Abbildungen der Seite

506. LABOUChère, Georges trad. (Lettre-préface de M. P. Benoit.) She: Elle. 12 x 19. Edition fr. ill. Paris. 5 f.

507. Xaîapy, Cеp Раjдер. Она (She). Il pоî pec,' 6p. 105-133, 3 септ. -28 окт. 1920. Подлистак.

Hardy, Thomas. 508. ALEXANDER, GRACE. Thomas Hardy, Wizard of Wessex. In The New Republic, Aug. 18, 1920, XXIII, 335–6. 509. BOIVIN, M. H. Les petites ironies de la vie. 304 pp. II x 18. Rieder, Paris. 6 f. 75.

510. CHEW, Samuel ClaggeTT. Homage to Thomas Hardy. In The New Republic, June 2, 1920, XXIII, 22–6.

511. FAIRLY, B. Notes on the form of The Dynasts. P. M. Lang. Ass. Am. 24, 3.

512. FLETCHER, JOHN GOULD. Thomas Hardy's Poetry: an American View. In Poetry, Apr. 1920, XVI, 43-9.

513. KORTEN, HERTZ. Thomas Hardy's Napoleonsdichtung The Dynasts. Rostocker Diss. 1919, 105 pp. 8°.

Harte, Bret. 514. SAVINE, A. et GEORGES-MICHEL trad. Une épave des plaines. 268 pp. 12 × 19. Edit. fr. ill. Paris. 5 f. 50. Kipling, Rudyard. 515. BAYO, C. Capitanes valientes. Versión de. 8°. 252 págs. 2.50 ptas.

516. DIXON, JAMES MAIN. Kipling's World Message. In The Methodist Review, July-Aug. 1920, CIII, 525-41.

517. FIRKINS, OLIVER W. Kipling-First and Last Impressions. In The Review, Jan. 31, 1920, II, 109-II.

518. FURNISS, DOROTHY. Quiet Burwash Where Kipling Dwells. In Country Life (Am.), June 1920, XXXVIII, 67–8.

519. MANENT, MARIA. Rudyard Kipling: 'El llibre de la Jungla.* Barcelona: Editorial Catalana. 8vo. pp. 172. (Biblioteca literària.) 520. MAURICE, Arthur BARTLETT. About the London of Rudyard Kipling. In The Bookman, Dec. 1920, LII, 311-17.

521. MEAD, GILBERT W. Kipling and Ariosto. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 2, February 1920, pp. 121–122.

522. SCHULTZ, WILLIAM EBEN. Kipling's Recessional. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 6, June 1920, p. 375.

523. Roz, FIRMIN trad. Les yeux de l'Asie. 96 pp. Payot, Paris. 3f. McCrae, John. 524. HARMON, H. E. Two Famous Poems of the World War. In The So. Atlantic Quarterly, Jan. 1920, XIX, 9–17. On John McCrae's In Flanders Fields and Alan Seeger's I Have a Rendezvous with Death.

MacGill, Patrick. 525. SNITSLAAR, L. Patrick MacGill, in English Studies, vol. 11, No. 8, April 1920.

Masefield, John. 526. FLETCHER, JOHN GOULD. John Masefield: a Study. In The No. Amer. Rev., Oct. 1920, CCXII, 548–51.

527. John Masefield: Que sóc, vida? Mirant. La Rivista, 1920, P. 38.

Merrick, Leonard. 528. An Author's Author. The Nation, Feb.. 7, 1920, CX, 177.

Phillips, Stephen. 529. PHILLIPS, HAROLD D. Stephen Phillips in Everyday Life. In The Bookman, Nov. 1920, LII, 213–18.

Pound, Ezra. 530. Ezra Pound: La vinguda de la guerra, Acteu i Ortus. Barcelona: La Revista, 1920, p. 35.

Sassoon, Siegfried. 531. WILKINSON, Mrs MARGUERITE OGDEN BIGELOW (HARLEY GRAVES, pseud.). Siegfried Sassoon. In The Touchstone, May, June 1920, VII, 142–5, 247-8. Port.

Seeger, Alan. 532. HARMON, H. E. Two Famous Poems of the World War. In The So. Atlantic Quarterly, Jan. 1920, XIX, 9–17. On John McCrae's In Flanders Fields and Alan Seeger's I Have a Rendezvous with Death.

Shaw, Bernard. 533. VEDÍA M. DE Y MITRE. El héroe y sus hazañas. Comedia antirromántica. Traducción y notas. Buenos Aires: Cooperativa Editorial. 1920.

534. SKIMPOLE, H. Bernard Shaw: The Man and his work. pp. 192. Allen and Unwin.

535. WEEDA, W. H. Bernard Shaw als Denker, in Stemmen des Tijds, Feb. 1920.

Squire, J. C. 536. OLIVERO, F. Due lirici inglesi d'oggi: W. J. Turner e J. C. Squire. Nuova Antologia, June 16.

Sutro, A. 537. Carner, Josef. 'L'apuntador' by A. Sutro. Catalan translation.

Symons, Arthur. 538. FERRÀ, MIQUEL. Artur Symons: Montserrat, translation into Catalan Verse. In Les Muses Amigues, Sóller, 1920. Tagore, R. 539. MILLÀS, RAURELL. Rabindranath Tagore: 'The Crescent Moon' in Catalan Verse. In La Veu de Catalunya.

Thompson, Francis. 540. MOREL, A. trad. Étude de M. Wilfrid Meynell. Une antienne de la terre. 45 pp. 21 × 25. Amis du Livre, Paris. 6 f.

541. KRANENDONK, A. G. VAN. Het Dichtwerk van Francis Thompson. Neophilologus, jaargang 5, No. 3, April 1920, p. 231. 22 pp.

542. MAGI, CESARE. Francis Thompson: Il Celeste Segugio—The Hound of Heaven. Versione metrica. 15 PP. 7 × 5. Lucca:

Tipografia Editrice Baroni. 1920. 1. 2.

543. THOMSON, JOHN. Remarks on Francis Thompson's 'Hound of Heaven.' (Paper read Nov. 10, 1919.) 81 × 51. 19 pp. Preston: A. Halewood. 6d.

Thomson, James (B.V.). 544. MARKS, JEANNETTE. Disaster and Poetry: a Study of James Thomson (B.V.). In The No. Amer. Rev., July 1920, CCXII, 93–109.

Wells, H. G. 545. The Outline of History; Being a plain History of Life and Mankind. Fol. 11 × 84. pp. 384. Cloth, 22s. 6d.; leather, 32s. 6d. G. Newnes. Revised and corrected edition. pp. 672. Cassell. 215. 546. GUYOT, EDOUARD. H. G. Wells. 304 pp. 14 × 19.5. Payot, Paris. 12 f.

547. Yeats, W. B. Visions and Beliefs. See Gregory, Lady, x. 504.

548. Doorn, WILLEM VAN. William Butler Yeats. In English Studies, vol. 11, No. 9, June 1920, pp. 65–77.

549. WRENN, C. L. W. B. Yeats: a Literary Study. Reprinted from the Durham University Journal. 9 × 71. pp. 16. Murby. Is. 550. ROBINSON, LENNOX. Further Letters of John Butler Yeats. Selected by. 81 × 51. pp. 81. Co. Dublin: Dundrum & Co, Cuala Press. 12s. 6d.



551. ADAMS, JOSEPH QUINCY. Shakespearean Playhouses. A History of English Theatres from the Beginnings to the Restoration. 8 × 5. xiv + 473 pp. London: Constable. 21s.

552. ACHESON, ARTHUR. Shakespeare's Lost Years in London (1586-1592). London: B. Quaritch. 1920. 9 × 6. vii + 261 pp. 215. 553. BAKER, G. P. The Development of Shakespeare as a Dramatist. 8vo. x + 329. New York: Macmillan.

554. BAYFIELD, M. A. 'A Study of Shakespeare's Versification' with an inquiry into the trustworthiness of the Early Texts, an examination of the 1616 folio of Ben Jonson's works and appendices, including a revised version of 'Antony and Cleopatra.' Cambridge: University Press. 1920. 9 × 6. xii + 521 pp. 16s.

555. BOULENGER, J. L'Affaire Shakespeare. Paris: E. Champion. 556. BRADLEY, HENRY. Note on Cursed Hebenon (or Hebona). Mod. Lang. Rev., 1920, vol. xv, pp. 85-87.

557. BROOKE, STOPFORD A. On Ten Plays of Shakespeare. London: Constable. 1920. 8 × 51. 311 pp. 7s. 6d.


Ten More Plays of Shakespeare. London: Constable. 1920. 81 × 51. 313 pp. 7s. 6d.

558. CASTELAIN, MAURICE. Shakespeare ou Derby? Revue Germanique, pp. 1-39, No. 1, 1920.

559. Catalan Translations: (1) Hamlet in Catalan Verse, by Magi Morera i Galicia. Barcelona: Biblioteca Literària. Rev. Jordi March ‘La Veu de Catalunya,' 24 March 1920, in La Revista, 1920, p. 96. (2) Rumea i Julieta, by id. (3) Sonnet by id. in Messidor, 1918-1920, p. 353.

560. CHAPMAN, WILLIAM HALL. Shakespeare: the Personal Phase. Los Angeles, Calif. Privately printed. 1920. 8vo. pp. xix + 403. Front., plates. 500 copies printed.

561. COLLISON-MORLEY, LACY. Shakespeare in Italy. pp. 180. Stratford.

562. COULTER, CORNELIA CATLIN. The Plautine Tradition in Shakespeare. In Journal of Eng. and Germanic Philol., Jan. 1920, XIX, 66-83.

563. CRAWFORD, J. P. WICKERSHAM. A Sixteenth-Century Spanish Analogue of Measure for Measure. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 6, June 1920, pp. 330-334.

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564. CRAWFORD, J. R. (ed. by). As You Like It (The Yale Shakespeare). New Haven: Yale Univ. Press. London: Milford. 6 × 41. 146 pp. 4s. 6d.

565. CROCE, B. Ariosto, Shakespeare e Corneille. Bari, Laterza. L. 16.50.

566. DOBELL, P. J. Some Seventeenth-Century Allusions to Shakespeare and his works not hitherto collected. London: Dobell. 1920. 35.

567. ENK, P. J. Shakespeare's 'Small Latin.' Neophilologus, Jaargang 5, p. 359, 5 pp.

568. FEHR, B. Shakespeare und Coventry. Anglia, Beibl. 31, S. 85-7.

569. FIRKINS, OSCAR W. What Happened to Hamlet? A New Phase of an Old View. In The No. Amer. Rev., Sept. 1920, CCXII, 393-403.

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571. FURNESS, HORACE HOWARD (jun.) (ed. by). The Life and Death of King John (A new variorum edition). London: Lippincott. 1920. 9 × 6. xiii + 728 pp. 25s.

571a. A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare. The Life and Death of King John. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co. 1919 [1920]. 25 × 18 cm. pp. xiii, [1], 728. Reviewed by Samuel C. Chew in Amer. Jour. Philol., Jan.-March 1920, XLI, 81-4.

572. GIDE, ANDRÉ trad. Antoine et Cléopâtre. Nouv. Rev. Française. Juillet-Septembre 1920.

573. GUNDOLF, FRIEDRICH. Shakespeare und der deutsche Geist. 5. unveränd. Auflage, 9.-13. Taus. 1920. VIII, 359 pp. Gr. 8°. Berlin: G. Bondi. 30 Mk.

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575 a.

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576. GREENWOOD, Sir GEORGE. Shakespeare's Handwriting. London: J. Lane. 1920. 81 × 51. 36 pp. 2s.


Shakespeare's Law. London: Cecil Palmer. 1920. 71 × 5. 48 pp. 2s. 6d.

577. HERFORD, C. H. The Normality of Shakespeare, illustrated in his treatment of Love and Marriage. The English Association. 1920. 9 × 6. IS.


Othello: The Moor of Venice. The Warwick Shake

speare. 18mo. 6 × 41. pp. 214. Blackie. 2s. 6d.

578. HUBBARD, FRANK G. The First Quarto Edition of Shakespeare's Hamlet. Edited with an Introduction and Notes. Madison, Wis. 1920. 25 × 16.3 cm. pp. 120. University of Wisconsin Studies in Language and Literature 8.

579. Jahrbuch der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft her. v. Wolfgang Keller. 56. Jahrgang. Berlin u. Leipzig: Vereinigung Wissenschaftlicher Verleger. iv + 156. Gr. 8°. JÜRGENS, Woldemar. Die Inszenierung von Shakespeare's Lustspielen. 8-24. LUDWIG, A. Nietzsche und Shakespeare. 24-58. KILIAN, EUGEN. 'Mass für Mass' als deutscher Bühnenstück. 58-73. LEITZMANN, A. Karl Lachmann als Shakespeare-Übersetzer. 73-90. KELLER, W. Die Anordnung von Shakespeare's Dramen in der ersten Folio-Ausgabe. 90-95. HIRSCHBERG, JULIUS. Shakespeare-Anmerkungen einer Augenarztes. 95-106. KELLEr, WolfganG. Der Schluss von Sh.'s Troilus und Cressida. 106. HIRSCHBERG, JUL. The Valley (Winter's Tale, II, 3, 100). 107. Nekrologe, Bücherschen, Theaterschau. 115–153. 580. JORGA, N. Istoria Literaturilor Romanice, vol. II. 293-422 PP. 22 x 16. Editura Pavel Suru, Bucureşti. 1920. 35 lei. As shown by the title, Professor Jorga, dealing with the history of Romanic Literature all over Europe, tries to find out the various influences of Italian, French and Spanish literatures on Spenser's Fairy Queen and Shakespeare's works.

581. KELLY, F. J. Shakespeare and the Art of Music. In The Catholic World, Jan. 1920, cx, 498–503.

582. KENYON, JOHN SAMUEL. Hamlet, III, iv, 64. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 1, January 1920, pp. 50–52.

583. KINGSLEY, Maude ElmA. Outline Study of Shakespeare's King John. In Education, Nov. 1920, XLI, 176–91.

584. LANDAUER, GUSTAV. Shakespeare. Dargestellt in Vorträgen.

2 Bde (v11, 352 u. 395 pp.). 8°. Frankfurt (Main). 82 Mk.

585. LANDAU, L. Some Parallels to Shakespeare's Seven Ages. In Jour. Eng. and Germ. Philcl., July 1920, xix, 382–96.

586. LANGENFELT, G. Danzig och Dansk. Finsk Tidskrift. 1920. pp. 63-79.

587. LAWRENCE, W. J. The Masque in 'The Tempest.' Fortn. Rev., June.

587a. The Mystery of Macbeth. Fortn. Rev., Nov. 1920. 588. LAWRENCE, William WITHERLE. The Wager in Cymbeline. In Publ. Mod. Lang. Assn America, Dec. 1920, XXXV, 391–431. 589. LEFRANC, ABEL. La réalité dans le Songe d'une Nuit d'Été (Mélanges B. Bouvier). Sonor, Genève, 1920. Tirage à part (100 ex.) avec note additionnelle.

589 a.

Le secret du Songe d'une Nuit d'Été. Opinion, 16 et

23 Oct. 1920. Illustration, 30 Oct. 1920.

590. LEVEY, S. The Tempest, what led up to it and what followed. Information derived from many sources. London: Fountain Publ. Co. IS.

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