Abbildungen der Seite

shall be entitled to receive any pay or emoluments until tled to receive he shall be called into actual service, nor for any longer time than he shall continue therein.

pay or emolu.
nent, till called
into actual ser.

vice, &c.
Acts concerning

ry corps, repeal

SEC. 18. And be it further enacted, That the act entitled "An act authorizing the president of the United volunteer milita States to accept and organize certain volunteer mili-ed. tary corps," and the act, entitled "An act supplementary to the act, entitled "An act authorizing the president of the United States to accept and organize certain volunteer military corps," be, and the same are hereby, repealed, from and after the first day of February next: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to deprive the officers and men who may have entered the service as volunteers, under the said Proviso; nothing acts, of any rights, immunities, or privileges, therein volunteer officers secured, or the United States of the services of such vo- any rights, &e. lunteers, agreeably to the provisions of said acts.

[Approved, January 29, 1813.]


An act making provision for an additional number of general officers.*

herein to deprive

and men, &c. of

ed in addition,

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re- Six major gener: presentatives of the United States of America in Congress als to be appoint assen bled, That the president be, and he is hereby, au- &c. thorized, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, to appoint six major-generals in addition to those Two aids-dealready authorized by law; each of whom shall be al camp alowed to lowed two aids-de-camp, to be taken from the officers of the line; and six brigadier-generals, who shall be al lowed a brigade-major, and one aid-de-camp each, to be taken also from the officers of the line.


Six brigadier ge

herals; brigade

gors, &c.

The officers au

thorized by this

the same pay.&e.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the officers authorized by this act shall receive the same pay, fo- act, to receive rage, rations, and other emoluments, as the officers of as those of the the same grade of the present military establishment.

[Approved, February 24, 1813.]


same grade in the present mili tary establishment.

the act to p. 0

An act the better to provide for the supplies of the army of the United States, and for the accountability of persons entrusted with the same.f SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re- The 3d sec. of presentatives of the United States of America in Congress *Superseded by the provisions of the act of 3d March, 1815, fixing the peace establishment.

†The 8th and 9th sections of this act were superseded by act of 3d

ide for erecting assembled, That the third section of the art, entitled and repairing arsenals, Kere. An act to provide for the erecting and repairing of ar pealed after Sist senals and magazines, and for other purposes,"* passed

March, 1313.

A superintendent

Duties of the su

Beral, &e.

on the second day of April, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, be, and the same is hereby, repealed, from and after the thirty-first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen.

[ocr errors]

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That there shall be general of mili- a superintendent-general of military supplies, who shall tary supplies, &c. reside at the seat of government, and receive an annual Salary of 3000, salary of three thousand dollars; and whose duty it shall be, under the direction of the secretary for the war deperintendent ge- partment, to keep proper accounts of all the military stores and supplies of every description, purchased or distributed for the use of the army of the United States, and of the volunteers and militia in their service; to prescribe the forms of all the returns and accounts of such stores and supplies purchased, on hand, distributed, used, or sold, to be rendered by the commissary of ordnance and officers in his department, by the commissary-general of purchases and his deputies, by the scveral officers in the quartermaster-general's department, by the regimental quartermasters, by the hospital surgeons and other officers belonging to the hospital and medical department, and by all other officers, agents, or persons, who shall have received, distributed, or been intrusted with, such stores and supplies, as aforesaid; to call to account all such persons; to audit and settle all such accounts, and, in case of delinquency, to transmit the account, and to state the value of the articles unaccounted for by such delinquency, to the accounting officers of the treasury, for final settlement and recovery of such value; to transmit all such orders, and, generally, to perform all such other duties, respecting the general superintendence of the purchase, transportation, safe keeping, and accountability of military supplies and stores, as aforesaid, as may be prescribed by the secretary for the war department.

The commissary

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the commisgeneral of pursary-general of purchases and his deputies, the several chases, &e, to, officers in the quartermaster's department, the regimenaccounts to the tal quartermasters, the commissary of ordnance, his asgeneral of mili-sistant and deputies, the principal hospital surgeons and

render quarterly


tary supplies, &e

March, 1815, chapter 95. The residue, with the exception of section 5, was repealed by act of 3d March, 1817, chapter 104. Section 5 confers general powers, without limitation as to time, and does not appear liable to be repealed incidentally. *See chapter 19,

officers belonging to the hospital and medical departments, and all other officers, agents, or persons, who shall have received, or may be intrusted with, any stores or supplies, of any description whatever, for the use of the army of the United States, and of the volunteers or militia in their service, shall render quarterly accounts of the disposition and state of all such stores and supplies to the superintendent aforesaid; and shall also make such other returns respecting the same, and at such other times, as the secretary for the war department may prescribe: Provided, however, That the ac- Proviso; the accounts and returns thus rendered shall relate to the ar- dered, to relate ticles of supply only, which may have been received and only to the arti disposed of, or as may remain on hand, and shall not ceived and disembrace the specie accounts for moneys disbursed by Specie accounts such officers, agents, or other persons; which specie ac- to be rendered counts shall be rendered, as heretofore, to the accountant' for the war department.

counts, &c. ren

cles of supply re

posed of, &e.

as heretofore,&e,

money in ad

war department,

terly accounts to

SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the officers, Officers, agents, agents, or other persons, who may receive moneys in &c. who receive advance from the war department, shall render quarter- vance from the ly accounts to the accountant of the said department, of to render quar their specie receipts and disbursements, and shall, more- the accountant, over, make such other monthly summary statements &c. thereof to the secretary for the said department, as he may prescribe. And the quarterly accounts of supplies. The quarterly or of moneys rendered as aforesaid, shall be, respec- plies or moneys tively, settled by the superintendent general of military to be sid supplies, and by the accountant of the war department. months by the according to their respective authorities, within three general and ao months after the time when such accounts shall have, repectively, been rendered to them.

accounts of sup


countant, &c.

The secretary of

the war depart

define the species,

amount, of sup

commissary and

generals' depart.

prescribe general

SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the secretary for the war department shall be, and he is hereby, au- ment directed to thorized and directed to define and prescribe the spe- as well as the cies, as well as the amount, of supplies to be respective-plies, to be pur ly purchased by the commissary-general's and quar- chased by the termaster-general's departments, and the respective quartermaster duties and powers of the said departments respecting ments, &c. and such purchases; and also to adopt and prescribe general regulations for regulations for the transportation of the articles of sup-tion of articles of ply from the places of purchase to the several armies, gar-supply, &c. risons, posts, and recruiting places, for the safe keeping of such articles, and for the distribution of an adequate and timely supply of the same to the regimental quartermasters, and to such other officers as may, by virtue of such regulations, be intrusted with the same. And the


make reasonable

The secretary to secretary aforesaid is also authorized to fix and make allowances, &c. reasonable allowances for the store rent, storage, and salary of storekeepers necessary for the safe keeping of all military stores and supplies.

The superinten

military supplies

SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the superintendent-general of military supplies shall be appointed by dent general of the president, with the advice and consent of the senate; to be appointed but the president is hereby authorized to make the apand senate, &c.pointment during the recess of the senate; which appointment shall be submitted to the senate at their next meeting, for their advice and consent.

by the president

authorized to em

vided their annu

SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the superinThe superinten- tendent-general of military supplies shall be authorized dent general, &c. to employ a sufficient number of clerks: Provided, That play clerks, pro- their annual compensation shall not exceed, in the whole, al compensation seven thousand dollars; and the sum of eight thousand does not exceed dollars is hereby appropriated for paying the said com88.000 appropri- pensation, and that of the superintendent aforesaid, clerk hire, &c. during the year one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, to be paid out of any moneys in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated.


ated for paying

cial commissaries,

ficers in the quar.

terimaster gener the

to supply subsis.

tence for the ar

my, when may

the want of contractors, &c.

SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the president of the United States be, and he is hereby, empowered, The president may appoint spe as he may deem it expedient, either to appoint, for the or authorize of time being, a special commissary or commissaries, for purpose of supplying by purchase or contract, and al's of issuing, or to authorize any officer or officers in the the ita quartermaster general's department to supply and issue, be necessary from as aforesaid, the whole or any part of the subsistence of the army, in all cases where, either from the want of contractors, or from any deficiency on their part, or from any other contingency, such measure may be proper and necessary in order to insure the subsistence of the army, or of any part thereof; and such special comcial commissaries, missaries shall, each, whilst employed, be entitled to the pay and emoluments of a deputy quartermaster-general. SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the president authorized to ap- of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized to ing six assistant appoint not exceeding six assistant-commissaries, to be commissaries,&c. attached to such army, or to reside at such places, reof receiving and spectively, as the secretary for the war department may clothing and direct, for the purpose of receiving from the commisother supplies,&c sary-general of purchases, or from his deputies, and of

Pay, &c. of spe


The president

point not exceed

for the purpose


distributing to the regimental quartermasters, and to such officers as may, by the secretary aforesaid, be designated, the clothing and other supplies purchased by the commissary-general aforesaid, or his deputies, and

tants commissa ries.

destined for the use of the troops belonging to the army, or in the vicinity of the place to which such assistant Pay, &c. of assiscommissaries may respectively be attached. And said assistant commissaries shall, whilst employed, be entitled to the pay and emoluments of a deputy quartermaster-general. [Approved, March 3, 1813.]


An act for the better organization of the general staff of the army of the
United States.*

general's, inspec


of officers

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress The adjutant assembled, That the adjutant-general's, inspector-ge- for general's, and nerai's, and quartermaster-general's, departments, shall general, deja consist of the following officers; that is to say: an ad-ments, to consist jutant and inspector-general, with the rank, pay, and mentioned. emoluments, of a brigadier-general, and not exceeding eight adjutants-general, sixteen assistant adjutants-general, eight topographical engineers, eight assistant topographical engineers, eight inspectors-general, sixteen assistant inspectors-general, eight quartermasters-general, eight deputy quartermasters-general, and thirtytwo assistant deputy quartermasters-general.

gadier general to

in which case

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the president of the United States be, and is hereby, authorized, if he may assign a bri The president shall deem it expedient, to assign one of the brigadiers- the principal ar general to the principal army of the United States, who my of the U. S. shall, in such case, act as adjutant and inspector-gene- he is to act ral, and as chief of the staff of such army: and the quar- spector general, termaster-general attached to the principal army shall, The quartermas as heretofore, have the brevet rank, and the pay and ter general at emoluments, of a brigadier-general.


adjutant and in



tached, &c.
have the bre
vet rank, &c. of


SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That all the other brigadier generadjutants general shall have the brevet rank, and the Rank, pay, &c. pay and emoluments, of a colonel of cavalry; all the of other adju tants general. other inspectors-general and quartermasters-general shall have the brevet rank, and the pay and emolu- Rank, &c. of in ments, of a colonel of infantry; the assistant adjutants- quartermasters general, assistant inspectors-general, deputy quarter- Rank and pay of masters-general, and topographical engineers, shall assistants adju

spectors and


tants general, assistant inspectors

*This act was virtually repealed by that of the 3d March, 1815, chap- general. ter 95, fixing the peace establishment. All its provisions respecting pay emoluments, and privileges, were, however, re-established by the act of 24th of April, 1816, for the staff therein authorized-See chapter 98, section 9.

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