Abbildungen der Seite

ance; the supposition of which supported him under the pres sure of his infirmities: Yes, Doctor Hales is right, kindly interposed Mr. Wesley, there is indeed great comfort. in

The calm remembrance of a life well spent.

Thus silencing the preacher.

It is but justice to my venerable friend the Bishop of Waterford to observe, that he distinguished himself for many years as chairman to the committee of the House of Lords, appointed for enquiring into public charities, by his zeal and activity in bringing to light, and successfully prosecuting the detainers of charitable bequests to the poor, throughout the kingdom; for which he encountered much opposition, and ill-will, and obloquy, from honourable, noble, and right honourable defaulters. A noble lord of this description, whom he had prosecuted through all the inferior courts of justice, and against whom he had at length obtained a decree of the Irish House of Lords-threatened that he would remove the suit by appeal to the English House of Lords, and that he would expend five thousand pounds in resisting the decree which when the Bishop heard, he took an opportunity. of meeting his lordship :-My lord, says he, I am now old, and I perceive you wish to protract the suit until my death; an event which cannot be far distant: deceive not yourself with the vain expectation that my death will terminate the suit: I have made my will, and allotted ten thousand pounds for the continuance of it after death. I have gained much by the church, and it is but just and equitable, that I should contribute liberally towards the support of the church. Upon this, his lordship instantly submitted, and paid the bequest, which had been long outstanding, to a considerable amount.


Such instances of public spirit, purely disinterested, and flowing from the noblest motives of religion and virtue, are rare. They deserve to be recorded, as bright examples and incitements to the rising generation. Amidst the "evil report" also that assails the Clergy, especially of the highest order, in these days of "trouble and of rebuke, and of blasphemy;"it is but common justice to draw forth from the shade of privacy, and rescue from oblivion, modest merit;

Not obvious nor obtrusive, but retired;

The more desirable.


And I am happy to bear this public testimony to his worth; and also to his learning, which (to my own knowledge and instruction) was not inconsiderable.

Αποθανών ετι λαλείται.

"Though dead, he is still spoken of."

HEB. 11. 4.".

The principal subject of this, as of the former pam phlet is the weak but delusive doctrine of sinless perfection, Vol. X. Churchm. Mag. for Feb. 1806.


which, for its pernicious tendency, equals that of the eternal election and assurance of the Calvinists. This error Dr. Hales combats with his wonted success; and he explains in an able and masterly manner those passages of Scripture which the Methodists urge in support of their favourite tenet.

At the close of this part, the learned author promises further remarks on Mr. Benson's pamphlet in a subsequent publication.

A TRANSLATION OF THE CHARGES of P. MASSILLON, Bishop of Clermont, addressed to his Clergy; with two Essays; the one on the Art of Preaching, translated from the French of M. REYBAZ; and the other on the Composition of a Sermon, as adapted to the Church of England. By the Rev. THEOPHILUS ST. JOHN, LL. B. 8vo. pp. 310. 6s. boards, 1805. Rivingtons.


HIS is a very laudable work and cannot fail to excite a considerable degree of interest among the clergy. We will first lay before our readers the contents of the several charges, and shall leave them to judge, from a few extracts, of the merit of the translation.

It should first be premised that the Introduction abounds with just and affecting observations.

The subject of the first charge is, On the excellence of the Priesthood.-2. On Propriety of Character.-3. On Zeal.-4. On being appointed to the Christian Ministry. 5. On Reflection on the Success of our Ministry.-6. Ốn Solicitude for the Salvation of Souls.-7. On Solicitude to suppress Vice.-8. On a good Example.-9. On the Excellence of the Ministry.-10. On the Manner in which the Clergy are to conduct themselves among Men of the World.-11. On the prudent Conversation and Behaviour of the Clergy.-12. On the Solicitude the Clergy ought to shew for their People when confined by Sickness.13. The pernicious Effects of Avarice in the Clergy.

14. On Mildness and Gentleness.-15. On the Necessity: of Praver.-16. On Study and Knowledge.

The first extract we shall offer is on the character of a worthy minister :

"A holy and enlightened pastor is the instrument of various blessings to the world. How many righteous men are, through his means, supported in piety! how many careless sinners made sensible of their danger, awakened from their impenitence, con- ' verted to the truth by the force of his arguments, and the persuasion of his life! If he preach the word, he informs the igno- ' rant, convinces the doubtful, confirms the pious: and such is the prevalence of his example, that it at once instructs and persuades, and is even more instrumental in bringing sinners to God, than his public discourses. What blessings, then, may not one apostolic minister diffuse among men! twelve only were employed in the conversion of the whole earth.

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Although a religious minister should confine all the good he does to the efficacy of an exemplary and edifying life, although he should only appear as a private character, his engaging demeanour and pious conversation would authorise us to affirm that he is ordained for the salvation of many. Great, then, is the blessing to mankind, when God sends an holy pastor, whose instructive piety is an object of admiration to men and angels! Such an one is a perpetual gospel, which mankind have constantly before their eyes, and against which they have nothing to alledge."

The second extract we shall make is on the principle by which the clergy should be actuated :

"What are the characters, then, by which we may know how the principle of the love of God operates in the heart of a minister of the Gospel? He is impressed with a lively sorrow when `he sees the Sovereign of the universe provoked, and his law contemned, by the greater part of those, whom, with the most gracious design, and for the most benevolent purpose, the great Creator called into being: he is actuated by an ardent desire to confine to God alone the worship which is due to his supreme majesty, and inexhaustible goodness; he is compelled by an holy zeal to deliver up himself, to render his feeble talents subservient to extend the glory, and exalt the name, of Jehovah, and to inspire all men with the same affections of fear, of love, of thanksgiving, which preside in his own heart. We cannot love an object, and be insensible to the insults offered to our love: and we cannot be possessed of such sensibility, without employing every power, and exerting every faculty, to prevent, or, at least,


to avert them; especially when, independent of the obligation common to all, our ministry enjoins it, as a personal and indispensible duty; a duty which is the very foundation, and which comprises in it all the other obligations, of our sacred calling.

"And although our zeal should not be productive of any very unusual effects, although the truths which we preach to sinners should fall upon hearts dead to all sense of religion, we shall possess the consolation of having contributed to the glory of God, by endeavouring as much as possible, to bring all men to a knowledge of the truth. The Almighty doth not always comfort his ministers with the appearance of immediate and visible success, lest man should attribute to himself that effect which is produced only by His grace; but His word always works in secret: the holy seed, which seems to have fallen on an unprepared soil, is not entirely lost, but will, sooner or later, bring forth fruits of salvation. God has his moments; and it is not for us to arraign his wisdom, or attempt to prescribe bounds. to his power; His spirit works where, and when, He pleases; we see the changes He produces; but the hidden, admirable ways by which He produces them no one knows: they are the profound mysteries of Providence, which will be revealed only in the great day of the Lord. Of us he demands solicitude, labour, and toil; He reserves to himself the increase. He commands us to teach, to exhort, to reprove, to cry aloud, and not to spare; on Himself alone depends the entrance of the good seed of the word into the heart duly prepared to receive it."

We finish these quotations with the conclusion of the fourth charge:

"From what has been said, we ought all to enquire of our own hearts-Does my mission resemble that of Jesus Christ; and hath he sent me, as he was sent, of his Father? If you have entered on the ministry without being called to it, you will bear the character of a Minister of the Gospel, it is true, but it will be to you a character of reprobation; and in declaring that you were moved by the Holy Ghost to take it upon you, you will have lied not unto men, but unto God. I say nothing of the infinite evils occasioned by your intrusion into the Church; your labours without a blessing; your whole ministry without the approbation of Him, who purchased the Church with his own blood; the loss of so many souls, whose salvation depended on the vigilance of a faithful pastor, and which have perished through your fault; the righteous justly offended; the weak seduced, sinners confirmed in their iniquities: such is the gulph into which you precipitate yourselves, by entering into the sacred ministry, without a sense of its importance, and a determination to discharge, with conscientious fidelity, its several duties. But, my brethren, we hope


better things of you; we will not believe that you can, with impious boldness, contemn the commands of Heaven; that you have made choice of the temple of God to profane, with more frequency, and less interruptions, its holy mysteries; and that you have entered into the sheep-fold in order to seize, with greater facility, and to destroy, with more success, the sheep which the Father hath purchased at the expense of his own blood. Let us, with all humility of mind, and fervour of spirit, address ourselves unto the Lord, saying, Grant, O God, that we may not be of the number of those who speak in thy name, but who speak not for thine honour; who prophesy out of their own hearts, and say, the Lord hath sent, when the Lord hath not sent them. May we be worthy of that holy calling, to which we are called! Blessed are those whom thou shall choose to dweil in thine house; they shall be always praising Thee. The cedars of Libanus, which thou hast planted shall be watered with the dew of Heaven; they shall neither fear the burning heat, the mighty winds, nor the destroying tempests. But woe unto every plant which thou hast not planted. The wind shall pass over it, and it shall be gone, and the place thereof shall know it no more; it can expect no better lot than to be plucked up, and cast into the fire."

These charges promise to be highly useful; they are elegantly translated; and they are adapted to every situation in the Church, but more especially to that of the parish priest. The clergyman who conscientiously discharges his duty will read them with increasing satisfaction; whilst he who is negligent and careless will receive from the perusal the most stinging reproofs.

The two essays which follow the charges shew the translator's zeal for the established Church. In the animated exhortations of the pious Bishop he gives incitements to universal diligence in the several parts of the holy calling: in the essay on the Art of Preaching are many just and valuable observations on the delivery of a sermon; it contains some excellent directions; and the young preacher, who will study it with care, may make considerable proficiency in an art, which, if he does not cultivate with success, he cannot be useful as a public speaker; and if he is not useful, "will the Church perceive in him a defender, an intercessor, a guardian of her doctrines, and a supporter of her holiness?"

The other essay on the Composition of a Sermon, as adapted to the Church of England, is still more interesting. The author's design is to submit to the young and inexperienced such observations as may, if properly con


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