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American Flint Glass Workers Union.

Bricklayers and Masons' Union. William Dobson, 301 Unity Building, Indianapolis, Ind.
W. P. Clark, Toledo, Ohio.
Brotherhood of Operative Plasterers. 2909 Wylie Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. Warren S. Stone, Cleveland, Ohio.

Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, W. S. Carter, Peoria, Ill.
Brotherhood of Railroad Switchmen. M. R. Welch, 326 Mooney Building, Buffalo, N. Y.
Brotherhood of Railroad Traiumen. A E. King, Cleveland, Ohio.
Brotherhood of Railway Clerks. R. E. Fisher, Kansas City Life Building, Kansas City, Mo.
National Association of Letter Carriers.
National Association of Steam Fitters.
E. J. Cantwell, Hutchins Building, Washington, D. C.
Railroad Conductors' Order. W. J. Maxwell, Cedar Rapids. Ia.
W. F. Costello, 33 Olive Street, New Haven, Ct.
Stone Masons' International Union.
Western Federation of Miners. James Kirwan, 3 Pioneer Building, Denver, Col.
John Reichwein, 536 Concord Street, Indianapolis, Ind.


General Master Workman, Simon Burns, 518 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.: General Worthy Foreman, Henry A. Hicks, Williams aud Terrace Avenues, Hasbrouck Heights, N. J.; General Secretary-Treasurer, Thomas H. Canning, Bliss Building. Washington, D. C.; General Executive Board, Simon Burns, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Henry A. Hicks, Hasbrouck Heights, N. J.; John Fernau, Pittsburgh, Pa.; J. Frank O'Meara, Washington, D. C.; Joseph R. Morrison, Watervliet, N. Y.


Registration of Trade-Marks


THE following are extracts from the new "Act to authorize the registration of trade-marks used in commerce with foreign nations, or among the several States or Indian tribes, and to protect the passed by the Fifty-eighth Congress, and approved by the President, February 20, 1905, and amended by Act passed by the Fifty-ninth Congress, approved March 2, 1907. The owner of a trade-mark used in commerce with foreign nations, or among the several States, or with Indian tribes, provided such oner shall be domiciled within the territory of the United States, or resides in or is located in any foreign country which, by treaty, convention, or law, affords similar privileges to the citizens of the United States, may obtain registration for such trade-mark by complying with the following requirements: First, by filing in the Patent Office an application therefor, in writing, addressed to the Commissioner of Patents, signed by the applicant, specifying his name, domicile, location, and citizenship; the class of merchandise and the particular description of goods comprised in such class to which the trade-mark is appropriated; a description of the trademark itself, and a statement of the mode in which the same is applied and affixed to goods, and the length of time during which the trade-mark has been used. With this statement shall be filed a drawing of the trade-mark, signed by the applicant, or his attorney, and such number of specimens of the trade-mark, as actually used, as may be required by the Commissioner of Patents. paying into the Treasury of the United States the sum of ten dollars, and otherwise complying with the requirements of this Act and such regulations as may be prescribed by the Commissioner of Patents. Second, by

"A certificate of registration shall remain in force for twenty years, except that in the case of trade-marks previously registered in a foreign country such certificates shall cease to be in force on the day on which the trade-mark ceases to be protected in such foreign country, and shall in no case remain in force more than twenty years, unless renewed. time to time, renewed for like periods on payment of the renewal fees required by this Act, upon request by the registrant, his legal representatives, or transferees of record in the Patent Office, and Certificates of registration may be, from such request may be made at any time not more than six months prior to the expiration of the period for which the certificates of registration were issued or renewed. Certificates of registration in force at the date at which this Act takes effect shall remain in force for the period for which they were issued, but shall be renewable on the same conditions and for the same periods as certificates issued under the provisions of this Act, and when so renewed shall have the same force and eflect as certificates issued under this Act.

The registration of a trade-mark under the provisions of this Act shall be prima facie evidence of ownership who shall, without the consent of the owner thereof, reproduce, counterfeit, copy, or colorably imitate any such trade-mark and affix the same to merchandise of substantially the same descriptive properties as those set forth in the registration, or to labels, signs, prints, packages, wrappers, or receptacles intended to be used upon or in connection with the sale of merchandise of substantially the same descriptive properties as those set forth in such registration, and shall use, or shall have used, such reproduction, counterfeit, copy, or colorable imitation in commerce among the several States, or with a foreign nation, or with the Indian tribes, shall be liable to an action for damages therefor at the suit of the owner thereof; and whenever in any such action a verdict is rendered for the plaintiff, the court may enter judgment therein for any sum above the amount found by the verdict as the actual damages, according to the circumstances of the case, not exceeding three times the amount of such verdict, together with the costs."

No trade-mark shall be granted which consists of or comprises the flag or coat of arms or other insignia of the United States or any simulation thereof, or of any State or municipality, or of any foreign nation, nor which is identical with or nearly resembling a trade-mark already registered." portrait of a living individual may be registered as a trade-mark except by the consent of such individual, evidenced by an instrument in writing.' "No


The following is a list of the Governments with which conventions for the reciprocal registration and protection of trade-marks have been entered into by the United States: Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain (including colonies), Italy, Japan, Luxemburg, Russia, Servia, Spain. The laws of Switzerland and the Netherlands being so framed as to afford reciprocal privileges to the citizens or subjects of any Government which affords similar privileges to the people of those countries, the mere exchange of diplomatic notes, giving notice of the fact, accomplishes all the purposes of a formal convention.

Acts of the Fifty-ninth Congress.


THE principal bills of a public nature which became laws during the second session of the Fiftyninth Congress, beginning December 3, 1906, and ending March 4, 1907 (the list of principal laws of the first session having been printed in THE WORLD ALMANAC for 1907, page 176), were:

Chapter 154. An act for the relief of the citizens of the Island of Jamaica. This act ordered the distribution of clothing, provisions, medicines and other naval stores among the sufferers by the earthquake. [January 18, 1907.]

Chapter 397. An act to reorganize and increase the efficiency of the artillery of the United States Army. The act reorganized and enlarged the artillery, the field batteries were combined in six regiments, and the coast batteries in a corps. [January 25, 1907.]

Chapter 420. An act to prohibit corporations from making money contributions in connection with political elections. [January 26, 1907.]

Chapter 432. An act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to investigate and report upon the industrial, social, moral, educational and physical condition of women and child workers in the United States. [January 29, 1907.]

Chapter 436. An act to incorporate the International Sunday School Associations of America, [January 31, 1907.]

Chapter 468. An act granting pensions to certain enlisted men, soldiers and officers who served in the civil war and war with Mexico. A general service pension granted to all persons in the military or naval service of the United States in these wars who are sixty-two years old and over. [February 6, 1907. ]

Chapter 1134. An act to regulate the immigration of aliens into the United States. A summary of this act will be found on page 184. [February 20, 1907.]

Chapter 1189. An act to provide for the appointment of an additional district judge in and for the Southern District of the State of Ohio. [February 25, 1907.]

Chapter 1198. An act providing for a United States Judge for the Northern judicial district of Alabama. [February 25, 1907.1

Chapter 2073. An act to divide the judicial district of Nebraska into divisions, and to provide for an additional judge in said district. [February 27, 1907. ]

Chapter 2279. An act authorizing the construction of four steam vessels for the Revenue Cutter service of the United States. [March 1, 1907. ]

Chapter 2284. An act to amend an act providing for the public printing and binding and distribution of public documents. In this act the new simplified spelling in public documents was stopped. [March 1, 1907. ]

Chapter 2534.

An act in reference to the expatriation of citizens and their protection abroad. This act will be found on following page. [March 2, 1907. J

Chapter 2558. An act to establish the Foundation for the Promotion of Industrial Peace. This act will be found on another page. [March 2, 1907. ]

Chapter 2561. An act making certain changes in the Postal laws. Permitting ordinary stamps to be used for special delivery matter when the words special delivery" or their equivalent are written or printed on the envelope. [March 2, 1907.]

Chapter 2564. An act for writs of error in certain instances in criminal cases, giving the Government the right of appeal in criminal cases. [March 2, 1907. ]

Chapter 2571. An act to amend an act entitled; "An act for the withdrawal from bond, tax free, of domestic alcohol when rendered unfit for beverage or liquid medicinal uses by mixture with suitable denaturing materials. " approved June 7, 1906. This act extends to farmers certain advantages in manufacturing denatured alcohol. [March 2, 1907. ]

Chapter 2573. An act to amend an act entitled. "An act to authorize the registration of trademarks used in commerce with foreign nations or among the several States, etc." [March 2, 1907.] Chapter 2575. An act to provide for an additional district judge for the Northern district of California. [March 2, 1907. ] Chapter 2909. An act to provide for the establishment of an agricultural bank in the Philippine Islands. [March 4, 1907. ] Chapter 2913. An act to amend the National Banking Act and for other purposes. The act authorized deposits of customs receipts in National Banks, adding elasticity to currency and increasing the supply of small bills. [March 4, 1907. ]

Chapter 2932. An act to provide a suitable memorial to the memory of Christopher Columbus, An appropriation of $100,000 was made to erect this memorial in the City of Washington. A commission was appointed to carry out the provisions of the act, consisting of the Chairmen of the Congress Library Committees, the Secretaries of State and War, and the Supreme Knight of the Order of the Knights of Columbus. [March 7, 1907. ]

Chapter 2939. An act to promote the safety of employés and travellers upon railroads by limiting the hours of service to employés thereon. Making it unlawful for any common carrier to require employés to be continuously on duty over sixteen hours. [March 4, 1907.]

Joint resolution authorizing the President to extend an invitation to the Twelfth International Congress of Hygiene and Demography, to hold its thirteenth Congress in the City of Washington. [February 26, 1907. ]

In Chapter 892 relating to the Steamboat Inspection service, useless and unnecessary whistling by steamboats is prohibited.

In Chapter 916, making appropriations for the diplomatic and consulai service, the salaries of all ministers abroad, formerly $7,500, are raised to $10,000 per annum.

In Chapter 1635, making appropriations for legislature, executive and judicial expenses, the salaries of the Vice-President, Cabinet Officers and Speaker of the House of Representatives are increased from $8,000 to $12,000 per annum and those of Senators and Representatives in Congress from $5,000 to $7,500 per annum,

In Chapter 2511, making appropriations for the army, the rank of Lieutenant-General is abolished after the next vacancy in said rank shall occur, and the rank of Adjutant-General of the army is restored and substituted for that of Military Secretary.

In Chapter 2907 making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture, the meat inspection law of 1906, is reaffirmed.

Two new 20,000-ton battleships and additional destroyers and sub-marines were authorized, and the rank of Major-General was bestowed on the Commandant of the Marine Corps.

Treaties with San Domingo and Morocco were ratified.


During the two sessions of the Fifty-ninth Congress the President vetoed thirteen acts; four changing jurisdiction of courts, three Indian bills, two privatelpension bills on account of death of beneficiaries, a third because beneficiary was merely a camp follower not entitled to the benefits; another which was to pay pension which was clearly excessive; one to give to a claimant an island in the Mississippi on which there is a lighthouse necessary for navigation, and a bill allowing dangerous explosives on passenger vessels.

Five hundred and twenty-two public laws were enacted altogether, of which one hundred and nine authorized bridges and dams across navigable rivers, and eighty-three were for the government of the District of Columbia.

There were 6,627 invalid pension acts, 1,062 private pension acts.

Bills introduced: House, 25,910; Senate, 8,655. Number of pages of Congressional Record, more than 17,000; a new record.


Tariff readjustment, Isle of Pines treaty, ship subsidies, publicity of campaign affairs, citizenship for Porto Ricans, Reduction of tariff on products of Philippines, United States Ownership of its embassies and legations, government powder factory, waterways improvements costing $400,000,000 recommended by army engineers, copyright revision, restriction of interstate commerce in convictmade goods, regulation of punishments on high seas, codification of revised statutes, navy personnel, removal of customs duties on works of art, incorporation of the Indian wards of the nation, swamp reclamation similar to irrigation statute, coal and mineral lands to be reserved and leased, cable to Guantanamo and Canal Zone, punishment for improper use of the Stars and Stripes, regulation of the interstate traffic in intoxicants, child labor products, prohibition from interstate commerce, antiinjunction statute, modification of Chinese Exclusion law, army and navy dental surgeons' corps, retirement of superannuated Federal clerks, postal savings banks, domestic parcels post, restoration of army canteen.

The Citizens' Expatriation Act.

THE following is chapter 2534, entitled an act in reference to the expatriation of citizens and their protection abroad enacted by the Fifty-ninth Congress, second session, and approved March 2, 1907: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of State shall be authorized, in his discretion, to issue passports to persons not citizens of the United States, as follows: Where any person has made a declaration of intention to become such a citizen as provided by law and has resided in the United States for three years a passport may be issued to him entitling him to the protection of the Government in any foreign country: Provided. That such passport shall not be valid for more than six months and shall not be renewed, and that such passport shall not entitle the holder to the protection of this Govern ment in the country of which he was a citizen prior to making such declaration of intention.

SECTION 2. That any American citizen shall be deemed to have expatriated himself when he has been naturalized in any foreign State in conformity with its laws, or when he has taken an oath of allegiance to any foreign State.

When any naturalized citizen shall have resided for two years in the foreign State from which he came, or for five years in any other foreign State it shall be presumed that he has ceased to be an American citizen, and the place of his general abode shall be deemed his place of residence during said years; Provided, however, That such presumption may be overcome on the presentation of satisfactory evidence to a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States, under such rules and regulations as the Department of State may prescribe: And provided also, That no American citizen shall be allowed to expatriate himself when this country is at war.

SECTION 3. That any American woman that marries a foreigner shall take the nationality of her husband. At the termination of the marital relation she may resume her American citizenship, if abroad, by registering as an American citizen within one year with a consul of the United States, or by returning to reside in the United States, or, if residing in the United States at the termination of the marital relation, by continuing to reside therein.

SECTION 4. That any foreign woman who acquires American citizenship by marriage to an American shall be assumed to retain the same after the termination of the marital relation if she continue to reside in the United States, unless she makes formal renunciation thereof before a court having jurisdiction to naturalize aliens, or if she resides abroad she may retain her citizenship by registering as such before a United States Consul within one year after the termination of such marital relation,

SECTION 5. That a child born without the United States of alien parents shall be deemed a citizen of the United States by virtue of the naturalization of or resumption of American citizenship by the parent: Provided. That such naturalization or resumption takes place during the minority of such child: And provided further, That the citizenship of such minor child shall begin at the time such minor child begins to reside permanently in the United States.

SECTION 6. That all children born outside the limits of the United States who are citizens thereof In accordance with the provisions of section nineteen hundred and ninety-three of the Revised Statutes of the United States and who continue to reside outside the United States shall, in order to receive the protection of this Government, be required upon reaching the age of eighteen years to record at an American consulate their intention to become residents and remain citizens of the United States and shall be further required to take the oath of allegiance to the United States upon attaining their majority.

SECTION 7. That duplicates of any evidence, registration, or other acts required by this act shall be filed with the Department of State for record.

The New Emmigration Law.

Chapter 1134 of the Act of the Fifty-ninth Congress, second session, "An Act to regulate the immigration of aliens into the United States," approved February 20, 1907, provides as follows:

There shall be levied, collected and paid a tax of four dollars for every alien entering the United States. This tax shall be paid to the Collector of Customs of the port or customis district to which said allen shall come, and be paid into and constitute a permanent fund, to be called the "immigration fund," to be used under the direction of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to defray the expenses of the immigration law. The tax is a lien upon the vessel bringing the aliens. It shall not be levied upon allens who shall enter the United States after an uninterrupted residence of at least one year immediately preceding such entrance in Canada, Newfoundland, Cuba or Mexico, nor upon other admissible residents of any possessions of the United States, nor upon aliens in transit through them. The provisions of this section shall not apply to Guam, Porto Rico or Hawaii.


Section 2 of the Act provides "That the following classes of aliens shall be excluded from admission into the United States: All idiots, imbeciles, feeble-minded persons, epileptics, insane persons, and persons who have been insane within five years previous; persons who have had two or more attacks of insanity at any time previously; paupers; persons likely to become a public charge; professional beggars; persons afflicted with tuberculosis or with a loathsome or dangerous contagious disease; persons not comprehended within any of the foregoing excluded classes who are found to be and are certified by the examining surgeon as being mentally or physically defective, such mental or physical defect being of a nature which may affect the ability of such alien to earn a living; persons who have been convicted of or admit having committed a felony or other crime or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude; polygamists, or persons who admit their belief in the. practice of polygamy, anarchists, or persons who believe in or advocate the overthrow by force or violence of the Government of the United States, or of all government, or of all forms of law, or the assassination of public officials; prostitutes, or women or girls coming. into the United States for the purpose of prostitution or for any other immoral purpose; persons who procure or attempt to bring in prostitutes or women or girls for the purpose of prostitution, or for any other immoral purpose; persons hereinafter called contract laborers. who have been induced or solicited to migrate to this country by offers or promises of employment or in consequence of agreements, oral, written or printed, express or implied, to perform labor in this country of any kind, skilled or unskilled; those who have been, within one year from the date of application for admission to the United States, deported as having been induced or solicited to migrate as above described; any person whose ticket or passage is paid for with the money of another, or who is assisted by others to come unless it is affirmatively and satisfactorily shown that such person does not belong to one of the foregoing excluded classes, and that said ticket or passage was not paid for by any corporation, association, society, municipality, or foreign government, either directly or indirectly; all children under sixteen years of age, unaccompanied by one or both of their parents, at the discretion of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor or under such regulations as he may from time to time prescribe: Provided, That nothing in this Act shall exclude, if otherwise admissible, persons convicted of an offence purely political, not involving moral turpitude: Provided further, That the provisions of this section relating to the payments for tickets or passage by any corporation, association, society, municipality, of foreign government shall not apply to the tickets or passage of allens in immediate and continuous transit through the United States to foreign contiguous territory: And provided further, That skilled labor may be imported if labor of like kind unemployed can not be found in this country: And provided further, That the provisions of this law applicable to contract labor shall not be held to exclude professional actors, artists, lecturers, singers, ministers of any religious denomination, professors for colleges or seminaries, persons belonging to any recognized learned profession, or persons employed strictly as personal or domestic servants."

The importation of any alien woman or girl for immoral purposes is forbidden, and any allen woman or girl who shall be found an inmate of a house of prostitution at any time within three years after she shall have entered the United States shall be deemed to be unlawfully therein, and shall be deported.


Section 4 provides that it shall be a misdemeanor for any person or company to prepay the transportation or in any way to assist or encourage the importation or migration of any contract laborers unless such persons be exempted from this provision under Section 2 of this Act. The penalty for violation of this provision is $1,000 for each offence.

Advertising abroad for labor immigration is a misdemeanor, but the offers of States and Territories for immigrants by advertising is permitted. Soliciting immigration by vessel-owners is forbidden.

Any person who shall bring an allen into the United States not duly admitted by an immigrant inspector shall, on conviction, be punished by a fine not exceeding $1,000, or by imprisonment, not exceeding two years, or both.


Upon the arrival of any vessel bringing aliens, it is the duty of the commanding officer to deliver to the immigration officials lists of the alien passengers on board, in groups of thirty names each, which lists shall contain full information regarding said passengers, according to prescribed forms: Whether in possession of $50, and if less, how much; whether ever in prison, insane or supported by charity; whether deformed or crippled; whether an anarchist, etc.

The surgeon of said vessel shall also sign said lists and state that he has made a personal examination of the aliens named therein. The penalty for neglect or violation of this

provision by the commanding officer of said vessel shall be $10 for each alien concerning whom the information is not given.


On the receipt of the above mentioned lists by the immigration officers it shall be their duty to inspect all such aliens, and they may order their temporary removal for examination to a designated place, if deemed necessary.

Section 17 provides that "the physical and mental examination of all arriving aliens shall be made by medical officers of the United States Public Health and Marine Hospital Service, who shall have had at least two years' experience in the practice of their profession, since receiving the degree of doctor of medicine, and who shall certify for the information of the immigration officers, and the boards of special inquiry hereinafter provided for, any and all physical and mental defects or diseases observed by said medical officers in any such alien, or, should medical officers of the United States Public Health or Marine Hospital Service be not available, civil surgeons of not less than four years' professional experience may be employed in such emergency for such service, upon such terms as may be prescribed by the Commissioner-General of Immigration under the direction or with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor. Marine Hospital Service shall be reimbursed by the immigration service for all expenditures The United States Public Health and incurred in carrying out the medical inspection of aliens under regulations of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor."

Section 18. That it shall be the duty of the owners, officers, or agents of any vessel or transportation line, other than those railway lines which may enter into a contract as provided in Section 32 of this Act, bringing an alien to the United States to prevent the landing of such alien in the United States at any time or place other than as designated by the immigration officers, and the negligent failure of any such owner, officer, or agent to comply with the foregoing requirements shall be deemed a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine in each case of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment; and every such alien so landed shall be deemed to be unlawfully in the United States, and shall be deported as provided in Sections 20 and 21 of this Act.

Section 19 provides "That all aliens brought to this country in violation of law shall, if practicable, be immediately sent back to the country whence they respectively came on the vessels bringing them. expense of the return of such aliens, shall be borne by the owner or owners of the vessels The cost of their maintenance while on land, as well as the on which they respectively came; and if any master, person in charge, agent, owner, or consignee of any such vessel shall refuse to receive back on board thereof, or on board of any other vessel owned or operated by the same interests, such aliens, or shall fail to detain them thereon, or shall refuse or fail to return them to the foreign port from which they came, or 'to pay the cost of their maintenance while on land, or shall make any charge for the return of any such alien, or shall take any security from him for the payment of such charge, such master, person in charge, agent, owner, or consignee shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, on conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than $300 for each and every such offence; and no vessel shall have clearance from any port of the United States while any such fine is unpaid: Provided, That the CommissionerGeneral of Immigration, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, may suspend, upon conditions to be prescribed by the Commissioner-General of Immigration, the deportation of any alien found to have come in violation of any provision of this Act, if, in his judgment, the testimony of such allen is necessary on behalf of the United States Government in the prosecution of offenders against any provision of this Act: Provided, That the cost of maintenance of any person so detained resulting from such suspension of deportation shall be paid from the 'immigrant fund,' but no alien certified, as provided in Section 17 of this Act, to be suffering from tuberculosis or from a loathsome or dangerous contagious disease other than one of quarantinable nature, shall be permitted to land for medical treatment thereof in any hospital in the United States, unless with the express permission of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor: of a medical officer of the United States Public Health and Marine Hospital Service to the effect that the health or safety of an insane alien would be unduly imperilled by immediate Provided, That upon the certificate deportation, such alien may, at the expense of the 'immigrant fund,' be held for treatment until such time as such alien may, in the opinion of such medical officer, deported." be safely


Any alien who shall enter the United States in violation of law and become a public charge from causes existing prior to landing, shall be deported to the country whence he came at any time within three years from the date of his entry.

The Commissioner-General of Immigration, in addition to his other duties, shall have, under the direction of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, charge of all laws relating to the immigration of aliens into the United States.

Immigration officers shall have power to administer oaths and to take and consider evidence touching the right of any alien to enter the United States, and, where such action may be necessary, to make a written record of such evidence.


Section 25 provides that such boards of special inquiry shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Immigration at the various ports of arrival as may be necessary for the prompt determination of all cases of immigrants detained at such ports under the provisions of law. Each board shall consist of three members, who shall be selected from such of the immigrant officials in the service as the Commissioner-General of Immigration, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, shall from time to time designate as qualified to serve on such boards: than three immigrant inspectors, the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, upon the recomProvided, That at ports where there are fewer mendation of the Commissioner-General of Immigration, may designate other United States officials for service on such boards of special inquiry. Such boards shall have authority

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