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Of the mysteries

SIMILITUDE IX. of the church.

deliberated with themselves | ish their servants which deny whether they should confess their masters; what think or deny Christ, and yet have you that the Lord will do unto suffered; their fruits are small-you, who has the power of all er, because that this thought things?

came into their hearts.

242 Remove therefore out

237 For it is a wicked and of your hearts these doubts, evil thought for a servant to that ye may live forever unto deliberate whether he should God. deny his master. Take heed 243 As for the twelfth therefore ye who have such mountain, which was white, thoughts, that this mind con- they are such as have believtinue not in you, and ye die ed like sincere children, into unto God. whose thoughts there never 238 But ye who suffer came any malice; nor have death for his name sake, they ever known what sin was, ought to honour the Lord, that but have always continued in he has esteemed you worthy to their integrity. bear his name; and that you should be delivered from all your sins.

244 Wherefore this kind of men shall without all doubt inherit the kingdom of God; 239 And why therefore do because they have never in you not rather esteem your- any thing defiled the comselves happy? Yea think mandments of God, but have verily that if any one among continued with sincerity in the you suffer, he performs a same condition all the days of great work? For the Lord their life. giveth you life, and ye understand it not. For your offences did oppress you; and if you had not suffered for his name sake, ye had now been dead unto the Lord.

245 Whosoever therefore, said he, shall continue as children without malice; shall be more honourable than all those of whom I have yet spoken; for all such children are honoured by the Lord, and esteem

240 Wherefore I speak this unto you who deliberate ed the first of all. whether ye should confess or 246 Happy therefore are ye deny him confess that ye who shall remove all malice have the Lord for your God; from you, and put on innolest at any time denying him, cence; because ye shall first ve be delivered over into see the Lord.


247 And after he had thus 241 For if all nations pun-ended his explication of all




254 Hear now also cerning those round and bright stones: all these are of this white mountain. But they

and triumphant. the mountains, I said unto him; believe; for they are all of Sir, shew me now also what the same kind. Happy is this concerns the stones that were kind, because it is innocent. brought out of the plain, and put into the tower in the room of those that were rejected: 248 As also concerning those round stones which were are therefore found round, beadded into the building of the cause their riches have a littower; and also of those who tle darkened them from the still continued round. truth, and dazzled their eyes: 249 Hear now, says he, 255 Howbeit they have concerning those stones which never departed from the Lord, were brought out of the plain nor has any wicked word prointo the building of the tower, ceeded out of their mouths; and placed in the room of but all righteousness, and virthose that were rejected: they tue, and truth. are the roots of that white 256 When therefore the Lord saw their mind, and that


250 Wherefore because they might adorn the truth; those who have believed of he commanded that they should that mountain, were inno- continue good, and that their cent; the lord of this tower riches should be pared away: commanded that they which 257 For he would not have were of the roots of this moun- them taken wholly away, to' tain should be placed into the the end they might do some building. good with that which was left, 251 For he knew that if and live unto God; because they were put into this building they also are of a good kind. they would continue bright; 258 Therefore was there a nor would any of them any little cut off from them, and so more be made black. they were put into the build252 But if he had added on ing of this tower. this manner from the rest of 259 As for the rest which the mountains, he would 1al- continued still round, and were most have needed again to vis-not found fit for the building it this tower and to cleanse it. 1of this tower, because they 253 Now all these white have not yet received the seal; stones are the young men they were carried back to their who have believed, or shall

1 MS. Lamb. Tantum non necesse habuisset.

1 MS. Lamb. Structuram turris hujus.

Of the mysteries


place, because they were found very round.

of the church.

265 But if any of these sheep shall be found scattered 260 But this present world away, Wo shall be to the shepmust be cut away from them, herds: but and if the shepand the vanities of their riches; herds themselves shall be scatand then they will be fit for the tered; what will they answer kingdom of God. For they to 1the lord of the sheepfold? must enter into the kingdom Will they say that they were of God, because God has bles- troubled by the sheep? But sed this innocent kind. they shall not be believed.

261 Of this kind therefore 266 For it is an incredible none shall fall away; for thing that the shepherd should though any of them being suffer by his flock; and he tempted by the devil should shall be the more punished offend, he shall soon return to for his lie.

his Lord God.

267 Now I am the shep262 I the angel of repen-herd; and I especially must tance esteem you happy, who- give an account of you. soever are as innocent as little 268.¶Wherefore take care children, because your portion of yourselves whilst the tower is good and honorable with the is yet building. The Lord Lord. dwells in those that love

263 And I say unto all you peace; for peace is beloved; who have received this seal; but he is far off from the conkeep simplicity, and remember tentious, and those who are not the offences which are 2full of malice. committed against you, nor 269 Wherefore restore unto continue in malice or in bitter- him the Spirit intire, as ye reness, through the memory of ceived it. 3 For if thou shalt offences. give unto a fuller a garment 264 1But become one spir-new and whole, thou wilt exit, and provide remedies for pect to receive it whole again: these evil rents, and remove if therefore the fuller shall resthem from you; that the Lord tore it unto thee torn, wouldest of the sheep may rejoice 2at it; thou receive it? 3for he will rejoice if he find all whole.

1 MS. Lamb. Et unus quemque spiritum fieri: which appears from the Greek of Antiochus to be the true

reading, kai genesthi en pneuma
2 MS. Lamb. Gaudeat de his; and
Gr. Antioch chare epex' auto. 3 Vid.
Antioch. Hom. cxxii.

270 Wouldest thou not presently be angry; and reproach him, saying; I gave my garment to thee whole; why hast

1 Gr. To despote tou poimniou. 2 Perditis malitia. Lat. 3 Antioch. Hom. xciv.

Militant and



thou rent it, and made it use- words, and shall walk in them less to me? Now it is of no use and shall correct your ways, to me, by reason of the rent ye shall live. But if ye shall which thou hast made in it. continue in malice, and in the Wouldest thou not say all this remembrance of injuries, no to a fuller, for the rent which such sinners shall live unte be made in thy garment? God.

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271 If therefore thou would- 276 All these things which est be concerned for thy gar-were to be spoken by me, I meut, and complain that thou have thus delivered unto you. hadst not received it whole; Then the shepherd said unto what thinkest thou that the me, Hast thou asked all things Lord will do, who gave his of me? I answered, Sir, I Spirit to thee intire, and thou have. hast rendered him altogether 277 Why then, said he, unprofitable, so that he can hast thou not asked concernbe of no use unto his Lord? ing the spaces of these stones For being corrupted by thee, that were put in the building, he is no longer profitable to that I may explain that also him. unto thee? I answered, Sir I 272 Will not therefore the forgot it. Hear then, said he, Lord do the same concerning concerning those also. his Spirit, by reason of thy 278 They are those who deed? Undoubtedly, said I, he have now heard these comwill do the same to all those mands, and have repented with whom he shall find to continue all their hearts: in the remembrance of injuries.

279 And when the Lord saw that their repentance was 273 Tread not then under good and pure, and that they foot, said he, his mercy; but could continue in it, he com rather honour him, because he manded their former sins to is so patient with respect to be blotted out. For these spayour offences. and not like one ces were their sins, and they of you; but repent, for that are therefore made even that will be profitable for you. they might not appear.

274 ¶ All these things which are above written, I the shepherd, the angel of repent ance, have shewn and spoken to the servants of God.

275 If therefore ye shall believe and hearken to these

SIMILITUDE X. Of repentance and alms deeds.

FTER that I had written this book, the angel which had delivered me to that shep

of repentance

SIMILITUDE X. and alms deeds.

herd, came into the house came into my house, whether where i was, and sate upon the I have done any thing disorbed, and that shepherd stood derly, or have offended him in at his right hand. any thing?

2 Then he called me and 9 I know, said he, that said unto me; I delivered thee thou hast done nothing disorand thy house to this shepherd derly, neither wilt thou hereaf that thou mightest be protect- ter do any such thing; and ed by him. I said, Yes, Lord. therefore i speak these things

3 If therefore, said he, thou with thee that thou mayest perwilt be protected from all vexa- severe; for he has given me a tions and from all cruelty, and good account concerning thee. have success in every good 10 But thou shalt speak word and work; and have all these things to others, that virtue and righteousness; walk they who either have repentin those commands which he ed, or shall repent, 1may be has given thee, and thou shalt like-minded with thee; and have d minion over all sin. he may give me as good an account of them also, and may do the same unto the Lord. 11 I answered; Sir, I de

4 For if thou keepest those commands, all the lust and pleasure of this present world shall be subject to thee; and clare to all men the wonderful success shall follow thee in ev-works of God; and 1 hope ery good undertaking. that all who love them and

5 Take therefore his 1grav-have before sinned, when they ity and modesty towards thee, shall hear these things, will reand say unto all, that he is in pent, and recover life. great honour and renown with God, and is a 2prince of great authority, and powerful in his office.

12 Continue therefore, said he, in this ministry, and fulfil it. And whosoever shall do according to the commands 6 To him only is the pow-of this shepherd, he shall live; er of repentance committed and shall have great honor throughout the whole world.-both here and with the Lord. Does he not seem to thee to 13 But they that shall not be of great authority? keep his commands, flee from their life, and are adversaries unto it. And they that follow not his commands shall deliver themselves unto death; and shall be every one guilty of his own blood.

7 But ye despise his goodness, and the modesty which he shews towards you.

8 I said unto him; Sir, ask him since the time that he

1 Lat. Matariatet. 2 President 335

1 Eadem quæ tu sentiant.

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