The Legend of Good Women

Clarendon Press, 1889 - 229 Seiten

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Seite 158 - Dixit et aptato pectus mucrone sub imum incubuit ferro, quod adhuc a caede tepebat. vota tamen tetigere deos, tetigere parentes; nam color in pomo est, ubi permaturuit, ater, quodque rogis superest, una requiescit in urna.
Seite 151 - So she furnished herself with a world of gifts, store of gold and silver, and of riches and other sumptuous ornaments, as is credible enough she might bring from so great a house, and from so wealthy and rich a realm as Egypt was. But yet she carried nothing with her wherein she trusted...
Seite iii - Women," long ago Sung by the morning star of song, who made His music heard below ; Dan Chaucer, the first warbler, whose sweet breath Preluded those melodious bursts that fill The spacious times of great Elizabeth With sounds that echo still.
Seite 145 - Febo, delle quali ancor la fronte spero d'ornarmi, sol che '1 concediate: le sante orecchi a" miei prieghi porgete e quelli udite come voi dovete. 11 E' m'è venuto in voglia con pietosa rima di scrivere una istoria antica, tanto negli anni riposta e nascosa che latino autor non par ne dica, per quel ch'io senta, in libro alcuna cosa; dunque sì fate che la mia fatica sia graziosa a chi ne fìa lettore o in altra maniera ascoltatore.
Seite 8 - And maketh it soune after his fyngerynge, Ryght so mowe ye oute of myn herte bringe Swich vois, ryght as yow lyst, to laughe or pleyne. Be ye my gide and lady sovereyne!
Seite 4 - I feyth and ful credence, And in myn herte have hem in reverence So hertely, that ther is game noon That fro my bokes maketh me to goon...
Seite 4 - On bokes for to rede I me delyte, And in myn herte have hem in reverence ; And to hem yeve swich lust and swich credence, That ther is wel unethe game noon That from my bokes make me to goon, But hit be other up-on the haly-day, Or...
Seite 5 - As she, that is of alle floures flour, Fulfilled of al vertu and honour, And ever y-lyke fair, and fresh of hewe; And I love hit, and ever y-lyke newe, And ever shal, til that myn herte dye; Al swere I nat, of this I wol nat lye, Ther loved no wight hotter in his lyve.
Seite 143 - La meretrice, che mai dall' ospizio Di Cesare non torse gli occhi putti, Morte comune, e delle Corti vizio, Infiammò contra me gli animi tutti , E gì' infiammati infiammar sì Augusto, Che i lieti onor tornaro in tristi lutti. L' animo mio per disdegnoso gusto, Credendo col morir fuggir disdegno, Ingiusto fece me contra me giusto. Per le nuove radici d...
Seite 197 - Hence it follows, irresistibly, that shende is not a past participle ; and we are driven to see that beshende is the infinitive mood of a compound verb. 2697. Nedes cost, by condition of necessity, ie necessarily ; see Kn. Ta., 619 (A 1477), and the note. 2700. Supply he before hath ; cf. note to 1. 2630. 2705. Gofer, gutter, channel for water. This is an addition. The original merely has (11. 77, 78) : — ' Quaerenti caussam, " Dum nox sinit, effuge," dixi ; "dum nox atra sinit, tu fugis, ipsa...

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