The success that has attended the introduction of this remedy has never been equaled in any single instance before in the history of medicine; its virtues are recognized alike by rich and poor, and men of distinguished public reputation do not hesitate to give the widest publicity to their praise of so excellent an article as CARBOLIC SALVE. Subjoined we give extracts from the letters of a few out of the many received from men whose statements and opinions are entitled to the greatest consideration, to say the least: From D. R. LOCKE (PETROLEUM V. NASBY), of the Toledo Blade: MR. JOHN F. HENRY:-I had on the forefinger of my right hand one of those "pleasant pets," a "run 'round." The finger became inflamed to a degree unbearable, and was swollen to twice its natural size; a friend dressed it with Carbolic Salve, and in twenty minutes the pain had so much diminished as to give me a fair night's rest, D. R. LOCKE. From Col. H. S. OLCOTT, Special Com. of the War Department and formerly of the Tribune: From GEO. B. LINCOLN, late President of the Board of Health: Your Carbolic Salve, a package of which you were kind enough to hand me, proves an excellent article, and I thank you for it. Yours, GEO, B. LINCOLN. The Carbolic Salve is sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. PRICE, 25 CENTS. JOHN F. HENRY, Sole Prop., No. 8 College Place, New-York. PARK'S BALSAM Of WILD CHERRY and TAR, For Coughs, Colds, and all Diseases of the Throat, Chest, and Lungs. The following testimonial from a well-known citizen of New-York will bear evidence of the great value of this time-tried medicine: From the principal salesman, for seventeen years, in the wholesale establishment of A. T. Stewart & Co.: MR. JOHN F. HENRY:-I contracted a severe cold, followed by an obstinate cough, which so completely prostrated me that I was obliged to abandon business. I had the advice of most eminent physicians, and also used many standard medicines, but still continued to grow worse; at length I commenced the use of Park's Balsam, and I am happy to say that by its use I became speedily convalescent. I feel fully persuaded that it has saved my life, and I am not only eminently well pleased with it, but my confidence in it is so great that I never fail to advise my friends to use it, and this confidence is constantly strengthened by witnessing its beneficial results whenever used. I consider it the finest thing for the voice I have ever known, and I would earnestly recommend its use by all vocalists and speakers. Yours truly, G. S. FANCHER. Park's Balsam is for sale by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, at ONE DOLLAR per BOTTLE. JOHN F. HENRY, Sole Proprietor, No. 8 College Place, New-York. THE SUBSCRIBERS MANUFACTURE ROTARY PRINTING PRESSES, With from Two to Ten Impression Cylinders. Also, PERFECTING PRESSES, of various descriptions, with Two or more Impressions Cylinders, to be used with type or stereotype, and with one to six feeders, or with rolls of paper. SINGLE AND DOUBLE CYLINDER PRESSES, BED AND PLATEN POWER PRESS, for book work, with table distribution, and from four to ten-form rollers, for the finest illustrated newspapers, and the best book and wood-cut work. SMALL JOB, CARD, RAILROAD TICKET AND COUPON AND of moderate circulations, printing by hand power eight hundred impressions per hour. furnish every article required in printing-offices, (including type.) Patent Lithographic Power Presses, Also, HYDRAULIC AND SCREW PRESSES, BOOKBINDER'S MACHINERY; ALSO, Machinery for Electrotypers and Stereotypers. The above are all manufactured on our own premises, under our personal supervision, of the best material and workmanship. Illustrated catalogues sent on application. Office and Warerooms, 29 and 31 Gold St., N. Y. Manufactories on Grand, Broome, Sheriff, and Columbia Streets, New-York. & & CO., Press Makers, and Manufacturers of all kinds of R. HOE EXTRA CAST-STEEL SAWS, Including Circular Saws, with Patent Inserted Teeth; Solid Tooth Circular Saws, Mill, Mulay, Gang and Cross-Cut Saws, Mandrels, Gumming Machines, etc., etc. OFFICE AND WAREROOM, 29 and 31 GOLD ST., N. Y. THE PHILADELPHIA Printing Ink Works, Principal Office, 10th and Lombard Sts., Philadelphia, All the Editions of the "WORLD" Newspaper have been for years, and are printed from Printing Ink manufactured by CHARLES ENEU JOHNSON & Co. LINDSAY'S TYPE FOUNDRY, 75 FULTON STREET, NEW-YORK. THE PROPRIETORS OF THE ABOVE FOUNDRY CALL THE ATTENTION OF BOOK and NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS and PRINTERS, To the greatly improved quality of the metal used by them in the manufacture of their BOOK AND NEWSPAPER TYPE; Soliciting a call from parties about purchasing, to enable such an opportunity of testing, to their own satisfaction, the superior quality of the material in actual use. PRESSES, WOOD TYPE, and all Material required in a COMPLETE PRINTING-OFFICE, furnished at Manufacturers' Prices. All the Editions of the World Newspaper are printed from Type manufactured by R. J. & A. W. LINDSAY. PERKINS & GOODWIN, Paper Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Book and News Printing Paper, All the Editions of "The World" and "The World Almanac" are printed on paper furnished by us. CASH ADVANCES MADE UPON CONSIGNMENTS OF PAPER, RAGS, Etc. No. 84 Duane Street, 3 doors East Broadway, GEO. F. PERKINS, EDWD. GOODWIN, Jr. NEW-YORK. |