at Clonmel in the fouth of Ireland, at which town I was born November 24th, 1713, a few days after my mother arrived from Dunkirk. - My birth-day was ominous to my poor father, who was, the day after our arrival, with many other brave officers broke and fent adrift into the wide world with a wife and two children- the elder of which was Mary; she was born at Lisle in French Flanders, July the tenth, one thousand feven hundred and twelve, New Stile. This child was moft unfortunate she married one Weemans in Dublin-who used her moft unmercifully spent his fubstance, became a bankrupt, and left my poor fifter to shift for herself, which she was able to do but for a few months, for she went to a friend's houfe in the country, and died of a broken heart. She was a moft beautiful woman of a fine figure, and deferved a better fate. The regiment, in which my father ferved, being broke, he left Ireland as foon as I was able to be carried, with the rest of his family, and came to the family feat at Elvington, near York, where his mother lived. She was daughter to Sir Roger Jaques, and an heirefs. There we fojourned for about ten months, when the regiment was eftablished, and our houshold decamped with bag and baggage for Dublin within a month of our arrival, my father left us, being ordered to Exeter, where, in a fad winter, my mother and her two children followed him, travelling from Liverpool by land to Plymouth. (Melancholy description of this journey not necessary to be tranfmitted here). In twelve months we were all fent back to Dublin. My mother, with three of us, (for she laid in at Plymouth of a boy, Joram), took ship at Bristol, for Ireland, and had a narrow escape from being caft away by a leak fpringing up in the veffel. - At length, after many perils, and struggles, we got to Dublin. There my father took a large house, furnished it, and in a year and a half's time spent a great deal of money.-In the year one thousand feven hundred and nineteen, all unhing'd again; the regiment was ordered, with many others, to the Isle of Wight, in order to embark for Spain in the Vigo expedition. We accompanied the regiment, and were driven into Milford Haven, but landed at Bristol, from thence by land to Plymouth again, and to the Isle of Wight where I remember we stayed encamped fome time before the embarkation of the troops (in this 'expedition from Bristol to Hampshire we loft poor Joram a pretty boy, four years old, of the small-pox), my mother, fifter, and myself, remained at the Isle of Wight during the Vigo expedition, and until the regiment had got back to Wicklow in Ireland, from whence my father fent for us. We had poor Joram's lofs fupplied during our stay in the Isle of Wight, by the birth of a girl, Anne, born September the twenty-third, one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen. This pretty bloffom fell at the age of three years, in the barracs of Dublin-she was, as I well remember, of a fine delicate frame, not made to laft long, as were most of my father's babes. We embarked for Dublin, and had all been caft away by a most violent storm, but through the interceffions of my mother, the captain was prevailed upon to turn back into Wales, where we stayed a month, and at length got into Dublin, and travelled by land to Wicklow, where my father had for fome weeks given us over for loft. We lived in the barracs at Wicklow, one year, (one thousand feven hundred and twenty) when Devijeher (fo called after Colonel Devijeher,) was born; from thence we decamped to stay half a year with Mr. Fetherston, a clergyman, about seven miles from Wicklow, who being a relation of my mother's, invited us to his parfonage at Animo. It was in this parish, during our stay, that I had that wonderful escape in falling through a mill-race whilft the mill was going, and of being taken up unhurt - the story is incredible, but known for truth in all that part of Ireland-where hundreds of the common people flocked to see me. From hence we followed the regiment to Dublin, where we lay in the barracs a year. In this year, one thousand seven hundred and twentyone, I learned to write, &c. The regiment, ordered in twenty-two, to Carrickfergus in the north of Ireland; we all decamped, but got no further than Drogheda, thence ordered to Mullengar, forty miles weft, where by Providence we stumbled upon a kind relation, a collateral defcendant from Archbishop Sterne, who took us all to his castle and kindly entertained us for a year and fent us to the regiment at Carrickfergus, loaded with kindneffes, &c. a most rueful and tedious journey had we all, in March, to Carrickfergus, where we arrived in fix or seven days - little Devijeher here died, he was three years old He had been left behind at nurse at a farm-houfe near Wicklow, but was fetch'd to us by my father the fummer after another child fent to fill his place, Sufan; this babe too left us behind in this weary journey The autumn of that year, or the spring afterwards, (I forget which) my father got leave of his colonel to fix me at fchool which he did near Halifax, with an able master; with whom I ftaid fome time, 'till by God's care of me my coufin Sterne, of Elvington, became a father to me, and fent me to the univerfity, &c. &c. To pursue the thread of our story, my father's regiment was the year after ordered to Londonderry, where another fifter was brought forth, Catherine, ftill living, but most unhappily estranged from me by my uncle's wickednefs, and her own folly - from this ftation the regiment was fent to defend Gibraltar, at the fiege, where my father was run through the body by Captain Phillips, in a duel, (the quarrel begun about a goose) with much difficulty he furvivedtho' with an impaired conftitution, which was not able to withstand the hardships it was put to-for he was fent to Jamaica, where he foon fell by the country fever, which took away his fenfes first, and made a child of him, and then, in a month or two, walking about continually without complaining, till the moment he fat |