Morley, John, Viscount. 266. HARRIS, MURIEL. Two Victorian Portraits. In The No. Amer. Rev., Sept. 1920, CCXII, 404-11. On Lord Morley and Frederic Harrison. Morris, William. 267. MACKAIL, J. W. Life of William Morris. 2 volumes. 1, 375 pp. 11, 364 pp. Longmans. 28s. 268. PENNELL, ELIZABETH ROBINS. Some memories of William Morris. In Amer. Mag. of Art, Feb. 1920, XI, 124-7. 269. TALLADA, J. M. Les Utopies Comunistes: Noves d'enhloc, by William Morris. Barcelona: La Revista. 1920. ptas. 50. 270. VIDALENC, G. William Morris. 168 pp. 15 × 20.5. Alcan, Paris. 5 f. Pater, Walter. 271. KIRK, RICHARD R. A Sentence by Walter Pater. In Jour. Eng. and Germ. Philol., July 1920, XIX, 365-76. 272. SHAFER, Robert. Walter Pater Redivivus. In The Open Court, April 1920. XXXIV, 217-31. Patmore, Coventry. 273. SYMONS, ARTHUR. Coventry Patmore. In The No. Amer. Rev., Feb. 1920, CCXI, 266-72. Poe, Edgar Allan. 274. Anon. trad. Le système du Docteur Goudron. 64 pp. A. Michel, Paris. 2 f. 275. CAMPBELL, K. The Poe-Griswold Controversy. Pub. Mod. Lang. Ass. Am. 24.3. 34:436 276. Cuentos clásicos del Norte. Primera serie por Edgar Allan Poe. Segunda serie por Washington Irving, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edward Everett Hale. Traducción de C. Torres Calderón de Pinillos. New York: Doubleday, Sage and Company. 1920. (Biblioteca Interamericana.) 277. FARRÁN I MAYORAL, J. Critical study of Edgar Allan Poe in 'Lletres a una amiga estrangera.' p. 170. Barcelona. 1920. Ed. by La Revista. 278. МABBOTT, THOMAS OLLIVE. A Few Notes on Poe. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 6, June 1920, pp. 372-374. 279. MATHERLY, ENID PUTNAM. Poe and Hawthorne as Writers of the Short Story. In Education, Jan. 1920, XL, 294-306. 280. SMITH, CHARLES ALPHONSO. Poe and the Bible. In The Biblical Review, July 1920, V, 354-65. 281. Poe, Edgar Allan, English Notes: A rare and unknown work. See under Dickens, Charles. 282. YEWDALE, MERTON S. Edgar Allan Poe, Pathologically. In The No. Amer. Rev., Nov. 1920, CCXII, 686-96. 283. Leve discusión con una momia. Traducción de M. Abril. 16°. 76 págs. 1.50 ptas. 284. Historias extraordinarias: Metzengerstein, El misterio de María Roget, El demonio de la perversidad, El gato negro, Guillermo Wilson, El hambre de las muchedumbres, El corazón revelador, Bernice. Traducida de la de C. Baudelaire por E. Ramírez Angel. 8°. 221 págs. 3 ptas. 285. Nuevas historias extraordinarias: Conversación de Eiros con Charmión, Sombra, Silencio, La isla del Hada, El retrato ovalado, El jugador de ajedrez de Madzel, Eleonoro, Un acontecimiento en Jerusalén, El ángel de lo grotesco, El sistema del doctor 'Alquitrán' y del profesor 'Plumá,' El dominio de Ariheim, La finca de Landor. Traducción de A. González Blanco. 8°. 218 págs. 3 ptas. 286. Nuevas historias extraordinarias. VI: Eureka o ensayo sobre el universo material y espiritual. Traducción de R. Cansinos-Assens. Madrid: Mateu. 8°. 209 págs. 2.50 ptas. 287. Historias extraordinarias: Singular aventura de Hans Pfaall, Manuscrito encontrado en una botella, Un descenso al Maelstrom, El verdadero caso del Sr Valdemar, Revelación magnética, Los recuerdos de Augusto Bedloe-Morella, Ligeia. Traducción de J. Francés. 80. 201 págs. 3 ptas. 288. Nuevas historias extraordinarias. Traducción de R. Gómez de la Serna. 8°. 227 págs. 3 ptas. 289. Cuentos de lo grotesco y lo arabesco. Traducción y prólogo de R. Lasso de la Vega. 8°. 280 págs. 4 ptas. Riley, James Whitcomb. 290. BEERS, HENRY AUGUSTUS. The Singer of the Old Swimmin' Hole. In The Yale Rev., Jan. 1920, IX, 395-402. Robinson, Edward Arlington. 291. MACKAYE, PERCY. E. A.-a Milestone for America. In The No. Amer. Rev., Feb. 1920, CCXI, 121-7. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. 292. TROMBLY, Albert EDMUND. Rossetti Studies. In The So. Atlantic Quarterly, July 1919, Jan. 1920, XVIII, 211-21, 341-9; XIX, 67-80. Ruskin, John. 293. GRAHAM, JOHN W. The Harvest of Ruskin. Cr. 8vo. 7 × 5. pp. 270. G. Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d. net. 294. Ruskin the Prophet, and other Centenary Studies. By John Masefield, Dean Inge, C. F. G. Masterman and others. Edited by J. Howard Whitehouse. 8vo. 8l × 51. pp. 157. G. Allen and Unwin. 8s. 6d. Scott, Sir Walter. 295. MAIGRON, L. Walter Scott. Paris: Renaiss. du Livre. 4 fr. 296. WITHINGTON, ROBERT. Scott's Contribution to Pageantic Development-a Note on the Visit of George IV to Edinburgh in 1822. In Studies in Philology, April 1920, XVII, 121-5. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. 297. A Philosophical View of Reform. Transcribed and prepared for press by T. W. Rolleston. Milford. 298. HUSCHER, H. Studien zu Shelley's Lyrik. Leipziger Beitr. f. engl. Philol. Her. v. Max Förster. 1. Heft. 1919. 156 pp. Gr. 8°. Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz. 10 Mk. 299. MADARIAGA, SALVADOR DE. Shelley and Calderon, and other Essays on English and Spanish Poetry. London: Constable. 1920. 15s. 300. RAYMONDI, R. P. B. Shelley in Italia. Padova: Zannoni. 301. PANCOAST, Henry SpACKMAN. Shelley's Ode to the West Wind. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 2, February 1920, pp. 97 100. Spencer, Herbert. 302. SARTON, GEORGE. Herbert Spencer, 18201920. In Scribner's Mag., June 1920, LXVII, 695-703. Stevenson. 303. Anon. trad. Le Maître de Ballantrae. 330 pp. In 8°. La Sirène, Paris. 7 f. 50. 304. BAY, JENS CHRISTIAN. Echoes of Robert Louis Stevenson. Chicago: W. M. Hill. 1920. 8vo. pp. 93. Portr., facsims. 305. BROWN, George E. The Book of R. L. S.; Works, Travels, Friends, and Commentators. New York: Scribner. 1920. Rev. in The Nation, Apr. 3, 1920, сх, 436. 306. CECCHI, EMILIO. Il vero Stevenson [in] La Tribuna (Rome), 20 August 1920. [The true Stevenson Cecchi finds above all in the letters and diaries, and in the pages of In the South Seas, in which he perceives 'una familiare chiarezza anche superiore a quella sua chiarezza temperata su Livio; una naturale finitezza, anche più raffinata di quella sua industriosa finitezza quasi francese.'] 307. GUTHRIE, Lord. Robert Louis Stevenson, some personal recollections. Edinburgh: W. Green and Sons. 21s. 308. KINGSLEY, MAUDE ELMA. Outline Study of David Balfour. In Education, Dec. 1920, XLI, 226–41. 309. SAVINE, A. et GEORGES-MICHEL trad. Les hommes joyeux. 256 pp. 12 x 19. Edit. fr. ill. Paris. 5 f. 50. 310. WATT, LAUCHLAN MACLEAN. Robert Louis Stevenson's Contribution to Literature and Life. In Scribner's Mag., Dec. 1920, LXVIII, 641-53. 311. El extraño caso del Dr Jekyll y Mr Hide. Novela. Traducción de J. Torroba. Madrid: Tipográfica Renovación. 1920. Colección Universal (Calpe). Swinburne, Algernon Charles. 312. CHEW, SAMUEL C. Swinburne's Contributions to The Spectator in 1862. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 2, February 1920, 118-119. 313. KERNAHAN, COULSON. Swinburne as I knew Him. London: John Lane. 1919. 19 cm. pp. xiii, [2], 108. Rev. in The Review, May 20, 1920, 11, 576. Symonds, John Addington. 314. Studies of the Greek Poets. A. and C. Black. 609 pp. 21s. Tennyson, Alfred. 315. DIXON, JAMES MAIN. The Spiritual Meaning of In Memoriam. Boston. The Abingdon Press. 1920. Interpretation for the Times. Introduction by James M. Campbell. New York: The Abingdon Press. [1920.] 19.5 cm. pp. 173. 316. PYRE, JAMES FRANCIS Augustin. The Formation of Tennyson's Style. Madison, Wis.: The Univ. of Wisconsin. 1920. Univ. of Wisconsin Studies in Language and Literature 12. 317. SIDEY, THOMAS K. Some Unnoted Latinisms in Tennyson. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 4, April 1920, pp. 245-246. 318. VAN DYKE, HENRY. Studies in Tennyson. New York: Scribner. 1920. 20 cm. pp. xii, [3], 316. Front. (port.). A new edition. First published in 1889. 319. Poems of Tennyson, Chosen and Edited with an introduction by Henry Van Dyke. New York: Scribner. 1920. 8vo. pp. cxx + 342. First pub. in 1903. A new edition. Thackeray, William Makepeace. 320. Catalina. Novela. Traducción de M. Alarcón. Madrid: Tipográfica Renovación. 1920. Colección Universal (Calpe). 321. ELY, CATHERINE BEACH. The Psychology of Becky Sharp. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, I, January 1920, pp. 31-33. 322. VAN DYke, Henry. Writers We Love to Read. i. Thackeray and Real Men. In Harper's, Jan. 1920, CXL, 172-8. 323. VOGEL, Gudrun. Thackeray als historischer Romanschriftsteller. Leipziger Beitr. f. engl. Phil. Her. v. M. Förster. 2. Heft. 1920. 105 pp. Gr. 8°. Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz. 8 Mk. Thoreau, Henry David. 324. SHEPARD, ODELL. The Paradox of Thoreau. In Scribner's Mag., Sept. 1920, LXVIII, 335-42. Trollope, Anthony. 325. RANDELL, W. L. Anthony Trollope and his Work. Fortn. Rev., Sept. 1920. 326. SAINTSBURY, GEORGE. Trollope Revisited. See Essays and Studies by The English Association. Χ. 392. Whitman, Walt. 327. BAZALGETTE, LÉON. Walt Whitman, the Man and His Work. Translated by Ellen FitzGerald. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page & Co. 1920. 21 cm. pp. xviii + 355, [1]. The original was published in 1908. Rev. by John Black in The Bookman, April 1920, LI, 172-4. 328. Calamus. Poèmes. Version nouvelle. Avec 10 bois hors-texte dessinés et gravés par Frans Masereel. iv + 107 pp. In 8°. Genève (Editions du Sablier). 1919. 15 f. 329. BLACK, JOHN. Walt Whitman: Fiction-Writer and Poets' Friend. In The Bookman, April 1920, LI, 172-4. 330. CÉ, CAMILLE [pseudon. de Chemin]. Le poète-prophète Walt Whitman. Grande Revue. pp. 573-99. Févr. 1920. 331. HOLLOWAY, R. EMERY. Walt Whitman's Love Affairs. In The Dial, Nov. 1920, LXIX, 473-83. 332. LESSING, OTTO EDUARD. Horace Tranbel, Whitman's Friend and Biographer. In The Open Court, Jan., Feb. 1920, XXXIV, 49-62, 87-97, to be contin. 333. MONTOLIN, CEBRIÀ DE. Walt Whitman: 'Doneu me l'esplèndid sol silencios...' Catalan translation. Messidar. 1918-1920. p. 40. 334. SÉLINCOURT, ERNEST DE. Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman. Selected and edited with an Introduction. (World's Classics.) Oxford: Univ. Press. 2s. 6d., 4s. 6d. 335. SHAY, FRANK. The Bibliography of Walt Whitman. New York: Friedman's. 1920. Wilde, Oscar. 336. BAEZA, R. Un marido ideal. Comedia en cuatro actos. Traducción. Madrid. 8°. 168 págs. 2.50 ptas. 337. CASTRO, C. DE. El abanico de lady Windermere. Comedia. Traducción. Cartagena-Madrid: Artes Gráficas. 8°. 136 págs. 2 ptas. 338. FÉLIPE, LÉON. El renacimiento del Arte inglés y otros ensayos. Traducción. Madrid: Juan Pueyo. 1920. 8°. 237 págs. 3.50 ptas. (Editorial América.) 339. HARRIS, FRANK. Oscar Wilde: His Life and Confessions. 2 vols. 8vo. 8 × 51. pp. 327, 289. London: Frank Harris. 42s. 340. Priče. Zagreb, 1920. Tzdanje knjižare Mirka Breyera. 8°. Cena 10 dinara. 341. RICHTER, HELENE. Oscar Wilde's Persönlichkeit in seinen Gedichten. Engl. Stud. 54, 201-277. 342. SCHNEIDER, ARTUR. Dorian Gray. Sengleskoga preveo. St Kugli, Zagreb, 1920 god. 218 pp. 20 × 13.5. Cena 14 dinara. 343. SERNA, J. GOMEZ DE LA. Intenciones. Ensayos de literatura y estética. Traducción. Madrid. 1920. 8°. 3.50 ptas. (Biblioteca Nueva.) 343a. El retrato de Dorian Gray. Traducción. Madrid. 8°. 330 págs. 3.50 ptas. 344. SYMONS, Arthur. A Jester with Genius. In The Bookman, Apr. 1920, LI, 129-34. 345. THOMAS, Louis. L'esprit d'Oscar Wilde. 200 pp. 12 x 18.5. Crès, Paris. 6 f. 346. VELIKANOVIĆ, Iso. Mladi kralj i druge pripovijesti. Sengleskog preveo. Uresio Ljuba Babić. Mirko Breyer, Zagreb, 1920 god. Cijena 60 kruna. 347. ZLOČINSTVO, LORDA ARTURA SEVILA. Izdanje Ognjanovičeve Univerzalne Biblioteke, br. 12. N. Sad. 1920. 16-ina. 78 str. Din. 1.50. Wordsworth, William. 348. BROUGHTON, LESLIE NATHAN. The Theocritean Element in the Works of William Wordsworth. vii + 193 pp. 23 x 14 cm. Halle: Max Niemeyer. M. 14 net. 1920. 349. CAMPBELL, OSCAR JAMES. Sentimental Morality in Wordsworth's Narrative Poetry. In Studies by Members of the Dept. of English. Madison, Wis. 1920. Univ. of Wisconsin Studies in Lang. and Lit. 11. 350. DUNN, ESTHER CLOUDMAN. Inman's Portrait of Wordsworth. In Scribner's Mag., Feb. 1920, LXVII, 251-6. Illus. 351. KNOWLION, EDGAR COLBY. The Novelty of Wordsworth's Michael as a Pastoral. In Publ. Mod. Lang. Assn America, Dec. 1920, XXXV, 432-46. 352. POTTS, ABBIE FINDLAY. Wordsworth and the Bramble. In Jour. Eng. and Germ. Philol., July 1920, XIX, 340-49. 353. SAMPSON, GEORGE. See Coleridge. |