IV. (d) PHONOLOGY 39. ECKHARDT, E. Zur Quantität offener Tonvokale im Neuenglischen. Engl. Stud. 54, 117-132. 40. EHRENTREICH, A. Zur Quantität der Tonvokale im ModernEnglischen (Auf Grund experimenteller Untersuchungen). Palaestra, 133 (Unters. u. Texte aus d. deutschen u. engl. Phil. her. v. Alois Brandl, Gustav Roethe und Erich Schmidt). 1920. vii + 110 pp., mit 2 Tafeln. Berlin: Mayer und Müller. 15 Mk. 41. HOLTHAUSEN, F. Der Übergang von me. ne. -n zu m. Anglia, Beibl. 31, 137-8. 42. HORN, W. Sprachgeschichtliche Bemerkungen (1. Ferndissimilation und Fernassimilation. 2. Kontamination. 3. Überschriftsprachliche Formen). Engl. Stud. 54, 69-80. 43. JIRICZEK, O. L. Tenuis für Media im Altenglischen. Idg. Forsch. 38, 196–199. 44. KELLER, W. Mittelenglische lange Vokale und die altfranzösische Quantität. Engl. Stud. 54, 111–117. 45. LUICK, K. Über Vokalverkürzung in abgeleiteten und zusammengesetzten Wörtern. Engl. Stud. 54, 177-187. 46. WILSON, J. D. A Note on Elisions in 'The Faerie Queene.' Mod. Lang. Rev. xv, 409–414. IV. (e) INFLECTION AND WORD-FORMATION 47. DIETH, E. Flexivisches und Syntaktisches über das Pronomen in der Ancren Riwle. Ein Beitrag zur mittelenglischen Syntax. Zürich Diss. Zürich: Buchdruckerei Aschmann u. Scheller. 48. HÜBENER, G. Das Problem des Flexionsschwundes im Ags. P. Br. B. 45, 85-102. IV. (f) SYNTAX 49. BOGHOLM, N. English Prepositions. Kjøbenhavn og Christiania, Gyldendalske Boghandel. 50. BOLKESTEIN, J. J. A. A special use of the Progressive Form. De Drie Talen, Oct. 1920. 51. DARBY, Rev. A. The Mechanism of the Sentence. An Explanation of the Relations of Words in Organized Speech; for the Use of Teachers of Language. New York.' Oxford Univ. Press. 52. DEUTSCHBEIN, M. Die Einteilung der Aktionsarten. Engl. Stud. 54, 80-87. 53. DIETH, E. Flexivisches und Syntaktisches. See IV, 47. 54. FIJN VAN DRAAT, P. The Article before Superlatives. Neophilologus, v, 348-51. 55. FRANZ, W. Grammatisches zu Shakespeare (I. Zur Interpunktion der Shakespeare-Folio von 1623. II. Der Satztypus: The book sells well). Engl. Stud. 54, 132-139. 56. KENNEDY, A. G. The Modern English Verb-Adverb Combination. Stanford Univ., Calif. 1920. Stanford University Publications: Language and Literature 1. 57. KIECKERS, E. Zur directen Rede im Neuenglischen. Engl. Stud. 53, 405-419. 58. KRUISINGA, E. Critical Contributions to English Syntax, in English Studies, vol. 2, No. 8, April 1920. pp. 40-7. 59. POUTSMA, H. Participles, The Syntax of, in English Studies, vol. 2, No. 7, February 1920. pp. 8-16. 60. tences, in De Drie Talen, Feb. and Mar. 1920. 61. The Subjunctive and Conditional in Principal Sen The Subjunctive and the Conditional Mood in Modern English, in De Drie Talen, Apr. and May 1920. 62. The Subjunctive in Subordinate Questions. De Drie Talen, Nov. 1920. 63. VOLBEDA, R. What (a) en Such (a) voor abstracte zelfst. naamw. in Die Drie Talen, Aug.-Sept. 1920. IV. (g) VULGAR ENGLISH, SLANG AND CANT 64. BRYAN, G. S. Cant in Language. Quart. Jour. Speech Education, June 1920, VI, 79–82. 65. BURTON, R. English as She is Spoke. The Bookman, July 1920, LI, 513-17. 66. DRENNAN, C. M. Cockney English and Kitchen Dutch. 8 × 5. Lecture delivered at University College, Johannesburg. Witwatersrand, Council of Education. IV. (h) DIALECT 67. BRUNNER, K. Die Dialektliteratur von Lancashire. Wien, Verlag der Hochschule für Welthandel. 59 pp. 80. 10 Kr. 68. GEPP, Rev. E. A Contribution to an Essex Dialect Dictionary. London: Routledge. 5s. 69. Supplement I. 81 × 51. Colchester: Benham. Rev. Times Lit. Suppl., June 17, 1920. 6d. 70. MOORMAN, F. W. Tales of the Ridings. With a Memoir of the Author by Professor C. Vaughan. Cr. 8vo. 7 × 5. pp. 83. E. Mathews. 3s. 6d. More Tales of the Ridings. Cr. 8vo. 7 × 54. pp. 84. 72. PARTINGTON, S. The Romance of Dialect. Middleton, Guardian Office. 2s. 6d. ('Much of his book consists of Middle English words which are still used in Lancashire.' Times Lit. Suppl., Sept. 16, 1920.) 73. WIEGERT, H. 'Jim an' Nell' von W. F. Rock. Eine Studie zum Dialekt von Devonshire. (Kap. 1-4.) Diss. Berlin. viii + 194 pp. 74. WYLD, H. C. South Eastern and South East Midland Dialects. (Essays and Studies by Members of the English Ass., vol. vI.) Oxford Univ. Press. S V. PHONETICS I. ANNAKIN, M. L. Exercises in English Pronunciation. Halle: Niemeyer. 6 М. 2. BLANTON, S. and M. The Development of Speech Defects. In Quart. Jour. Speech Education, Feb. 1920, VI, I, 33-43 3. FRITZ, C. A. The Construction of the Organs of Speech and their Function in Speech Production. In Quart. Jour. Speech Education, Nov. 1920, VI, 4, 1-23. Illus. 4. GUNNISON, B. Oratoric Action. In Quart. Jour. Speech Education, Nov. 1920, VI, 4, 24-30. 5. JONES, D. Outline of English Phonetics. Reviewed by A. Schröer. Engl. Stud., Feb. 1920. pp. 419-430. 6. LEKY, M. Grundlagen einer allgemeinen Phonetik als Vorstufe zur Sprachwissenschaft. Cologne: Bachem. 7 Mk. 7. LOUGHLIN, A. C. The Voice in Speaking and Singing. In Quart. Jour. Speech Education, Feb., Apr. 1920, VI, 1, 8–23, 2, 11-27. 8. MUCKEY, F. S. Sound Production in Speech. In Quart. Jour. Speech Education, June 1920, VI, 3, 54-8. 9. RICE, C. M. Charles Dickens, The Story of 'Our Mutual Friend.' Transcribed into Phonetic Notation, Part I. Cr. 8vo. 74 × 4. pp. 138. Cambridge: Heffer. 5s. 10. SCRIPTURE, E. W. Inscriptions of Speech. Reprints of Useful Knowledge, No. 308, from The Volta Review, July 1920. The Volta Bureau, Washington, D.C. II. 1. Tracings from Speech Records. 2. The Organ of Voice. Reprint, No. 310, from The Volta Review, August 1920. The Volta Bureau, Washington, D.C. With excellent diagrams suitable for classes in Phonetics. 12. VIETOR, W. Kleine Phonetik des Deutschen, Englischen und Französischen. Ire Auflage. Reisland, Leipzig. 4.80 M. 13. WALLIS, G. The Philosophy of Speech. London: Allen & Unwin. 7s. ód. 14. WOOLBERT, C. H. Speech and the Learning Process. In Quart. Jour. Speech Education, Feb. 1920, VI, 1, 55-75 15. The Fundamentals of Speech. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1920. 21 cm. pp. xii + 384. Reviewed by A. T. W. in Quart. Jour. of Speech Education, Nov. 1920, VI, 4, 83-7. VI. METRE AND STYLE 1. BAYFIELD, M. A. The Measures of the Poets: a New System of English Prosody. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1919. 21 cm. pp. vi [2], 112. Reviewed by J. R. Hulbert in Modern Philology, Jan. 1920, XVII, 727-9. 2. A Study of Shakespeare's Versification. With an enquiry into the trustworthiness of the early texts, an examination of the 1616 Folio of Ben Jonson's works and appendices, including a revised text of Antony and Cleopatra. Cambridge Univ. Press. 165. Cf. The Plague of Elisions, Times Lit. Suppl., Feb. 26, 1920. 3. BESCHORNER, F. Verbale Reime bei Chaucer. Studien zur englischen Philol. her. von Prof. L. Morsbach, Heft 60. vi + 32 pp. Gr. 8°. Halle: Niemeyer. 5 Mk. 4. BRINK, A. Stab und Wort im Gawain, Eine stilistische Untersuchung, Morsbachs Studien für engl. Phil. Heft 59. 1920. ix + 56 pp. Halle: Niemeyer. 10 Mk. 5. BRINK, B. TEN. Chaucer's Sprache und Verskunst. 3. Auflage bearbeitet v. Ed. Eckhardt. 1920. xii + 243 pp. 8°. Leipzig: Chr. Herm. Tauchnitz. 11 Mk. 6. BRUNNER, K. Die Reimsprache der sogen. Kentischen Fassung der sieben weisen Meister. Archiv f. d. Stud. d. N. Spr. u. Lit. 140, 199-206. 7. Zum Balladenrhythmus. Ib. 140, 259-261. 8. CREEK, H. L. Rising and Falling Rhythm in English Verse. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, xxxv, 76-90, March 1920. 9. FIJN VAN DRAAT, P. The Place of the Adverb. A Study in Rhythm. Neophilologus, vol. VI, 56-88. 10. FINSTERBUSCH, F. Der Versbau der mittelengl. Dichtungen Sir Perceval of Galles und Sir Degrevant. (Wiener Beiträge zur Eng. Phil. XLIX.) Vienna: C. Braumüller. 1920. 10 Mk. 11. FRANZ, W. Grammatisches (1. Absorption. 2. Prosarhythmus). Germ. Rom. Mon. VIII, 250-2. 12. JACOB, C. F. The Foundations and Nature of Verse. New York. Columbia University Press. 1918. 21 cm. pp. ix + 231. Illus. (music). Reviewed by J. R. Hulbert in Modern Philology, Jan. 1920, XVII, 727-9; by Christian F. Ruckmich in Jour. Eng. and Germ. Philol., July 1920, XIX, 430-33. 13. LEONARD, W. E. The Scansion of Middle English Alliterative Verse. Studies by Members of the Dept. of English. Madison, Wis. 1920. Univ. of Wisconsin Studies in Lang. and Lit. II. 14. MILLER, F. H. Stanzaic Division in York Play XXXIX. Mod. Lang. Notes, 35-6, June 1920, pp. 379-380. 15. NEUNER, E. Über ein- und dreihebige Halbverse in der altenglischen alliterierenden Poesie. Berliner Diss. 1920. 87 pp. 5 Mk. 16. NIVEN, F. A Note upon Style. The Bookman, June 1920, LI, 434-7. 17. POUND, L. The 'Uniformity' of the Ballad Style. Mod. Lang. Notes, 35, 4, April 1920, pp. 217-222. 18. SAINTSBURY, G. Some recent studies on English Prosody. London. British Academy. 8vo. Is. 6d. 19. SMITH, G. C. MOORE. The Use of an unstressed extra-metrical syllable to carry the Rime. Mod. Lang. Rev., 15, 300-3, July 1920. 20. SNELL, A. L. F. An objective study of syllabic quantity in English Verse. Pub. Mod. Lang. Ass. Amer. 34, 3 (1920). 21. SPIES, H. Alliteration und Reimklang im modernenglischen Kulturleben. Engl. Stud. 54, 149-159. 22. WILSON, J. D. A Note on Elisions in 'The Faerie Queene,' see IV, 46. C. ENGLISH LITERATURE VII. OLD ENGLISH VII. (a) GENERAL 1. AMOS, FLORA Ross. Early theories of translation. New York: Columbia University Press, 1920. 21 × 144 cm. Theories of translation in English practice from the medieval period to Pope. Rev. Mod. Lang. Notes, xxxv, 380-384. 2. ARON, ALBERT WILLIAM. Traces of Matriarchy in Germanic Hero-Lore. Madison, Wis. : The Univ. of Wisconsin, 1920. 24.8 × 16.3 cm. pp. 77. 3. BALTENSBERGER, HERMANN. Eid, Versprechen und Treuschwur bei den Angelsachsen. Zürich Diss. Zürich: Buchdruckerei Aschmann u. Scheller. 4. BLOWS, S. Translation of Anglo-Saxon. For L.L.A. Examination in English Honours. With Vocabularies. Cr. 8vo. 74 × 5. pp. 175. City of London Book Depot. 7s. 6d. 5. BROTANEK-EICHLER-SCHIPPER. Alt- und mittelenglisches Übungsbuch von Julius Zupitza. Wien u. Leipzig: Braumuller, 1915. Rev. by F. Holthausen, Anglia, Beibl. 31, 254-7. 6. IMELMANN, RUDOLF. Forschungen zur altenglischen Poesie (mit 2 Tafeln). In Commission bei der Weidmannschen Buchhandlung, Berlin, 1920. pp. 503. 7. KEISER, ALBERT. The Influence of Christianity on the Vocabulary of Old English Poetry. Urbana, Ili.: Univ. of Illinois, 1919-20. 27.5 cm. 2 vols. Univ. of Illinois Studies in Lang. and Lit. V, 1, 2. Rev. by Laurence Faucett in The Sewanee Rev., Oct.-Dec. 1920, XXVIII, 607-8. 8. NILSSON, M. P. Primitive Time Reckoning, translated from the Swedish. Roy. 8vo. Oxf. Univ. Press. 21S. 9. REEVES, WM PETERS. The Date of the Bewcastle Cross. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 3, March 1920, pp. 155-160. 10. SARRAZIN, GR. Von Kädmon bis Kynewulf. Berlin: Mayer u. Müller. iii + 174 pp. 1913. Rev. by Georg Herzfeld. Anglia, Beibl. 31, 121-36. (Important.) 11. WEDEL, THEODORE OTTO. The Mediaeval Attitude toward Astrology, particularly in England. vi + 168pp. 22.5 x 14.5 cm. New Haven: Yale University Press; London: Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press. A Yale dissertation; LX Yale Studies in English. 12. WOLF, ALFRED. Die Bezeichnungen für Schicksal in der AngelSächsischen Poesie. 8vo. pp. 127. Breslau Diss. |