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"eternal falvation, to thofe only who obey "Him."

If perfons of affluence be humane and charitable, their liberality to the poor, furnishes a righteousness, on which they depend; and that ill-directed confidence will exclude from the Kingdom of Heaven; for " By the deeds. "of the law, fhall no flesh be juftified: We "are justified freely by Grace, not of works, " left any man should boaft." ‹

Profperity is confidered, by many, as an unequivocal proof of intereft in Divine favour. This unfcriptural notion, prevents their seeking what they fondly imagine is already poffeffed. Moreover, their condition deprives them of what the poor man often enjoys, faithful warnings and reproofs. The rich are furrounded with flatterers; they feldom hear the truth; their foibles are confidered as virtues, and frequently adopted as fuch, by thofe, whofe narrow minds, and fordid paffions, yield a ready homage to the golden image, whenever it is prefented.


Thus, by living to our inferior nature, the flesh, and neglecting the means of grace ;by felf-righteousness, presumption, and servile adulation, are the profperous fnared, fo as finally to be drowned in deftruction and perdition.

II. We are to confider next, the fnares, which are apt to entangle religious men in Profperity.

ift. The firft is, a Jecret alienation of heart from God. The external profeffion may be unblemished, while the devout exercifes of the foul are few, and languid. often leffens confidence in GoD.

Profperity Things are

in a train; rents, dividends, or the profits of a well-established business, bring certain fupplies. Faith, in the providential kindness of God, is not, in fuch circumstances, fo likely to be exercised, as by the man who afks for daily bread, and receives it only for the day, not knowing what to-morrow will bring forth.


Divine meditation is not fo frequent and affectionate. The affairs of the opulent are widely extended. Objects that employ thought, and awaken care and anxiety, are fo numerous, that inftead of reft, or a remembrance of GOD, on their bed, "The “abundance of the rich will not fuffer "them to fleep." The mind is incumbered, and performs the debafing task of revolving earthly things; while others, lefs loaded with thick clay, repofe, or, remembering GOD on their beds, are satisfied as with marrow and fatnefs.

In ordinances, the profperous are often fpiritlefs and formal. They are exempt from thofe trials which fweeten GoD's. promifes, and generally add fervour and life to prayer. This alienation of heart from GoD, appears by the little fellowship they have with their brethren, in Church communion: Their reft in Zion is not conftant: They behave like strangers; and, in many religious focieties, the rich are only monthly guests. Some of the wealthy brethren do not forfake the affembling of themselves to


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gether; but, acting on the maxims of a worldly kingdom, they put in claims to influence and fuperiority, which do not add to the comfort of Minifters, or conciliate the efteem of their brethren. From hence it is obvious, that Chriftians, by Profperity, are often deprived of the pleafures of faith, divine meditation, and Christian fellowfhip.

2dly. Profperity, too often, leads religious men into a finful conformity to the world: They are conftrained, from focial obligations, to a civil intercourfe, with perfons of their own rank and fortune. Were they to make good men, who are much below them, their chofen companions, it would induce a spirit of discontent and pride, which would render them unhappy, and less ornamental in their own inferior ftation. In civil life, every man fhould keep his rank. Prosperity places a man among the rich, many of whom are gay and diffipated, if not intolerably vicious. Aflociation, without conformity, is difficult: Hence, good men, raifed above mediocrity of circumftances,


are in danger of complying with the manners of their equals, in their vain expensive shew, their amusements, late vifits (which destroy closet and family religion) and the mode of educating their children. The erasement of the lines of feparation, which distinguish the Church from the World (especially among wealthy Proteftant Diffenters) accounts for the degeneracy of their rifing families, from whence, we fear, our decaying Churches will not be furnished with rebuilding materials.

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3dly. A finful and imprudent indulgence of the flesh. The profperous in this city, are fallen into an expenfive, luxurious gratification of the flesh, forbidden by good sense and Christianity. If you invite an inferior to a table fpread with expenfive rarities, it is a cruel attack upon his feelings, which politeness reprobates. Why make him feel a painful fenfe of inferiority, and expose him to the temptation of envy or difcontent? If a fuperior vifit you, is not your afpiring to equality an offence? If your guest be an equal, you impofe on him a neceffity


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