Secured Promptly and with Special Regard to Hand-Book for Inventors and Manufacturers sent free upon request. Consultation Free. No charge for opinion as to the patentability and Commercial Value of Highest References from Prominent Manufacturers. Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, Reports as to Patentability, Validity and Infringement. Patent Suits Conducted in all States. REFERENCES: Globe Machine and Stamping Co., Murray Engineering Co., Morgan Machine and Engineering Co., Berkshire Specialty Co., Stewart Window Shade Co., Macon Shear Co., Acme Canopy Co., Lippencott Pencil Co., Salisbury Tire Association of America, Inventors' and Investors' Corporation, Oakes Manufacturing Co., Cox Implement Co., Columbus Buggy Co., National Index Co., By-Products Co., Alabama Brewing Co., National Offset Co., Antiseptic Supply Co., Richmond Electric Co., Railway Surface Contact Supplies Co., Mr. Parker on November 1, 1903, after having been a member of the Examining Corps of the U. S. Patent Office for over five years, resigned his position as Examiner to take up the The "WALKEASY" ARTIFICIAL LEG Combines all the Latest Improvements. Acknowledged by all wearers the Walk most durable, comfortable, and easiest to walk on of any leg made. Our easy large illustrated catalogue, "THE MAKING OF A MAN," sent free on request. ELECTRO-CHEMICAL RING Trade-Mark, E-C. Copyright, 1904, by W. G. Brownson. The following diseases are caused by acid in the blood, and are cured by this ring, which takes from twenty-four hours to two weeks, according to disease and circumstances. The ring and the acid create an electro-chemical action, removing the acid and curing the disease. Rheumatism-Articular, Inflammatory, Sciatic, Muscular, Gout, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Heart, Fever. Rheumatic Paralysis-Typewriters, Pen, Operators, or wherever located. Asthma, Goitre, Blood Cancer, Varicose Veins, Varicocele, St. Vitus's Dance, Nervous Prostration, Acidity of Stomach causing Constipation, Bright's Disease, Sugar Diabetes, Diabetes, Dropsy, Prostatitis, Congestion of Kidneys, Catarrh of Bladder, Gravel, Gall-stone, Stone in Bladder, Calculi, Salt-rheum, Psoriasis, Painful and Excessive Monthly Periods, Epilepsy. Chronic Dysentery, Bloody Flux, Nosebleed, and all Internal Hemorrhages. Price, $2.00. Gold-covered, $4.00, By Mail or by Express, Collect on Delivery. Send paper size of finger. Agents wanted at places not taken. for additional information. The $2.00 ring is sold on a three weeks' guarantee; ring can be returned and money will be refunded if not satisfactory. Not for sale by jewellers or druggists. Any person who uses our name or copies from our advertising is fraudulently trying to do business on the reputation of this ring. Send This ring is not for sale by wholesale houses or any firm advertising cheap rings and can only be obtained from us and our authorized agents. PEOPLE WHO ARE SUBJECT TO RHEUMATIC, KIDNEY, AND ALL ACID DISEASES, HAVE EXPERIMENTED FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS, AND SPENT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, TAKING AND APPLYING REMEDIES. The time will certainly come when intelligent people will not submit to be experimented with to see if a medicine can be made to cure acid diseases. Any reputable physician will advise, you that a permanent cure in that manner is impossible, as the acid is liable to accumulate again at any time after you quit using the best remedies known to the medical profession. That acid in the blood caused a limited number of diseases has always been admitted, but the knowledge of the fact that an excess of acid is the cause of so many diseases of hitherto unknown pathology has been a revelation to the medical profession. Ο ய Electricity, if applied continuously, and in the proper proportion, will remove acid from the blood and this is admitted by all who are good authority in acid diseases. By the use of the Electro-Chemical Ring the best results are obtained by an electro-chemical action, as it acts directly on the acid, reducing the intensity and quantity, until there is no surplus, when the ring will quit working, and will work only when it is necessary to keep the acid reduced. ELECTRO-CHEMICAL RING CO., 116 13th St., TOLEDO, OHIO. PLAIN, CHASED AND MOTTLED.-No. 12, $2.50. No. 13, $3.50. No. 15, $5.00. No. 16, $6.00. No. 17, $7.00. No. 18, $8.00, No. 14 $4.00. CLIP-CAP, as shown on cut at left, adds to above prices: German Silver, 25c.; Sterling Silver, 50c.; 18 Kt. Gold Filled, $1.00; 14 Kt. Solid Gold, $2.00 Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen The pen with the Clip - Cap L. E. Waterman Company, 173 Broadway, N. Y. 8 School Street, Boston. 209 State Street, Chicago. 136 St. James Street, Montreal. 742 Market Street, San Francisco, 12 Golden Lane, London, E. C. GOLD MOUNTED, CHASED OR PLAIN BANDS.-No. 12, $3.50. No. 13, $4.50. WATERMANS IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENNY GOLD MOUNTED CAP, PLAIN OR CHASED.-No. 12, $3.50. GOLD MOUNTED MIDDLE BAND.-No. 12. $3.50. No. 13, $4.50, No. 14, $5.00, E A booklet, published by us, supplied by dealers or sent upon application direct VERYBODY WRITES, and almost everybody should use a fountain pen. Now-a-days one is lost without a fountain pen. It combines pen and ink so perfectly at all times, and there are so many places where it is indispensable, that it is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. "Probably there is no article that serves more varied requirements, and the needs of the individual users differ greatly. Almost everybody writes differently. Each has some preference in the selection of a pen." FILIGREE STERLING, BLACK OR CARDINAL.-No. 412, $5.00. No. 414, $7.00. ETCHED STERLING, WITH NAME-PLATE.-No. 212, $5.00. No. 214, $7.00. |