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think we ought to confine ourselves to boys' day-schools, and to female boardingschools.

The girls' school on our premises I am happy to say is prospering. There are 27

girls in it at present; some are the children of native Christians, others are orphans. As my time is wholly occupied with the boys' school, the care of the girls wholly devolves upon Mrs. Campbell and her sister.


IN the Missionary Magazine for September, we briefly adverted to the afflictive tidings which had recently arrived of the death of the Rev. Gilbert Turnbull, late of Bangalore, in the Madras Presidency. Since that period the following deeply pathetic, but no less consolatory, account of his last illness and death, has been received from Mrs. Turnbull, who writes from Sydney, under date 29th of March, at which period she was preparing to return to India, impressed with an earnest desire to devote herself afresh to the work of Christian education among the female natives at Bangalore. The latest earthly engagement in which her lamented husband employed his exhausted energies was an attempt to write to the Foreign Secretary, but he only succeeded in a partial fulfilment of his intention, when extreme debility obliged him to desist. The unfinished letter, the former part of which chiefly refers to the progress of his illness in the Madras Presidency, up to the period at which, in accordance with the united recommendation of his brethren and medical advisers, he came to the determination of proceeding thence to New South Wales, thus closes :

There being one vessel in the roads for Sydney, we decided on embarking in it. I had often heard much of the discomforts of a country vessel, but there appeared no alternative; and as Capt. S- was to be accompanied by his wife, a member of our Mission church, we did not doubt but we should be very comfortable. There were no other passengers. We had nineteen convicts on board, among whom I tried to make myself useful. They were chiefly Roman Catholics. I should have done more among them when my strength became recruited, but, alas! my hopes were again to

Thus far, my Christian brother, (Mrs. Turnbull observes,) had my beloved husband written, when overcome by the ex

ertion, he laid it aside, fully purposing to conclude it on another day. That day never arrived, each succeeding one found him weaker, and now the hand that penned it is mouldering in the dust; but blessed be God for the full assurance I have that my irreparable loss is his eternal gain, and that while my widowed heart mourns over blighted hopes and prospects of usefulness, his spirit is before the throne of God, and that with the heavenly host above he is tuning his harp to the praises of his Redeemer who purchased him with his own precious blood, and who has taken him to dwell with him for ever.

But I will endeavour to give you a connected detail of the Lord's dealings towards us from the period of our voyage.

After mentioning their arrival at Sydney, on the 18th of December, and the great kindness experienced from several attached friends of the Missionary cause belonging to that place, Mrs. Turnbull proceeds :

A Christian friend residing on the Surreyhills being anxious that we should try the air there, we decided on going for a few weeks, and on Friday, the 15th inst., we rode over a distance of four miles; the dear invalid bore the journey well, and on entering the house and looking round on the country said, "Oh, I think I shall soon get strong here, the air feels so bracing." But our Father in heaven, in infinite wisdom and love, had otherwise ordained. He slept well all night, and the next morning rose at his usual time, apparently refreshed, and while assisting him to dress he stood up,

and feeling his limbs totter, he said with much emphasis, "I feel that I am going, but it is all well." His countenance appeared much changed; and the agonising truth for the first time seemed revealed to my mind that we were going to part. As my day so was my strength. With a composure which now appears to me surprising, I laid him down, and gazed on his still fine countenance, unable to articulate a word, when he broke silence by saying, "My heart and my flesh are failing fast, but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever."

A great difficulty in breathing prevented

him from saying more for upwards of an hour, when he rallied a little, and his medical adviser calling soon after and seeing how very fast he was sinking, appeared much affected, and said, "Oh that I could indeed give you something to relieve you!" upon which he looked stedfastly on him, and said, "Oh, Mr. W., no human means can now avail any thing, I'm going fast; oh yes, I shall quickly be with Jesus, and see him as he is! Oh the blessedness of having sought him in health! his blood alone cleanseth from all sin: I feel it has cleansed me, the chief of sinners." Then he appeared to doze a little, and on awaking and seeing dear Christian friends in the room, and me weeping, he said tenderly, "Don't grieve, love, our union has been short, and marked by much affliction and trial, but I'm going to my precious Saviour, and there we shall soon meet never more to separate; live near to God, and work for him, and he will be your husband, and will greatly bless you." He then spoke of distant beloved friends, of Mr. William Campbell, and of the natives, and begged of me to write to you, saying, 'Ah, the Directors anticipated much from me, having lived so long in India, hut the Lord only permitted me to work for him a few months. How mysterious has been my career-so long silenced! but I shall soon know wherefore it was thus; oh yes, and knowing I shall adore and praise himfor it has all been in love-oh what a glorious band of Missionary brethren will welcome me above!"'


He then again for some hours seemed fast sinking, but he spoke a little at intervals; once he said, "I'm in the dark valley, but I fear no evil, Jesus is with me, his rod and his staff support and comfort me; oh, nothing will do for a dying sinner but Jesus-he alone-how often have I been tempted to think I am not a sinner, my pride revolted from the thought, and had he cast me off then, what should I now do? my own righteousness is indeed but as filthy rags, but Jesus has clothed me with His, and my Father has accepted me." Then, raising his arms, he said with a loud voice, "Witness, ye believers, what it is to die in Jesus-all peace -all safety-all joy. His dear precious blood alone can cleanse from sin, can give comfort in the hour of death; live near to him in health, and he will be near to you, and will be your support in sickness and death." Then, extending his arm towards heaven, he exclaimed, "Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly, I long to see thee as thou art-why tarry thy chariot wheels? I am ready; oh take me to thyself." In the afternoon he revived considerably, sat up in bed without assistance, and seeing me by his side he threw his arms round me, ex

claiming, "Oh, my darling wife, what, have I come back to you again? I thought I should never more behold you in the flesh. I have been to the gate of heaven, but the Lord has brought me back again; I long to be gone, but I would wait my Father's will." He then rose and walked alone to the next room and partook of some food; after which, feeling exhausted, he returned to his bed again, and slept peacefully throughout the night.

On the following morning he asked what day it was, and when I told him the Sab. bath, he smiled sweetly and said, “Ah, I shall be with Jesus before it closes; how delightful to go home on the Sabbath and commence one which will never end." His mind was very wandering during the moraing, but at noon it became more collected ; and on seeing Mrs. Hunt (in whose family we first remained after our arrival) in the room, he looked pleased, and taking her hand with mine in his, said, "I commit my dear wife to your care while she remains here, I know you will be a mother to her as you have been to me ;" and being assured by her I should want nothing during my sojourn here, he thanked her, and prayed the Lord to bestow on her, her dear partner and children, every spiritual blessing, that they might rejoin him above, an undivided family. Then looking stedfastly on me, he said, "Remember, you are a disciple of Christ's, you have given yourself unreservedly to him; for him, and his blessed cause, you gave up your home and your country. Oh return to India, and labour for him while health be spared, and if the spirits above are permitted to behold the work of God on earth, with what delight will mine watch your efforts to promote the salvation of the precious souls of the poor degraded Hindoos. In health the cause of Missions was dearer to my heart than any thing; I desired to live only to promote it, and it adds comfort to my last moments to feel assured your heart is interested in it too. The Lord give thee grace to fulfil it."

After this he appeared to be engaged in prayer for some time; the motion of his lips was perceptible, but from his extreme lowness we could not catch a single word; it appeared to be for me, for after some time he opened his eyes, rested them on me, and then bid me farewell, saying, "Oh blessed assurance that we shall soon meet above, never more to sorrow nor separate." In the afternoon, he again rallied and longed for his dismissal; his extreme weakness would not allow of any connected conversation, but his mind was not only peaceful, but triumphant at the prospect of death. At various intervals he exclaimed, “Blessed Saviour, precious Jesus, I long to see thee, to be with thee, why tarriest thou? Oh

hasten thy chariot wheels, and set me free from this body of sin and death. I feel thee supporting me, thine everlasting arms are underneath me. Oh take me hence to dwell with thee for ever; thou hast prepared a mansion for me above, my spirit pants to inhabit it." Several times he attempted to sing, but found himself unable. He begged me to repeat to him the hymn commencing, "There is a land of pure delight," and when I had finished, he said, "Oh I am almost there, I can already see the delectable mountains, and ere long shall eat their precious fruits."

About nine o'clock he begged the family might be called, and when Mr. and Mrs. Wright entered the room, the former said, "Ah, my dear brother, you will soon be home now." When the dying saint replied with joy, "Oh yes, very, very soon; the Spirit is calling me to come away; I shall be asleep in Jesus before morning, how sweet that will be!" Wishing our friends to retire to rest, he bade them farewell, thanked them for their kindness to us, and said, "Now I'm going to sleep, and shall wake with my dearest Saviour." But the spirit was yet to struggle a time ere it was set free. That night he slept well; in the morning it was but too evident his dismissal was near; even then, he spoke only of Missionary operations, of dear Mission

ary brethren, of schools, translations, &c. At noon, hearing that Mr. Joseph was below, he begged to see him, and asked him to commend his soul to God in prayer. Being asked if he felt happy, he replied, "Oh yes, the Lord is taking me to himself, and by a pleasant path." He begged him to give the address at his grave. Again his mind wandered until eight o'clock in the evening, when he revived for a few minutes, and said, "I'm just at home; oh, I shall soon be with my Saviour." Again he relapsed, and remained unconscious till about twenty minutes before 12 o'clock, P.M., when, perceiving his breath much altered, I called up Mr. and Mrs. W. For about ten minutes we stood watching the increased difficulty of breathing in solemn silence, when he said faintly, "My heart and my flesh faileth." Then, rousing all his remaining strength, he uttered in a loud and distinct voice, "But thou art the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever." These, his last precious words, were a testimony to the power and goodness of God to support, even in the hour of death; a few minutes more difficulty of breathing; and we thought he was dozing, he breathed so gently; it at length became fainter, and five minutes before twelve o'clock he sweetly, calmly, peacefully, without a struggle or a movement, fell indeed "asleep in Jesus."


SELDOM has an instance of conversion been communicated to the churches at home from this part of the world, more distinctly exhibiting the marks of that Divine power which alone is adequate to renew the heart, than that which it is now our grateful satisfaction to present. The account has been received in a letter from the Rev. Charles Mault, of the Nagercoil station, under date of July last. Such are the events by which the hearts of our brethren are cheered amid the toils and trials they experience in pursuing the ministry of reconciliation among the heathen; and by these, fresh assurance is given to all the friends of Missions, that He without whom they can do nothing, is, indeed, working with them for the furtherance of that kingdom which, it is declared, shall be the joy of the whole earth. With reference to the encouraging event to which attention is now invited, Mr. Mault thus writes:

A circumstance has lately occurred in this Mission of a very pleasing nature, which I shall briefly relate for the information of the Directors. Three weeks ago a young Brahmin of about 24 years of age made an open profession of his faith in Christ, and is now residing with us pursuing a course of instruction. He has been employed as a schoolmaster in the Mission about four years, the duties of which station he has discharged to our entire satisfaction. For some time past he has been the subject of deep convictions, which he concealed till about six months ago, when he first opened

his mind to brother Miller, but at the same time requested that it might be kept secret. The spark, however, would not be smothered, but was fanned to a flame, which constrained him about a month ago to open his mind more fully to brother Russell, requesting that he might be sent to some other station in order to make an open profession, as he feared the consequences of doing so among his own people. From this however he was dissuaded, and an asylum was offered to him at Nagercoil.

Previous to his leaving his village he called his scholars and friends together in

the school-room, and told them that he intended to become a Christian; and to show them that he was in earnest, he broke off the sacred string, the mark of his caste, and threw it from him, after which he knelt down and prayed with them. This took place on Saturday night, and early on Sabbath morning he came over to Nagercoil. When he arrived he was in such a state of excitement as caused me to fear he would lose his reason; all that he could say was that he had done all for the glory of God. As I was on the eve of visiting a congregation in a village a short distance from Nagercoil, I took him with me. Soon after our arrival I was glad to find that he became quite composed, and gave me a very interesting account of the state of his mind and of the means of his conversion.

On our return several of his relatives, with others of his caste, were waiting for him with an intention to take him away by force if he refused to accompany them. After many angry words on their part, he distinctly told them that he had made up his mind to be a Christian, and as a proof of it he had cast off his Brahminical string, and eaten in my house. When they found they could not prevail with him, they wanted to carry him off by force, but as they were not allowed to do so they gradually left. Since that time they have made several other attempts, but with no better success.

We have reason to hope that the young man is sincere, and that the step he has taken is the result of conviction. For in the first place, the change has not been sudden, but gradually produced by the perusal of the Scriptures, and a regular attendance on a course of instruction weekly given to the schoolmaster, where it was noticed he was sometimes deeply impressed. He is a person of good abilities, and his situation has given him an opportunity of becoming acquainted with the truth, of which he has availed himself with much diligence. Again, he was fully aware of the danger, contempt, and scorn to which he would be exposed by an open profession of Christianity. This made him long conceal the state of his mind, and threw him into the greatest excitement when he determined to join us. There is something so decided in what he has done as to give us the greatest hope that he is sincere. By entirely abandoning caste, by eating and mixing with those who are considered the offscouring of all things, he has sacrificed all those things that his countrymen, and especially

those of his own caste, consider as dear as life. What has God wrought!

When the conversion of an individual connected with a Mission station is mentioned, it is apt to excite a suspicion in the mind of some that an undue influence has been exerted, or that a pecuniary consideration has been the moving cause. I shall not stop to notice so unworthy an insinua. tion, but state that he was well aware that his situation did not depend on an open profession of Christianity. And as it regards money he has been in the receipt for some time of a better salary than is paid to most of the Christian schoolmasters employed in the Mission. The truth is, I have never observed that the love of money was a predominant passion in his nature. In a word, his decision of character, his good sense, his desire to know and to do the will of God scarcely leave a doubt in my mind that the change produced is the work of God. Nevertheless, I would rejoice with trembling, and commit the young man to God who is able to keep him from falling.

His conversion has made a great stir in the neighbourhood. Some of the heathen say he is mad, some that the decision he has manifested is the result of deep reflection, and others that it is the work of God; and is wonderful. We hope and pray that some good will arise out of the present excitement, and that many will be induced to examine the merits of Christianity for themselves. Some hopeful impressions appear also to have been made on several other schoolmasters; one, a high caste man, with his family, began a few months since to attend regularly on Christian worship.

I would observe before I close, that we have much encouragement in every part of our labours. Our congregations are increasing, especially in the eastern part of the Mission. Many of the people are attentive and fast improving in knowledge, and others are giving themselves up to the Lord and to his people. The schools are well attended, the children are making considerable proficiency in the knowledge of the best things, and a few seem in a hopeful state. This department of our work affords us great encouragement. Additional readers, of which we have been advised during the past year, have all been appointed, and are diligently and usefully employed. We are proceeding in erecting the chapels so kindly subscribed for by our friends in England with all possible speed.

INDIA.-BAZAAR AND STREET-PREACHING AT COMBACONUM. THE following passages occur in the last report received from Mr. Nimmo, the Missionary at this station. The facts which he mentions are strikingly illustra

tive of the excited state of the native mind in relation to the subject of Christianity, and serve to show that while the greater part of the people still love the darkness rather than the light, and therefore raise their voices in opposition to the Gospel of salvation, a few are found not only impressed with the validity of its claims upon their belief, but honest and bold enough to avow in the presence of the less candid multitude, the convictions which they feel of its being a message sent from God. That such individuals may speedily be led to the fountain open for sin, and be made partakers of the riches of Divine grace, will be the prayer of all who feel concerned for the promotion of the Saviour's glory in the spiritual regeneration of India. Mr. Nimmo writes:-

Bazaar and street-preaching has been attended to as before. Having now stated preaching almost every afternoon in the week, it is but seldom I am enabled to go about the bazaar streets myself; but I have made it a rule that all my assistants should on certain days of the week regularly attend to this important work, and I trust we have not been labouring in this department altogether in vain. All the heathen festivals here have been, as usual, regularly visited by myself and by my assistants. Among these festivals the late great Mohammedan festival should be particularly noticed. During this festival, we were enabled to preach almost incessantly for six successive days to some thousands of the poor heathen that were collected from almost all parts of India, and to distribute upwards of 3000 tracts, and several copies of the Gospels.

I shall however conclude this part of the report by adding a few extracts from my journal, bearing on public preaching among the heathen.

After preaching at Combaconum, I heard a Brahmin warmly contending with another Brahmin in defence of what he heard me assert, and calling Seven a madman, and Brahma a liar; a short distance from this, a respectable Brahmin followed me, and addressing me he spoke thus: "Sir, I come from Trichinopoly, the other day I saw the tract, Duties of Parents,' and like

it very well. It is a very good book. Please give me a copy of it." At Combaconum, after preaching for some time, I desired one of my assistants to read and explain the parable of the prodigal son. A man of much learning, and who had not long ago disputed with me about the Saviour, and who partly admitted the necessity of such a Saviour, addressing the as

sistant, and another that stood by him, inquired if repentance in itself was enough for salvation; and looking up to me, said, "Sir, surely you will not say so. You will assert that a Saviour is needed, and which also I approve." At Swamy Malai, a poor miserable man, evidently not far from death, came to me and acknowledged he had too long neglected my advice to drink of the water of life, but he was very sorry for it


At Mayaveram, a young Brahmin, after hearing me for some time, expressed himself nearly as follows, "I am convinced that idolatry, with all we do to atone for our sins, is insufficient; but what can I do? Were I to forsake all these things and become a Christian, I shall be immediately exposed to persecutions, and to death too, perhaps." Another Brahmin, in reply to one of my opposers who maintained the pernicious doctrine, that God is the author not only of good but evil, said, "Never say so, God is the best of beings, and can therefore be the author of good only."

At Vullungaman, I was latterly very much annoyed by two men, who beside abusing us most shamefully, dispersed all my hearers, and would if they could have beaten us. In the midst of all this unpleasant noise and insult, I am thankful to say an old and interesting man stood up, and addressing our opposers, spoke nearly as follows: "Why make all this noise? Why abuse these good people? Tell me, my friends, are not all our idols useless and lifeless things? What good have we reaped by them? Surely nothing at all. Jesus Christ is the only Saviour of the world." On hearing this, one and all opposed and abused him awfully, calling him a pariah, a Christian, a lost caste, and many more other names.


THE Directors have lately received a donation of five pounds in aid of the funds of the Society, accompanied by the brief letter which is given below. They are desirous to hold up the example to the view of the humbler classes, to which the writer acknowledges himself to belong, not for the purpose of eulogising the worthy individual who has made this liberal offering, but with the hope that it

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