A Course of Lectures on Elocution: Together with Two Dissertations on Language and Some Other Tracts Relative to Those Subjects

W. Strahan, 1762 - 262 Seiten

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Seite 54 - Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced it to you, trippingly on the tongue : but if you mouth it, as many of your players do, I had as lief the town-crier spoke my lines.
Seite xii - In fhort that fome of our greateft men have been trying to do that with the pen, which can only be performed by the tongue ; to produce effects by the dead letter, which can never be produced but by the living voice, with its accompaniments.
Seite 14 - ... the want of early attention in masters, to correct small faults in the beginning, which increase and gain strength with years; beside bad habits contracted from imitation of particular persons, or the contagion of example, from a general prevalence of a certain tone or chant in reading or reciting, peculiar to each school, and regularly transmitted, from...
Seite 120 - Let each, in the first place, avoid all imitation of others ; let him give up all pretensions to art, for it is certain that it is better to have none, than not enough ; and no man has enough, who has not arrived at such...
Seite xvii - They all agreed, that nothing would be of greater use towards the improvement of knowledge and politeness than some effectual method for correcting, enlarging, and ascertaining our language ; and they think it a work very possible to be compassed under the protection of a prince, the countenance and encouragement of a ministry, and the care of proper persons chosen for such an undertaking.
Seite 121 - ... the end. The chief end of all public speakers is to persuade; and in order to persuade, it is above all things necessary, that the speaker, should at least appear himself to believe, what he utters; but this can never be the case, where there are any evident marks of affectation or art. On the contrary, when a man delivers himself in his usual manner, and with the same tones and gesture, that he is accustomed to use, when he speaks from his heart; however awkward that...
Seite xvii - THE, &c. 319 and encouragement of a miniftry, and the care of proper perfons chofen for fuch an undertaking. I was glad to find your lordfhip's anfwer in fo different a ftyle, from what hath been commonly made ufe of on the like occafions for fome years paft, That all fuch thoughts muft be deferred to a time of peace...
Seite 159 - ... of pomp and empty exaggeration. Hence they talked of kings as gods ; and of themselves as the meanest and most abject reptiles.
Seite 68 - IT is this latter ufe of emphafis chiefly that gives life and fpirit to difcourfe, and enables it to produce its nobleft effects. By this it is that we have it in our power not only to make others conceive our ideas as we conceive them, but to make them alfo feel them, as we feel them.
Seite 15 - ... all thefe, which are fruitful fources of vicious elocution, there is one fundamental errour, in the method univerfally ufed in teaching to read, which at firft gives a wrong biafs, and leads us ever after blindfold from the right path, under the guidance of a falfe rule. IT was before obferved, that we have no vifible marks in writing, but for words, and paufes or refts of the voice.

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