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As we, besides, owe it to God and the church, to hand down our rights uninjured and untouched, we protest against this new violent spoliation, and declare it void and null. We reject, with the firmest resolution, any allowance which the Emperor of the French may intend to assign us, and to the individuals composing our college.

We should all cover ourselves with ignominy in the face of the church, if we suffered our subsistence to depend on the power of him who usurps her authority.

We commit ourselves entirely to Providence, and to the affection of the faithful, and we shall be contented piously to terminate the bitter career of our sorrowful days.

We adore with profound humility God's inscrutable decrees; we invoke his commiseration upon our good subjects, who shall ever be our joy and our crown; and after having in this hardest of trials done what our duties required of us, we exhort them to preserve always untouched the religion and the faith, and to unite themselves to us, for the purpose of conjuring with sighs and tears, both in the closet and before the altar, the supreme father of light, that he may vouchsafe to change the base designs of our per


Given at our Apostolic Palace, del Quirinale, this 10th of June, 1809.


By the authority of God Almighty, and of St. Paul and St. Peter, we declare you, and all your co-operators in the acts of violence which you are executing, to have incurred the same excommunication, which we, in our apostolic letters, contemporaneously affixing in the usual places of this city, declare to have been incurred by all those who, on the violent invasion of this city on the 2d of February last year, were

guilty of the acts of violence, against which we have protested, as well really in so many declarations, that by our order have been issued by our successive secretaries of state, as also in two consistorial collocations of the 16th of March, and the 11th of July, 1808, in common with all, their agents, abettors, advisers, and whoever else have been accessary to, or himself been engaged in, the execution of those attempts.

Given at Rome, Santa Maria Maggiere, June 10th, in the 10th year of our pontificate.


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Whereas in consequence of a communication from his Britannic Majesty's envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, declaring that the British orders in council of January and November, 1807, would have been withdrawn on the 10th of June last; and by virtue of authority given, in such évent by the 11th section of the act of congress, entitled, "An act to interdict the commercial intercourse between the United States and Great Britain and France, and their dependencies, and for other purposes," I, JAMES MADISON, President of the United States, did the 19th of April last, declaring that issue my proclamation, bearing date the orders in council aforesaid would

have been so withdrawn on the said 10th day of June, after which the trade sus→ pended by certain acts of congress might be renewed: and whereas it is now officially made known to me that the said orders in council have not been withdrawn agreeably to the communication aforesaid; I do hereby proclaim the same, and consequently that the trade renew able on the event of the said orders being withdrawn, is to be considered as under the operation of the several acts by which such trade was suspended.

Given under my hand and seal of the United States at the city of Washing ton, the ninth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight

hundred and nine, and of the independence of the said United States the thirty-fourth.

J. MADISON, President. R. SMITH, Sec. of State. The following circular letter has been addressed by the secretary of the treasury to the respective collectors, in consequence of the above proclamation.

Treasury Department.

SIR-You will herewith receive the copy of a proclamation to the president of the United States, announcing that certain British orders in council were not withdrawn on the 10th day of June last, and consequently that the trade, renewable in the event of the said orders being withdrawn, is to be considered as under the operation of the several acts by which such trade was suspended.

The act to amend and continue in force certain parts of the act intitled "an act to inderdict the commercial intercourse between the United States and Great Britain and France and their dependencies, and for other purposes," passed on the 28th day of June, is therefore, in every respect, applicable to Great Britain and her dependencies, as well as to France and her dependencies; any thing in my circular of the 29th of June last to the contrary notwithstanding. It results, from the receipt of this, you must in every instance, except as hereinafter expressed, refuse clearances for British ports, requiring, as usual, bonds from all vessels bound to permitted ports, in the manner provided by the Srd section of the act above mentioned. But as many British vessels may come into the ports of the United States, in consequence of the President's proclamation of the 19th of April last, he directs, that you will permit such British vessels to depart without giving bonds, either in ballast or with cargo on board, when notified of the inclosed proclamation: it being, however, understood, that this indulgence shall not be extended to any other vessels than such as are now in the ports of the United States, or such as may hereafter arrive, having sailed from a foreign port before information of the inclosed proclamation shall have been received at such port.

The President also directs, that until the decision from congress on that unexpected point shall have been obtained,


or until otherwise instructed, seizures or prosecutions for supposed contraventions of either of the above mentioned acts, or of the non-intercourse act of the 1st of March last, arising from acts which would, in conformity with his proclamation of the 19th of April last, have been considered as lawful, shall be suspended in the following cases

1st. All vessels which shall have entered a British port since the 10th of June last, or which may hereafter enter such port, having sailed for the same before information of the inclosed proclamation had been received at the port of depar ture, so far as relates to such forfeiture or penalty which may accrue, or have accrued, by reason of their having thus entered a British port.

2d. All vessels which have arrived either from British ports, or with British merchandize, in the United States, subse quent to the 10th of June last; and also, all vessels which may hereafter thus ar rive, having sailed for the United States before information of the inclosed proclamation shall have been received at the port of departure, so far as relates to any forfeiture or penalty accruing from having arrived, or arriving, in the United States, from British ports, or with British merchandize.

3d. All vessels now owned by citizens of the United States, and sailing under the American flag, which, being in a foreign port at the time when the inclosed proclamation will be made known at such port, shall, with all due dili« gence, depart therefrom, and return without delay to the United States, so far as relates to any forfeiture or penalty. accruing from their arriving in the United States from British ports, or with British merchandize.

In the above-mentioned cases of vessels arriving in the United States, and which are for the present exempted from seizure, the vessels and cargoes may be permitted to enter.

The time when the inclosed proclamation shall have been known at the ports of departure respectively, must be ascertained by the best means in your power, and you may refer doubtful cases to this department.

Application may of course still be made, in all cases, for an absolute remission of the forfeitures and penalties, in the manner provided for by law; the instructions herein given to abstain from prosecution and seizures, in the above.

D d

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Washington, July 28.

[The following is considered as an official article:]

There are features in the late order of the 24th of May, that it may be of some service distinctly to notice.

1. The arrangements made by Mr. Erskine, it is said, are not such as were authorised by his Majesty's instructions, "or such as his Majesty can approve." Here is an avowal by the British government of an inflexible purpose, unlimited by time or circumstance, either not to make a proper reparation for the outrage committed on the Chesapeake, or not to rescind the principle of her orders of the 7th of January and 11th of November. 2. The temporary relaxations of the old orders in council are all coupled with one sweeping condition, to wit: a withdrawal of protection from any vessel that shall attempt to enter any port "actually blokaded by any of his Ma"jesty's ships of war." Is there not reason to fear that the whole of the enemies ports will in this way be blockaded by a naval force altogether insufficient for the complete investment requisite to a legal blockade, and that vessels leaving ports thus blockaded," will, on their return voyage, be seized on the high seas by British cruizers, and carried into British ports for adjudication for a violation of the blockade? There is the more reason to apprehend that the species of blockade here referred to is not that recognized by the law of nations, as, if it were, there would have been no reason for such a provision.

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3. The order professed to indemnify American merchants, indeed to avoid any interference with their adventures under the arrangements made with Mr. Erskine. But this will be found, on in vestigation, to be an idle pretext. The larger number of American vessels were destined for, and will have entered, Britith ports, with commodities, in part meant for consumption in England, in part for consumption on the continent. The value of these commodities must materially depend on a sale for them on the continent. This, being almost totally cut off by the order of the 26th of

April, substituted in the room of the previous orders, the prices of those commodities in British ports have actually sunk, and may be expected to fall much more; and the American merchant, instead of making a profit, will incur a ruinous loss. A large portion of these shipments to England were, doubtless, meant to be deposited in that country, with a view to future transportation to the continent. This resource being now almost entirely cut off, a great and steady depression of prices will be inevitable.


By the disavowal of the British ministry, the order of April last comes into operation in lieu of the orders of January and November, 1807. Now the order of April, although otherwise represented in most of the public prints, will be found even more rigorous and oppressive to our trade than the preceding orders. Under these orders, the direct trade between the United States and the colonies of the enemies of Britain, and from the United States to the continent of Europe through a British port, and the transportation of American produce, cotton excepted, through a British port, to ene mies ports, under certain conditions, were allowed. By the order of April they are, with trifling exceptions, interdicted. The principal trade authorized with the continent by this order is to the ports of the Baltic, allowed, no doubt by Britain, for the express purpose obtaining naval supplies through American bottoms, a trade which will be likely to be inhibited, as soon as it is seen to have this effect, and which, in dependently of this circumstance, would be of very little value to us, as but a small portion of our produce would there find a market. Besides this trade, the order allows a trade to the southern parts of Italy, comprising Naples and a part of the territory of the church, the whole of but inconsiderable importance, compared with the ports of Genoa and Leghorn in the northern part of Italy, with which all trade is interdicted. To this may be added a qualified trade to certain parts of Spain and Portugal, dependant upon their possessiou by Eng land, which are, however, too trifling and precarious to be of much value to us. Under this view of the subject, the arrangements made with Mr. Erskine, attended by their recent disavowal, will be found to operate as a mere decoy, the emollient lenitives of the order of May 24th to the contrary


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notwithstanding. Washington Intelligencer.

Extract from one of the New York Papers.

"The conduct of the British ministers has capped the climax of atrocity towards this country. Their first act, the outrage of the Chesapeake, was an injury of the deepest dye, and instead of making a just reparation, a mission was instituted, whose termination added insult to injury. Close upon the heels of this mission followed the celebrated orders of November 11th, which produced with other causes, the embargo and non-intercourse with England. This cooperating, with the disasters of her arms, produced the arrangement made by Mr. Erskine with our government.--After this négociation congress adjourns in security, when, to the astonishment of every honest man, these engagements,

as solemnly executed as any engagements made by man, are disavowed and annulled, not in part, but altogether, as well those relative to the Chesapeake as those relative to the orders in council, in the language of Lord Bathurst, as wholly unauthorized!"

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"How can that be? Is Mr. Erskine a traitor to his government, a fool, or a madman, thus to commit himself, and to have acted in a way (in the language of Lord Liverpool) not only unauthorized by his instructions, but in direct opposition to them. We all recollect the language of Mr. Erskine, and if we believe him a man of common honesty, and of the meanest understanding, we must conclude that he was authorized to make the overtures he proposed. They were not extorted from him he was the first to propose them, and as proposed, verbatim et literatim, they were adopted by our government."


Zeal without Innovation, or the present state of Religion and Morals considered; with a view to the dispositions and measures required for its improvement. To which is subjoined an Address to young clergymen; intended to guard them against some prevailing errors. 8vo.

The author of this work appears to be in a situation similar to that of many of his clerical brethren; and plainly perceiving the discredit and disregard into which the established church is falling, owing to the gross defectiveness of her constitution, and the contradictory opinions, and inconsistent conduct of her ministers, and members in general, has taken the alarm, and whilst expressing his fears respecting the safety of his Alma Mater, suggests a variety of important hints respecting the conduct of his bro thren; at the same time deprecating any alteration of what has been so long established. What has hitherto been the fate of writers of this class, will, we venture to predict continue to

be their fate, so long as such writers exist: they will go on complaining, and admonishing; but while they profess" Zeal," and deprecate " Innovation," or to speak correctly, whilst they are zealous that all things, in our ecclesiastical establishment should remain as they are, and that not any of those numerous

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innovations" which have made such havock with the faith and the morals of christians, should be done away;-whilst temptations to dishonesty and worldly mindedness, remain incorporated in the very frame and constitution of the church, admonitions to piety, virtue, and consistency of conduct. will be of little avail. It is melancholy to see a writer like the present, waste his time and his talents in penning 400 Svo pages, which, although they suggest much good advice respecting the conduct of individuals, display a narrowness and bigotry of mind, and a persecuting spirit towards those who are firmly convinced, that it is their bounden duty as christians

to dissent from the established church, and who are as firmly convinced, that nothing can prevent her from experiencing the fate of other established churches, but a radical, and thorough REFORM.

Our author indeed appears somewhat apprehensive of the up-hill work which he has undertaken. In his preface he thus modestly expresses himself.


the generality of his Rev. brethren, he is somewhat dissatisfied with the exertions of those who have arrogated to themselves the distinguished epithet-evangelical. As a consistent churchman,professing obedience to the laws, he censures, altho' with gentleness, the irregularities of those, who judging by their conduct seem to imagine, that they have something more to do with our ecclesiastical "laws than to obey them;" or in other words, that they may obey or disobey them agrecably to their inclinations, and so far as they are unnoticed by their church governors: he however panegyrises their loyalty to kings and statesmen, and represents them as the most forward of the clerical body in opposing every species of political reform. This is

"After all the pains he has taken to render this performance both useful, and acceptable; to avoid error in all his statements, to censure nothing but what is evil, and to do even that as inoffensively as possible; he must confess that he does not send it forth without a pensive impression of the weakness of human reason, and the strength of human passions. Nor is it in others only, but in himself likewise, that he apprehends, some proofs of both will be discovered. It is highly probable, that when his perfor-nothing more than they deserve; for mance comes to be examined by another eye, he will be found to have misunderstood, or to have incorrectly stated something. When he further considers the little fruit that has been produced by the writings of those who have gone before him in endeavours of this kind, though possessing great claims to attention, he expects no general vote in favour of his publication."

We are thus confirmed in the opinion we have already expressed; and when we further reflect that the lahours of such men as Burnet, Hoadly, Clarke and Blackburne, with many others who might be mentioned, men who carnestly endeavoured to promote a partial reformation of that establishment of which they

were the sincere friends and supporters-that the united labours of great and good men of this distinguished class have produced so little effect for more than a century past, what, we may demand, can be expected from writers, who with all their "zcal" are anxious that all the "innovations," or corruptions of the church, root and branch should for ever remain undisturbed!

Deeply as the author seems con· vinced of the defect of pious zeal in

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no description of men were ever more zealous in promoting the views of the statesmen of the day, advocating all their wars, promoting all their plans of intolerance, and inculca ting the most complete system of servility, than the evangelical clergy!

The numerous, and in some instances virulent misrepresentations of the opinions of those who dissent from the ecclesiastical establishment, displayed in this volume, sadly falsify the writer's professions of candour and benevolence. The following extracts may enable our readers to judge for themselves of his real sentiments and disposition. Alluding to what he terms, the present increa sing extension of" seperatism," he remarks as follows:

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