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unexpected commotions which have succeeded, one after another, seemed to require the suspension of any other object, and to wait for more serene and tranquil times. But, the junta never lost sight of this grand thought, the same chain of evils, with which fortune, when roused, delights in proving our constancy, is that which precipitates its execution. How other ways can be recompenced those floods of blood which run through every corner of the peninsula! those sacrifices which at every instant the Spanish loyalty presents without being over fatigued by them, that moral resistance, as universal, as it is sublime, which disconcerts, and renders desperate our enemies, even in the midst of their victories. He must have a breast of brass, who, to a people that so magnanimously resists so cruel a calamity, should not point out to him immediately a crown of happiness, which awaits him as a recompence for his heroic fatigues. When this dreadful contest is concluded, no less beautiful for our people, when persecuted by misfortune, than when crowned by victory, the Spaniard shall say to himself, with that full pride which his situation ought to inspire him, "My fathers have left me for an inheritance, slavery " and misery-I leave to my de"scendants liberty and glory." This sentiment of future happiness, which, by reflection in some, and by instinct in all, animates you at present, Spaniards, is the same which has made you abhor the former tyranny, which has reduced you to the deplorable state in which you see yourselves; the same which filled you with enthusiasm and with hope when you should be able to destroy it, and raise to the throne that innocent prince, who most sincerely wished to make you happy; the same which gave you valour and boldness to declare war against the most powerful nation, without ar

mies and without resources; the same, in a word, which inspired you with invincible horror against that tyrant who has thrown upon you all the plagues of misfortune. Know then, that this institution of happiness shall not be defrauded of its hopes. Let us take from our detractors every pretext for calumniating us; they say that we are fighting incessantly to defend our ancient abuses, and the inveterate and enormous vices of our corrupted administration. But let them know, from this moment, that your battles, although for independence, are also for the felicity of your country. Let them know that you do not wish to depend henceforward on the uncertain will, or the variable temperament, of one man only; that you do not wish to continue to be the plaything of a court without justice, under the controul of an insolent favorite, or of a capricious woman; and that on the renewal of the august edifice of your ancient laws, you wish to place an eternal barrier between the death-bearing despotism of your sacred rights. This barrier, Spaniards, consists in a good constitution, to aid and to support the operations of the monarch, when they are just, and to restrain them when he follows evil counsels. Without a constitution, all reform is precarious, all prosperity uncertain; without it, the people are no more than flocks of slaves, put in motion at the order of a will, frequently unjust, and always unrestrained; without it, the forces of the entire society, intended to procure the greatest advantages for all its members, are employed exclusively to satisfy the ambition, or satiate the phrenzy of a few, and perhaps of only one. It is absolutely necessary that you should have & constitution, by which a reform of all the branches which are to con tribute to your prosperity, are solidly secured; from whence the basis and principles of a social organi

zation, worthy of men like you, may be derived, This constitution, Spaniards, ought to be the principal effect of your toils, a comfort for the desolation you have suffered, the reward of your labour, and the hopes of your victories. It certainly will not exhibit the infamous characters which are contained in the infamous code published by Napoleon at Bayonne, and framed long before in the deposite of his intrigues. With it they wanted to legitimate the most monstrous usurpation, known in the annals of the world. With ours, it is intended to secure the public prosperity of the state, and the particular one of the citizens, performing bona fide, what all the nation wishes; in that there was not time to deliberate, nor liberty to resist, nor powers to establish. In ours, the actual representatives of the nation will excite wise men to expose freely what they think; they will call them to examine, and discuss the same political truths, and the best form of its application; and the work of their knowledge, their zeal, and their experience, shall be presented before the free sanction of the nation, solemnly assembled in Cortes. The insidious forms of the constitution of Bayonne are not sufficient to disguise the legalised despotism that appears in every part of it. In the Spanish constitution, the Public Will, law fully and sufficiently expressed, shall be the Law; government limiting its functions, within the terms which nature has pointed out in the political order. The consequences of the one, worthy in every respect of the fountain of iniquity from whence they spring, have been, the plunder, the perdition, the ruin, and the deplorable desolation of the men, and of the people, for whose felicity it was said to be intended. The other, founded on the basis of virtue, and purchased at the expence of the most glorious efforts of patriotism, will have for its undeniable results,

the liberty, and lasting happiness of the Spanish nation. The supreme junta has taken the rudder of the monarchy, in the midst of the storm, and will only keep it, whilst danger and uncertainty exist, contributing by these direct and principal ways to cast this grand anchor, which so materially contributes to save the country from danger, in doing which it believes, that it fills one of its most religious obligations.

This should not be less glorious in the eyes of the nation, and of its political interests, than the extirpation of its enemies, and the triumph of the Spanish arms; and when the day comes, that it shall lay down the authority now invested in them into the hands of that government, which the constitution shall ap point, it will be for them the most glorious day of their political exis tence. Then they will think them selves rewarded for their watchfulness, their cares, and the dangers to which they are subject, by exercising a power to which they were not elevated by ambition, nor called by intrigue, but by the unanimous and determined vote of the provinces of the kingdom, that have sworn to be independent of all foreign dominion, and within themselves free and happy. Such have been the considerations the supreme junta had in view, in agreeing to the following decree;


The supreme governing power of the kingdom, considering it to be its primary obligation to free the country from the evils which have until now afflicted it; all which have been occasioned by the arbitrary laws to which it has been subject; pursuing the just and mild intentions of our very beloved King Ferdinand the VIIth, who was desirous to re-constitute the Monarchy, re-establishing in it the national representation of its ancient Cortes, desirous that the nation should take before the eyes of Europe and of the Universe, the

noble and strong acts of a people worthily and legally constituted, desirous that this great work should be performed, which the circumstances command, and the heroic sacrifices of the people require, anxious that it should approach to that degree of perfection to which men are allowed to obtain, when they proceed with good faith, and with a desire of doing right, has decreed as follows:

1st. All wise Spaniards who have meditated on projects of reform with respect to the constitution of the kingdom in general, as well as on the particular branches of public administration, are invited by the junta to communicate their ideas with full liberty, and as they may judge may answer best for the good of their country.

2. Those writings shall be sent to the junta through the secretary's of fice, within the term of two months from the date of this decree, and the authors will subscribe their names, or a mark by which they may be known in proper time.

3. These writings after being examined in a summary way, the writers of those which are found to be really useful by the observations, or by the knowledge they contain, shall be called upon, in order to take a part in the commission of reform, which shall be immediately created.

4. These commissions shall be presided each by a member of the junta, and in them will be examined and prepared the works which are to be presented for approbation.

5. The projects approved of by the junta shall be presented to the national sanction, and from it will receive the character, the authority, and force of law..

6. The junta does not anticipate its judgment, to prepossess the public opinion with respect to these projects; it only believes that it ought to announce from this moment certain principles, upon which

the wish and desire of the nation has irrevocably resolved, and from which nothing that can be written or discussed on the subject of reform, can alter. Those principles are reduced to the following:

The catholic, apostolic, Roman religion, is the only religion of the State. The constitution of Spain is to be a monarchy, hereditary in Ferdinand the VIIth. his descendants, and those called by the law to succeed them. The nation is to be governed henceforward by the laws freely deliberated, and administered.

There shall be a national cortes, in the manner and form which may be established, taking into consideration the difference and alterations which have taken place since the time when they were lawfully held. -Our Americas and other colonies shall be the same as the metropolis in all rights and constitutional prerogatives.-The reform which our le gal codes, administration, and recovery of public rents, and every thing belonging to the direction of commerce, agriculture, arts, education, as well national, marine, and warlike, are to undergo, shall be only and exclusively directed to obtain the greatest ease, and the better illustration of the Spanish people, so horridly teazed until now.

7. The nation which shall be legally and solemnly constituted from

On that day, the general. Cortes of the Spanish monarchy, after being so long neglected, shall meet together for the first time.


DEPOSITION OF THE POPE. Rome, June 10.-This morning, about ten o'clock, under a salute of the artillery in the castle of St. Angelo, the decree of his Majesty the Emperor and King, by which the states of the Pope are to be united with France, was announced, in

the principal squares of this city. This happy change was effected with the greatest tranquillity, and the inhabitants of Rome manifested the highest degree of joy and the most lively gratitude for an event which puts an end to all the uncertainties of their political existence. The decree though it completely dissolves the temporal government of the Pope, still leaves the spiritual power entire, and assigns him a revenue of two million of franks (above 100,000l. sterling,) free from all imposts and deductions. He will continué to reside in the Vatican.

The decree, dated from the imperial head-quarters, May 17, 1809, is as follows::

Napoleon, Emperor of the French, &c. considering, that when Charlemagne, Emperor of the French, and our illustrious predecessor, presented to the bishops of Rome various lands, he resigned them only to them as leaseholds, to strengthen the loyalty of his subjects, and with a view that Rome should form a part of his empire:

Considering that as the union of the two powers, the spiritual aad temporal, has been since that period, as it is still at this day, the source of incessant disputes; that the spiritual princes have studied nothing but to augment the influence of a power which enabled them to support and maintain the assumption of others; and for that reason the spiritual powers, which were invariable in their policy, have interfered with the temporal, which change according to the circumstances and policy of the times :-

Considering finally, that all that we have proposed to reconcile the safety of our armies, the tranquillity of our people, the interests and security of our empire, with the temporal pretension of the spiritual princes has proved in vain

We have decreed, and do decree as follows:

ART. I; The States of the Pope are united with the French empire.

II. The city of Rome, the first see of christendom, so famous for the remembrances which it affords, and the monuments it contains, is declared an imperial and free city. Its government and internal policy shall be regulated in a separate decree.

III. The monuments of Roman grandeur shall be preserved and maintained at the expence of our imperial treasure. IV. The public debt is declared to be the debt of the empire.

V. The net revenue of the papal see shall be reduced to two millions of francs. free of all burdens and taxes.

VI. The possessions and palaces of his holiness shall be subject to no burdens or taxes, and shall enjoy besides various exemptions.

VII. An extraordinary consultum of the 1st of July next, shall, in our name, take possession of the papal states, and shall make such arrangements that the constitutional government may commence its operations there on the 1st of January, 1810.

NAPOLEON. H. B. MARET. No sooner was the extraordinary consulta appointed and organized, than it issued to the city and states of Rome the following




Romans! The will of the greatest of heroes unites you with the greatest of empires. It was just that the first peo ple of the world should divide the adthe honour of their name, with that vantages and benefits of their laws, and people that formerly preceded them in the paths of glory. When fathers conquered the world, such were the decrees of their power, and the effects of their military superiority. The desire of promoting your happiness has The moment that has been adopted to suggested the decree for your union. carry the same into effect, discovers to you the motives that have suggested it. You are become a part of the French empire at the moment that the sacrifices which were required to establish and confirm it are no longer necessary. You ving participated in its dangers. are called to the triumph, without ha

Peruse the annals of your country. You will find that they have long presented only a picture of your misfor

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tunes. Your natural weakness renders you the prey of every military force that may cross the Alps. But united with France, our strength is also yours. All the evils which sprung from your

weakness are terminated.

Unhappy as a nation, you were not less so as citizens. The disease and wretchedness which prevail in your towns and plains have long since announced to all Europe, as well as yourselves, that your princes, too much engaged in other cases, were unable to procure for you the happiness which you are now about to


Romans! Not conquered, but united; fellow-citizens, and not subjects, our strength is not only yours, but our laws will secure your tranquillity, as they have already secured ours; while by this union all the advantages will be added, which they have conferred, you will have lost none of those which you have already possessed.

Rome continues to be the seat of the visible head of the church; and the richly-endowed vatican, freed from all foreign influence, and raised above all vain and terrestrial cares, shall be to the universe the parent and most conspicuous religion. Other pursuits shall preserve in your annals the inheritance of your ancient fame; and the sciences, the progeny of genius, patronized by a great man, and enriched by all the ancient examples and models, shall no longer depend for the support of their godlike reputation on the labours of former times,

Such, Romans, is the prospect which is opened to you for the future, and of

which the consulta that has now been made public is to lay the foundation. To secure your public debt, to improve your agriculture and arts, in every respect, to ameliorate your condition, and finally to suppress those tears for the future which the prevalence of abuses has so often caused to flow, these are the commands, this is the object of our illustrious Sovereign.

Romans! supported by our efforts, you can more speedily for yourselves, and more conveniently for us, obtain those advantages which we possess, and of which we are desirious that you should partake.


Count MIOLIS, Governor-General and President.

In the name of the Consulta, C. BALBE. VOL, VI.


Stockholm, May 10.-On the 4th inst. his excellency the chancellor of the realm received the deputies of the states of Burghers, attended by their speaker, as well as the deputies of the clergy and Burghers, who afterwards repaired to the Session Hall, where the respective speakers of the states took the usual oaths.

On the 5th the states of the nobility met for the first time. The usual formalities, which are generally observed at the opening of the diet, being now gone through, the deliberations on the important objects, for which it has been convened are now to be commenced.

An address of his royal highness the Duke of Sudermania to the states of the realm, has lately been published, which states the circumstances which led to the late change of government, in the following


"A short statement of the unfortunate state of the country at that period, the beginning of the year. (1808).-The war was to be carried on with English subsidies, and such other means as could be procured without overwhelming the country with heavy taxes.-An agreement had actually been concluded with England, that the latter was to assist Sweden with cash and merchandize, up to the amount of 100,000l. sterling per month. That these subsidies could not be sufficient to defray the charges of the extensive prepa rations for the continuance of the war is obvious, the usual difficulties. which generally attend the realization of remittances of a large amount, obstructed also the payment of the money, and it was, besides, impeded by the differences with England, which arose in August, 1808; they were, however, discharged, yet without relieving the most urgent wants of the state. The contractors who

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