• Civic Federation. PAGE PAGE PAGE Mexico, Statistics of.........599, 620 National Congress of Mothers. .402 N. Y. City Populat' n.622,643, 772,783 Michigan Election Returns.717-718 Mile, English... Military Academy of U. S......652 Order Foreigú Wars.. ** of the States...... .15, 176 590 643 .523 641 " 299 .782 Geographic Society. Good Roads Ass'n... "Grange. Home Disabled Volunt's. 830] Dem.& Rep. Conv'ns......265 ..691 ..164-171 641 Mineral Products of U.S. .378 Party Platforms.... 249-262 Provident Union.. .506 "Judiciary...... ..694-695 "Legislature, 1908...692-693 ...602 Probation Com.. .402 Public Service Com- Republican League.... 242 Mint, Directors of Mints, Coinage of Superintendents of..... 279 Sculpture Society Spiritualists' Association.580 "Republican StateCom- mittees 246 Missions, Am. Board Foreign. 576 353 Night Signals on Steamers.....440 721-722 Naturalists' Society, American.523 883 Naval Academy of U. S. 181 .533 239 370 Examining and Retiring Nobles of the Mystic Shrine...405 .602 223, 226 แ 153 Militia... .662, 782 232 Monroe Doctrine.. Montana Election Returns.. Monthly Calendars for 1908.115-126 665 "When Outlawed.. Order of the United States.587 228 Veterans, Nat'l Ass'n....587 Numerals, Roman and Arabic.155 115, 126-127 Navies of the World. Moonlight Chart for 1908........129 Navigation, Opening & Closing.140 Moon's Phases in 1908 "Captains and Command- Dep't Expenditures. 344 Numismatic and Archæologi- Norwegian Royal Fainily. 604 501 649 Novels of 1907 2961 ....521 128 Navy, British .569 Morocco, Statistics of. .599 Mortality Statistics. 394-395 .402 647 Flag Officers. 663 Motor Cycle..... .464 "League of the U.S. 587 Pay Table.. 672 671 OAT CROP STATISTICS... .381,383 632-633 U. S. Official List. 663 " U. S., Vessels.. .666-672 Oceans, Depth of.. Yards, United States. Mothers National Congress. Mottoes of States......... 372-373 Mountains, Highest.. Mount Vernon Ladies' Associa- Multi-Millionaries, American, Municipal Civil Service, N. Y.748 .671 315-317 Occurrences During Printing.15-16 .145 217 396 Negroes in U. S.............625,630 Old People of 1908, Famous.....318 602 Nevada Election Returns.... .724) National Academy of Design,.510 New Mexico Election A. A. U. Championships...479 turns.... 725 46 P .333 New Jersey Election Returns, PACING RECORDS...... "Ass'n for Study of Epile- " & Periodicals... .221 ..478 610 ..105 287-291,645 286 .599 529 .395 225 .236 .614 ..682 Clearing-House.362, 755 Parks, National.. SEE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ON PAGES 859 TO 863. Petroleum, Production of..376,378 Philippine Area and Popula- 627 .349 Porto Rico.......284-285, 599, 645, 746| .284 " "Commerce.. .599, 623, 645 Portugal and Colonies.. Philological Association,Amer- can... Army and Navy. ..349 Q QUALIFICATIONS FOR VOTING.240 R Philosophical Society, Am.....522 Royal Family. .794-7951 Pilgrim Fathers, Order of......506 Postmasters, National Assn....370 Planetary Configurations, 1908........ Platinum Production... Plays of 1907.. ..379 Potentiality of U.S. ..753 Potomac, Society of Army .370-371 RACE, POPULATION ACCORD- Pneumonia, Deaths from......395 Poultry and Eggs, Production Pole Star, Mean Time of Tran- .321 of.... .519 Power Transmission .592 Racquets & Court Tennis......468 Regions, Area and Popu- Precious Metals, Statistics.......358 ...132-133 "Committees........... "Conventions.. Earnings & Expenses..416-432 838 145 .360 Races of Mankind.. .........148 Railroad Accidents.. .433 Employes in US. .433 Expresses... .417-432 Grouped' by Capital- Academy.......... 66 520 President Roosevelt's Admin. 259 Manhattan Elev.. 275 Officials .417-432 .269 Passenger Stations, N. Y..775 263 Presidential Cabinet Officers, Speed Records. 434 Statistics of U. S..... .416-435 Election of 1908.. .264 6. Elections, 1789 to 1904.270-271 "Succession 274 Vote. .627 According to School .628 Press Clubs, League According to Sex, Na- tivity, and Color.. .264-271, 697-698 Rainfall. Normal, in the U. S 137 for Rare Amer. Coins.338-359 Rates of Postage.. According to Vote Cast, 629 Printing Industry "All Countries... .221 Ratio of Silver to Gold. 506 .263 655,671 SEE ADVERTISING INDEX ON PAGES XCIX TO CIIL......... 506 Saloons in N. Y. City..... Regents' Examinations, N. Y..2 cers... 295 660 .. Banks Statistics.......361.363) 181 Saxon Royal Family 534 523 560 .599 238 Sovereigns of Europe. 536 536 Battleships.. War Veterans.. Regular U. S. Army and Navy " & College Enrolment. resentatives.... 506 Special Sessions, Court.. ..598 .602 605 .16, 591 275 749 109 .510 440 350 Spelling, Simplified... .533 105 Spindles in Operation.. .384 .276 Spirits, Statisties of.. 890 .692 Spiritualists, National Assocía- 580 "U. S. Presidents pro tem- ..585 Senators,U. S... Re- .336 Specific Gravity. 510 Speed of Railroad Trains.......434 275 Spiritualists, number of. ...569 "U. S., Salary of... .383 Royal Family. .449 Sewers, Bureau of, N. Y. Rod and Reel-Casting Records.448 Shakespearian Table. Rogation Days.. .332 Sheriff, N. Y. City Roman Catholic Churches in Shield of Honor. ..599 Square Measure. 296 Squash Records.. .606 Stage, The... .105 152 .491 .507-509, 753-754 "Catholics, Number of..567-568 Shipping, Ainerican & Foreign. 345 64 Era. ments.. ..646 .764, 770 Ship Subsidy Bill.. .106 Shot-Putting Records.. 482 .155 Shooting Records. .334 Siam, Statistics of.. 599 Roque.... .456 Sidewalks, New York City 784 138 Roumania, Statistics of... .599 Silk Manufactures.. 215-216 Elections... Roumanian Army...... 296 Silver Certificates, U. S.....202, 359 Flowers. .361 Labor Bureaus. Royal Academy Legislation... "Mines Product. Militia.... Families of Europe....603-606 Rulers of Nations.. Rum, Production of........ .390 Simplified Spelling. Russia, Army and Navy. 296- Sixteen-Hour Act. Diplomatic Intercourse...279 Skating Records.. Empire, Population, etc. 599 Slater, John, F. Fund.. 64 Mottoes.. .506 Ratio to Gold 66 Source of, in U. S. 357 .533 481 Single Tax.... .248 .189 297, 617 Sixtieth Congress.. .597 Slate, Production of. .200 5341 Officers in N. Y. City. .748 Officers, (See Each State Election Returns.) Party Platforms of 1907...259 lation... .451 States and the Union Area of. 633 Rye, Production of.. .617 Slaughtering and Meat Packing 214 Statistical Ass'n, American........522 Social Science Ass'n,American.522 Steamships from N.V..438-439.784 Labor Party Platform .957 Production of Party Nat'l Committee15, 245 "Tonnage in U. 8. Solar System. 690 Soldiers' Homes. Street-Cleaning Dept., N. Y.... 747 684 Sons of the American Revolu- 407 Strikes and Lockouts.......204-205 SEE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ON PAGES 859 TO 863. 375 345 435 .588 Stocks. Prices of Leading....365- 378 378 Storm Warnings. .139 285,599, 645 Wealth of. ..260 579 Suicide, Statistics of.. Summer, Beginning of, 1908 Mean Distance of. "Rises and Sets. Sun's Declination. Sunday-School Statistics. World Field Days. 378 Troiting Records. 105 Trust Companies in N. Y. 130 Trusts in Party Platforms. 260-261 Supreme Court of U. S.....278, 650 Tutuila, Area and Population Surety Insurance. 114-126 Universal Brotherhood.. 410 Twilight Tables. Universalists in U. S............569 .694,749 Surgical Ass'n, American. Surrogate's Court, N. Y. .750 Surveyors of Customis. 649 .537 Sweden, Area, etc... .599 Uranus, Planet. .127 Army and Navy. Ministry of... Swedish Battleships. Swimming Records.. Switzerland, Army of.. "Statistics of.. 296-297 602 U Fraternal League.. Urban Population in U. S.... 633 Usury, Penalty for.. .228 597 UNION ARMY SOCIETIES.......592 Utah Election Returns.........741 .383 Unions, Labor.... 296 Unitarian Ass'n, American....572 .506 .177-181 .567-568 United American Mechanics.. 506 Daughters of Confederacy.594 Vaulting Records... Spanish War Veterans....591 Velocity of Winds in U.S......139 Army.. 591 .296 Army of... .202.599 Venus, Planet......... _653-662 Army and Navy Union,15,556 Veterans of Indian Wars, Soc. of...... 586 1797 Veterans, Sons of U. S. Army, 591 Army in New York City..793 ..343 Battleship Fleet to Pa- 16 Census, .173 Schools.... 29 Civil Service Commission..648 Volunteer Life-Saving Corps..829 Civil Service Rules.. 209 Volunteers of America.. 580 728 .. Popular and Electoral, Courts in N. Y. City. 750 Voters, Registration of. 264,270 Customs Duties.. .156-157 Daughters 1812, Society... 589 Voting Population of U. S......631 Qualifications for......240-41 District Attorneys. Territorial Expansion of U.S..296 Foreign Trade. 651 Territories of United States. 645 Forestry Statistics, 234-236 Texas Election Returns....739-741 General Appraisers. Geographic Board. .528 " 215 Government 647-650 Government Print'gOffice 371 ་ Industries. 753-754 Theological Schools in U.S. 526 Theosophical Society, The..569.579 202 WAGE-EARNERS IN U. S...212-213 155 .217 Thermometers. 141 342-344 Wake Island .285 Tide Tables... Thirteenth Army Corps Ass'n.592 .142-143 Land Offices... 650 Wales, Population of ......607,615 481 Timber in U. S.. Life-Saving Service 644,797 War Dep't Expenditures.. 344 Time Difference Lighthouse Establishm't. 371 Officials.. 647 Divisions of.. 1 Standard Tin, Production of. Tobacco Industry. Prodnetion of Torpedo Boats, U.S. SEE ADVERTISING INDEX ON PAGES XCIX TO CIIL, Manufactures. 212-213 of 1812, Societies of. 588 Marine Corps 664 "Secretaries of.. 276 Military Academy 652 Wars of U. S. 583 Ministers Abroad.279-282, 674 Wards in N. Y. City .lxxii Naval Academy. 652 Warships of U. S.. 666,671 Naval Enlistment and Washington's Farewell Ad- Pay...... .671-672 dress... .174-175 .469 Wills. PAGE PAGE 495 World,Statistics of Countriesof,599 .575 ..468 Supply Board N.Y.City....748 Winds, Velocity of, in U. N. Y. State.. Wealth in U. S...... Wealth of Nations.. .513 Weather Bureau, N. Y. City....797 Wisconsin Election Returns745-746) Flags.. 64 Rules for Foretelling .141 Withdrawals from Custom- Weight-Throwing Records....482 Weights, Ancient Greek and Woman's Christian Temper- 153 Y .506 342 YACHTING RECORDS......454-455 574 .591 Weight and Height of Women.148 China, Japan, Philippines, and Australia Mails. FIGURES in parentheses indicate number of days in transit from port of embarkation. The Post-Office Department allows 5 days for transmission of mails from New York to San Fran- Leave London, Eng., every Friday for Aden (10). Bombay (15), Colombo (16), Singapore (22-25), Leave San Francisco, Cal., about every 7 to 15 days for Hong Kong (32), Shanghai (29), Yoko- Leave Seattle, Tacoma er Victoria, about every 7 days for Hong Kong (32), Yokohama (17), Shang- AUSTRALIA MAILS.-Mails for West Australia are all sent via London, Eng. Leave London, Eng., every Friday for all parts of Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, etc. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, ETC. Mails for the Philippine Islands are sent by steamers from San Francisco, Seattle or Tacoma to Hong Fire Engine Companies in Brooklyn and Queens. 101-1233 4th Ave. (Headquarters, 365 Jay Street, Brooklyn.) 102-Van Brunt St., nr. Seabring. 42d St. 124-274 Hicks St. Ave. 132-Fireboat David A. Boody, 156-124 De Kalb Ave. land St., Far Rockaway. 168-Washington and Beach Avs., 169-Union St. and 7th Ave. Chemical Engine Co. No. 1, 712 SEE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ON PAGES 859 TO 863. |