was directing to this subject, in the minute descriptions (accompanied by slight sketches with the pen,) of the forms, magnitude, and progress, of erup tions. The zeal with which he was at the same time investigating the original acceptation of the Greek, Roman, and Arabian, terms, applied to eruptive diseases, is likewise manifested by his copious collections from authors, and by the occasional alterations of the nomenclature, applied in the cases, before be had finally determined on his arrangement. This was probably decided about the year 1789; as in the following year his classification was laid before the Medical Society of London, and ho noured by the assignment of the Fothergillian gold medal of that year, to the author.

It is scarcely necessary to state bere, that the ground-work of this arrangement is laid in the external characters, or what we have above called the ele mentary forms, of eruptions, which are distinguished in the outset by precise definitions; such are pimples, scales, rashes, pustules, vesicles, &c. Upon this plan alone can a perspicuous and intelligible classification be formed, as in other branches of natural history.

It was not till the beginning of 1798, that the first part of this work, including the Papulous eruptions, was published, in which, as in the subsequent parts, each variety was represented by a coloured engraving. In 1801, the second part, including the Scaly diseases of the skin, appeared; in 1805, the third part, comprising only two genera of Rashes, viz. measles and scarlet-fever; and, in 1808, the fourth part, comprehending the remainder of the rashes, and the Bulle, or large vesications; the whole


containing thirty-three plates, and comprising about half of the classification. Four orders, characterised by the appearance of pustules, vesicles, tubercles, and spots, remain unpublished; and, with the exception of the two first genera of pustular diseases, Porrigo and Impetigo, which have been long delayed from some impediments on the part of the engraver and publisher, the rest of the MS. is probably not at present in a state to meet the public eye.

In the interim, however, from the temporary interest which the investiga tion of the vaccine question excited, Dr. Willan was induced so far to anticipate the order of vesicles, as to publish, in 1806, a treatise "On Vaccina tion;" in which he also introduced the subject of chicken-pox (another vesicular disease,) in consequence of the mistakes, which had been committed, in supposing that this was small-pox, when it occur red after vaccination. Two engravings accompanied this treatise, which exhibited the regular form of the vaccine vesicle, the imperfect vesicle, the three varieties of chicken-pex, and the ordi

nary porrigo favosa of the face, a disease the origin of which had been falsely attributed to vaccination. Although six years have now elapsed since the publication of this volume, subsequent experience has added no fact of importance to the information which it contains;-another proof of the accuracy of Dr. Willan's observation.

Several years ago, Dr. Willan made a collection of observations, in about two thousand patients, with a view to an investigation of medical physiognomy, or temperaments, chiefly in regard to the diseases to which each variety of temperament is peculiarly predisposed, and to the operation of medicines on them respectively. In the prosecution of this inquiry, he procured several drawings (portraits) illustrative of the characteristic marks of the more striking varieties. He arrived at some interesting inferences respecting both the physical and moral constitutions connected with these external characters, but he did not deem the matter sufficiently matured to lay before the public.




YOU are now going from the com

not imagine that I think you inclined to all the faults and follies that I shall warn you against: but you must remember, that all men have faults and follies; and that to caution persons while they are innocent, may prevent the shame and

the amuse- of being or upbraided

ments of children, into a scene of life which affords more rational pleasures, and will engage you in more important pursuits. The world is opening before you a wilderness in which many have been lost; and in which, among a thou sand broad ways, there is but one narrow path that leads to happiness and honour. If this path is missed at setting out, it is very difficult to recover it: it is, therefore, of great consequence to be directed into it at first; and, though I hope you will be long under the protection and guidance of parents, in whom there is all that can be wished in the relation, yet I shall give you a few plain instructions, which I hope will assist you in fulfilling your duty to them, in obtaining the good will of others, and promoting your own welfare.

As my affection to you first led me to this design, my knowledge of your capacity encouraged me to pursue it. Do

after they are guilty.

Great part of the happiness of every individual depends upon the opinion and actions of others; it is therefore desirable to gain and preserve the good will of all: nor would I have you think any person either so mean in their state of life, or so undeserving in their character, as that their good will is of no consequence to you. Every one who thinks you love them, will love you; for this reason, be always ready to shew your good will to all, by such acts of friendship as are in your power; still taking care to avoid a partiality, which may lead you to do any thing in favour of one person, at the expense of another, or of yourself. There are many acts of friendship to mankind in general, which are neither dificult, troublesome, nor expensive. The principal of these is, speaking well, or at least not speaking ill, of the absent.


If you see a fault in another, do not make it the subject of conversation; hide it with as inuch care as if it was your own. Do not think yourself justified by saying, that what you report to another's disadvantage is true. If all the failings which are true, of the best of us, were to be told to our dearest friend, perhaps all our virtues could scarcely secure his esteem. But this rule must not extend to the concealing any thing by which another may be injured in his property or character, if by revealing it the evil may be prevented; and this is the only instance in which you are allowed to speak of the faults of others.

Be always punctual in returning what the world calls civilities. The failing in this, however trifling, is often taken for contempt, or at least for want of esteem; and I have known the omitting to return a visit, or to answer a letter in due time, attended with coldness, indifference, and worse consequences. That persons ought not to set such a value on these trifles is true; but, if they do, it behoves us to act as if they ought. However, as the resenting a breach of these punctilios is really a fault, take care that you are not betrayed into it. Let it be a rule with you never to resent any thing that was not intended as an affront. Mere negligences should be below your resentment; though, for the sake of the infir mities of others, you should guard against them in yourself.

There are two ways of gaining the good will of the world, which weak people practise, because they know no other: one is flattery, the other is lavish professions of friendship, which begin and end on the lips. Never stoop to either of these low and infamous arts: whatever is thus gained, is bought too dear. To refrain from this fault is easy, but to guard against the ill effects of it in others, difficult; it is not, however, more difficult than necessary. Always suspect that a person who commends you to your face, endeavours to gain a confidence that he intends to betray.

Remember, that whoever makes professions of friendship which are not me rited, is an hypocrite; and beware that your own vanity does not encourage you to think that you have merited uncom mon and excessive instances of favour, and zeal to serve you. But the constant steady esteem and friendship of a person long tried and well known, who has obtained a reputation for virtue and sincerity, is an invaluable treasure: if you find it, preserve it with a religious care,


and return it with fidelity and zeal. In this place, I would caution you never to be trusted with the secrets of others, if you can by any means avoid it with decency; reject it, as an enemy to your peace, and as a snare for your good


Whoever tells you a secret, tells it as a secret to twenty more; at length it is betrayed; and as this breach of faith is always denied by the guilty, the innocent are always suspected. It has been thought good advice not to reveal your own secrets; but I would rather advise you to have none. Do nothing that, if known, would wound your reputation, or fill your own bosom with shame or re gret. To lie at the mercy of accident; to be obliged constantly to watch over our words and actions, lest what we wish to hide should be discovered, is the life of a slave, full of fear, suspicion, and anxiety. Those who have nothing to fear but falsehood and detraction, enjoy their own innocence, have an open look, a noble confidence, native cheerfulness, and perpetual pence. If, upon any dif ference, you should happen to lose an intimate acquaintance, do not be eager to relate the circumstances of the quarrel, in order to justify your conduct and condemn their's. Those stories, which a thousand little circumstances make of importance to you, and warm your mind in the recital, are insipid to every other person; and, while you think you amuse them, and are rising into a person of consequence, by a detail of your own prudent management, you will become tiresome, impertinent, and ridicųlous.

If the party with whom you have differed should pursue this method, the wiser part of mankind will rather con clude them to be in fault, from their zeal to defend themselves, than you for your silence; for it is a consciousness that others will condemn us, which makes us so eager to anticipate their judgment. This rule extends to your talking of your self and of your private affairs, on every other occasion except when it has some pertinent relation to the discourse of the company, or when it is necessary to obtain some valuable purpose.

As to your behaviour at home, keep yourself always above the servants; your station is above their's, as their master's daughter, while they are your father's ser vants; and every one should act suit ably to their station. But do not think that I mean that you should treat thea haughtily, or look upon the incanest of


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them with contempt; that you should put on a commanding air, or speak to them in a peremptory tone: this would be most effectually to lose the superiority of your situation, and to become despised and hated by those who ought to regard you with respect and esteem. My meaning is, that you should treat them courteously, but permit no famiharity. Never suffer yourself to be made their confidant in any thing that they would conceal from their master and mistress; never make yourself a party in their discourse; and, if they should address themselves to you, decline the conversation with as much address as you can, not to incur the inputation of pride or ill nature, by frowning looks and harsh language. Avoid also the opposite extreme: do not watch their most trivial actions as a spy, nor report every little misdemeanour which falls under your observation, with the low pleasure and petty officiousness of an informer. Never steal the knowledge of what passes between them, when they think they are alone, by secretly listening with a vain or malevo lent curiosity. What you overhear by such means may probably do you more harm, than any thing which may be thus discovered can do you good. If your mamma should delegate part of her authority to you, in the management of the household affairs, use it with moderation, and give orders to the maid rather in her name than your own; you will then be obeyed, without seeming to assume a command, or to value yourself upon it.

If your papa or mamma should at any time express a disapprobation of your conduct, immediately resolve to amend it, apologize for the past, and promise for the future: never seen in haste to justify yourself; and, though you should think their displeasure unmerited, in which it is a thousand to one but you will be mistaken; yet be sure to avoid all pert and self-sufficient replies on the one hand, and on the other sullen looks and dumb resentment. If it should happen that an harsh expression escapes them, when their temper is ruffled by the perplexing accidents and disappointments of business, as it would be the highest ingratitude and indecency in you to express impatience and discontent, so, as the reward of a contrary conduct, their own reflections upon what is past, when the mind is calm, will be in your favour, and their affection will seek an MONTHLY MAG, No, 255,

opportunity of compensating your uneasiness. You should regard these accidents as opportunities of endearing yourself to them, and as tests of your prudence, duty, and affection. What may not children expect from a father, who is a friend to the whole circle of bis acquaintance! It is your happiness to have such a father: think yourself secure of every thing that is fit for you in bis affection, and do not anticipate his bounty by requests: the pleasure of both will be lessened if you receive because you ask, and he gives because he cannot deny you. low very shameful, then, is the common triumph of favourites, for having gained by importunity what is denied to merit, and withheld by prudence! Whatever is thus gained from the hand is lost in the heart. I have seen, with grief and resentment, every tender moment watched, to urge a request, and wrest a promise, from the generous weakness of unguarded affec tion. How mean and selfish is such a practice! Remember, that a noble mind will dispose a person to suffer much, rather then ask a favour which he knows cannot be refused, if he thinks that his friend may, notwithstanding, have reason to wish it bad not been asked. I shall finish this long letter with a note of yet higher importance.

If you succeed in every design which you form, and the world gives you, till its utmost bounty is cxhausted, your happiness will be still imperfect, you will find some desire unsatisfied, and your possession will never fill your wishes. But do not suffer the present hour to pass away unenjoyed, by an earnest and anxious desire of some future good; for, if this weakness is indulged, your happiness will still fly from you as you pursue it. and there will be the same distance between you and the object of your wishes, till all the visions of imagination shall vanish, and your progress to further degrees of temporal advantage shall be stopped by the grave. It is, notwithstanding, true, that the expectation of future good, if the object is worthy of a rational desire, plea-es more than any present enjoyment. You will, therefore, find that a well-grounded hope of heaven will give a relish to whatever you shall possess upon earth. come,

If there is no ume to that we can anticipate with pleasure, we regret every moment that passes; we see that time is flying away with all our enjoyments; that youth is 3 X


short, health precarious, and age ap. proaching, loaded with infirmities, to which death only can put an end. For this reason, endeavour to secure an interest in the favour of God, which will ensure to you an everlasting life of uninterrupt ed and inconceivable felicity. Nor is this a difficult or an unpleasing attempt; no real present happiness need to be forfeited to purchase the future; for virtue and piety at once secure every goed of body and mind, both in time and eternity.

immediate use, I think you cannot fail
to understand now; and I would recom
mend the frequent perusal of this letter,
that you may at length comprehend
the whole; for, as the world opens to
you, you will see the reason and the
use of other parts; and, if they assist
you, in any degree, to pass through life
with safety and reputation, I shall think
my labour well bestowed.
I am, dear Madam,
Your affectionate friend,

As many of these hints as may be of Bromley, Kent, December 14, 1748.

Extracts from the Portfolio of a Man of Letters.


ONTIANO, in the Discourse on Spanish Tragedies prefixed to his own Virginia, enumerates, as among the most popular, these four: Los Aspides de Cleopatra. (2) El Tetrarca de Jerusalem. (3) Reynar despues de morir. (4) El Conde ser. We have on our theatre, Anthony and Cleopatra, Herod and Mariamne, and Essex, which are probably three of these favourite subjects. Can any reader state, what is the fable of Reynar despues de morir?


The date of the composition of this work has never been approachingly ascertained. It quotes the Pseudo-Daniel, employs the words type, and agados, and has other marks of an origin subsequent to the Macedonian conquest. To Philo, it appears to have been utterly unknown; and is the only one of the canonical books of the Old Testament which has escaped his notice. The passage, (c. iv. v. 13 and 14,) reads very like an allusion to the detention in prison, by Caligula, of the king Ptolemy Euergetes the Third, the son of Juba, by Selene, a daughter of Anthony and Cleopatra. Grotius is struck as with an allusion to Agrippa. No quotation of the Ecclesiastes occurs in any of the Jewish Scriptures prior to the Christian era; and it is quoted by the Christian writers, Luke, Paul, and John.

Surely this book then must rather beJong to the New than to the Old Testament; and became canonical through the mediation of the Christian church. It may have been written in Greek, and translated back into the holy language, with all those Græcisms, Syriasms, or

Chaldaisms, which deform the Hebrew



The Hollanders possess an epic poem, in twelve books, with this title: it was written by Arnold Hoogvliet, and was so popular that it attained the eighth edi tion, which is a splendid quarto, dated 1766. This pious epopea consists of about seven thousand lines of rhymed Alexandrines.

The story begins with the journey of Abraham into Egypt, to purchase corn. The Pharoah falls in love with Sarah, obtains her, but is induced by a pestilence to give her back. The feast of Isis forms an agreeable episode. The return of Abraham to his land, the compact with Lot, the attachment to Hagar, the visit of the Angels, the devotement of Isaac, and, finally, the death of the patriarch, are narrated in too historic an order, but with much spiritual grace.


Conrad Gesner, the author of Mithridates, and of other learned works, received, in 1564, marks of the Emperor's favour, by a present of plate and jewels, which are noticed in his Will as efficacious encouragements to learning. When he thought his end approaching, he chose to be led at midnight out of his bed-room into his book-room, and placed in the chair at his writing-table; where, laying his elbow on a folio, he said, he would await his end; Death should find him at his darling occupation. And in this attitude he soon after expired. To pro vide for dying in a manner expressive of the ruling passion is a rare, but, in a celebrated man, not an unwise precaution,


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