Abbildungen der Seite

To this effect his Majesty the King of Sweden promises, in the most solemn and obligatory manner, as well for himself as for his successors, and all the kingdom of Sweden, never to make any claim, direct or indirect, on the said governments, provinces, islands, and territories, all the inhabitants of which, shall, in virtue of this renunciation, be relieved from the homage and oath of fidelity by which they were bound to the crown of Sweden.

V. The sea of Aland (Alands Haf) the Gulph of Bothnia, and the rivers of Tornea and Muonio, shall hereafter form the frontier between Russia and the kingdom of Sweden.

The nearest islands at an equal distance from the main land of Aland and Finland shall belong to Russia, and those which are nearest to the Swedish coast shall belong to Sweden.

The most advanced points of the Russian territory at the mouth of the river of Tornea, shall be the isle of Bjørken, the port of Reatehamn, and the peninsula on which the town of Torpea stands. The frontier shall then be extended along the river Tornea to the confluence of the two branches of that river near Kengis, It shall then follow the course of the river Muonio, passing in the front of Muonioniska, Muonio Ofreby, Palajoens, Rultane, Enoutekis, Kelottijorfoi, Paitiko, Nuimaka, Rannula, and Kilpisjaure to Norway.

In the course of the rivers Tornea and Muonio, such as it has been described, the islands situated to the east of the Thalwag shall belong to Russia, and those to the west of the Thalwag to Sweden. Immediately after the exchange of the ratifications, engineers shall be appointed on each side, who shall proceed to the before-mentioned places to fix the limits along the rivers Tornea and Muonio, according to the above described line.

VI. His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias having already given the most manifest proofs of the clemency and justice with which he has resolved to govern the inhabitants of the countries which he has acquired, by generously, and of his own spontaneous act, assuring to them the free exercise of their religion, rights, property, and privileges, his Swedish Majesty considers himself thereby dispensed from performing the otherwise sacred duty of making reservations in

the above respects in favour of his former subjects.

VII. On the signature of the present treaty, information thereof shall be transmitted inmediately, and with the greatest celerity, to the generals of the respective armies, and hostilities shall entirely cease on both sides both by sea and land. Those acts of hostility which may in the mean time be committed, shall be regarded as null, and shall not infringe this treaty. Whatever may be, during the intervening period, taken or conquered on the one side or the other, shall be faithfully restored.

VIII. Within four weeks after the exchange of the ratifications of the present treaty, the troops of his Majesty the Emperor of Russia shall evacuate West Bothnia, and repass the river Tornea.

During the said four weeks, there shall be made no requisition of any kind whatever on the inhabitants; and the Russian army shall draw its supplies and subsistences from its own magazines es tablished in the towns of West Bothnia.

If during the negociations the Imperial troops have penetrated in any other direction into the kingdom of Sweden, they shall evacuate the countries they have occupied in virtue of the before stipulated conditions.

IX. All the prisoners of war made on either side, by sea or land, and all the hostages delivered during the war, shall be restored in mass, and without ransom, as speedily as possible; but at the latest within three months, reckoning from the exchange of the ratifications; but if any prisoners may be prevented by sickness or other cause from returning into their country within the period specified, they shall not thereby be considered as having forfeited the right stipulated above. They shall be obliged to discharge or to give security for the debts they may have contracted during their captivity with the inhabitants of the country in which they may have been detained.

The expences which may have been incurred by the high contracting parties for all subsistence and maintenance of the prisoners shall be reciprocally renounced, and provision shall respective ly be made for their subsistence, and the expence of their journey to the fron tiers of both places, where commissioners from their sovereigns shall be direct, ed to receive them.

The Finland soldiers and seamen are, on the part of his Majesty the Emperor

of Russia, excepted from this restitution, with reference to the capitulations which have taken place, if they grant them a different right. The military and other officers natives of Finland, who may wish to remain, shall enjoy that privilege, and the full exercise of all their rights over their property, debts, and effects, which they now or may hereafter have in the kingdom of Swe, den, on the footing of the 10th article of the present treaty..

X. The Fins now in Sweden, as well ás the Swedes now in Finland, shall be at full liberty to return into their respective countries, and to dispose of their property, moveable and unmoveable, without paying any duty of removal, or any other imposts due on the like, occasions.

The subjects of the two high powers established in either country, Sweden or Finland, shall have full liberty to establish themselves in the other during the space of three years, from the date of the exchange of the ratification of the present treaty; but shall be held to sell or alienate, during the said period, to any subject of the power whose dominions they desire to quit.

The property of those who, at the expiration of the above term, have not complied with this regulation, shall be sold at a public sale by authority of the magistrate, and the produce thereof delivered to the owners.

During the three years above fixed, it shall be allowable to all to make such use as they may please of their property, the peaceable enjoyment of which is formally secured and guaranteed to them.

They may, themselves or their agents, pass freely from one state to the other in order to manage their affairs, without experiencing any obstacle whatever in consequence of their quality of subjects of the other power.

XI. There shall henceforth be a perpetual oblivion of the past, and a general amnesty for the respective subjects, whose opinions, in favour of one or the other of the high contracting parties during the present war, may have rendered them suspected or liable to punishment. No trial shall hereafter be instituted against them on such grounds. If any process have been commenced, it shall be annulled and superseded, and no -new proceeding shall be commenced. All sequestrations of property or reveaues shall in consequence be immediate

ly removed, and the property shall be. reserved to the owners; it being well understood that such as become subjects of either of the two powers, in virtue of the preceding article, shall have no right to claim from the Sovereign of whom they have ceased to be a subject the annuities or pensions which may have been obtained in virtue of acts of grace, concessions, or appointments for prece ding services.

XII. The titles, domains, archives, and other documents, public and private, the plans and charts of fortresses, towns, and territories, devolved by the present treaty to his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, including the charts and papers which may be deposi ted in the surveyors office, shall be faithfully delivered up within the space of six months; or if that period should be found too short, at the latest within one year.

XIII. Immediately after the exchange of the ratification, the high contracting parties shall remove all sequestrations which may have been placed on the property or revenues of the respective inhabitants of the two countries and the public establishments therein situated.

XIV. The debts, both public and private, contracted by the Fins in Sweden, and, vice versa, by the Swedes in Finland, shall be discharged on the terms and conditions stipulated.

XV. The subjects of either of the high contracting parties, to whom inheritances may fall in the states of one or the other, may without obstacle take possession of the same, and enjoy it under the protection of the laws. The exer cise of this right, however, in Finland, is subject to the stipulations of article X. in virtue of which the proprietor shall either fix his residence in the country, or sell the inheritance within three years.

XVI. The duration of the treaty of commerce between the high contracting parties being limited to the 17th (29th) October, 1811, his Majesty the Empe ror of Russia consents not to reckon its interruption during the war; and that the said treaty shall continue in force until the 1st (18th) of February, 1813, with respect to every thing not contrary to the dispositions of the commercial manifesto issued at St. Petersburgh, January 1st, 1809.

XVII. The territories incorporated with the Russian Empire in virtue of

this treaty, being attached to Sweden by commercial relations, which long in tercourse, neighbourhood, and reciprocal wants have rendered almost indispensible; the high contracting parties, desirous of preserving to their subjects these means of mutual advantage, agree to make such arrangements as may be necessary for consolidating them. In the mean time, until they come to an understanding on this subject, the Fins shall have the power of importing from Sweden, ore, smelted iron, lime, stones for building smelting furnaces, and in general all the other productions of the soil of Sweden.

In return the Swedes may export from Finland, cattle, fish, corn, cloth, pitch, planks, wooden utensils of all kinds, wood for building, and, in general, all the other productions of the soil of the Grand Duchy.

This traffic shall be re-established and maintained to the 1st. (13th) of October, 1811, precisely on, the same footing as it was before the war, and shall be liable to no interruption or burthen, with the reservation of such restrictions as the political relations of the two states may render necessary.

XVIII. The annual exportation of 50,000 tschetwerts of corn purchased in the ports of the Gulph of Finland, or of the Baltic, belonging to Russia, is granted to his Majesty the King of Sweden free of the export duty, on proof being -shewn that the purchase has been made on his account, or in virtue of his authority.

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Years of scarcity in which the exportation shall be prohibited are excepted, but the quantity in arrear in consequence

of such order, may be made up when the prohibition shall be removed.

XIX. With respect to salutes at sea, the two high contracting parties agree to regulate them on the footing of the most perfect eqnality between the two crowns. When their vessels of war meet at sea, the salutes shall take place in conformity to the rank of the commanders, in such manner that he who holds the superior rank shall receive the first salute, which shall be returned gun for gun. If the commanders are of

equal rank, no salute shall take place on either side: before castles, fortresses, and at the entrance of ports, the party arriving shall salute first, and the salute shall be returned gun for gun.

XX. Difficulties which may arise on points not determined by this treaty, shall be discussed and settled by ambassadors, or ministers plenipotentiary respectively appointed, who shall be guided by the spirit of conciliation which has dictated the treaty.

XXI. This treaty shall be ratified by the two contracting powers; and the ratifications exchanged in proper and due form within four weeks, or sooner if possible, reckoning from the day of the signature of the present treaty.

In faith of which we, the undersigned, in virtue of our full powers, have signed the present treaty of peace, and have thereto affixed our seals.

Done at Friedricksham, this 5-17th of September, in the year of Grace, 1809. COUNT NICOLAS DE ROMANZOFF. DAVID ALOPEUS. COUNT STEDINCK. A. F. SKJOLDEBRAND.



At a General Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Towns and Neighbourhood of Great and Little Bolton, convened by a Requisition signed by two hundred and thirty Persons, held at the Sessions Room in Great Bolton, on Saturday the 27th of May, 1809.-Mr. William Bowker, in the Chair.

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titled himself to the gratitude of every friend to his king and country,

2. That this meeting most cordially joins the unexampled number of those who have already conveyed to him, their thanks and approbation.

3. That Sir F. Burdett, Bart. Lord Folkestone, S. Whitbread, Esq. Sir S. Romilly, General Fergusson, Lord A. Hamilton, and Sir O. Moseley, Bart. for the disinterested manner in which they stepped forward to assist and support Mr. Wardle, be requested to accept the thanks of this meeting

4. That the thanks of this meeting are also due to the rest of the one hundred and twenty-five independent members of the house of commons who voted with Mr. Wardle on that occasion.

5. That while we regret the very inadequate manner in which this county is represented, we observe with the most lively pleasure, the names of Lord Stanley, and S. Horrocks, Esq. members for the borough of Preston in that virtuous minority.

6 That the votes of the majority of the house of commons on that occasion appear to be in direct opposition to the opinion of the people at large, and afford a lamentable proof of the imperfect manner in which the country is represented. 7. That an address of thanks be left at the Sessions Room in Great Bolton for the signatures of the inhabitants, and that Lord Stanley be requested to present the same with a copy of these resolutions to G. L. Wardle, Esq.

8. That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to Lord Stanley, S. Horrocks, Esq. Sir F. Burdett, Bart. Lord Folkestone, S. Whitbread, Esq. Sir S. Romilly, General Ferguson, Lord A. Hamilton, and Sir O. Moseley.

W. BowKER, Chairman.

9. That the thanks of this meeting be given to Mr. W. Bowker for his conduct in the chair. J. GORDON.

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the superintendance of the late Commander in chief.

We are convinced, by the scenes that are now acting on the great theatre of Europe, that more is to be feared from internal corruption than from external foes-that no government can be secure that is not supported by the great body of the people, and that the true friends of this country can in no way evince their attachment to our king and constitution more effectually than by following your example. We therefore rejoice, that your success has already stimulated others to imitate your conduct, by instituting inquiries into abuses in other departments of no less importance to the vital interests of our country than the army itself, and we hope and trust that their and your exertions will not be relaxed, till all corruption shall be eradicated from every department of the state in which it may be found to exist.


Nov. 3, 1809.

Mr. Kemble declared, that in rising to bring forward the motion it was his intention to submit to the court, he was actuated by no party motive whatever. He begged leave to assure the court he was actuated solely by the conviction of his own mind, and was unbiassed by the opinions or wishes of any other person. He held in his hand a resolution of the court, passed on the 1st of August, which it was his intention to oppose, not from any difference of opinion as to the matter contained in that resolution, but from a decided objection to the manner in which it had been introduced. Had he been present in the court at the time a motion was made to rescind the reso❤ lution of the court of the 6th of April, which was done with a view to negative the question, the matter would have been set at rest; but when the court was summoned, every member was not aware of the intended object of the meeting; he did not think, therefore, the court was bound to abide by the decision. The court had been convened on the 1st of August for the purpose of rescinding the vote of thanks to Mr. Wardle, and had it proceeded no farther, he should have been content; but, instead of that, a gentleman thought proper on the first question being negatived, to bring forward long resolution, with the contents of


which, the majority of the court were unacquainted. Several gentlemen, he believed, were aware that such a motion would be brought forward; but he, as well as many of his friends, did not know of any such intention. He did not conceive, therefore, that under the circumstance of the question having been brought forward without previous notice, it ought to stand on the records of the court. Under these cırcumstances, therefore, he begged leave to move, that the resolution of the court of common council, on the 1st of August last, he expunged from the records of the court.

Mr. Deputy Box seconded the motion. Alderman Goodbehere defended the resolution which he had originally moved. The gentleman who brought forward the motion disclaimed any idea of touching the vote of thanks which had been originally given to Mr. Wardle; but was it not most evident that the tendering of this motion was to extinguish that additional lusture which a former court, forced into a farther discussion of the subject, thought that gentleman was entitled to? When he remembered how highly the mover (Mr. Kemble) spoke of Mr. Wardle, when the original vote of thanks was passed, he had believed that that gentleman had abjured his former political errors, and enlisted himself under the banners of freedom and reform. He, however, now feared that he had been contaminated since that time, and thought that the present motion would be the amende honorable made to his former friends for his warmth upon that occasion. Mr. Wardle had been most shamefully calumniated; and yet through all the fiery ordeal which he had as yet passed, he came out pure. He had lately been calumniated for not persevering in the prosecution for perjury, and for having gone on an excursion to the seacoast in company with Mrs. Clarke. Now, as to the last circumstance, it was known, or it ought to be generally known, that Mr. W. was a man of the most mild, social, and domestic manpers. Such a man, feeling strongly the duties of a husband and a father, might go on an excursion with Mrs. Clarke, in company with Major Dodd, and Mr. Glennis, without committing that which a member of that court (Mr. S. Dixon) said that he would have committed if he were in the same situation! Mr. Wardle had different feelings respecting his du

ties, and yet saw it was necessary to amuse, by such an excursion, a woman of her slippery turn, and prevent her falling into the fangs of the enemy. If Mr. W. had not persevered in the form of action which first suggested itself to him as the proper one, it must be recollected that he had obtained a true bill for a conspiracy against those people, and the evidence of the perjury must have been very strong before the grand jury would have found the bill for. a conspiracy, which depended upon the perjury. Mr. Wardle had not delayed a single day in endeavouring to bring the matter to a trial, and he would have been content to have it tried at the sessions. In those two points, then, upon which Mr. W. had been caluminated, he appeared to him to be absolutely blameless; and he felt no doubt but the more his conduct was inquired into, the more apparent would be the purity of his motives. He conceived that Mr. Wardle had, in the last session of parliament, rendered to this country a service much more important, than it had received from any of the transactions of the late war. He felt, therefore, bound to support the original resolution which he had moved, and to oppose the present motion.

Mr. Jacks said, he should take the liberty of discussing those resolutions paragraph by paragraph, and should consider whether they were founded in fact. As to the merits of Mr. Wardle, he had nothing to say in opposition to them the court had come to an unanimous vote on the subject, and he saw nothing in the trial which ought to induce them to alter that decision. Some of the paragraphs of the resolution which the court had lately passed seemed to him to require serious consideration. In the second paragraph it was alleged, that the abuses complained of had extended to the disposal of church preferments. Now, he submitted, that no detection of the kind could be fairly attributed to Colonel Wardle. Mention had, indeed, been made of a Dr. O'Meara, and of wretched person of the name of Beazely, who wrote in favour of " No Popery;" but their cases were far from warranting the charge of the corrupt disposal of church preferments. When the worthy alderman (Goodbehere), however, went on to state that the house of commons, by its conduct, had "recognised and acknowledged the corrupt influence un

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