Others th' unwilling wether drag along; 410 415 420 425 A SIMPLE fcene! yet hence BRITANNIA fees Her folid grandeur rife: hence the commands Th' exalted ftores of ev'ry brighter clime, The treasures of the Sun without his rage: Hence, fervent all, with culture, toil, and arts, Wide glows her land: her dreadful thunder hence Rides o'er the waves fublime, and now, even now, Impending hangs o'er Gallia's humbled coast; 430 Hence rules the circling deep, and awes the world. 'Tis raging Noon; and, vertical, the Sun Darts on the head direct his forceful rays. O'er heav'n and earth, far as the ranging eye Can sweep, a dazzling deluge reigns; and all 435 From pole to pole is undiftinguifh'd blaze. Stoops for relief; thence hot-afcending steams Deep to the root Of vegetation parch'd, the cleaving fields 440 And flipp'ry lawn an arid hue disclose, Blaft Fancy's bloom, and wither even the Soul. Of fharp'ning feythe: the mower finking heaps O'er him the humid hay, with flow'rs perfum'd; 445" ALL-CONQU'RING Heat, Oh intermit thy wrath! 450 455 460 Unfatisfy'd, and fick, toffes in noon. Emblem inftructive of the virtuous Man, Who keeps his temper'd mind ferene, and pure, And every paffion aptly harmoniz'd, Amid a jarring world with vice inflam'd. WELCOME, ye fhades! ye bow'ry thickets, hail! Ye lofty pines! ye venerable oaks ! Ye afhes wild, refounding o'er the steep! 465 470 As to the hunted hart the fallying spring, Or ftream full-flowing, that his fwelling fides 475 Cool, thro' the nerves, your pleafing comfort glides; The heart beats glad; the fresh-expanded eye And ear refume their watch; the finews knit ; AROUND th' adjoining brook, that purls along 480 The vocal grove, now fretting o'er a rock, Now fcarcely moving thro' a reedy pool, Now ftarting to a fudden stream, and now Gently diffus'd into a limpid plain; A various groupe the herds and flocks compofe, 485 Some ruminating lie; while others ftand 490 Which incompos'd he shakes; and from his fides Returning ftill. Amid his fubjects fafe, Slumbers the monarch-fwain; his careless arm Thrown round his head, on downy mofs fuftain'd; 495 Here laid his fcrip, with wholesome viands fill'd; There, lift'ning every noife, his watchful deg. LIGHT fly his flumbers, if perchance a flight That ftartling scatters from the fhallow brook, 500 505 510 OPT in this feafon too the horse, provok'd, While his big finews full of fpirits swell,, Trembling with vigour, in the heat of blood, Springs the high fence; and, o'er the field effus'd, Darts on the gloomy flood, with stedfast eye, And heart eftrang'd to fear: his nervous chest, Luxuriant, and erect, the feat of strength! Bears down th' oppofing ftream: quenchlefs his thirst;: He takes the river at redoubled draughts; And with wide noftrils, fnorting, fkims the wave. 515: STILL let me pierce into the midnight depth Of yonder grove, of wildest largest growth: That, forming high in air a woodland quire, 520 525 THESE are the haunts of Meditation, these The scenes where ancient bards th' infpiring breath, Ecftatic, felt; and, from this world retir'd, Convers'd with angels, and immortal forms, On gracious errands beut: to fave the fall Of virtue ftruggling on the brink of vice ;. In waking whispers, and repeated dreams, To hint pure thought, and warn the favour'd foul. For future trials fated to prepare ; Το prompt the poet, who devoted gives His mufe to better themes; to foothe the pangs Of dying worth, and from the patriot's breast. (Backward to mingle in detefted war, 530 But foremost when engag'd) to turn the death; 535 And numberlefs fuch offices of love, Daily, and nightly, zealous to perform. SHOOK fudden from the bofom of the fky, A thousand fhapes or glide athwart the dusk, Or ftalk majestic on. Deep-rous'd, I feel A facred terror, a fevere delight, Creep thro' my mortal frame; and thus, methinks, 540 |