GENERAL INDEX. PAGE PAGR 3 PAGE 479 American Federation of Labor, "Fisheries Society...... 510 .511 510-511 .523 64 231 ...433 Animals, Domestic, in U. S...383 .111 .321 588 Antidotes for Poisons....... "Gynecological Society....521 Apothecaries' Weights.. ..395 .152 .501 46 Hog.. Humane Society. "Indian... .182 521 Appellate Division, Supreme .749 .395 ..383 Accounts, When Outlawed....228 Records...... Afghanistan.. Africa Areaand Pogulation 607,621 Agricultural Implements......382 "Science, Society for Pro- motion of..... Agriculture Dep't Officials. Secretaries of. Institute of Architects....521 Appraisers, U. S. General.....797 40 and Mediation Inst. Mining Engineers...521 Arbitration .621 .381 523 Alabama Election Returns.699, 700 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposi- 155 ..232 .236 .516 522 .307 ical and Otological Soc..521 Arbor Day Ass'n.... Psychological Exploration.. .521 A rea, Cities in U. S.....639, 642-643 Extreme of Counties......628 " "of Africa of British Empire. 46 "Microscopical Society.. tion... .400 66 Alcohol Statistics. .890 Aldermen, N. Y. City.... 747 Alfred B. Nobel Prizes.. ......533 Alliance Francaise. 565 of Reformed Churches573 Altar Colors... Altitudes, Greatest in States...137 Aluminum, Production of......379 Amendments to U. S. Con- stitution. America, Area and Population.145 British, Area, etc... American Acad. of Medicine.520 Academy Political Social Science.. 594 and Industrial Hygiene..565 66 66 162-163 607 Pediatric Society. and .520 Anatomists' Association..522 Anti-Tuberculosis League. "Antiquarian Society.. Asiatic Association........520 Asso. of Obstetricians and 521 Ornithologists' Union.....521 520 520 Association for Advance- ment of Science. 520 Gynecologists. 520 ་་ Bar Association 520 Bible Society.. Benefit Society.......... 504 "Bison Society. Board of Foreign Mis- sions... 576 .782 "Chemical Society....... Civic Association..........641 "Continentals....... "Turf..... 593 ......105 692-693 "Cross of Honor.. .593 Dermatological Ass'n.....520 66 Dialect Society. ..520 Urological Association....522 Climatological Ass'n......520 College Fraternities....15,558 Society of Naturalists 581 Artillery Corps, Field Officers.660 Unitarian Association.....572 Assessed Valuation of Prop- erty in U.S.. Economic Association....520 Amusements, N. Y. City...751,774 Associated Press.... .528 .127 591 Library, N. Y. City.....564 SEE ADVERTISING INDEX ON PAGES XCIX TO CIII. 172999 Attire for Men... .607 Bridges, N. Y. City.. .127 "Army and Navy of...296-297 .598 "Institution... Attorney-Generals, U.S....277-278 Brick Production of Common.368 Carriage and Wagon Manu- Australasia.... Austria, Diplomatic Intercourse. Brighton Handicap.. 791 facturers.... 475 Carter Handicap.... .531 217 .474 280 Brigadier-Generals, U.S.A.... 653 Casualty Insurance in U. S.....410 Hungary, Armyand Navy, Brith Abraham Order. Ministry.........602 Austrian-Hungarian Gov't....617 .. Records...... 612 ..570 Churches in N. Y. City...764 ..595 Diplomatic Intercourse, Dures 458-459 ** Autumn, Beginning of, 1908....105 B Empire, Statistics,599, 697,614 Cement Production.... Holidays. King's Title and Oath.....610 Census, U. S.... Parliament. 611 Cemeteries, National.. 378 333 Cemeteries, New York City.. 800 152 Central and South American .621 614 Centre of Population in U.S...633 Population.. 599, 607, 615 Cereal Crops.. 381,383 Ballooning. Premiers.. ..610 Chamber of Commerce. .783 .408-409,495 Ballots for Candidates for Royal Family. .600, 608 Champagne Statistics.. ..390 President. 265-268 Throne, Order of Succes- Baltimore Exposition. 399 Banking Statistics. 361-363 Bankruptcy Law, U. S... Banks in N. Y. City. Baptist Churches, N. Y. City761,766 sion Bronchitis, Deaths from. 66 Navy Yard. Young People's Union..15,576 Brotherhood of Am. Yeomen..504 Baptists, Number of.. Bar Association, American. Battleships, U.S.. of Andrew and Philip. of Red Diamond....... .484-489 (U.S.) Fleet to Pacific... 16 381 China, Area and Population. 599 .776 Society, American..... ..520 Chemistry in 1907. 516 577 Chess..... 473 .578 Children's Court. N. Y. City. .749 .296-297 599 ..598 296 .625 .568,579 .748 297 Christians, Number of.. 567 176 Chronological Cycles and Eras 105 Church Days in 1908. .105 Beer.... .390 Bushel Weights.... 151. Established, of England..612 364 Belgian Royal Family ..603 Belgium, Area, etc.... .599 Army and Navy......296-297 Pursuits in U. S.......632-633 Temperance Society. 574 Churches, N. Y. City 761-771 Ben-Hur, Tribe of. .602 216 in the U. S 568-569 Benefactions of 1907........15,512 Benzine Production .375 Circuit Courts of U. S... 650,750 575 .460-461 Beverages, When to Serve.. 391 CABINET OFFICERS Bible Society, American. Births..... Bishops, English. 1789..... of Religious Denomina- Blacklisting Laws. Blind Persons in U. S.. of U.S., Population of 635,637 444 Citizens' Expatriation Act.....183 113 Greek & Russian, for 1908. 114) Organizations in U. S.. ..570-572 .177 Gregorian... Jewish. for 1908 .748 Mohammedan, for 1908...114 176 641 541 522 Lists of Sovereigns. ..599 Service Comm'rs, U. S....648 Largest of the Earth.. 622 790 of Estimate and Appor- Boat-Racing Records... 452-456 Calendars for 1908 and 1909. Bonded Debts of States... N. Y. City..... 210,748 .109 "Monthly for 1908. 354 S. 529 Canals... Books, Production of ་་ of 1907. 530 Canning and Preserving In- 287 Coffee Production.. 387 359 356 .341 Boots and Shoes Industry......219 Canoe Racing................472-473 Coke Production, . .378 SEE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ON PAGES 859 TO 863. PAGE Collectors of Customs.. 560 "Commencements "Enrolment.. "Presidents "Reference Marks.. ...107 .498-499 .649 Courts of New York City....749-750 Divisions of Time.. .563 tion Returns). of New York State 748 ...383 .221-224 ..152 .507-509 .403 393 ..504 ..614 536 Courts of United States.......650,749 Domestic Animals in U. S. ...626 "Governors, British.. .613 Cruisers, United States.........666|Duties, Customs, U. S......156, 157 Colorado Election Returus. 702-703 Cuban Occupation in 1907. 50-4 450-451 EAGLES, ORDER OF. Comptroller's Office, N. Y......747 Dames of the Revolution......589 Confederate States of America 337 Veterans... Conflagrations, Great.. Confucianism.. Congo State... 594 ..577 Eggs, Production of... 415 Day of Week, How to Find.112-113 Egypt, Area, etc.... Congregational Churches,N. Y. City. "National Council... Congregationalists. .761,767 " Congress, Acts of Fifty-ninth...182 Debts of Nations. Appropriations by. "Library of. .398 Election Returns Begin.. .394-395 "Party Divisions in... "Sixtieth .......513 .520 .398 Institute. 66 of the U.S....... Conventions...259-262, 265-268 Electro-chemistry. 514 .674 .127 Entomological Society, Amer. 520 350 District-Att'y'sOffice, N.Y,749-750 748 750 U.S. 504 44 468 Leaders, N. Y. City.. .651 Esperanto, The International .783 Etiquette, Practical..... ..331 tion.... SEE ADVERTISING INDEX ON PAGES XCIX TO CIII. Prominent Points in 799 475 Sons of Israel. 541 Freemasonry 404-4051 748 Freezing and Fusing Points...109 Expenditures, U.S. Governm't.344 French Academy. Exchanges, N. Y. City. Excise Dept., N. Y. City. Exports.... 213,347-350 Expositions.. " Battleships Express Offices, N. Y. City. 772 417,432 F on Railroads. FACTS ABOUT THE EARTH.... 145 6. Pretenders..... Pevolutionary Era.... G Failures in U. S. .364 Families in U. S.. 6261 Famous Old People of 1908.. .318 GAME LAWS. Universities .543 Farm Productions in U.S..202, 383 440 .647-650 .797 .403! Officers in N. Y. City 1868 Gasoline Production. Society, National... 475 Jeptasophis, Order of.. Hierarchy, Roman Catholic...570 .446-447 Historical Ass'n, American .375 " Events, Dates of......110-111 .567 520 .451 ..653 Hog Statistics. 389 528 Holidays 523 Homes and Asylums in New .518 ..521 Homes for Soldiers. in United States.. Georgia Election Returns...704-706 Homing Pigeons..... 517 Homoeopathy, American In- .759-760 830 522 626 Feeble-Minded Fencing 471 154 Homicide in United States.. 396 Fermented Liquors. 390 .456 Ferries from New York City. .785 .524 Geology and Paleontology 521 Ministry.. Field Officers U. S. Army..660-661 Days, Sunday World......472 Fifty-ninth Congress, Acts of..182 Finances of Larger Cities...639-640 of Nations. Royal Family. Ariny and Navy 616 Horse-Racing Records. .474 747 Battleships. 596 Horses, Value of, in U. S.. .883 Commercial Agreement.233 Hosiery and Knit Goods, 216 353 Diplomatic Intercourse. 281 Hospitals, N. Y. City 773-774 Financial Statistics. 356 Gin, Production of. Fire Dept., N. Y. City, .748,792 Gleaners, Order of. " Insurance Statistics. .414 616 Hotel Liquor Licenses, N. Y.. 391 817 440 Rules in Case of. 321 Fires, Loss by, in United States.414 Fishing, Open Seasous for. Flag, National. Gloves and Mittens, Leather..220 .555 Flags, Storm& Weather Sig.138-139 Coins in Circulation,.. 358 Humane Society, American..565 356,379 Hunting and Game Laws..446-447 282 of Commons..... 614 611,614 383 ** of Representatives.....685-690 582 356 Human Family.... .145 .163 Ass'n, American.... 588 Transatlantic Lines. .440 Flax, Manufactures .216! Flaxseed Crop.. Florida Election Returns. .704 Flowers, State.. 998 Folklore Society, American...520 Good Fellows, Royal Society...505 105 I Food, Law, Pure... .187-188 Foods, Nutritiveness of.. 340 Roads Ass'n, Nat'l. .641 .406 Football Records.. .490 Foreign Bank Statistics. Governments of the Earth. 616 ICE, MANUFACTURED.. Ice Yacht Club Races.. 283 214 362 "Coins, Valne of 341 of States in U.S.. 646 I.C. A. A. A. A. Records. 483 .381 Idaho Election Returns... .706 Consuls in N. Y. City. 800 " Consuls in U. S. 679 Grand Army of the Republic....590linois Election Returns...707-708 Countries, Exports and Imports.. .350 Legations in U. S. 677 Mails .224-226 Ministries. 602 Missions, American Board 576) Population in U.S....625, "Shipping.. "Trade of the U. S.. 347-349 Church Adherents. Greece, Army and Navy of 296 599 Commissioner, N. Y. 797 184-186 599 114 Immunity Bath Legislation...369 567 tory.. 175 .604 Imports. 347-350 629,638 H Forestry Statistics.. Forts, N. Y. City... Forty Immortals. .504 234-236 Founders and Patriots France and Colonies.. Army and Navy. SEE 793 HACK FARES, N. Y. CITY. 631 Hague Conference of 1907..292-233 Indiana Election Returns. .708-710 of .596, 616 Harness Racing ..... 599 Hammer Throwing Records. 482 Industrial Peace..... ...477-478 Progress. U.S... CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ON PAGES 859′ TO 853. 483 835 .202 107 Indebtedness of Nations. .353 .285, 599, 623,645 .346 India, Government of.. .613 Corn Production. ....381 PAGE .373 145 PAGE PAGE "In God We Trust," When Kentucky Election Returns, London Officials & Population.. Inhabitants of Earth. Inhabitants of U. S. see "Pop- ulation." Inheritance Tax.. 712 714 King's Daughters and Sons... 577 Long Measure. " Initiative and Referendum....298 of Golden Eagle. "of Honor. 299 "of Labor.... Insanity Statistics..... 398 "of Maccabees. "of Malta.. Inspection of Steam Vessels...797 615.622 162 ......117 .505 Lords, House of.. .614 505 Louisiana Election Returns.714-715 15,181 public. 505 .505 Loyal Legion, Military Order.. 5923 .407 Luther League of America. .677 of St. John and Malta.....505 Lutheran Churches in N. Y. Templars... .405 City. .153) .599 Bureau of American Re- League of Press Clubs....528 Domestic and For- Ladies' Catholic Beney. Ass'n. 505 Major-Generals, U. S. Army..653 Malt Liquors, Statistics. ings Banks... 756-757 M Ꮮ Secretaries of the. 277 Internal Revenue Officers, International Boat Races.. 454 Magistrates, N. Y. City. .749 .691 .176-181, 261 Mails, .221-226 211 Ladies of the Maccabees of the .390 World... 836 6-11 Interscholastic, Records. Lakes, Great, Area of.. 212-213 483 Lake Mohonk Conference. .836 .648 "Commerce Law... Land Forces of Europe. 968 190 260 Map Elevated Ry., N. Y "National Guard Ass'n..... 593 Lands, Public, in U.S.....208,344 Irish Catholic Benev. Union...505 N. Y. City Assembly Dis- .389 Marine Corps, United States.297,654 749 Marriage & Divorce Laws..498-499 Examinations in N.Y... and Steel Tonnage in U.S.345 Lawyers' Club, N. Y. City. Israel, Free Sons of. Italian Government.. Ministry. "Royal Family. Italy and Colonies.. Army and Navy of....996, 617 Smelting. 797 Maryland Election Returns.715-716 ..405 Leaders, District, N. Y. City..783 Masonry, Sovereign Sanctuary 405 .505 .617 Masons, Colored.... 604 .599 641 " Learned Societies, American Knights Templars. .405 .405 .336 520-523 Massachusetts Election Ret'ns. Leather Industry. .219 716-717 Legacy Tax Laws. .567-568 Letter Carriers, N. Y. City .521 ...587 369 Mathematical Society, Amer..521 Legations, Foreigu, in U. S.. .597 Legislatures. (See Each State .114 Legislatures, State, When Next Churches in N.Y.City.761,767 15 Historical Soc.. Jews, Number of 105 Lenox Library. Judgments, When Outlawed..228 "Postage... License Fees in N. Y. City. 105 Mechanical Engineers, Ameri- .221, 224 Mechanics, United American..506 .532 .790 Judiciary of United States.....650 Licenses, Bureau of, N.Y.City.748 Assn. of the Southwest...523 145 .107 Life, Human, Duration of 110 ..403 114 Jury Duty, New York City. 748, 798 Life-Saving Service.... 644,797 Men's Dress Chart.. .379 571 340 Metropolitan Handicap. 474 SEE ADVERTISING INDEX ON PAGES XCIX TO CIII. |