Abbildungen der Seite

Academia das Sciencias. 20.5 x 14.5 cm. (Só foi distribuido em 1920.)

186. FERRIMAN, Y. D. Lord Byron. Anglo-Hellenic League. 279 pp. 3d.

187. LOPES, DAVID. Parecer favoravel á publicação por conta da Academia do trabalho do sr. Dr. Dalgado intitulado 'Lord Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage to Portugal.' V. Boletim da Segunda Classe da Academia das Sciencias. vol. 12°. pags. 368-370, 23. Coimbra, 1920.

188. Lockwood, FRANK C. Byron, the Revolutionist. In The Methodist Review, March-Apr. 1920, CIII, 220-30.

189. ZACCHETTI, C. Lord Byron e l' Italia (Biblioteca di Scienza e Lettere, 71). Palermo: R. Sandron. 124 pp. 4.50 lire.

Carlyle. 190. FORNELLI, G. La Concezione storica di Tommaso Carlyle. Rivista di Cultura, Sept. 15.

191. POPOVIĆ. Francuska revolucija, La Bastille, I dio. Celap i, Zagreb, 1920 godine. Cijena 6.25 dinara.

191 a.

Francuska revolucija, La Bastille, II dio. Ćelap i

Popović, Zagreb, 1920 godine. Cijena 6.25 dinara.

192. Francuska Revolucija. S engleskog preveo i komentarom propratio Dr. Nikola Karlić. I deo: La Bastille. Druga sveska. Zagreb, 1919. 8-ina, 298 str. K. 15.

192 a.

Francuska Revolucija. S engleskog preveo i komentarom propratio Dr. Nikola Karlić. I deo: La Bastille. Izdanje Jugoslov. Akad. Znanosti i Umetnosti. Cena K. 5.

193. RALLI, AUGUSTUS. Guide to Carlyle. 2 vols. 413, 456 pp. London: Allen and Unwin. 42s.

194. WILLIAMS, STANLEY T. Carlyle's Life of John Sterling. In The So. Atlantic Quarterly, Oct. 1920, XIX, 341-9.

Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain). 195. BRADFORD, GAMALIEL. Mark Twain. In The Atlantic Monthly, April 1920, cxxv, 462-73.

196. BROOKS, VAN WYCK. The Ordeal of Mark Twain. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. Reviewed in The Weekly Review, Aug. 4, 1920, 111, 108-9.

196a. Mark Twain's Humour. In The Dial, March 1920, LXVIII, 275-91. Mark Twain's Satire. In The Dial, Apr. 1920, LXVIII, 424-43.

197. FARRÁN I MAYORAL, J. Critical Study of Mark Twain in 'Lletres a una amiga estrangera' (p. 84). Barcelona, 1920. Rev. by La Revista.

198. JOHNSON, ALVIN. The Tragedy of Mark Twain. In The New Republic, July 14, 1920, XXIII, 201-4.

199. MATTHEWS, BRANDER. Mark Twain and the Art of Writing. In Harper's, Oct. 1920, CXLI, 635-43.

200. PAINE, ALBERT BIGELOW. Letters of Mark Twain, with a Biographical Sketch and a Commentary. 9 × 61. xv + 433 pp. Chatto and Windus. Rev. Times Lit. Suppl., 23 Sept. 1920, p. 615. 18s.

201. РЕСKHAM, H. HOUSTON. The Literary Status of Mark Twain, 1877-1890. In The South Atlantic Quarterly, Oct. 1920, XIX, 332-40.

Clough, Arthur Hugh. 202. OSBORNE, JAMES INSLEY. Arthur Hugh Clough. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company. 1920. 22 × 142 cm. Dissertation for Columbia University.


Arthur Hugh Clough. Constable. 8vo. 9 × 51. pp. 195. Rev. Times Lit. Suppl., March 4, 1920. 8s. 6d.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. 203. GINGERICH, SOLOMON F. From Necessity to Transcendentalism in Coleridge. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, xxxv, 1-59, March 1920. 204. RICHTER, HELENE. Die philosophische Weltanschauung von S. T. Coleridge und ihr Verhältnis zur deutschen Philosophie. Anglia, 44, 261-291, 297-325.

205. SAMPSON, GEORGE. Coleridge: Biographia Literaria. Chapters I-IV, XIV–XXII. Wordsworth: Prefaces and Essays on Poetry, 1800-1815. With an Introductory Essay by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch. 8vo. 8 × 5. pp. 367. C.U.P. 1os. net.

Dickens, Charles. 206. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. Nelson. viii + 845 pp. 7s. 6d.

207. COR, RAPHAEL. Charles Dickens. Mer. de Fr. Vol. 141, pp. 82-99. 1920.

208. CROTCH, W. WALTER. The Touchstone of Dickens. Chapman pp. 197. 6s. net.

and Hall. 8vo. 8 × 51. 209. DIBBLE, ROY F. Language Notes, xxxv, 6, 210. FIEDLER, FRITZ.



Charles Dickens: His Reading. Modern
June 1920, pp. 334-339.

Dickens und die Posse. Engl. St. 53,

Dickens' Belesenheit. Archiv für d. Stud. d. n. Spr.

140, 43-72. 210b. Dickens Gebrauch der rhythmischen Prosa im 'Christmas Carol.' Archiv f. d. St. d. n. Spr. u. Lit. 139, 47-50.

211. LEY, JAMES WILLIAM Thomas. The Dickens Circle. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company. 1919. 22 cm. pp. xix, [2], 424. Front., plates, ports. Reviewed by Newman I. White in The So. Atlantic Quarterly, Jan. 1920, XIX, 82-4; by Leslie N. Broughton in The New Republic, Apr. 7, 1920, XXII, 191-2.

212. PHILLIPS, WALTER C. Dickens, Reade and Collins, Sensation Novelists. New York: Columbia University Press. London: Milford. xi + 230 pp. 8s. 6d.

213. POE, EDGAR ALLAN. English Notes: a Rare and Unknown Work; Being a Reply to Charles Dickens's American Notes; with Critical Comments by Joseph Jackson and George H. Sargent. New York: Lewis M. Thompson. 1920. 8vo. pp. 182. Originally pub. in Boston in 1842.

M. H. R. Α.


Eliot, George. 214. CHAFFURIN, LOUIS. Les amours de George Eliot. (3 art.) Grande Revue, Juillet-Sept. 1920.

215. CROSS, WILBUR LUCIUS. George Eliot in Retrospect. In The Yale Rev., Jan. 1920, IX, 256-70.

216. VINCENT, LEON H. A Note on George Eliot. In The Methodist Rev., Sept.-Oct. 1920, CIII, 712-22.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo. 217. Diario intimo. Traducción de L. de Terán, 1829-1839. Tomo I. 4°. 234 págs. 3 ptas.

218. Emerson's Essays; Selected and Edited by Arthur Hobson Quinn. New York: Scribner. 1920. 8vo. pp. xxiii + 298. The Modern Student's Library.

219. Veliki ljudi i napredak covjecanstva. Cena K. 1.

220. Historia y politica. Versión castellana por S. Valenti Camp. Barcelona: Dalman. 8°. 220 págs. 4 ptas.

221. Carlyle y Emerson. Epistolario. Traducción de L. de Terán. 4°. 311 págs. 6 ptas.

222. HUDSON, JAY WILLIAM. The Religion of Emerson. In The Sewanee Review, Apr.-June 1920, XXVIII, 203-12.

Gaskell, Mrs. 223. Mi prima Filis. Novela. La traducción del inglés ha sido hecha por P. Martinez Strong. Madrid: Tipográfica Renovación. 1920. 8°. 175 págs. I pta. (Colección Universal, Calpe.)

Harrison, Frederic. 224. HARRIS, MURIEL. Two Victorian Portraits. In The No. Amer. Rev., Sept. 1920, CCXII, 404-11. On Lord Morley and Frederic Harrison.

Hawthorne, Nathaniel. 225. Cuando la tierra era niña. Traducción de G. Martinez Sierra. Ilustraciónes de Fontanals. Madrid: Tipografia Artistica. 1920. 4°. 257 págs. 5 ptas. (Biblioteca Estrella.)

226. VAN DOREN, CARL. The Flower of Puritanism. In The Nation, Dec. 8, 1920, CXI, 649-50. On The Scarlet Letter.

227. HANSON, F. B. Nemesis in Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter. In The Methodist Review, Jan.-Feb. 1920, CIII, 71-82.

228. MATHERLY, ENID PUTNAM. Poe and Hawthorne as Writers of the Short Story. In Education, Jan. 1920, XL, 294-306.

Henley, William Ernest. 229. NEFF, MARIETTA. The Place of Henley. In The No. Amer. Rev., Apr. 1920, CCXI, 555-63.

Irving, Washington. 230. El legado del moro. Leyenda de la Alhambra. Versión castellana de N. Cossio de Jiménez. Madrid: Jiménez Fraud. 8°. 44 págs. 3.50 ptas.

James, Henry. 231. The Letters of Henry James. Selected and edited by Percy Lubbock. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1920. Reviewed by Stuart P. Sherman in The Weekly Review, July 7, 1920, III, 706-7; by Stanley Went in The Unpartizan Review, July-Dec. 1920, XIV, 381-5; by Laurence Gilman in The No. Amer. Rev., May 1920, CCXI, 682-90; Times Lit. Suppl., April 8, 1920.

232. GOSSE, EDMUND. Henry James. In Scribner's Mag., Apr.May 1920, LXVII, 422-30, 548-57.

233. LILJEGREN, S. B. American and European in the works of Henry James. pp. 58. Lunds Universitets Årsskrift. N.F. Avd. 1. Vol. 15-6. 3 kronor.

234. MATTHEWS, BRANDER. Henry James and the Theater. In The Bookman, June 1920, LI, 389-95.

235. NADAL, Ehrman SyME. Personal Recollections of Henry James. In Scribner's Mag., July 1920, LXVIII, 89-97.

236. WHITFORD, Robert CALVIN. In The So. Atlantic Quarterly, Oct. 1920, XIX, 371-2.

Jerome, Jerome K. 237. FERRANDO, M. Jerome K. Jerome: Tres anglesos S'esbargeixen. Barcelona: Editorial Catalana. 8vo. pp. 196. (Biblioteca literária.) Rev. La Revista, 1920, p. 294.

Keats, John. 238. FEHR, BERNHARD. John Keats im Lichte der neuesten Forschung. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 139 (1920), 163–178. Braunschweig: George Westermann. 1920. 238a. Stud. 54, 326-8

Keats dichterische Glosse zu Francis Bacon. Engl.

239. MANENT, MARIA. John Keats: Sonets i Odes. Preface by Eugeni d'Ors. La Revista series of 'World Lyrics.' Barcelona. 1919. 240. NOTCUTT, H. CLEMENT. An Interpretation of Keats's Endymion. By H. Clement Notcutt, Professor of English in the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Printed for the Author by the South African Electric Printing Co., Capetown, 1919.) Reviewed by J. W. B[right] in Modern Language Notes, May 1920, XXXV, 316-320.

Kingsley, Charles. 241. WILLIAMS, STANLEY T. Yeast: a Victorian Heresy. In The No. Amer. Rev., Nov. 1920, CCXII, 697-704.

Lamb, Charles. 242. LUCAS, E. V. Essays of Elia. (Introduction and notes by.) Methuen, 5s.

243. WOODS, GEORGE B. A Note on Lamb. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 5, May 1920, p. 315. Note. - Locates a phrase used by Lamb.

Landor, Walter Savage. 244. Lirica inglesa: Epitafio. Trad. de Pedro Guirao. Estudio, 1920, XXXI, 70.

Locker-Lampson, Frederick. 245. BIRRELL, AUGUSTINE. Frederick Locker-Lampson. A Character Sketch. Constable. ix + 206 pp. Rev. Times Lit. Suppl., June 17, 1920. 255.

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. 246. BOGGESS, ARTHUR C. The Old Testament in Longfellow's Poems. In The Methodist Review, March-April 1920, CIII, 263-71.

247. DUNN, Esther ClouDMAN. Longfellow the Teacher. In The No. Amer. Rev., Feb. 1920, CCXI, 259-65.

248. FERRA, MIQUEL. Les muses Amigues. H. W. Longfellow translated into Catalan Verse. p. 43. Sóller. 1920.

249. REA, JOHN DOUGAN. Longfellow's Nature. In Modern Philology, May 1920, XVIII, 48.

Lowell, Amy. 250. WILKINSON, Mrs Marguerite OGDEN BIGELOW (HARLEY Graves, pseud.). Amy Lowell. In The Touchstone, June 1920, VII, 219-20.

Lowell, James Russell. 251. JOYCE, HEWETTE ELWELL. A Bibliographical Note on James Russell Lowell. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 4, April 1920, pp. 249-250.

252. SMITH, FREDERICK D. Mr Wilbur's Postumous Macaronics. In Quart. Jour. Univ. No. Dakota, July 1920, X, 436-43. A study of the Biglow Papers, 2nd ser. 8.

253. THAYER, WILLIAM ROSCOE. James Russell Lowell as a Teacher: Recollections of His Last Pupil. In Scribner's Mag., Oct. 1920, LXVIII, 473-80.

254. The Function of the Poet, and other Essays. Collected and edited by Albert Mordell. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Company. 1920. 21 cm. pp. [2], xi, [1], 223, [1]. 575 copies. Reviewed by Laurence Gilman in The No. Amer. Rev., Aug. 1920, CCXII, 267-72; in The Nation, Aug. 14, 1920, CXI, 191.

255. TOWNSEND, FRANK S. James Russell Lowell. In The Methodist Rev., Sept.-Oct. 1920, CIII, 763-9.

Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord. 256. DEARBORN, A. R. Macaulay Up to Date. In The Sewanee Review, Jan.-March 1920, XXVIII, 66-74.

257. Essay on Clive. Edited with introduction and notes by E. H. Elliott. pp. 210. Publishers: Śrīnivāsa Varadācan & Co., Madras. 8°. 1st ed. Price Rs. 1.4.

258. History of England, chapters 1-3. Edited by W. F. Reddaway. pp. 425. Publishers: Macmillan & Co., Ltd, Bombay. 8°. Ist edition. Price Rs. 3.

259. Lives of Bunyan and Goldsmith. Edited with introduction and notes, etc., by A. M. S. Rāghavan. pp. 267. Published by C. Subbayya Cețți & Co., Madras. (Dec. 1919.) 8°. 2nd edition, revised. Price Rs. 1.8.

260. Lord Clive. Edited with introduction, and notes by R. S. Sheppard. pp. 300. Published by P. R. Rama Ayyar & Co., Madras. (Aug. 1920.) 8°. 1st edition. Price 12 annas.

261. Essay on Addison. With an elaborate introduction, full explanatory and critical notes, etc. pp. 360. Published by C. Subbayya Cețți & Co., Madras. (June 1920.) 8°. Ist edition. Price Rs. 1.8.

Meredith, George. 262. ELLIS, S. M. George Meredith. His Life and Friends in relation to his Work. 8vo. 9 × 51. pp. 326. Grant. Richards. 21S.

263. TORRETTA, L. George Meredith romanziere, poeta, pensatore. pp. 239. Napoli, Perrella.

Mitford. 264. HILL, CONSTANCE. Mary Russell Mitford and her surroundings. 8vo. 9 × 51. xiv + 387. John Lane. 21s.

Moore, Thomas. 265. TALLADA, J. M. L'Utopia de Tomás More.. Barcelona: La Revista. p. 83. 1920.

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