Abbildungen der Seite

The Owl and the Nightingale. 47. KENYON, JOHN SAMUEL. On the Date of the Owl and the Nightingale. In Modern Philology, May 1920, XVIII, 55-6.

Rolle, Richard of Hampole. 48. HULME, WILLIAM HENRY, ed. Richard Rolle of Hampole's Mending of Life. Ed. by William Henry Hulme. In Western Reserve Univ. Bulletins, N.S., xXI, 4, May 1918. Reviewed by M. Deanesly in Mod. Philology, Jan. 1920, XVII, 549-51. Rule of St Benet. 49. HAGEL, FRIEDA. Zur Sprache der nordenglischen Prosaversion der Benediktiner-Regel. Anglia, 44, 1-23. West Midland Poems. 50. BRINK, AUGUST. Stab und Wort im Gawain. See VI, 3.

51. JACKSON, T. Sir Gawain's Coat of Arms. Mod. Lang. Rev. 15, 77-79.

52. MENNEN, R. J. Purity: a Middle English Poem. Edited with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary by Robert J. Mennen. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ. Press. 1920. Yale Studies in English LXI.

53. SUNDÉN, K. F. Några förbisedda skand. lånord i Sir Gawayne, etc. Cf. III, 34.

54. TUTTLE, EDWIN H. Notes on the Pearl. Mod. Lang. Rev. xv, pp. 298-300.

Winner and Waster. 55. GOLLANCZ, Sir ISRAEL. A good short debate between Winner and Waster. (An alliterative poem on social and economic problems in England, 1382.) Select Early English Poems Series. London: H. Milford. 1920. 5s.

56. HULBERT, JAMES ROOT. The Problems of Authorship and Date of Wynnere and Wastoure. In Modern Philology, May 1920, XVIII, 31-40.

Miscellaneous. 57. HOLTHAUSEN, F. Das mittelengl. Streitgedicht 'The Eye and the Heart' (see E. Pr. Hammond's edition. Anglia, 34, 237 ff.). Anglia, 44, 85-94.

58. Zu mittelenglischen Dichtungen (Sir Degrevant, 519, 657; Sir Perceval, 687, 1876, 2279; Lydgate-Studien, Gedicht auf Mylady of Holand und Mylord of Gloucester). Anglia, 44, 78-85. 59. Ein mittelenglischer Hymnus auf Maria und Christus und seine Kymrische Umschrift. Archiv für d. Stud. d. n. Spr. 140,



Weiteres zur Geschichte von Martin Waldeck. Zur

Noah-Legende. Anglia Beibl. 31, 89-92.


61. Ковв, T. D. Thre Prestis of Peblis. How thai told thar talis. Scottish Text Society. 1920.

62. SCHOFIELD, W. H. Mythical Bards and the Life of Wm Wallace. 8vo. Oxford Univ. Press. 12s. 6d.

63. SCHULTZ, JOHN RICHIE. Alexander Barclay and the Later Eclogue Writers. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 1, January 1920, PP. 52-54

M. H. R. Α.


64. WATT, LAUGHLAN MACLEAN. Douglas's Aeneid. 91 × 51. xi + 252 pp. Cambridge: University Press. Rev. Times Lit. Suppl. April 1, 1920. 145.



I. GRÖNBECK, VILHELM. Vor Folkeæt i Oldtiden (I, Lykkemand og Niding. II, Midgård og Menneskelivet. III, Hellighed og Helligdom. IV, Menneskelivet og Guderne). Rev. by Eilert Ekwall, Anglia Beibl. 31, 1-9 (important for O.E. heroic poetry).

2. HOLTHAUSEN, F. Ein lappisches Bärensohn-Märchen. Anglia Beibl. 31, 66–67 (Beowulf).


Zur Vergleichenden Märchen- und Sagenkunde (2. Weiteres zur Geschichte von Martin Waldeck. 3. Zur Noah-Legende). Anglia Beibl. 31, 89-92.

4. MARSTRANDER, C. Irske vidnesbyrd over Torsdyrkelse i Irland. Nordisk Tidskrift för Filologi 1920, 1-2, pp. 8-32 (to be cont.). 5. NECKEL, Gustav. Sigmunds Drachenkampf. Edda, XIII, 1. 6. OLRIK, AXEL. The Heroic Legends of Denmark. Translated from the Danish and revised in collaboration with the Author by Lee M. Hollander. New York. The American-Scandinavian Foundation. 1919. 24.5 cm. pp. xviii + 530. Illus. Scandinavian Monographs iv. Rev. by William E. Mead in The Nation, Apr. 17, 1920, CX, 520-1.


7. SE BOYAR, Gerald E. Bartholomaeus Anglicus and His Encyclopaedia. In Journal of Eng. and Germanic Philol., April 1920, XIX, 168–89.

8. BRAWLEY, BENJAMIN GRIFFITH. Wycliffe and the World War. The Methodist Review, March-April 1920, CIII, 231-6.

9. DEANESLY, MARGARET. The Lollard Bible and other Medieval Versions (Historical Background). See VIII, 18.


Vernacular Books in England in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. Mod. Lang. Rev. 1920, XV, 349-358.

11. KINGSFORD, CHARLES Lethford, F.S.A. The Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483 (Royal Historical Society: Camden Third Series). Rev. Times Lit. Suppl., Feb. 24, 1921.

12. KRUISINGA, E. A History of English Law Courts, in English Studies, vol. 2, No. 11, Oct. 1920, pp. 131-5.

13. PARRY, A. W. Education in England in the Middle Ages. London D.Sc. Thesis. Univ. Tutorial Press. 7s. 6d.

14. WALBERG, EMANUEL. När författades Wilhelm av Canterburys Miracula Sancti Thomæ Cantuariensis? Studier i Modern Språkvetenskap utg. av Nyfilologiska Sällskapet, Stockholm, VII, 1920. pp. 14.


15. WILSON, Rev. JAMES M. The Worcester Liber Albus. Glimpses of Life in a great Benedictine Monastery in the 14th Century. 8vo. 84 × 5. pp. 302. S.P.C.K. 155.




1. BAYFIELD, M. A. Flizabethan Printing: An instructive Blunder. Times Lit. Suppl. 23 Sept. 1920.

2. BEACH, SARAH MOREHOUSE. The 'Julius Cæsar Obelisk' in the English Faust Book and Elsewhere. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 1, January 1920, pp. 27-31.

3. BERDAN, JOHN M. Studies in Tudor Literature: Early Tudor Poetry, 1485-1547. New York: Macmillan. 22.3 x 16 cm. pp. xix, [3], 564.

4. CRANE, THOMAS FREDERICK. Italian Social Customs of the Sixteenth Century and their Influence on the Literatures of Europe. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press. 24 x 16 cm. pp. xv + 689. Cornell Studies in English v.

5. FELLOWES, E. H. (ed. by). English Madrigal Verse, 1588-1632. Edited from the original song-books. Oxford: Clarendon Press. London: Milford. xx + 640 pp. 12s. 6d.

6. GREENLAW, EDWIN, and MOFFATT, JAMES STRONG. Recent Literature [on the Elizabethan Period). In Studies in Philology, April 1920, XVII, 246-68. Many annotations.

7. LAWRENCE, W. J. The Authorship of 'Fedele and Fortunio." Times Lit. Suppl. May 20, 1920. Cf. F. S. Boas, Feb. 20, 1919.

8. MUSS-ARNOLT, WILLIAM. The Scottish Service Book of 1637 and Its Successors: a Bio-Bibliographical Study. In Amer. Jour. of Theology, July 1920, XXIVν, 386–406.

9. REYNOLDS, MYRA. The Learned Lady in England, 1650-1760. Vassar Semi-Centennial Series. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Co. $2.25. 10. ROLLINS, H. E. (ed. by). Old English Ballads, 1553-1623. Cambridge: University Press. 9 x 6. xxxi + 423 pp. 18s. 6d.

11. TAYLOR, HENRY OSBORN. Thought and Expression in the Sixteenth Century. New York: Macmillan. 2 vols. 22.5 cm.

12. ZEITLIN, JACOB. Commonplaces in Elizabethan Life and Letters. In Journal of Eng. and Germanic Philol., January 1920, ΧΙΧ, 47-65.


Bacon, Francis. 13. TALLADA, J. M. Study on the Communistic Utopy 'Nova Atlantis.' (Catalan.) La Rivista, 1920, p. 234.

14. WOODWARD, PARKER. Sir Francis Bacon: Poet, philosopher, statesman, lawyer, wit. 8vo. 9 × 51. x + 157 pp. London: Grafton. 10s. 6d.

Coventry Plays. 15. PATCH, HOWARD ROLLIN. The Ludus Coventriae and the Digby Massacre. In Publ. Mod. Lang. Ass. America, Sept. 1920, XXXV, 324-43.

Drayton, Michael. 16. SCHAUBERT, E. VON. Draytons Anteil an Heinrich VI, 2. und 3. Teil. See Shakespeare.

Elderton, William. 17. ROLLINS, HYDER EDWARD. William Elderton: Elizabethan Actor and Ballad-Writer. In Studies in Philology, April 1920, XVII, 199-245.

Eliot, Thomas. 18. SCHRÖDER, K. Platonismus in der englischen Renaissance vor und bei Thomas Eliot nebst Neudruck von Eliots 'Disputation Platonike,' 1533. Palæstra 95. 8vo. X + 153, 107. Berlin: Meyer und Müller. 28 M.

Gammer Gurton's Nedle. 19. BRETT-SMITH, H. F. B. (ed. by). Gammer Gurton's Nedle. By Mr S. Mr of Art (The Percy Reprints, No. 2). Cr. 8vo. 74 × 51. xv + 80 pp. Oxford: Blackwell. 4s. 6d.

Greene, Robert. 20. MCCALLUM, JAMES Dow. Greene's Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 4, April 1920, pp. 212-217.

Heywood, Jasper. 21. FISCHER, WALTHER. Zur Biographie Kaspar Heywoods. Engl. Stud. 54, 352-358.

J. M. gent. 22. LYON, J. H. H. A Study of 'The New Metamorphosis' written by J. M. gent., 1600. New York: Columbia Univ. Press. London: Milford. 8s. 6d.

More, Sir Thomas. 23. DALY, JAMES J. Sir Thomas More, Saint and Humorist. In The Catholic World, July 1920, CXI, 463-70.

24. HUGHES, MERRITT T. Spenser and Utopia. In Studies in Philology, April 1920, XVII, 132-146.

Nashe, Thomas. 25. BRETT-SMITH, H. F. B. (ed. by). 'The Unfortunate Traveller or the Life of Jack Wilton,' by Thomas Nashe. Oxford: Blackwell. Rev. Times Lit. Suppl. April 15, 1920. 55.

Nevile, Alexander. 26. SPEARING, E. M. Alexander Nevile's Translation of Seneca's 'Oedipus.' Modern Language Review, Oct.


Peele, George. 27. BATES, KATHARINE LEE. The Date of Peele's Death. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 1, January 1920, p. 54Note. Only brief note of II lines giving evidence that Peele died November 9, 1596.

Raleigh, Sir Walter. 28. ANDREWS, CHARLES M. Raleigh's Place in American Colonization. Columbia University Dissertation.

The Shepherd Tony. 29 BYRNE, M. ST CLAIRE. The Shepherd Tony. A Recapitulation. Mod. Lang. Review, Oct. 1920.

Spenser, Edmund. 30. BASKERVILL, CHARLES READ. The Genesis of Spenser's Queen of Faerie. In Modern Philology, May 1920, XVIII, 49-54.

31. CORY, HERBERT ELLSWORTH. Edmund Spenser. A Critical Study. By Herbert Ellsworth Cory. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1917. viii + 478 pp. Univ. of California Publ., Modern Philology v. Reviewed by Edwin Greenlaw in Modern Language Notes, March 1920, XXXV, 165-177.

32. COULTER, CORNELIA CATLIN. Two of E. K.'s Classical Allusions. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, I, January 1920, pp. 55-56.

33. DODGE, R. E. NEIL. Spenser's Imitations from Ariosto-Addenda. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, XXXV, 91-92, March 1920.

34. GREENLAW, EDWIN. Spenser and Lucretius. In Studies in Philology, October 1920, XVII, 439-64.


Spenser's Influence on Paradise Lost. In Studies in Philology, July 1920, XVII, 320-59.

35. HUGHES, MERRITT T. Spenser and Utopia. In Studies in Philology, April 1920, XVII, 132-46.

36. JACK, A. A. 'Commentary on the Poetry of Chaucer and Spenser.' Glasgow: Maclehose, Jackson & Co. 1920. 74 × 51. xi + 369 pp. 8s. 6d.

37. JONES, HARRIE STUART VEDDER. Spenser's Defense of Lord Grey. Urbana, Ill. The University of Illinois. 1919. 27.9 x 18 cm. pp. 75. Univ. of Illinois Studies, v, 3. Rev. by Preserved Smith in The Nation, Apr. 24, 1920, CX, 555.

38. MUSTARD, WILFRED PIRT. Notes on The Shepheardes Calender. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 6, June 1920, pp. 371-372. 39. OSGOOD, CHARLES GROSVENOR. Spenser's English Rivers. In Trans. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, Jan. 1920, XXIII, 65-108.

39a. The 'Doleful Lay of Ciorinda.' Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 2, February 1920, pp. 90–96.

40. Spenser's Faerie Queene. Book VII, Canto vii. With Introduction and notes. (April 1920.) pp. 72. 8vo. 1st ed. Printers: K. Sakalagunam Nāyudu, British Press, Madras. Price, to annas.

41. WHITMAN, CHARLES HUNTINGTON. A Subject-Index to the Poems of Edmund Spenser. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press. 1918. 24 cm. pp. xi + 261. Reviewed by C. R. B[askervill] in Modern Philology, Jan. 1920, XVII, 552; in The Nation, Feb. 14, 1920, CX, 209.

Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of. 42. PADELFORD, FREDERICK MORGAN. The Poems of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey. Seattle: The University of Washington. 1920. Univ. of Washington: Publications in Language and Literature, vol. 1.

Surrey. 43. WILLCOCK, GLADYS D. A Hitherto Uncollated Version of Surrey's Translation of the Fourth Book of the 'Aeneid.' 11. Mod. Lang. Review, April 1920.

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