VII. (6) OLD ENGLISH WRITINGS Ælfred. 13. BROWNE, Right Rev. Bishop G. F. King Alfred's Books. London: S.P.C.K. 94 x 61. xxxii + 390 pp. 30s. 14. FARRER, WM. An Outline of Itinerary of King Alfred the First. Roy. 8vo. O.U.P. 18s. 15. JOST, KARL. Zur Textkritik der altengl. Soliloquienbearbeitung. Anglia, Beibl. 31, 259-272 u. 280-290. Elfric. 16. CRAWFORD, S. J. The Lincoln Fragment of the O.E. Version of the Heptateuch. Mod. Lang. Review, xv, 1-6, 1920. 17. LIEBERMANN, F. Ein staatsrechtlicher Satz Aelfrics aus lat. Quelle. Archiv f. d. St. d. N. Spr. u. Lit. 139, 84-5. Beowulf. 18. ARON, ALBERT WILLIAM. Cf. VII, 2. 19. BJÖRKMANN, ERIK. Studien über die Eigennamen im Beowulf, Morsbachs Studien zur engl. Phil. Heft 58 (1920). xvii + 122 pp. Halle: Niemeyer. 12 Mk. 20. BRYAN, WILLIAM FRANK. Béowulf Notes. Journal of Eng. and Germanic Philol., Jan. 1920, XIX, 84-5. 21. HOOPS, JOHANNES. Das Verhüllen des Haupts bei Toten, ein angelsächsisch-nordischer Brauch (zu Beowulf 446: hafalan hydan). Engl. Stud. 54, 19-24. 22. HUBBARD, FRANK GAYLORD. The Plundering of the Hoard in Beowulf. In studies by members of the Dept. of English. Madison, Wis. 1920. Univ. of Wisconsin Studies in Language and Literature, II. 23. LIEBERMANN, F. Ort und Zeit der Beowulfdichtung, Nachrichten der k. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Philologisch-Historische Klasse 1920. pp. 255-276. 24. RYPIUS, STANLEY I. The Beowulf Codex. In Modern Philology, Jan. 1920, XVII, 541-547. 25. SCHÜCKING, LEVIN L. Widergyld (Beowulf 2051). Engl. Stud. 53, 468-470. 26. THOMAS, W. Beowulf et les premiers fragments épiques anglosaxons. Étude critique et traduction. Paris: H. Didier. 2 fr. 50 c. Caedmon. 27. BRADLEY, HENRY. The 'Caedmonian' Genesis (Engl. Ass. Essays and Studies, vol. vI). Oxford Univ. Press. Cynewulf. 28. COOK, ALBERT STANBURROUGH, ed. The Old English Elene, Phoenix, and Physiologus. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1919. 21.5 x 15 cm. pp. lxxxix + 239 (1). Rev. by Howard R. Patch in Jour. Eng. and Germ. Philol., July 1920, XIX, 418-22; by J. W. B[right] in Mod. Lang. Notes, Apr. 1920, XXXV, 250-4. 29. HAMILTON, GEORGE LIVINGSTONE. The Sources of the Fates of the Apostles and Andreas. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 7, November 1920, pp. 385-395. (To be continued in subsequent number.) Early English Homilies. 30. FÖRSTER, MAX. Der Inhalt der altenglischen Handschrift Vespasianus D. XIV. Engl. Stud. 54, 46-69. Glosses. 31. SCHLUTTER, O. B. Zu den Leidener Glossen. Anglia, 44, 386-388. Indicia Monasterialia. 32. SWAEN, A. E. H. Note on the AngloSaxon Indicia Monasterialia. Archiv f. d. St. d. N. Spr. 140, 106 f. Lyrics. 33. BRANDL, A. Venantius Fortunatus und die ags. Elegien 'Wanderer' und 'Ruine.' Archiv f. d. St. d. N. Spr. u. Lit. 139, 84. Medicine. 34. SINGER, CHAS. Early English Magic and Medicine. British Academy. 8vo. O.U.P. 4s. Phenix. 35. COOK, ALBERT S. The Old English Elene, Phenix and Physiologus. See under Cynewulf. Physiologus. 36. Cook, ALBERT S. The Old English Elene, Phœnix and Physiologus. See under Cynewulf. Psalter. 37. RAMSAY, ROBERT LEE. The Latin Text of the Paris Psalter: a Collation and Some Conclusions. In Am. Jour. Philology, April-June 1920, XLI, 147-76. 38. WILDHAGEN, KARL. Das Psalterium Gallicanum in England und seine altenglischen Glossierungen. Engl. Stud. 54, 35-46. Riddles. 39. PATCH, HOWARD R. Anglo-Saxon Riddle 56. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 3, March 1920, pp. 181-182. Saints' Lives. 40. RYPINS, STANLEY I. The Old English Life of St Christopher. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 3, March 1920, pp. 186-187. Textual. 41. HOLTHAUSEN, F. Zum ae. Salomo und Saturn. Zur ae. Metrischen Psalmenübersetzung. Anglia, Beibl. 31, 190-198. 42. 43. Zu altenglischen Dichtungen. Anglia, Beibl. 31, 25-32. Anglia, Beibl. 31, 116-120. 44. Zu altenglischen Dichtungen (1. Riddles, 2. Andreas, 3. Daniel, 4. Exodus, 5. Satan, 6. Verse of the Whale, 7. Later Genesis, 8. Cynewulf's Crist). Anglia, 44,346-357. 45. KOCK, ERNST A. Jubilee Jaunts and Jottings. 250 Contributions to the Interpretation and Prosody of Old West Teutonic Alliterative Poetry. Lunds Universitets Årsskrift N. F. Avd. 1, Bd xiv, No. 26. Rev. by Fr. Klaeber in Jour. Eng. and Ger. Philol., July 1920, XIX, 409-13. 46. Interpretations and Emendations of Early English Texts VI and VII. Anglia, 44, 97-115 and 245-261. Vision. 47. KONRATH, M. Eine altenglische Vision vom Jenseits. Archiv f. d. St. d. N. Spr. u. Lit. 139, 30-46. Widsith. 48. JIRICZEK, O. L. Seafola im Widsith. Engl. Stud. 54, 15-19. 49. SCHÜTTE, GUDMUND. Vidsid og Slægtsagnene om Hengest og Angautyr. Arkiv f. Nord. Fil., N. F. 32, 1-32 (1920). VIII. MIDDLE ENGLISH VIII. (a) GENERAL 1. BASKERVILL, C. R. Dramatic Aspects of Mediæval Folk Festivals in England. Stud. in Phil. Univ. of N. Carolina, XVII, I (1920). 2. BROWN, CARLETON. A Register of Middle English Religious and Didactic Verse. Oxford: Printed for the Bibliographical Society at the Univ. Press. Vol. 1, 1916. Vol. II, 1920. 22.4 × 18.6 cm. Part II reviewed by J. M. M[anley] in Modern Philology, Sept. 1920, XVIII, 287-8. 3. DEANESLY, MARGARET. Vernacular Books in England in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries. Modern Language Review, Oct. 1920. 4. HALL, JOSEPH. Selections from Early Middle English, 11301250. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1920. 75 × 51. Part I. Texts. viii + 222 pp. 7s. 6d. Part II. Notes. pp. 223-675. 15s. 5. HILKA, ALFONS. Zur Katharinen-legende: Die Quelle der Jugendgeschichte Katharinas. Archiv 140, 3 and 4 (1920). 6. JUSSERAND, J. J. English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages (XIVth Century). Transl. from the French by Lucy Toulmin Smith. New ed. Revised and enlarged by the Author. 9 × 61. pp. 464. London: Fisher Unwin. 25s. 7. LIEBERMANN, F. Zu Liedrefrain und Tanz im englischen Mittelalter. Archiv 140, 261-2. 8. (1) Zu Thomas Occleve; (2) Zu Chaucers Stellung in Hofämtern; (3) Zwischenspiele für Edward II. Archiv 140, 3 and 4 (1920). 9. SAVAGE, ERNEST A. A Monastic Humanist of the Fifteenth Century. The Library Association Record. June 1920. pp. 185-197. 10. WEDEL, T. O. The Medieval Attitude towards Astrology, particularly in England. (Yale Studies in English.) New Haven: Yale Univ. Press. London: Milford. 1920. 10s. 6d. 11. WESTON, JESSIE LAIDLAY. From Ritual to Romance. Cambridge University Press, 1920. XV + 202 pp. 23 cm. Reviewed by William A. Nitze in Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 6, June 1920, pp. 352-360. VIII. (6) MIDDLE ENGLISH WRITINGS Ancren Riwle. 12. DIETH, EUGEN. Cf. iv, 47. 13. MCNABB, VINCENT. Further Light on the Ancren Riwle. Mod. Lang. Rev. xv, 406-409. (See Hope Emily Allen, The Origin of the Ancren Riwle. Publ. Mod. Lang. Ass. Am. 33, 3, and G. G. Coulton's review in Mod. Lang. Rev. 15, 99-100.) Arthurian Legend. 14. BROWN, ARTHUR CHARLES LEWIS. The Grail and the English Sir Perceval, XI. Modern Philology, August 1920, XVIII, 201-28. 15. HOLTHAUSEN, F. Zu Arthour and Merlin I. Anglia, Beibl. 31, 198-207. 16. MALORY, Sir THOMAS. Le Morte D'Arthur. (Biographical Note by A. W. Pollard.) Illustrated by Russell Flint. Medici Society, 1920. 9 × 61. Vol. 1. xxx + 439 pp. Vol. II. xxii + 531 pp. 42s. 17. Le Morte D'Arthur. Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table. 2 vols. 9 x 6. pp. 467, 550. Macmillan. Each 7s. 6d. Bible. 18. DEANESLY, MARGARET. The Lollard Bible and other Medieval Biblical Versions. 8vo. xv + 483 pp. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1920. 31s. 6d. Caxton. 19. CAXTON. The Life of St George (from Caxton's Translation of the Golden Legend. Reprint). London: Alexander Moring. 8 × 51. 19 pp. Is. Chaucer. 20. BEATTY, JOSEPH M., Jr. A Companion of Chaucer. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 4, April 1920, pp. 246-248. On Sir Robert de Assheton. 21. BESCHORNER, F. Verbale Reime bei Chaucer (Stud. zur engl. Phil. LVIII). Halle: M. Niemeyer, 1920. 5 Mk. 22. BLAU, E. Zu Chaucer's 'Tale of Sir Topas' ('payndemayn'). Anglia, Beibl. 31, 237. 23. BRINK, B. TEN. Chaucer's Sprache und Verskunst. See VI, 5. 24. BROWN, C. Mulier est hominis confusio (Chaucer's Nun's Priest's Tale). Mod. Lang. Notes, 35, 8, Dec. 1920. 25. CURRY, WALTER CLYDE. Chaucer's Reeve and Miller. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, xxxv, 189-209, June 1920. 25a. The Secret of Chaucer's Pardoner. Journ. Eng. Germ. Phil. xxxvIII, 4 Oct. 1920. 26. DODD, WILLIAM GEORGE. Courtly Love in Chaucer and Gower. Harvard University Press. $2.50. 27. FARNHAM, WILLARD EDWARD. The Contending Lovers. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, xxxv, 247-323, September 1920. Comparative study of a folk-lore theme, particularly in its oriental sources, though bearing specially on Chaucer's Parlement of Foules. 28. GRIM, FLORENCE M. Astronomical Lore in Chaucer. Lincoln, Neb. 1919. 8vo. pp. 96. University of Nebraska Studies in Language, Literature and Criticism 2. Reviewed by John S. P. Tatlock in Journal of Eng. and Germanic Philol., Jan. 1920, XIX, 129-30; by H. R. P. in Mod. Lang. Notes, Feb. 1920, XXXV, 128. 29. HOLTHAUSEN, F. Zu Chaucers 'Hous of fame.' Anglia, Beibl. 31, 137. 30. JACK, A. A. A Commentary on the Poetry of Chaucer and Spenser. Glasgow: Maclehose and Jackson. Rev. Times Lit. Suppl., April 22, 1920. 8s. 6d. 31. КосH, JOHN. Der Handschriftenverhältnis in Chaucers 'Legend of Good Women,' II. Anglia, 44, 23-72. 32. LANGE, HUGO. Die Legendenprologfrage. Zur Steuer der Wahrheit. Anglia, 44, 72-78. (Cf. V. Langhans, Anglia, Beibl. 31, 207 f.) 32 a. Die Sonnen- und die Lilienstelle in Chaucers Legendenprolog. Ein neuer Beweis für die Priorität der F.-Redaction. Anglia, 44 373-385. 32b. Zur Priorität des F.-Textes in Chaucers Legendenprolog und zur Interpretation von F. 531/2 = Gg. 519/20. Anglia, 44, 213-216. 33. LANGHANS, VICTOR. Chaucers Anelida and Arcite. Anglia, 44, 226-245. Id. Hugo Langes Artikel in Anglia (N.F. 32), 213. Anglia, 44 (N.F. 32), 337-345. 34. PATTERSON, R. F. Chaucer: Nonne Prest, His Tale. Ed. with Introduction and Notes. 18mo. Blackie. 2s. 35. RICKERT, EDITH. A New Interpretation of The Parlement of Foules. In Modern Philology, May 1920, XVIII, 1–29. 36. SHANNON, EDGAR FINLEY. Chaucer's Metamorphoseos. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 5, May 1920, pp. 288-291. 37. STANFORD, MABEL A. The Sumner's Tale and St Patrick's Purgatory. In Jour. Eng. and Germ. Philology, July 1920, XIX, 377-81. 38. TATLOCK, JOHN S. P. Dante and Guinizelli in Chaucer's Troilus. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 7, November 1920, p. 443. Coventry Plays. 39. PATCH, HOWARD R. The Ludus Coventriae and the Digby Massacre. In Publications of the Modern Lang. Assn. of America, Sept. 1920, XXXV, 324-343. Horn. 40. FUNKE, O. Zum Verkleidungsmotiv im King Horn. Anglia, Beibl. 31, 224. Lollards. 41. SCHARPFF, PAULUS. Über ein englisches Auferstehungsspiel. Beitrag zur Geschichte des Dramas und der Lollarden. Erlanger Diss. 1919. 62 pp. 8°. Mandeville. 42. HAMELIUs, P. Mandeville's Travels. Vol. 1. Text. E.E.T.S. Original Series, No. 153. 8vo. O.U.P. 15s. Medicine. 43. HOLTHAUSEN, F. Zu den mittelenglischen medizinischen Gedichten. Anglia, 44, 357-373. 44. SCHÖFFLER, HERBERT. Beiträge zur mittelenglischen Medizinliteratur, I. Heft des sächsischen Forschungsinstituts in Leipzig für neuere Philologie. III. Angl. Abteilung. 1919. xv + 309 pp. Gr. 8°. Halle: M. Niemeyer. 20 Mk. 45. SINGER, CHAS. Early English Magic and Medicine. For The British Academy. 8vo. Oxford Univ. Press. 4s. Minot, Lawrence. 46. MoORE, SAMUEL. Lawrence Minot. Modern Language Notes, xxxv, 2, February 1920, pp. 78-81. |