The father's luftre, and the mother's bloom. Το 1150 1155 1160 1165 Enamour'd more, as more remembrance fwells 1170 Together freed, their gentle fpirits fly To fcenes where love and blifs immortal reign. THE ARGUMENT. The fubject propofed. Invocation. Address to Mr. DoDINGTON. An introductory reflection on the motion of the heavenly bodies; whence the fucceffion of the feafons. As the face of Nature in this feafon is almost uniform, the progress of the poem is a defcriptiòn of a fummer's day. The dawn. Sun-rifing. Hymn to the fun. Forenoon. Summer infects defcribed. Hay-making. SheepShearing. Noon-day. A woodland retreat. Groupe of herds ana flocks. A folemn grave: how it affects a contemplative mind. A cataract, and rude fcene. View of fummer in the torrid zone. Storm of thunder and lightning. A tale. The ftorm over, a serene afternoon. Bathing. Hour of walking. Tranfition to the prof pect of a rich well-cultivated country; which introduces a panegyric on GREAT BRITAIN. Sun-fet. Evening. Night. Summer meteors. A comet. The whole concluding with the praise of philofophy. |