Abbildungen der Seite

Shaw. Mr Masefield's Secret. Mr W. B. Yeats. Tchehov: the Perfect Story-Teller. Lady Gregory. Mr Cunninghame Graham. Swinburne. The Work of T. M. Kettle. Mr J. C. Squire. Mr Joseph Conrad. Mr Rudyard Kipling. Mr Thomas Hardy. Rev. by Philip Goodman in The Bookman, Feb. 1920, L, 614-16.

424. MACPHERSON, W. Principles and Method in the Study of English Literature. Cambridge: Univ. Press. 5s.

425. MADAN, F. Books in Manuscript. (2nd edition.) London: Kegan Paul. 1920. 5s.

426. MAIS, S. P. B. Books and their Writers. London: G. Richards. 7s. 6d.

427. MCDOWALL, STEWART. Beauty and the Beast; an Essay in Evolutionary Esthetic. Cambridge: Univ. Press. 8 × 51. 93 pp. 7s. 6d. 428. MATTHEWS, BRANDER. The Centenary of a Question. In Scribner's Mag., Jan. 1920, LXVII, 41-6. On Sydney Smith's question, 'Who reads an American Book?'

429. MAURICE, ARTHUR BARTLETT. A New Golden Age in American Reading. In The World's Work, March 1920, xxXIX, 488-507. 429a. Literary Landmarks of New York. In The Mentor,

Sept. 15, 1920, VIII, I-II.

430. MENCKEN, Henry Louis. The National Literature. In The Yale Rev., July 1920, IX, 804-17.

431. MOORE, T. STURGE. Some Soldier Poets. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe. 1920.

432. MORDELL, A. The Erotic Motive in Literature. New York: Boni and Livewright. I dol. 75.

433. MURRY, JOHN MIDDLETON. America and England: a Literary Comparison. In The New Republic, Sept. 8, 1920, XXIV, 41-3.

Aspects of Literature. London: Collins. 1920.9 × 6.

433a. ix + 204 pp. 1os. 433b.

The Condition of English Literature. In The New Republic, May 12, 1920, XXII, 339-41.

434. NEAL, ROBERT WILSON. Short Stories in the Making. [New ed.] New York. Oxford: University Press. [1920.] 19 cm. pp. xiv, 269, [3], 33.

435. NEWBOLT, H. A New Study of English Poetry. London: Constable. 9 × 6. vii + 306 pp. 7s. 6d.

436. NITCHIE, ELIZABETH. Vergil and the English Poets. New York: Columbia University Press. 1919. 20.5 cm. pp. x + 251. Columbia Univ. Studies in English and Comp. Lit. Reviewed by Wilfred P. Mustard in Jour. Eng. and Germanic Philol., Apr. 1920, XIX, 298-300; by G. H. C[lark] in The Sewanee Review, Jan.-March 1920, XXVIII, 116–17.

437. O'BRIEN, EDWARD JOSEPH HARRINGTON (ARTHUR MiddleΤΟΝ, pseud.). The Best Short Stories of 1919; and the Year Book of the American Short Story. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co. 1920. 8vo. pp. xix + 414.

438. OGLE, MARBURY BLADEN. The Perilous Bridge and Human Automata. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 3, March 1920, pp. 129-136. 439. O'NEILL, George. Essays on Poetry. 74 × 51. pp. 138. London: Fisher Unwin; Dublin: Talbot Press. 1920. (Contents: Theory of Poetry; Aubrey de Vere, William Allingham, Thomas Boyd, Gerard Hopkins.) 5s.

440. PARKER, DE WITT H. The Principles of Aesthetics. New York: Silver, Burdett & Co. 1920.

441. PAUL, EDEN and CEDAR. The Appreciation of Poetry. London: Daniel. 7 × 5. 59 pp. 2s. 6d.

442. PERRY, BLISS. A Study of Prose Fiction. Revised edition. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Co. 1920. 19 cm. pp. viii, [4], 406. 442a.

A Study of Poetry. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Co. [1920.] 19 cm. pp. vii, [2], 396. Reviewed by O. W. Firkins in The Weekly Review, Nov. 24, 1920, III, 501-2.

443. PHELPS, W. L. The Advance of English Poetry in the Twentieth Century. London: Allen and Unwin. 1920. Cr. 8vo. 7 × 5. PP. 356. 6s. 6d.

444. Poetry Society of America. Books by Twentieth Century Poets. In The Library Journal, Feb. 1, 1920, XLV, 110.

445. POUND, LOUISE. The 'Uniformity' of the Ballad Style. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 4, April 1920, pp. 217-222.

445 a. The English Ballads and the Church. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, xxxv, 161–188, June 1920.

446. PRICE, LAWRENCE MARSDEN. English and German Literary Influences: Bibliography and Survey. Berkeley, Cal.: University of California Press. 1919-20. 24 x 16 cm. pp. ii + 616. Univ. of California Publications in Modern Philology, ix, 1.

447. QUILLER-COUCH, Sir A. On the Art of Reading. Cambridge: Univ. Press. 1920. viii + 237 pp. 15s.

448. QUINN, ARTHUR HOBSON. Pilgrim and Puritan in Literature. In Scribner's Mag., May 1920, LXVII, 571-81.

449. Romanes Lectures, 1911-1920. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1920. 16s.

450. ROUTH, H. V. The Origins of the Essay compared in French and English. I, II. Mod. Lang. Review, Jan., April 1920.

451. Royal Society of Literature. Transactions and Report. Vol. XXXVII. 84 × 5월. 202 +94 pp. Milford. 75. 1, India in the Literary Renaissance; 2, Modern Indian Poetry (Iusuf Ali); Scotland and France (R. S. Rait); Literature and the State (Sir Edward Brabrook); Some Literary Aspects of France in the War (Edmund Gosse); Effects of Despotism and Freedom on Literature and Medical Ethics (Sir R. H. Charles); Shelley and Calderon (S. de Madariga); Poetry and Time (S. H. Newbolt).

452. RUSSELL, FRANCES THERESA. Satire in the Victorian Novel. Macmillan. xiii + 335 pp. 14s.

453. SAMPSON, G. (ed. by). Cambridge Readings in Literature. Book I, Parts 1 and 2. Cambridge: University Press. 1920. 2s. ea. 454. SCARBOROUGH, DOROTHY. The Supernatural in Modern English Fiction. New York and London: Putnam. vii + 329 pp.

455. SCHRÖER, ARNOLD, M. M. Prof. Dr. Grundzüge und Haupttypen der englischen Literaturgeschichte. I. Teil von den ältesten Zeiten bis Spenser. 2. Verm. Auflage. Durchges. Neudruck. Sammlung Göschen (1920), No. 286. 160 pp. Berlin: Vereinigung wissensch. Verleger. 4.20 Mk.

456. SCHWEBSCH, ERICH. Schottische Volkslyrik in James Johnson's The Scot's Musical Museum. Palaestra, 95. Unters. u. Texte aus d. deutschen u. engl. Phil. her. v. Alois Brandl, Gustav Roethe und Erich Schmidt. 1920. iv + 218 SS. Gr. 8°. Berlin: Mayer und Müller. 20 Mk.

457. SHERMAN, Stuart PRATT. Is There Anything to Be Said for Literary Tradition? In The Bookman, October 1920, LII, 108-12.

458. SMITH, L. PEARSALL (ed. by). A Treasury of English Prose. Constable, London. 1920. 65.

459. SNYDER, EDWARD Douglas. The Wild Irish: a Study of Some English Satires against the Irish, Scots, and Welsh. In Modern Philology, January 1920, XVII, 687-725.

460. SQUIRE, J. C. Life and Letters. London: Hodder and Stoughton. 1920. 74 × 54. 298 pp. 7s. 6d.

461. STURGEON, MARY. Studies of Contemporary Poets. New and enlarged edition with Chapters on Thomas Hardy, John Drinkwater, Michael Field, J. C. Squire, W. B. Yeats, and 'Contemporary Women Poets.' Harrap.

462. SWINNERTON, FRANK. The Art of the Novel. In The Bookman, Jan. 1920, L, 411-17.

463. THOMPSON, Elbert N. S. War Journalism Three Hundred Years Ago. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, xxxv, 93-115, March 1920.

464. THORNDIKE, ASHLEY HORACE. Literature in a Changing Age. New York: Macmillan. 1920. 20.4 × 14cm. pp. vi + 318. 18s. Contents: Changing Literature. The Reading Public. The Literary Inheritance. The Literary Environment and Carlyle. Progress and Poverty. Democracy and Empire. Religion. Woman. Science, Invention, and Machinery. Beauty and Art. The Future.

465. TINKER, Chauncey BREWSTER. British Poetry Under the Stress of War. In The Yale Review, July 1920, IX, 714-26.

466. TUPPER, FREDERICK. The Radical in Fiction. In The Review, May 8, 1920, 11, 483-5.

467. UNTERMEYER, LOUIS. Sweetness and Light. In The Dial, April 1920, LXVIII, 527-35.

468. VIGLIONE, F. Studi di letteratura italiana, vol. XIII. (Contains an account of Algarotti's criticisms on great English writers.)

M. H. R. A.


469. WARSHAW, JACOB. The Epic-Drama Conception of the Novel. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 5, May 1920, pp. 269-279.

470. WEBSTER. Transcendental Points of View: a Survey of the Criticism of Music, Art, and Letters in The Dial, 1840-1844. In Washington Univ. Studies, Apr. 1920, VII, 187-203. St Louis.

471. WENDELL, BARRETT. The Traditions of European Literature from Homer to Dante. New York: Scribner. 1920. 23.5cm. pp.x+669. 472. WHIBLEY, CHARLES. Literary Portraits. Cr. 8vo. London: Macmillan & Co.

473. WHITE, NEWMAN I. Racial Traits in the Negro Song. In The Sewanee Review, July-Sept. 1920, XXVIII, 396-404.

474. WHITFORD, ROBERT Calvin. On the Origin of Probationary Odes for the Laureateship. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 2, February 1920, pp. 81-84.

475. WILKINSON, Marguerite. New Voices. An Introduction to Contemporary Poetry. 7 × 51. pp. xxii + 409. Macmillan & Co. 8s. 6d. 476. WILLIAMson, Claude C. H. Writers of Three Centuries. London: Grant Richards. 1920. Rev. Times Lit. Suppl., April 1, 1920. 7s. 6d.

477. WILLIAMS, H. Outlines of Modern English Literature. London: Sidgwick and Jackson. 1920. 74 × 44. 268 pp. 6s.

478. WINBOLT, S. E. The Poetry and Prose of Coleridge, Lamb and Leigh Hunt. (The Christ's Hospital Anthology.) W. J. Bryce (Bookseller to Christ's Hospital). xv + 376 pp. 12s. 6d.

479. WINCHESTER, Caleb THOMAS. The New Poetry. In The Methodist Review, Jan.-Feb. 1920, CIII, 9-21.

480. WORDSWORTH, E. Essays Old and New. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 7s. 6d.

481. Yale Review, The. American and British Verse from The Yale Review. With a Foreword by John Gould Fletcher. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press. 1920. 19.7 × 13.7 cm. pp. 52.

482. ZACHRISSON, EUGEN. Englands främsta diktare (Hardy, Kipling, Shaw) och världskriget. Ord och Bild xxix, 5, 1920, pp. 12. Deals popularly with the works Hardy, Kipling and Shaw have written bearing on the war and the impression the war has made on them as seen in their writings (with illustrations) (= the war seen through different artistic temperaments).


Barrie, James M. 483. PHELPS, WILLIAM LYON. The Plays of J. M. Barrie. In The No. Amer. Rev., Dec. 1920, cCXII, 829-43. Bennett, Arnold. 484. Cox, SIDNEY HAYES. Romance in Arnold Bennett. In The Sewanee Review, July-Sept. 1920, XXVIII, 358–66. 485. Aquests dos. Transl. by Joan d'Albaflor (Josep Carner). Barcelona: Editorial Catalana. Biblioteca literària, 3 vols. 8vo. pp. 194, 120, 164.

486. LANOIRE, MAURICE trad. Le ménage Clayhanger. Rev. de Paris. Oct.-Déc. 1920.

487. Sveta i profana ljubav roman jedne mlade žene Zagreb, 1920. Naklada kr. zemaljske tiskare. Zabavna Biblioteka. Uredjuje Dr Nikola Andrić, kolo XIII, knjiga 161-162. 12 x 13. pp. 201. Zena 4 gun.

Brooke, Rupert. 488. DE LA MARE, WALTER. Rupert Brooke and the Intellectual Imagination. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe. 1920. 18.5 cm. pp. [ii], 41. Rev. by Christopher Morley in The Bookman, Apr. 1920, LI, 234-5.

489. MANENT, MARIA. A propòsit de Brooke i els poetes de Cambridge. Review Monitor Sitges, No. 1, 20 gener 1921.

Burroughs, John. 490. FOERSTER, Norman. Burroughs as Bergsonist. In The No. Amer. Rev., Nov. 1920, CCX11, 670-7.

Chesterton, G. K. 491. CECCHI, EMILIO. Gilbert K. Chesterton. [In] Revista di Milano, Nos. 43, 44, August 5 and 20, 1920. (Milan, 11 Via S. Antonio.)

492. MANENT, MARIA. 'Els savis d'Orient' by G. K. Chesterton (Catalan translation). La Revista, No. de Nadal, 1920, p. 71.

493. TONQUEDEC, J. DE. G. K. Chesterton, ses idées et son caractère. 12 × 19. 128 pp. Nouv. Libr. Nationale. Paris. 5 f. Conrad, Joseph. 494. KRANENDONK, A. G. VAN. Joseph Conrad, in English Studies, vol. 11, No. 7, February 1920, pp. 1-8.

495. NEEL, PHILIPPE trad. Sous les yeux de l'Occident. 14 × 19.5. 310 pp. Nouv. Rev. fr. Paris. 8 f. 25.

496. PUTNAM, GEORGE P. Conrad in Cracow. In The Outlook, March 3, 1920, CXXIV, 382-3.

497. STAWELL, F. MELIAN. Conrad. See Essays and Studies by the English Association, X, 392.

Dobson, Henry Austin. 498. LYMAN, DEAN B., jr. A Little About Austin Dobson. In The Sewanee Review, Jan.-March 1920, XXVIII, 106-8.

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron. 499. HAMILTON, CLAYTON. Lord Dunsany: Personal Impressions. In The Bookman, Feb. 1920, L, 537-42.

Farrington, Harry Webb. 500. ADAMS, FRED WINSLOW. A New Soldier Poet. In The Methodist Review, Jan.-Feb. 1920, CIII, 83-90. Galsworthy. 501. ALAUX, Louis P. trad. Un Saint. 352 pp. 12 x 18. Payot, Paris. 9 f.

502. BIBESCO, LE PRINCE ANTOINE, trad. Le Manoir. Rev. Deux M., Août-Oct. 1920.

503. MATHESIUS, VILÉM. Romány Johna Galsworthyho. I. The Novels of John Galsworthy. Země, vol. 11, 1920–21. 4 n.

Gregory, Lady 504. Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland. Collected and arranged by. With two Essays and Notes by W. В. Yeats. 2 vols. Putnam. 22s. 6d.

Haggard, Sir (Henry) Rider. 505. HILLEMACHER, JACQUES trad. Elle. 496 pp. 12 × 18.5. Crès, Paris. 5 f. 50.

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