B. ENGLISH LANGUAGE III. VOCABULARY III. (a) DICTIONARIES 1. A New English Dictionary. Edited by Sir James Murray, Henry Bradley, W. A. Craigie and C. T. Onions. Vol. x, Ti-Z. New Section, Visor-Vywer, by W. A. Craigie. Milford. 2s. 6d. 2. ANSTED, A. A Dictionary of Sea Terms. 74 × 5. pp. 324. J. Brown. 7s. 6d. 3. Blackie's Compact Etymological Dictionary. Prepared by R. J. Cunliffe. 8vo. pp. 380. Blackie. 25. 4. BONNAFFÉ, E. Dictionnaire étymologique et historique des anglicismes. 13 x 21. pp. 200. Delagrave, Paris. 13 f. III. (b) WORD STUDY 5. BASKETT, W. D. Parts of the Body in the later Germanic Dialects. pp. ix + 139. Chicago Univ. Press. 6. BLAU, E. 'Payndemayn': zu Chaucer's Tale of Sir Topas. See VIII, 22. 7. CRABB, G. Crabb's English Synonyms. Centenary edition. With an introduction by John H. Finlay. 8 × 5. pp. x + 717. Routledge. 6s. 8. DEY, W. M. A Note on Old French Por in English. Stud. in Phil. Univ. N. Carolina, XVIII, 1, Jan. 9. EKWALL, E. Zu zwei keltischen Lehnwörtern im Altenglischen (funta, torr). Engl. Stud. 54, 102-111. IOA. IO. EMERSON, O. F. Mead-Meadow, Shade-Shadow, a Study in Analogy. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 3, 147-154, March 1920. M. E. Clannesse. P. M. Lang. Ass. Am. xxiv, 3. 11. ΕΥΚΜΑΝ, L. P. H. Round--Around. De Drie Talen, Jan. 1920. 12. FOWLER, H. W. Moral(e). Times Lit. Suppl., Feb. 19, 1920. 13. GOODE, J. Hawk-Heronshaw (Hamlet ii, 2). Times Lit. Suppl., Feb. 26, 1920. 14. HOLTHAUSEN, F. Etymologisches (u.a. Westfäl. küllen, ne. kill, mnd. dobbe, ne. dub). P. Br. B. 44,473-483. 14a. Wortdeutungen. Engl. Stud. 54, 87-92. 15. HORN, W. Zur altenglischen Wortgeschichte (milc, geare). Archiv für d. Stud. d. N. Spr. 140, 107. 16. JESPERSEN, O. Dansk håbe, eng. hope, tysk hoffen. Nord. Tidskr. f. fil. VIII, 151-2 (1920). 17. KIEKERS, E. Altenglisch þám, þém 'dem, den' (Dat. Pl.). Ae. héo 'sie' (Nom. Sing. F.) und hie 'sie' (Nom. Plur.)-Ae. þir 'dieses.' -Westsächs. iernan 'laufen' und biernan 'brennen.' Idg. Forschgen, 38, 213-217. 18. KROESCH, S. Semantic Notes. Journal of English and Germanic Philol., Jan. 1920, XIX, 86–93. 19. LANGENFELT, G. Danzig och Dansk. Ett geografiskt och filologiskt misstag. Finsk Tidskrift, 88, 63-79 (1920). 19a. 2. En fornengelsk tvebottnetjärn ('twybytme del' Birch, Cart. Sax. 3, pp. 116 f.). 3. Fornengelskt Vrindesholt (Cod. Dipl. Ævi Sax. ed. Kemble, III, 320). 4. Assedun, ett tillägg. In 'Namn och Bygd,' VIII, 82 f. Article 'Växjö och andra Ortnamn.' 196. Toponymics or Derivations from Local Names in English. 23 × 15. pp. 252. Appelbergs Boktryckeri A.-B. Upsala. 15 kr. 20. LIEBERMANN, F. Shute mittelenglisch: Lastschiff. Archiv, 140, 263. Der Ausdruck Leet (to Anglia, Beibl. 31, 85 note). Anglia, Beibl. 31, 237-8. 21. LILJEGREN, S. B. Two American Words (pod, perky). Anglia, Beibl. 31, 67-9. 22. LOANE, G. G. A Thousand and One Notes on 'A New English Dictionary.' 8+ × 51. pp. 64. 4 Linnel Close, N.W. 4. 5s. 23. MONTGOMERY, M. Cursed Hebenon (or Hebona) (to Hamlet, 1, v, 62). Mod. Lang. Rev. 15, 304-306. 24. POLLARD, A. F. The Word State. Times Lit. Suppl., Sept. 23, 1920. Cf. Evolution of Meaning, ib. E. Barker; ib. Sept. 16. H. С. Dowdall. 25. POUTSMA, H. To meet and to meet with compared. De Drie Talen, Jan. 1920. 26. RITTER, O. Beiträge zur englischen Wortkunde (ae. botl, schott. cook, ne. crimine, criminy, ae. cume(n)dre, zende, ofost, trūs, *īl(e)). Engl. Stud. 54, 92-102. 27. RÖSLER, M. Veraltete Wörter in der 'Grammatica Anglicana' von 1594. Engl. Stud. 53, 2, Dec. 28. RUUD, M. B. A Conjecture Concerning the Origin of Modern English She. Modern Language Notes, XXXV, 222-225, April 1920. 29. SAMPSON, J. An Arme-Gaunt Steede (to Ant. and Cleop. 1, v). Times Lit. Suppl., April 29, 1920. 30. SCHLUTTER, O. B. Is there sufficient evidence to warrant the authenticity of O.E. treppan, 'to trap'? Neophilologus, v, 351. pp. 4. 31. Weitere Beiträge zur altenglischen Wortforschung. Anglia, 44, 94-96 and 291-296. 32. SCHWENTNER, E. Ags. óleccan 'schmeicheln.' P. Br. B. 44, 500-501. 33. SMITH, C. A. New Words Self-Defined. New York, Doubleday, Page & Co. 1919. 19.5 cm. pp. viii + 215, [1]. Rev. in The Nation, March 6, 1920, CX, 305-6. 34. SUNDÉN, K. F. Några förbisedda skandinaviska lånord i Sir Gawayne and the Grene Knyst. Minnesskrift utg. av Filogiska Samfundet, Gothenburg. 35. SWAEN, A. E. H. Contributions to Old English Lexicography X, XI. Engl. St. 53, 353-362 and 54, 337-52. 36. WALLENBERG, J. Me. fled(de), ne. fled [pret. tense of 'to flee']. Anglia, Beibl. 31, 221-3. III. (c) NAME STUDY 37. ALLEN, E. L. The Devil's Property in the United States. The Outlook, Oct. 6, 1920, cxXVI, 246–7. On place-names. 38. BJÖRKMAN, E. Skialf och Skilfing, Namn och Bygd, VII, 164-81. (Deals also with the Scylfingas of Beowulf.) 39. 40. wulf. VII, 19. Hæpcyn und Hákon. Engl. Stud. 54, 24-35. Studien über die Eigennamen im Beowulf. See Beo 41. EKWALL, G. Scandinavians and Celts in the North-west of England. In Festskrift of the Univ. of Lund, 1918. Rev. by O. В. Schlutter in Jour. of Eng. and Germ. Philol., July 1920, XIX, 422-3. 42. HARRISON, H. Surnames of the United Kingdom. A Concise Etymological Dictionary. London: Moorland Press. 2 vols. 50s. 43. HINZE, O. Studien zu Ben Jonson's Namengebung in seinen Dramen. Leipziger Diss. 1918, pp. 84. 8°. 44. LAWRENCE, F. W. The Origin of American State Names. In The National Geographic Mag., Aug. 1920, XXXVIII, 105-43. Illus. 45. MAWER, A. The Place-Names of Northumberland and Durham. (Cambridge Archæological and Ethnological Series.) Cambridge Univ. Press. 8vo. pp. x + 271. (1920). 20s. Reviewed Times Lit. Suppl., Feb. 10, 1921, cf. Letters, ib. Feb. 17th and 24th. 46. RITTER, O. Über einige Ortsnamen aus Lancashire. Engl. Stud. 54, 187-194. 47. SCHÜCKING, L. L. Wiðergyld (Beowulf 2051). See Beowulf. 48. UPHAM, W. Minnesota Geographic Names: Their Origin and Historic Significance. St Paul, Minn. The Minnesota Historical Soc. 1920. 23 cm. pp. [iv], viii + 735. Rev. by M. R. Gilmore in Minn. History Bulletin, Aug. 1920, 111, 448-9. 49. WOOD, F. A. Names of Stinging, Gnawing, and Rending Animals. i. Amer. Jour. Philol. XLI, 223-39, 336-54. IV. HISTORY OF LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR IV. (a) GENERAL 1. BRADLEY, H. On the Relations between Spoken and Written Language, with special reference to English. Cr. 8vo. 36 pp. 2s. Oxford Univ. Press. Rev. Times Lit. Suppl., Jan. 8, 1920. 2. BRAHDE, A. Studier over engelske Præpositioner, En principiel Undersögelse. Copenhagen, Schönberg. 5 kr. 3. CHAPLIN, A. The Romance of Language. 8vo. 8 × 5. pp. 245. London, Sidgwick and Jackson. 7s. 6d. 4. COLTON, A. Gains and Losses in Language. Harper's Mag.,. Apr. 1920, CXL, 707-9. 5. DRIGGS, H. R. Our Living Language: How to Teach It and How to Use It. Lincoln, Nev., The University Publishing Company. 1920. 19.7 x 13 cm. pp. x + 302. 6. FRANZ, W. Grammatisches in Shakespeare. Engl. Stud. 54, 1, March. Cf. IV, 55. 7. GRANDGENT, C. H. Old and New, Sundry Papers. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press. 1920. 21.1 × 14.6 cm. pp. 177. Contents: Nor Yet the New. Fashion and the Broad A. The Dog's Letter. Numeric Reform in Nescioubia. Is Modern Language Teaching a Failure? The Dark Ages. New England Pronunciation. School. Reviewed by T. P. Cross in Modern Philology, Aug. 1920, XVIII, 231-2; in The Weekly Review, Oct. 13, 1920. 8. HÜBNER, W. John Locke als Sprachphilosoph. Die Neueren Sprachen, 27, 385-6. 9. HUGHES, R. Our Statish Language. In Harper's Mag., May 1920, CXL, 846-9. 10. KELLOGG, W. G. Is Grammar Useless? In The No. Amer. Rev., July 1920, CCXII, 36-42. 11. MASTER, F. D. English Words Discriminated, being a collection of important Synonyms, Paronyms, Doublets, etc., with explanation, etc. pp. 132. N. M. Tripathi, for N. M. Tripathi & Co., Bombay (June 1920). Royal 12m0, 2nd Ed. Re. 1. 12. MATTHEWS, B. American English and British English. In Scribner's Mag., Nov. 1920. LXVIII, 621-6. 12a. The Latest Novelties in Language. In Harper's Mag., June 1920, CXLI, 82-7. 12b. The Mongrelian Language. In Scribner's Mag., Aug. 1920, LXVIII, 219-21. 13. MURSELL, J. L. Analysis of the Concept of Meaning. In The Philosophical Rev., May 1920, XXIX, 256-68. 14. NICKLIN, T. The Sounds of Standard English. Oxford Univ. Press. 3s. 15. O'NEILL. A Guide to the English Language. Its history, development and use. London: Jack. viii + 455 pp. 16. Report on the Terminology and Classifications of Grammar. Oriental Advisory Committee. 8vo. Oxford Univ. Press. 3s. 6d. 17. SARGEAUNT, J. The Pronunciation of English Words derived from the Latin. S.P.G. Tract No. IV. Oxford Univ. Press. 2s. 6d. 18. TRUEBLOOD, T. C. The Spoken English of Australasia. In Quart. Jour. Speech Education, Apr. 1920, VI, 2, 1-10. 19. UTTER, R. P. The Case Against Grammar. In Harper's Mag., Feb. 1920, CXL, 407-13. 20. WALLIS, G. The Philosophy of Speech. London: Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d. 21. WILLIAMS, F. Newspaper English. In The No. Amer. Rev., Nov. 1920, CCXII, 631-40. 3 22. WILLIS, G. The Philosophy of Speech. Cr. 8vo. 7 × 51. pp. 256. G. Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d. 23. ZACHRISSON, R. E. The World Language. English most suitable. An Inquiry by The Northern Peace Union. Svenska freds- och skiljedoms-föreningens förlag, Stockholm. Kr. 2. 24. ZACHRISSON, R. E. Grammatical Changes in Present-Day English. Studier i Modern Språkvetenskap utg. av Nyfilologiska Sänskapet, Stockholm, VII, 1920. pp. 43. 25. Engelska Stilarter. Stockholm: A. V. Carlson. 1920. 175 pp. 4.50 kr. IV. (b) GENERAL AND HISTORICAL GRAMMARS 26. ALVAREZ ARANDA and RAMSPATT, Y. C. Curso de lengua inglesa. 2o curso. Madrid. 4°. 132 pp. 6 ptas. 27. FAULDING, G. M. A Constructive Grammar of Present Day English: being a 3 years' course of study of the English Language for Indian students. pp. x + 156. K. and J. M. Cooper, Bombay, 1920. Crown 8vo. Price, Rs. I. 28. LUICK, K. Historische Grammatik der englischen Sprache. 3. u. 4. Lieferung (bis S. 448). Leipzig. 6 Mku. 8 Mk. 29. MOORE, S. and THOMAS, A. K. The Elements of Old English. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Geo. Wahr. 1919. 19.9 x 14 cm. pp. vii + 209. Reviewed by J. R. Hulbert in Modern Philology, May 1920, XVIII, 63-4. 30. MOORE, S. Historical Outlines of English Phonology and Middle English Grammar, for Courses in Chaucer, Middle English, and the History of the English Language. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Geo. Wahr. 1919. 25.5 x 17 cm. pp. viii + 83. Reviewed by J. R. H[ulbert] in Modern Philology, May 1920, XVIII, 63–4. 31. Ross, R. W. Practical English Grammar. Book 1. pp. viii + 68. K. and J. M. Cooper, Bombay. Crown 8vo. 2nd Ed. Price, Rs. 7. 32. STURTEVANT, E. H. An Introduction to the Historical Study' of Language. Univ. Chicago Press. $ 1. 33. THOMAS, P. G. An Introduction to the History of the English Language. 8vo. 108 pp. London: Sidgwick and Jackson. 5s. 34. WYLD, H. C. K. A History of Modern Colloquial English. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co. [1920]. 23 cm. pp. xvi + 398. Rev. by H. M. Ayres in The Weekly Review, Oct. 27, 1920, III, 386–8, Times Lit. Suppl., July 1, 1920. 35: Kurze Geschichte des Englischen übersetzt von Heinrich Mutschmann. Heidelberg: Winter. 1919. pp. viii + 238. M. 5. Rev. Eilert Ekwall, Anglia, Beibl. 31, 177-185 (Aug. 1920). IV. (c) ORTHOGRAPHY 36. GAAF, W. VAN DER. Notes on English Orthography (ie and ea). Neophilologus, v, 133, 333. 41 pp. 37. MATHESIUS, V. Filologické hlasy k opravě pravopisu Anglického. Philological opinions on English spelling reform. Naše Řeč, vol. 4, 1920. 129 n. 38. PERRETT, W. Peetickay: an Essay towards the Abolition of Spelling. 8vo. Cambridge: Heffer. 6s. |