MODERN HUMANITIES RESEARCH ASSOCIATION V Institutions and Associations may become members as well as individuals. A quarterly Bulletin is published, describing the proceedings and activities of the Association; members may also join the Modern Language Association of America and purchase the Modern Language Review at a reduced subscription. Groups of members with similar interests may be formed within the Association. The M.H.R.A. further: (i) puts members who have interest in cognate subjects into touch with one another through the Secretary; (ii) collects and circulates information and suggestions likely to be of permanent use to research students; (iii) procures specialised information for members who are prevented from making personal investigations; (iv) organises co-operative research on the part of those who have not the opportunities to do much individual work. It hopes, as soon as funds permit, (v) to undertake publication of original work, (vi) to found bursaries and scholarships for the furtherance of its objects. Persons duly qualified for membership of the Association may become: 1. Ordinary members, if actually engaged in or contemplating research. 2. Associate members, if in sympathy with the aims of the Association, but not personally engaged in research. The minimum annual subscription for ordinary and associate members is 7s. 6d. (12 francs; $2), payable to the Hon. Treasurer on or before the Ist of October in each year for the academic year ending on the following 30th of September. The Association is federated to the Modern Language Associations of England and America; members of these Associations pay 6s. and $1.50 respectively as their annual subscription to the M.H.R.A. Applications for membership should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary: E. Allison Peers, M.A., The University, Liverpool. vi BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR 1921 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COLLABORATORS 1. The first list of books and articles, as complete as possible, is asked for by Nov. 1, 1921. This will enable us to get forward with the bulk of the classification and ensure the early appearance of the work. 2. The second list must be in by Jan. 31, 1922. Notices received after this date cannot be inserted in the 1922 volume, though they will be published in the Bulletin, if space allows, as a supplementary list. 3. The following details should if known be given. Concerning books: Author, full title, no. of pages, size of page (in centimetres), publisher, price. Concerning articles: Author, full title, journal (name, volume, number, date), nos. of pages. 4. It will be very helpful if cards or slips of paper (5" x 3", i.e. 12.5 cm. x 7.5 cm.) are used. One notice only should be written on each. 5. Arrange data thus: Jones, Henry Charles. History of English Literature. ix + 623 pp., 19 × 12.5, Allen and Brown. Edinburgh. 6s. 6d. Reviewed by R. C. Smith, Engl. Stud. 54.3-5. 6. The divisions of subject in this year's bibliography should be followed except as special notice is given. 7. The aim of the Bibliography is to include all serious contributions to the subject. Brief mentions will generally be excluded, and articles which make no pretence at being of a scholarly nature. Where there is doubt collaborators are asked to write the notice, adding a short description of its scope by which the Editors may estimate its worth. 8. Any other concise annotations will be of value: though space may not permit of their publication, they will be available for reference by members wishing to consult them. 9. Work dealing with the influence of English on other languages and literatures or vice versâ should be included. 10. The title of any journal which cannot be consulted but is thought worthy of examination should be sent in as soon as possible. All notices and communications should be addressed to E. ALLISON PEERS, THE UNIVERSITY, LIVERPOOL. A. GENERAL I. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Athena: A Year Book of the Learned World. The English Speaking Races. Edited by C. A. Ealand. 8vo. pp. 400. Black. 15s. 2. CROSS, T. P. A List of Books and Articles, Chiefly Bibliographical, Designed to Serve as an Introduction to the Bibliography and Methods of English Literary History. Chicago. University of Chicago Bookstore. (With an Index.) 1920. 19.6 × 13.4 cm. pp. viii + 53. Interleaved. 3. GREENLAW, E. and MOFFATT, J. S. Recent Literature [on the Elizabethan Period]. Studies in Philology, April 1920, XVII, 246–68. 4. Jahresbericht über die Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der Germanischen Philologie (ed. by Gesellschaft für Deutsche Philologie in Berlin). Vols. 39 and 40 in one, 1917, 1918. Leipzig, Reisland, 1920. Μ. 30. (English, 11, 29-56.) 5. The Literary Who's Who (formerly 'Literary Year Book') for the year 1920. 811 × 5. pp. xxxii + 376. Routledge. 8s. 6d. 6. The New Calendar of Great Men. Edited by Frederic Harrison, S. H. Swinny and F. S. Marvin. New Ed. Revised and Enlarged. 8vo. pp. 730. Macmillan. 30s. 7. Poetry Society of America: Books by Twentieth Century Poets. In the Library Journal, Feb. 1, 1920. XLV. 110. 8. A Reference Library: English Language and Literature (English Association Pamphlet, No. 46). 8vo. Oxford Univ. Press. IS. 9. ROBERTS, R. A. The Reports of the Historical MSS. Commission. 'Helps for Students of History,' No. 22. Cr. 8vo. pp. 91. S.P.C.K. 2s. 6d. II. BIOGRAPHY 1. Boys, A. M. Contemporary Poets: a Classified List. In Bulletin of Bibliography, November 1919, August 1920, X, 136-9, XI, 10-12, 28-9. Also reprinted by the F. W. Foxon Co., Boston. pp. 8. 2. Chambers' Biographical Dictionary. The Great of all Times and Nations. Ed. by David Patrick and Francis Hindes Groom. 8vo. pp. 1010. Chambers. 15s. 3. LEE, Sir S. The Dictionary of National Biography, 1901-1911. The Second Supplement. 8vo. pp. 2082. Milford. 36s. 4. MUSS-ARNOLT, W. The Scottish Service Book of 1637 and its Successors: a Bio-Bibliographical Study. Amer. Journal of Theology, July 1920, Xxιν, 386–406. 5. THAYER, W. R. The Art of Biography. New York. Scribners. 1920. 19.5 cm. pp. x + 155. Reviewed in The Weekly Review, Nov. 3, 1920, III, 425-6. M. H. R. Α. I |