Abbildungen der Seite



44. ALDEN, RAYMOND MACDONALD. The Lyrical Conceits of the Metaphysical Poets. In Studies in Philology, April 1920, XVII, 183-98. 45. BOAS, F. S. Stage Censorship under Charles II. Times Literary Supplement, April 15, 22, 1920.

46. BROWN, CARLETON. The Stonyhurst Pageants. 91 × 6.30 + 302 pp. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press. 1920. 8s. 6d. (17th c. Miracle Plays.)

47. CLOUGH, BEN C. Notes on the Metaphysical Poets. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 2, February 1920, pp. 115-117.

48. DOBELL, P. J. Books of the Time of the Restoration, being a collection of Plays, Poems and Prose Works, described and annotated. London: Dobell. 6s.

49. MASSINGHAM, HAROLD JOHN, ed. A Treasury of Seventeenth Century English Verse from the Death of Shakespeare to the Restoration (1616-1660). London: Macmillan. 1919. 16 cm. pp. xxiii + 399. Front. (port.). Rev. in The Nation, Jan. 31, 1920, CX, 151.

50. PARKER, KARL THEODOR. Oliver Cromwell in der schönen Literatur Englands. Eine literarische Studie. Zürcher Dissertation. Speyer und Kärner, Universitätsbuchhandlung, Freiburg i. B.

51. PARRY, JOHN J. A Seventeenth Century Gallery of Poets. In Jour. Eng. and Germanic Philol., April 1920, XIX, 270-77.

52. REYNOLDS, MYRA. The Learned Lady in England, 1650-1760. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Co. 1920. 23 cm. pp. [xii], 489, [1]. Front. plates, ports. Vassar Semi-Centennial Ser. Bibliography, pp. [459]476.

53. SCHAFER, ROBERT. The English Ode and 1660. An Essay in Literary History. Princeton Diss. 9 × 6, vi + 167 pp. Princeton: Univ. Press. London: Milford.

54. WRIGHT, Thomas GODDARD. Literary Culture in Early New England, 1620-1730. New Haven: Yale University Press.


Alexander, Sir William, Earl of Stirling. 55. KASTNER, L. E. and CHARLTON, H. B. The Poetical Works of Sir William Alexander Earl of Stirling. Vol. 1. The Dramatic Works. Manchester Univ. Press. London: Longmans. Rev. Times Lit. Suppl. Feb. 24, 1921. 28s.

Carleton, Mary. 56. BERNBAUM, E. The Mary Carleton Narratives, 1663-1673. A missing chapter in the history of the English Novel. 106 pp. London: Milford. 5s. 6d.

Chamberlain, John. 57. STATHAM, EDWARD PHILLIPS. A Jacobean Letter writer-the Life and Times of John Chamberlain. 9 × 51. xvi + 248 pp. London: Kegan Paul. 12s. 6d.

Cowley, Abraham. 58. BELLOT, H. H. Abraham Cowley. Nineteenth Cent., Sept. 1920.

Donne, John. 59. ARONSTEIN, PH. John Donne als Dichter. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis d. englischen Renaissance (101 pp.). Gr. 8°. Halle, 1920. (Offprint from Anglia, 44, 115-213.) 12 Mk.

60. Sermons: Selected Passages. With an Essay by Logan Pearsall Smith. Oxford: The Clarendon Press. 1.9.5 cm. pp. lii + 263, [1]. Rev. in The Nation, Jan. 17, 1920, CX, 79-80.

61. SMITH, G. C. MOORE. Izaak Walton and John Donne. Mod. Lang. Rev. XV, 303. (Identification of Walton's 'ingenuous and learned man.')

Drummond, William of Hawthornden. 62. CLEGG, SAMUEL (ed. by). William Drummond of Hawthornden: 'A Cypress grove.' With Introduction and Notes. 8vo. 81 × 51. pp. 78. Hawthornden Press, C. J. Sawyer. 6s. 6d.

Dryden, John. 63. VAN DOREN, MARK. The Poetry of John Dryden. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Howe. 1920. Reviewed by Stuart P. Sherman in The Nation, Dec. 1, 1920, CXI, 619–20.

Herbert, George (1593-1630). 64. PALMER, GEORGE HERBERT. The English Works of George Herbert. Newly arranged and annotated and considered in relation to his life. Houghton, Mifflin Co. Rev. Times Lit. Suppl., April 1, 1920. 50s.

Jonson, Ben. 65. DRAPER, JOHN W. A Reference to 'Huon' in Ben Jonson. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 7, November 1920, PP. 439-440.

66. HARRIS, Lynn H. Three Notes on Ben Jonson. In Modern Philology, January 1920, XVII, 679–85.

67. LAWRENCE, W. J. The Casting-out of Ben Jonson. Times Literary Supplement, July 8, 1920.

Locke. 68. TAGLIATETA, E. Giovanni Locke educatore. Roma: Signorelli.

Marston, John. 69. ALLEN, MORSE SHEPARD. The Satire of John Marston. Princeton Univ. Diss. Columbus, Ohio: F. J. Heer Printing Co. 1920. 22.5 cm. pp. [ii], 187.

Milton, John. 70. BALDWIN, EDWARD CHAUNCEY. Milton and Plato's Timæus. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, XXXV, 210-217, June 1920.

1918. 24 x 16 cm. pp. Reviewed by G. S. in

71. GILBERT, ALLAN H. A Geographical Dictionary of Milton. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press. viii + 322. Cornell Studies in English iv. Modern Philology, Jan. 1920, XVII, 551-2. Milton and the Mysteries. In Studies in Philology,


Apr. 1920, XVII, 147-69.

72a. GILBERT, ALLAN H. Milton on the Position of Woman. I, II. Mod. Lang. Review, Jan., July, 1920.

73. GLICKSMAN, HARRY. Lowell on Milton's Areopagitica. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 3, March 1920, pp. 185-186. 73a. The Editions of Milton's History of Britain. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, xXXV, 116-122, March 1920.

736. The Sources of Milton's History of Britain. In Studies by Members of the Dept. of English. Madison, Wis. 1920. Univ. of Wisconsin Studies in Lang. and Lit. 11.

74. GREENLAW, EDWIN. Spenser's Influence on Paradise Lost. In Studies in Philology, July 1920, XVII, 320-59.

75. HALLER, WILLIAM. Order and Progress in Paradise Lost. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 218225, June 1920.

76. HANFORD, JAMES HOLLY. The Date of Milton's De Doctrina Christiana. In Studies in Philology, July 1920, XVII, 309-19.

77. HIMES, JOHN A. Some Interpretations of Milton. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 7, November 1920, pp. 441-442.

78. HÜBENER, GUSTAV. Milton-der Albino. Engl. Stud. 54, 473-77

79. LILJEGREN, S. B. Bemerkungen zur Biographie Miltons. Engl. Stud. 54, 358-367.

80. LINDELÖF, U. Milton Biografier, 9. 112 pp. Helger Schildts, Helsingfors. 12 Mark.

81. MUTSCHMANN, HEINRICH. Milton und das Licht. Die Geschichte einer Seelenerkrankung. Sonderdruck aus Anglia Beibl. 30. Bd. 1920, vi + 76 pp. Gr. 8°. Halle: M. Niemeyer. 2.80 Mk.

81 a.

Der andere Milton. xii + 112 pp. Gr. 8°. Bonn: K.

Schroeder. 5 Mk.

82. OSGOOD, CHARLES GROSVENOR. Paradise Lost, 9, 506; Nativity Hymn 133-153. In American Jour. of Philol., Jan.-March 1920, XLI, 76-80.

83. SAURAT, DENIS. Blake and Milton. 74 pp. 16.5 × 25. Alcan, Paris. (Petite thèse.) 7 f. 50. 84. La pensée de Milton. 770 pp. 16.5 × 25. Alcan, Paris. (Grande thèse.) 20 f.

85. SHERBUrn, George. The Early Popularity of Milton's Minor Poems. In Modern Philology, September 1919, January 1920, XVII, 259-78, 515-40.

86. THALER, ALWIN. Milton in the Theatre. In Studies in Philology, July 1920, XVII, 269-308.

87. TUPPER, JAMES WADDELL. The Dramatic Structure of Samson Agonistes. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, xxxv, 375-389, September 1920.

Pepys, Samuel. 88. TANNER, J. R. Samuel Pepys and the Royal Navy. (Lees Knowles Lectures. Trin. Coll. Cam.) Cambridge Univ. Press. 1920. 6s. 6d.

89. WARSHAW, JACOB. Pepys as a Dramatic Critic. In The Drama, March-April 1920, X, 209-13.



90. AMOS, FLORA Ross. Early Theories of Translation. New York: Columbia Univ. Press. 1920. 21 × 144 cm. Theories of Translation in English practice from the Medieval Period to Pope. Rev. Mod. Lang. Notes, 35, 380-388.

91. COLVILLE, K. N. A Miscellany of the Wits. Select pieces by William King D.C.L., John Arbuthnot M.D. and other Hands. With an Introduction. Rev. Times Lit. Suppl. Jan. 20, 1921. Philip Allen. 15s.

92. FRAZER, Sir JAMES G. Sir Roger de Coverley and other Literary Pieces. 74 × 51. xii + 319 pp. London: Macmillan & Co. 1920. 8s. 6d.

93. KALKÜHLER, FLORINE. Die Natur des Spleens bei dem englischen Schriftstellern in der 1. Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Borna, Leipzig. 1920. viii + 46. 8°. Münster Diss.

94. MORE, PAUL ELMER. With the Wits. Shelburne Essays. Tenth Series. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Co. 1919. 19.5 cm. pp. xii, [2], 311, [1]. Beaumont and Fletcher. Halifax. A Bluestocking of the Restoration [Aphra Behn]. Swift. Pope. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. A Philosopher Among the Wits [Bishop Berkeley]. A Duke Among the Wits [Duke of Wharton]. Gray's Letters. Decadent Wit. Index to Shelburne Essays. Rev. by Stuart P. Sherman in The Review, Jan. 17, 1920, 11, 54-6. Times Lit. Suppl., May 20th.

95. PATTON, JULIA. The English Village: a Literary Study, 17501850. New York: The Macmillan Company. 1919. 194 cm. pp. xii + 236. Reviewed by Leslie N. Broughton in Journal of Eng. and Germanic Philol., Jan. 1920, XIX, 125-8.


Addison, Joseph. 96. O'CONNOR, HORACE W. Addison in Young's Conjectures. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, I, January 1920, pp. 24-26.

Blake, William. 97. FEHR, BERNHARD. William Blake und die Kabbala. Engl. Stud. 54, 139-149.

98. GARDNER, CHARLES. William Blake, the Man. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. 1919. 21.5 cm. pp. 202, [1]. Front., plates, port. Rev. in The Review, Feb. 21, 1920, II, 181-2.

99. SAURAT, DENIS. Blake and Milton. See Milton.

Burns, Robert. 100. LAYDEN, FRANKLYN BLISS. Notes on Burns and Thomson. In Jour. Eng. and Germ. Philol., July 1920, XIX, 305


Churchill, Charles. 101. BEATTY, JOSEPH M., jr. An Essay in Critical Biography-Charles Churchill. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 226-246, June 1920.

Cumberland, Richard. 102. WILLIAMS, S. T. Richard Cumberland's 'West Indian.' Mod. Lang. Notes, 35, 7 (Nov.).

Defoe, Daniel. 103. De Foe. Les pirateries du Capitaine Singleton. 12 x 19. Anon. trad. Edit. fr. ill. Paris. 5 f. 50.

104. BOREL, PETRUS, trad. La Vie et les Aventures étranges et surprenantes de Robinson Crusoe. 2 vols. 320 + 306 pp. 14.5 x 22.5. Soc. litt. de Fr. Paris. 40 f.

105. FERNSEMER, O. F. W. Daniel Defoe and the Palatine Emigration of 1709: a New View of the Origin of Robinson Crusoe. In Journal of Eng. and Germanic Philol., Jan. 1920, XIX, 94-124.

106. FREEMAN, LEWIS R. Where is Robinson Crusoe's Island? In Travel, Feb. 1920, XXXIV, 27-30. Illus., map.

107. HÜBENER, GUSTAV. Der Kaufmann Robinson Crusoe. Engl. Stud. 54, 367-399.

108. LÜTHI, ALBERT. Daniel Defoe und seine Fortsetzungen zu Stuttgart: Druck der

DISHONEST Robinson Crusoe. Zürcher Dissertation.



(l. AW.S.)

Aktiengesellschaft Deutsches Volksblatt. 1920.

109. NICHOLSON, WATSON. The Historical Sources of Defoe's Journal of the Plague Year. 74 × 51. 182 pp. Boston, U.S.A.: The Stratford Co. 1920. $2.

Evelyn, John. 110. MAYNARD SMITH, H. The early Life and Education of John Evelyn. With a Commentary. (Oxford Historical and Liter. Studies.) Oxford: Clar. Press. 12s. 6d.

Fielding, Henry. 111. DIGEON, A. Autour de Fielding: Miss Fielding, son frère, et Richardson; Fielding, conseiller littéraire de sa sœur, est portraituré par elle. (2 art.) Revue Germanique, Nos. 3 et 4. pp. 209-219 et 353-362.

Godwin, William. 112. ALLEN, BEVERLY SPRAGUE. William Godwin and the Stage. In Publ. Mod. Lang. Assn America, Sept. 1920, XXXV, 358-74.

Goldsmith, Oliver. 113. FARRAN Y MAYORAL, J. Oliver Goldsmith 'El Vicari de Wakefield.' Editorial Catalana. 8vo. pp. 212. (Biblioteca literària.) Rev. La Revista, 1920, p. 59.

Gray, Thomas. 114. CLOUGH, BEN C. Full Many a Gem. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 2, February 1920, p. 117. Note.-A brief note giving a possible source of Gray's line in the Iter Boreale of R. Wild, D.D. (1671).

115. DEL RE, ARUNDEL. Gray and Cambridge in 1769. Times Lit. Suppl., Sept. 23, 1920. Extract from de Bonstetten's 'Souvenirs écrites en 1831.'

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