Et bene compositos placide morientis ocellos, Ite domum impasti, domino jam non vacat, agni. 125 130 135 Ite domum impasti, domino jam non vacat, agni. Hæc mihi tum læto dictabat roscida luna, 140 145 ! "Heus, bone! numquid agis? nisi te quid forte retardat, a Lucumonis ab urbe. 15C 155 Luca, or Lucca, an ancient city of Tuscany, was founded by Lucumon, an Hetruscan king.-T. WARTON. b Et Datis, et Francinus. Carlo Dati of Florence, with whom Milton corresponded after his return to England. -T. WARTON. c Lydorum sanguinis ambo. Of the most ancient Tuscan families. The Lydians brought a colony into Italy, whence came the Tuscans.-T. WARTON. d Aut ad aquas Colni, ant ubi jugera Cassibelauni? The river Colne flows through Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire, in Milton's neighbourhood. By "jugera Cassibelauni," we are to understand Verulam, or St. Albans, called the town of Cassibelan, an ancient British king. Milton's appellations are often conveyed by the poetry of ancient fable.-T. WARTON. • Tu mihi percurres medicos, tua gramina, sиссов. Deodate is the shepherd-lad in "Comus," ver. 619, &c.-T. WARTON. He hints his design of quitting pastoral, and the lighter kinds of poetry, to write an epic poem. This, it appears, by what follows, was to be on some part of the ancient British story.-T. WARTON. 1 1 Fistula; ab undecima jam lux est altera nocte, 160 Ite domum impasti, domino jam non vacat, agni. 165 170 17 Ite domum impasti, domino jam non vacat, agni. 183 185 Has inter phenix, divina avis, unica terris, Cæruleum fulgens diversicoloribus alis, Auroram vitreis surgentem respicit undis: 100 Quis putet? hic quoque Amor, pictæque in nube pharetræ, Arma corusca faces, et spicula tincta pyropo; Nec tenues animas, pectusque ignobile vulgi, Hinc ferit; at, circum flammantia lumina torquens, ! Semper in erectum spargit sua tela per orbes 195 Hinc mentes ardere sacræ, formæque deorum. Tu quoque in his, nec me fallit spes lubrica, Damon, Tu quoque in his certe es; nam quo tua dulcis abiret are said to have founded Naples.-T. WARTON. 5 Mansus, Chalcidicæ non ultima gloria ripa. Manso, celebrated in the last poem, and a Neapolitan. A people called the Chalcidici h Bina dedit, &c. Perhaps a poetical description of two real cups thus richly ornamented, which Milton received as presents from Manso at Naples; or perhaps this is an allegorical description of some of Manso's favours.-T. WARTON. Sanctaque simplicitas, nam quo tua candida virtus? Nec tibi conveniunt lacrymæ, nec flebimus ultra: i En, etiam tibi virginei servantur honores. Deodate and Lycidas were both unmarried.-T. WARTON. 200 205 210 215 Dr. Johnson observes, that this poem is "written with the common but childish imitation of pastoral life:" yet there are some new and natural country images, and the common topics are often recommended by a novelty of elegant expression. The pastoral form is a fault of the poet's times. It contains also some passages which wander far beyond the bounds of bucolic song, and are in his own original style of the more sublime poetry. Milton cannot be a shepherd long: his own native powers often break forth, and cannot bear the assumed disguise.-T. WARTON. JAN. 23, 1646. AD JOANNEM ROUSIUM, OXONIENSIS ACADEMIE BIBLIOTHECARIUM. De libro Poematum amisso, quem ille sibi denuo mitti postulabat, ut cum aliis nostris in Bibliotheca publica reponeret, Ode. Ode tribus constat Strophis, totidemque Antistrophis, una demum Epodo clausis; quas, tametsi omnes nec versuum numero, nec certis ubique colis exacte respondeant, ita tamen secuimus, commode legendi potius, quam ad antiquos concinendi modos rationem spectantes. Alioquin hoc genus rectius fortasse dici monostrophicum debuerat. Metra partim sunt κατά σχέσιν, partim ἀπολελυμένα. Phaleucia quæ sunt, spondæum tertio loco bis admittunt, quod idem in secundo loco Catullus ad libitum fecit. j John Rouse, or Russe, master of arts, fellow of Oriel college, Oxford, was elected chief librarian of the Bodleian, May 9, 1620. He died in April, 1652, and was buried in the chapel of his college. He lived on terms of the most intimate friendship with G. J. Vossius; by whom he was highly valued and respected for his learning and activity in promoting literary undertakings. Not only on account of his friendship with Milton, which appears to have subsisted in 1637, but because he retained his librarianship and fellowship during part of Cromwell's usurpation, we may suppose Rouse to have been puritanically inclined.-T. WARTON. Wood informs us, that Fairfax, Cromwell, &c., having been admitted to the degree of doctor of civil law, went, after the ceremony, to the Bodleian library, where they were received with a speech by the keeper Rouse, who prevented the plundering of Bodley's chest. He bequeathed twenty pounds to the library.-TODD. k Fronde licet gemina, &c. By "Fronde gemina," we are to understand, metaphorically, the "twofold leaf," the poems both English and Latin, of which the volume consisted. So the Bodleian manuscript, and printed copies: but fronte is perhaps a better reading.-T. WARTON. 1 Insons populi. suiltless as yet of engaging in the popular disputes of these turbulent times.--T. WARTON. m Mox itidem pectine Daunio. His Italian Sonnets. -T. WARTON. Figat Apollinea pharetra, Phineamque abigat pestem procul amne Pegaseo? Quin tu, libelle, nuntii licet mala Fide, vel oscitantia, Semel erraveris agmine fratrum, Seu quis te teneat specus, Seu qua te latebra, forsan unde vili Lætare felix: en, iterum tibi Optat peculi, numeroque justo Quæstorque gazæ nobilioris, Quam cui præfuit Ion.o Clarus Erectheides, Opulenta dei per tempia parentis; Ion, Actæa genitus Creusa. Ergo, tu visere lucos Diamque Phœbi rursus ibis in domum, ■ Tollat nefandos civium tumultus, &c. 90 35 ANTISTROPHE 2. 40 45 STROPHE 3. 50 55 60 ANTISTROPHE 3. I fear Milton is here complaining of evils which his own principles contributed either to produce or promote; but his illustrations are so beautiful, that we forget his polities in his poetry. In reflecting, however, on those evils, I cannot entirely impute their origin to a growing spirit of popular faction: if there was anarchy on one part, there was tyranny on the other: the dispute was a conflict "between governors, who ruled by will, not by law; and subjects, who would not suffer the law itself to control their actions." Balguy's Sermons, p. 55.-T. WARTON. • Quam cui præfuit Ion, &c. Ion, the treasurer of the Delphic temple, abounding in riches.-T. WARTON. |