Why do YOU wear torture trusses like these shown here? MY TRUSS WITHOUT BELTS Think of the suffering and the trouble spared if you could get your Rupture HELD as we positively guarantee to do; if you could do your work in the bon dia COMFORT and FREEDOM, knowing that you were as SAFE as if you never were ruptured, and that by CONTINUOUS HOLDING of the Ruptured Parts a CURE was made possible for you at last! A PERFECT Holder that Cures And you will be convinced of this wonderful truth when I fit you, or after a careful reading of my book, which I gladly mail FREE to all writing for it. I state FACTS only and show photographic illustrations of the Cluthe Truss, guaranteed to hold ANY Rupture, SMALL COST. No springs, no leg straps, may be worn in bath; most durable. where you live, write NOW for my 40-page descriptive Call this week, or, no matter FREE BOOK (sealed), with Order Blank And a list of 3,500 benefited and cured, patrons, living in all parts of the U. S., Canada, and Mexico, who, in the cause of humanity, have offered to let us make known TO YOU their successful experience with my Truss. THE CAUSE olss obey Я CONDITION CONTROL AND CURE OF RUPTURE CHAS.W.CLUTHE, 125 E. 23rd St., New York City (Between 4th and Lexington Aves.) My Truss Is NEVER sold by druggists or dealers. 16-GG Don't select your ROOFING TIN on hear-say. Specify the weight of coating as well as the Brand when you're ready to select your roof covering, and you'll get exactly what you pay for; while the life of the roof will depend largely upon the selection you make. Our brands are enumerated below. The World. JOSEPH PULITZER. "PERFORMANCE IS BETTER THAN PROMISE." WHAT THE WORLD HAS ACCOMPLISHED DURING THE PAST TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. Against its promises made a quarter of a century ago, promises not easy to keep, THE WORLD to-day proudly writes the word-fulfilled! Fulfilled-because THE WORLD'S heart has throbbed with the heart of the people and because the cry of the humblest citizen, native or adopted, if heard in a just cause, has never been unheeded. Fulfilledbecause "do right and fear not" was the motto adopted in May, 1883, when THE WORLD passed into the hands of Mr. Joseph Pulitzer, and the public read at the head of its editorial columns this memorable announcement: "The entire WORLD newspaper property has been purchased by the undersigned, and will, from this day on, be under different management different in men, measures and methods; different in purpose, policy and principle; different in objects and interests; different in sympathies and convictions; different in head and heart. "Performance is better than promise. Exuberant assurances are cheap. I make none. I simply refer the public to the new WORLD itself, which henceforth shall be the daily evidence of its own growing improvement, with forty-eight daily witnesses in its fortyeight columns. "There is room in this great and growing city for a journal that is not only cheap, but bright; not only bright, but large; not only large, but truly democratic, dedicated to the cause of the people rather than that of purse-potentates, devoted more to the news of the New than the Old World; that will expose all fraud and sham, fight all public evils and abuses; that will serve and battle for the people with earnest sincerity. "In that cause and for that end solely the new WORLD is hereby enlisted and comnitted to the attention of the intelligent public. JOSEPH PULITZER." From the day that Mr. Pulitzer made the foregoing pledge to the public THE WORLD became one of the great journalistic forces in American life. Soon it outstripped all contemporaries and took the proud position of leader in the newspaper field-the place it holds to-day-after two and a half decades of relentless, unceasing war against wrongs; the place of a peerless, dominant moral power. Hundreds of standards of iniquity have been furled and laid at the feet of THE WORLD when corruption in high circles has been fearlessly attacked on right, left and centre by this journal of the people. Criminals have feared THE WORLD, argus-eyed, as they have not dreaded the keenest professional detectives. Political parties have trembled at its voice, and nations have recognized THE WORLD as an influence for peace, good will and prosperity. Through its trained army of correspondents-a news-gathering corps unparalleled in history for alertness and intelligencenothing is too small, if significant, to attract the instant attention of THE WORLD, and nothing is too great to make it swerve an instant from its line of duty when its course has been decided.. Soon after Mr. Pulitzer's salutatory THE WORLD declared its ten Political Commandments as representing its view of true Democracy, the sort for which it intended to fight, caring nothing about being deemed politically "regular," if regularity be interpreted as party fealty, no matter to what extremes the so-called Democratic party might go. In other words, it promised that no particular body of politicians, large or small, should control it under the Pulitzer regime. Its principles and policies were then, as now, living issues. THE WORLD demanded: The taxation of luxuries. The taxation of inheritances. The taxation of monopolies. The taxation of large incomes. The taxation of the privileges of corporations. A tariff for revenue. Reform of the civil service. Punishment of corrupt office-holders. Punishment of vote-buying. Punishment of employers who coerce their employees in elections. THE WORLD has kept these pledges of adherence to vital Democratic principles, though often furiously assailed by politicians and by great "Democratic" party organs. THE EVOLUTION OF THE WORLD. Although old things passed away and all things became new in connection with THE WORLD when Mr. Pulitzer purchased the paper, the journal had nevertheless had a long and eventful career, which can be traced back to 1812, when, during America's war with England, the National Advocate was born in New York, with Henry Wheaton, an eminent scholar and exponent of international law, as founder. It became one of the foremost newspapers in America. It supported President Monroe and the "doctrine" which is now accepted as the basic principle of the foreign policy of America. The National Advocate became the Enquirer in 1826, Maj. M. M. Noah, editor. Three years later it was merged with the Morning Courier, with the title of Courier and Enquirer, six editors, James Gordon Bennett, James Watson Webb, James Brooks, James Lawson and Prosper M. Wetmore, joining Major Noah. Those were the days of the "blanket-sheet" newspapers, and rivalry took the form of striving for the biggest sheet. In 1853 the Courier and Enquirer's leading rival, the Journal of Commerce, proudly boasted an issue on sheets measuring sixteen and one-third square feet, and announced itself to be the "largest newspaper" in the world. In 1860 a one-cent religious daily was put forth. It was called The World. It had the support of several rich men. It refused to print police or theatrical news or "scandals." It rejected theatrical advertisements. The public did not take to it kindly. After an inglorious career it was merged with the Courier and Enquirer, with its own name first in the triple head, The World and Courier and Enquirer. A short time after two-thirds of the title was dropped, leaving THE WORLD. August Belmont, S. L. M. Barlow and other wealthy Democrats bought THE WORLD in 1872. The brilliant Manton Marble became its editor, and it grew to be the most powerful Democratic newspaper of the time. Mr. Marble became its sole owner after a while, but sold the paper to a group of capitalists represented by William Henry Hurlbert, who became its editor in 1876. THE WORLD in the meantime had come under the control of Jay Gould, Mr. Hurlbert remaining as editor. Self-announced as the leading organ of a great political party, it really represented the interests of a speculator in railroads and a plutocrat in politics. Of course, it lost influence. It was discredited by the people. Its circulation dwindled until it was less than 10,000 in the city. It was bankrupt by forsaking the paths of true journalism. It was used as a private enterprise for personal ends. It did not trust the people. The people did not trust it. It was at this point in THE WORLD'S career, when its very existence was threatened, that the unexpected happened, or, to put it more accurately, was accomplished by Joseph Pulitzer. With unbounded faith in the people, and also with audacity and faith in himself, Mr. Pulitzer bought the paper, saluted his new constituency, and ordered from R. Hoe & Company the largest and fastest press they could construct in the quickest possible time. The great printing press builder cautiously asked, "How do you know you shall need it?" "I must need it to succeed, and I shall succeed," was the reply. But the builder of printing presses, with the narrow income and narrowing credit of THE WORLD, stipulated that before the new press left the Hoe shops Mr. Pulitzer should give him a mortgage on the entire plant in the office. In violation of the cardinal principle of life never to give his note or other obligation to any man, Mr. Pulitzer assented. Long before the new, largest and fastest press was completed a second was ordered, and was necessary. Mr. Hoe repudiated his own bargain and refused to accept the mortgage. From that day to this the greatest printing press makers in the world have been kept busy studying and inventing larger, faster presses to accomplish the task of printing the constantly growing editions of THE WORLD. The first "quadruple press" ever built was for THE WORLD. The biggest "sextuple" was designed immediately after, and then the mammoth "octuple presses" were invented for THE WORLD. They were too big for any newspaper but THE WORLD at the time, but were not quite as fast as were needed to print the "foremost New York newspaper," grown in circulation from less than 20,000 to nearly 1,000,000 per day. THE BIRTH OF THE PULITZER BUILDING. The wonderful growth of THE WORLD soon made the securing of more ample quarters |